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  1. #40
    Tech Ubër-Dominus Avatar de Jorge-Vieira
    Nov 2013
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    PS4 Pro - 4K Gaming

    Sony Reportedly Making A 4K Gaming Capable Playstation 4 – PS4.5 Brings Upgraded Graphics & CPU Horsepower

    If Sony is working on a new Playstation 4 console that can actually support to play games at 4K, then the Japanese tech giant will be another step closer to taking the lead against Microsoft’s Xbox One. Not long ago, it was reported that the company’s gaming console beat its closest rival by being the bestselling hardware platform during the month of February in the United States.

    Rumored Sony Gaming Console To Feature Sufficient Graphics Horsepower For 4K Gaming – Dubbed An Odd Model Name Though

    The latest info from unnamed ‘developer sources’ state that Sony has started working on an upgraded version of its PlayStation 4 gaming console. The upcoming model is not expected to be the successor, which has been named PlayStation 5, but according to the source, the upcoming product is going to possess a rather unusual name; PS4.5.
    It is expected that the upcoming model is going to be able to support games on the granddaddy of all resolutions, suggesting that it will possess more graphical horsepower compared to the regular version of the console. However, the sources were extremely cutthroat because they did not care to mention any sort of hardware present inside the product that would be able to render frames at such a high resolution. Looking at current generation gaming titles, we would conclude that you do need a desktop class GPU to render a decent amount of frames on 4K, which brings us to the conclusion, will PS4.5 have a desktop GPU die incorporated inside?


    If so, it is also possible that Sony increases the overall size and bulk of the chassis, since a lot of heat is going to be generated from inside the machine, requiring adequate airflow and space to properly dissipate it. The improved GPU in the new console will also help it enhance the games supported by the PlayStation VR headset which is expected to launch this fall. This move will obviously enable Sony to get better traction with products like the more expensive Oculus Rift and HTC Vive headsets. Both of these require PCs sporting impressive hardware to give out a respectable number of frames.
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    Right now, Sony’s PS4 can output 4K resolution for videos and photos, but maxes out at 1080p in terms of resolutions supported for actual gameplay. In addition to supporting a huge bump in resolution, the rumored PS4.5 will also allow developers to make use of the better performing GPU to produce richer textures and what not.

    Keep in mind that while this is just a rumor, we have to wonder that with the timing of Sony’s VR products, it does seem like a possibility, but what is going to be the price tag of the console, if such a product does become possible? You can bet it will not cost the same retail price of $399.99 like the original PS4 was stamped with, but we want to know your thoughts on the matter, so let us know as soon as possible.


    Sony reportedly looking to refresh the PlayStation 4.5 for 4K gaming

    There seems to be some substantial information regarding a minor (or fairly major) refresh of Sony's PlayStation 4. In fact, some developers have reportedly told
    Kotaku that there have been actual discussions behind closed doors about a "PlayStation 4.5" that could include a more powerful GPU for actual 4K gaming.

    More than three independent sources in the developer community seem to have been able to confirm the existence of some type of evolution in hardware and design. This information seems to be even more substantiated after a supposed behind-closed-doors meeting from Sony at GDC. And just what does it mean for current owners?

    Well, it would be the anti-thesis of what makes a console such a valuable ecosystem. The hardware is similar for a full generation of development, meaning no one has to upgrade to experience their games at the greatest possible settings for that platform. Having different versions, even if one is discontinued, defeats the purpose of the fixed-specification console. This is even in line with Microsoft's want to have upgradable console hardware in the future. The console as we know it, then, might be doomed. Or we could be looking at the definitive next generation, earlier than usual.

    This oddly comes at a time when AMD's Polaris and even Zen are very close to release. Polaris is offering far better performance for a fraction of the power budget of the Jaguar based APU already in the console, and with the upcoming Zen and Polaris married APU's, we might see a new custom design shuffled into the mix. Imagination Technologies is also chasing the dream of better graphics at less power with their Wizard ray tracing architecture. They even told me that they could scale the Rogue GPU tied to it up into the multi GFLOPS range with the ray tracing chip capable of billions of rays per second, perfect performance for a console chasing the 4K graphics dream. Though that might be a bit of a stretch.

    But if there is a new PS4(.5), then it hopefully will upgrade the hardware to be competitive right now, instead of already being obsolete once released. Even though old hardware, it was able to keep up quite nicely with fairly nice looking games. Stay tuned.


    Fica aqui o topico para falar deste upgrade à PS4 com a noticia que tinha saído ontem no TweakTown e o meu comentário.

    Se vão remodelar a PS 4, ao menos que o façam com um APU da AMD mais poderoso e de preferencia que já traga o Polaris embutido. Outra alternativa (talvez mais cara) seria equipar a PS 4 com um CPU ZEN e um GPU Polaris no minimo com capacidade suficiente para aguentar uns anos sem grandes problemas e não vir já obsoleto como aconteceu com esta geração de consolas.
    Este refresh pode também significar ainda um maior distanciamento para a consola da M$ que como é sabido é bem mais fraca que a PS 4 e a tareia pode tornar-se ainda mais monumental a favor da Sony.

    Esta nova c consola também pode significar uma melçhoria substancial nos jogos de PC, isto se a M$ seguir o mesmo caminho de remodelar a sua consola pelo menos com um desempenho igual ou parecido ao desta "nova "PS 4", caso contrario o PC vai ser novamente colocado em marcha atrás, dado os jogos serem feitos pelo menor denominadoe comum, a X1, quando deveria acontecer exatamente o contrário, dado o PC neste momento ser a maquina mais rentável e poderosa a nível de jogos, por isso aguarda-se com alguma expectativa aquilo que m$ irá fazer para não continuar a perder terreno nesta luta que está perdida praticamente desde o primeiro dia nesta geração de consolas.

    Última edição de Jorge-Vieira : 19-03-16 às 09:46



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