View Full Version : Destiny [PS3, PS4, Xbox 1, Xbox 360]

15-11-13, 16:27
Boas Camaradas...

Apesar de não ser um jogo para já para PC, estou a acompanhar com bastante interesse este jogo...

Depois da Bungie se ter desvinculado da Microsoft e Xbox, está a produzir um novo jogo (tipo Mass Efect), baseado num novo universo...
A história parece-me estar muito boa e interessante...

E apesar de não terem dito que não vão converter para PC, com a proximidade da PS4 e a Bungie, é possível que algo para PC possa transparecer...

Deixo-vos aqui o último filme lançado...


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ6MNSdUZ20&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube. com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DCZ6MNSdUZ20&has_verified=1



15-11-13, 16:53
Parece interessante, mas depende como eles apresentarem as coisas durante o jogo. Sinceramente valorizo mais um jogo deste tipo em que a facção oposta tem os seus motivos e as suas acções são baseadas nisso, do que simplesmente humanos contra os maus.

15-11-13, 17:24
Parece interessante, mas depende como eles apresentarem as coisas durante o jogo. Sinceramente valorizo mais um jogo deste tipo em que a facção oposta tem os seus motivos e as suas acções são baseadas nisso, do que simplesmente humanos contra os maus.

Para mim um jogo tem que ser imersivo e ter uma boa história que se vai desenrolando ao longo do tempo...
Os shooters normais é muito linear e ficas lá pregado até chegares ao final... final esse que acontece ao fim de X horas...

Este tipo tal como o Mass Effect, demoras muito mais horas a chegar ao fim, porque é tudo mais lento e mais pensado...
Tens muitas histórias e backstories para explorar...

Sendo o MMO online poderá haver também outras interacções...
Para já a premissa parece-me muito bem e levanta no ar muitas dúvidas e questões...

O que aconteceu... porque fomos quase eliminados, que é o "wanderer", porque fez o que fez....
Quem é a raça que nos aniquilou praticamente...

No fundo é tudo uma data de porquês que parecem dar um contributo para um bom Sci-fy! :)



15-11-13, 18:12
Para mim um jogo tem que ser imersivo e ter uma boa história que se vai desenrolando ao longo do tempo...
Os shooters normais é muito linear e ficas lá pregado até chegares ao final... final esse que acontece ao fim de X horas...

Este tipo tal como o Mass Effect, demoras muito mais horas a chegar ao fim, porque é tudo mais lento e mais pensado...
Tens muitas histórias e backstories para explorar...

O que aconteceu... porque fomos quase eliminados, que é o "wanderer", porque fez o que fez....
Quem é a raça que nos aniquilou praticamente...

No fundo é tudo uma data de porquês que parecem dar um contributo para um bom Sci-fy! :)

Sim, para mim essa parte já tinha ficado sub-entendida ;) Mas penso que é fácil estragar uma boa premissa, não havendo realmente uma motivação sólida por trás. Mesmo com um começo daqueles, se acabamos por jogar um jogo em que os maus são maus porque sim ou por ganancia de recursos, então é sempre a descer. Gosto de jogos que te façam sentir que as decisões que tomas pareçam difíceis, já que os bons não são sempre bons, nem os maus sempre maus. Penso que esse balanço, que te faz repensar ideias e muita coisa é cinzenta, em vez de branca ou preta é fundamental num jogo que quer aspirar mais que ser um bom shooter.

A primeira vez que tive contacto com isto foi com os jogos SW:KOTOR em que os Sith e as várias personagens com que te cruzavas tinham uma lógica brutal. Ser bonzinho a torto e a direito, só fazia com que perdesses respeito junto da tua party. Em Mass Effect isto voltou a acontecer... (não quero falar mais, porque não sei como se faz a caixa de spoiler aqui no forum :P).

E em relação a tudo isto, a parte dos elemento MMO preocupa-me... já que parece-me que vai ser uma coisa que vai tirar profundidade a isso mesmo.

15-11-13, 19:04
Sim, para mim essa parte já tinha ficado sub-entendida ;) Mas penso que é fácil estragar uma boa premissa, não havendo realmente uma motivação sólida por trás. Mesmo com um começo daqueles, se acabamos por jogar um jogo em que os maus são maus porque sim ou por ganancia de recursos, então é sempre a descer. Gosto de jogos que te façam sentir que as decisões que tomas pareçam difíceis, já que os bons não são sempre bons, nem os maus sempre maus. Penso que esse balanço, que te faz repensar ideias e muita coisa é cinzenta, em vez de branca ou preta é fundamental num jogo que quer aspirar mais que ser um bom shooter.

A primeira vez que tive contacto com isto foi com os jogos SW:KOTOR em que os Sith e as várias personagens com que te cruzavas tinham uma lógica brutal. Ser bonzinho a torto e a direito, só fazia com que perdesses respeito junto da tua party. Em Mass Effect isto voltou a acontecer... (não quero falar mais, porque não sei como se faz a caixa de spoiler aqui no forum :P).

E em relação a tudo isto, a parte dos elemento MMO preocupa-me... já que parece-me que vai ser uma coisa que vai tirar profundidade a isso mesmo.

Espero que sinceramente não aconteça isso...
Gosto de sentir que as minhas decisões contam realmente e que deixar viver ou morrer aquela personagem, pode mudar o rumo da história...
Criar ramificações diferentes de acordo com as tuas decisões...

Nisso a Bioware sempre foi mestre! O Mass Effect I, II e não tanto o III, permitia-te criar a continuidade, com as várias decisões que te eram apresentadas...
Mesmo no Swtor que jogo, essa situação também existe se bem que apenas em curtos momentos, já que no geral as decisões acabam por não alterar o resultado final da história...

Outro jogo que também me está a fazer pensar jogar é o X-Rebirth, com o mundo dinâmico onde existe causa e consequência e afectam todo o universo e o mundo que jogamos como se de um efeito borboleta se tratasse...

Esses são os jogos que me prendem... um bom shooter é como um popcorn summer blockbuster... É bom enquanto dura... os verdadeiros clássicos são aqueles que nos prendem horas a fio e depois de acabarmos o jogo ainda ficamos a pensar na história memorável dos mesmos...
E isso acontecia muitas vezes nos antigos jogos de pc as aventuras gráficas...
Um jogo em especial ficou preso comigo pela história memorável que tinha... O "beneath a steel sky"...



15-11-13, 19:56
Já ouvi falar desse beneath a steel sky, velhinho como tudo pelo que sei, mas um verdadeiro clássico.

O X-Rebirth sinceramente não conheço. O Deus Ex que andavas a jogar, as decisões que tomavas/tomas (não sei se chegaste a acabar) também afectam o jogo.

Assim mais que me lembro, só o Dragon Age (também da Bioware) se bem que acho o jogo longo demais em certas partes e um bocado clichê. Mas as personagens compensavam a meu ver.

15-11-13, 20:46
X-Rebirth, é perigoso time-sink, especialmente na vertente da gestão. Aquilo como é no espaço e por vezes as coisas acontecem mais "lentamente", um gajo precisa de ter um despertador ao lado do PC, porque quando dá por isso já passaram duas horas e só pareceram 20min. :P

Quanto ao Destiny, veremos o que sai na rifa. Eles já disseram que PC não está para já nos planos devido a ser uma equipa pequena e n ter recursos humanos para trabalhar em várias versões ao mesmo tempo. Mas com o tempo e com versão consolas já lançada, pode ser que tenham possibilidade. Se bem que isso não está bem nas mãos deles... é que aquilo tem mãozinha da Activision...

15-11-13, 21:06
Mas como é o jogo? És o piloto de uma nave e vais de sítio a sítio arranjar trabalhos? Tipo GTA no espaço? Pelos vídeos fez-me lembrar o velhinho Freelancer


15-11-13, 22:01
Se estás a perguntar em relação ao X-Rebirth, é mais ou menos isso. Podes escolher jogar mais estilo combat e aceitar contratos para eliminar facções, ou podes ir para uma vertente mais de gestão em que crias e geres fábricas e mercadorias. No último X3: Terran Conflict cheguei a ter complexo de fábricas acopladas para produzir umas tralhas. Tive que comprar cada um dos módulos (carotes), procurar e contratar uma das naves gigantescas que rondam por vezes os vários sectores para que me transportasse a cena e depois dizer onde queria que me me deixasse a fábrica. :P É fixolas. Começas de baixo, tipo com uma nave na qual podes acoplar um beam para fazer extração de minério e vender, ou fazer apenas transportes de um lado ao outro, e então depois podes contratar/comprar mais naves adicionais para te fazerem rotas e venderem o material a quem ofereça o melhor preço.
A certo ponto o que fazia era gerir à distânciam, deixando as minhas naves a fazer os tranportes e fábricas a vender produtos finais, ou matérias primas em excesso, e ia eu com uma navezita da treta (mas rápida) para explorar as dezenas de sectores e apreciar os cenários brutais. :thumbsup: Quando havia perigo, ligava o turbo e vamos embora dali pra fora! :D
Pelo caminho sempre descobria sectores bons com boa procura das cenas que produzia, mas que eram vizinhos dos Xenon e seria alvo fácil para eles sem gastar alto guito em protecção e armas. Além de que depois de matares alguns, aquilo escala e se não tens vertente militar, limpam-te em três tempos.

Além das variadas quests, o jogo tem também uma campanha e história principal, mas que começa a complicar mais para a frente porque vai requerer que forneças certos materiais carotes e que faças combat. E se jogas apenas uma coisa em detrimento de outra, pode ficar bem complicado de avançar. Mas é um jogo que tem um ambiente excelente, e este X-Rebirth está até muito melhorado com mais "civilização" nas redondezas dos aglomerados.

18-11-13, 09:29
Segundo o Gamespot, quando questionados sobre o port para PC do jogo, os autores de Destiny afirmaram que primeiro querem criar uma experiência emersiva nas consolas e como tal não pretendem pensar já no PC.

Após um excelente Halo e um Halo 2 meh no PC de facto não tenho grandes previsões a respeito deste jogo atacar os desktops. Mas tal como o LPC tenho acompanhado de perto o jogo, aprece fundir muito bem história, mecânica e jogabildiade.


18-11-13, 13:46
Após um excelente Halo e um Halo 2 meh no PC

Eu por outro achei Halo no PC um dos piores jogos que já meti a vista em cima, era muito repetitivo e n valeu grande coisa comparado com o habitual "standard" PC FPS... É por isso que "big hits" das consolas é sempre de desconfiar até experimentar.

18-11-13, 16:06
Eu por outro achei Halo no PC um dos piores jogos que já meti a vista em cima, era muito repetitivo e n valeu grande coisa comparado com o habitual "standard" PC FPS... É por isso que "big hits" das consolas é sempre de desconfiar até experimentar.


Achei o Halo um dos piores fps para PC... Em especial quando comparado contra outros jogos do género onde o PC domina...

No entanto este Destiny não me parece que seja semelhante, é mais slowpace e parece convidar mais á exploração e menos ao "no brains shooter"...



18-11-13, 23:40
Também não tive pachorra para o Halo. Não sei como era aquilo em termos de multiplayer, mas o single player era altamente repetitivo. Esquerda, frente, direita direita, frente, esquerda esquerda, frente... volta e meia punham mais um curva e já me perdi todo :P

Percebo que aquilo possa ter sido um grande sucesso na xbox, dado que realmente foi algo novo nas consolas no que toca a fps, mas especialmente no online. No PC já havia fps bastante superiores na altura.

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18-11-13, 23:42
Sou mais um, fala-se tao bem do Halo, tive uma Xbox 360 e que fiz eu ? Bora "comprar" os Halos, nao conseguia jogar, muito secante o jogo, mas sao gostos.

19-11-13, 00:23
Quando comprei a minha primeira Xbox360 joguei o Halo 3 e gostei tanto da história que me forcei literalmente a passar o Halo 1 e o Halo 2 para perceber melhor...

E digo forçar pois é como dizem... São jogos tão mas tão secantes que chegam a ser desesperantes.. Mas a história aboserveu-me de tal maneira que prontos..

Halo Reach e Halo 4 também gostei bastante.

19-11-13, 01:06
Quando comprei a minha primeira Xbox360 joguei o Halo 3 e gostei tanto da história que me forcei literalmente a passar o Halo 1 e o Halo 2 para perceber melhor...

E digo forçar pois é como dizem... São jogos tão mas tão secantes que chegam a ser desesperantes.. Mas a história aboserveu-me de tal maneira que prontos..

Halo Reach e Halo 4 também gostei bastante.

Deste tipo de jogo, para mim tem que ser um jogo que dê algum interesse...
O Halo poderia ter dado, mas o jogo é tão mau, que nem o consegui jogar...

Noutro ponto de vista... Mass Effect é um jogo brutal que dediquei horas e horas para acabar os 3 jogos...



09-12-13, 20:21
Novo Trailer deste jogo BRUTAL!!!

Ai ai ai ... será que é este jogo que me vai fazer perder a cabeça e comprar uma PS4 na altura que sair?





09-12-13, 21:22
"From the creators of Halo and the company that brought you Call of Duty".

Já é suficiente para meter o pé atrás. :)

09-12-13, 22:55
"From the creators of Halo and the company that brought you Call of Duty".

Já é suficiente para meter o pé atrás. :)

O que eles queriam dizer...

Da companhia que anda a mamar guito dos otários do COD e que está a investir num jogo de qualidade!
Não esquecer que a Activision também tem a Blizzard, com o seu money milking ali certinho á anos...

E também claro quer dizer que o jogo vem a 59.99€ caso venha para PC! :)



09-12-13, 23:00
O que eles queriam dizer...

Da companhia que anda a mamar guito dos otários do COD e que está a investir num jogo de qualidade!
Não esquecer que a Activision também tem a Blizzard, com o seu money milking ali certinho á anos...

E também claro quer dizer que o jogo vem a 59.99€ caso venha para PC! :)



Jogo de qualidade alto e mais devagar. Halo para mim não é propriamente sinónimo de qualidade, portanto nada indica nem garante que saia daqui algo jaw dropping.

09-12-13, 23:03
Jogo de qualidade alto e mais devagar. Halo para mim não é propriamente sinónimo de qualidade, portanto nada indica nem garante que saia daqui algo jaw dropping.

Do que tenho visto parece-me de longe bastante superior, com mais lore e parece-me que querem apontar ao Mass Effect...



09-12-13, 23:11
Boas. Este foi o trailer que foi exibido nos prémios VGX? Gostei, e contínuo interessado no jogo, mas houve uma coisa que me inquietou. Ao contrário do que tinha visto anteriormente, desta vez senti pareceu-me ver ali demasiado "footprints" do Halo. Se calhar o MAXLD tem razão:

"From the creators of Halo and the company that brought you Call of Duty".

Já é suficiente para meter o pé atrás. :)

No entanto, contínuo a aguardar isto com expectativa. E não sejamos mauzinhos com o CoD a série começou bastante bem, depois é que pronto...

13-12-13, 20:25
Deixo mais um video, desta vez com gameplay...

Está tão fixe.... :) Quero isto no PC NOW!!! :)


É exactamente este tipo de jogo que eu gosto... nada de brain dead shooters...



08-07-14, 20:13
Novo trailer do Destiny...

OMG... me salivating...




08-07-14, 20:19
O jogo é tipo que? Parece ser uma mistura de vários... Tipo FPS, MMO, RPG... Não?

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08-07-14, 20:24
Como desseste e bem, é uma mistura de mmo, com rpg, action FPS. (e não sei se também dará para jogar na terceira pessoa).

Em termos de jogos, é uma mistura de Halo com Mass Effect.



08-07-14, 20:58
Faz me lembrar o Borderlands, mas com melhores gráficos, online, mas sem o humor.

08-07-14, 20:59
Faz me lembrar o Borderlands, mas com melhores gráficos, online, mas sem o humor.

... e bem melhor história! :)



08-07-14, 21:01
Isto vai vir para pc?
Ou é exclusivo consola?

08-07-14, 21:03
Isto vai vir para pc?
Ou é exclusivo consola?

Exclusivo para Xbosta nova e velha e Pistachia 3 e 4. Feito pelos gajos do Halo.

08-07-14, 21:08
Fuck... jogo para caixotes :facepalm:

08-07-14, 23:21
Exacto para já é apenas para consolas, no entanto não está descartada a versão PC pela Activision...

O que foi dito é que a bungie não tinha recursos para fazer tantas versões ao mesmo..
Veremos se é mesmo assim...



09-07-14, 08:05
Se for bem feito e para o hardware da PS4 pode vir bom... se for para a ps3... bahhhh :O

05-09-14, 01:36

Novo trailer mas desta vez LIVE ACTION!

E se está cool! Quero esta merda já no PC!!!!!




08-09-14, 20:35
Nos sites de noticias, no youtube, anda tudo maluco com o jogo.

08-09-14, 20:45
Eu quero é essa MERDA NO PC!!!!!!



PS: Ando a salivar por esse jogo!

08-09-14, 20:48
Que coincidência... Desvincularam-se da MS e estão a lançar um jogo que é uma copia descarada do Halo...

08-09-14, 20:49
Que coincidência... Desvincularam-se da MS e estão a lançar um jogo que é uma copia descarada do Halo...

Já chega ?

08-09-14, 20:51
Eu quero é essa MERDA NO PC!!!!!!



PS: Ando a salivar por esse jogo!
Todos queremos isso no PC :thumbsup:

09-09-14, 10:20
Pelos vistos o Destiny para PC foi listado na Amazon.de, com lançamento para 15 de Março de 2015.
Ou seja, as consolas vão andar a fazer beta testing durante uns meses e depois os jogadores de PC podem comprar a versão final.


09-09-14, 10:36
Isso são excelentes noticias, venha ele para pc :thumbsup:

09-09-14, 10:54
Pelos vistos o Destiny para PC foi listado na Amazon.de, com lançamento para 15 de Março de 2015.
Ou seja, as consolas vão andar a fazer beta testing durante uns meses e depois os jogadores de PC podem comprar a versão final.


Carai Horus!
Grande noticia pah!

Eu ando a namorar o jogo sei lá já desde quando...
O jogo já deve vir na altura todo polido e até com mais conteudo que a versão Consola!

Já me fizeste o meu dia!



09-09-14, 11:03


09-09-14, 12:50

This is tha shit! :)



10-09-14, 16:24
Destiny com $500 milhões em vendas no primeiro dia (http://www.eurogamer.pt/articles/2014-09-10-destiny-com-usd500-milhoes-em-vendas-no-primeiro-dia)

O jogo custou quase 400Milhões, o que é muito bom em dois dias já ter ultrapassado o Break Even.

10-09-14, 16:28
Tenho de experimentar o jogo.

Mas ainda bem que não bateu o record da minha rockstar xD

10-09-14, 16:55
O GTA já cá anda a algum tempo. Para uma nova franquia é um recorde.

DESTINY É "O LANÇAMENTO MAIS BEM-SUCEDIDO DE SEMPRE PARA UMA NOVA FRANQUIA" (http://pt.ign.com/destiny/3666/news/destiny-e-o-lancamento-mais-bem-sucedido-de-sempre)

10-09-14, 16:56
A ver se eles se aguentam nas pernas. Próximo lançamento tem de fazer mais dinheiro que este ou já um descer na escada do sucesso xD

10-09-14, 16:57
Destiny com $500 milhões em vendas no primeiro dia (http://www.eurogamer.pt/articles/2014-09-10-destiny-com-usd500-milhoes-em-vendas-no-primeiro-dia)

O jogo custou quase 400Milhões, o que é muito bom em dois dias já ter ultrapassado o Break Even.

Estive a ver aqueles 15 minutos...


Ainda vou comprar uma PS4 só para ir jogar isso... O jogo... é lindo!



10-09-14, 16:59
Estive a ver aqueles 15 minutos...


Ainda vou comprar uma PS4 só para ir jogar isso... O jogo... é lindo!



Saia-te caro o jogo.eheheh

10-09-14, 17:00
Tenho de ver se vejo como isto se porta na One. Com o poder da cloud deve ficar um jogo fantástico. Visto que até é passado no espaço xD

10-09-14, 17:05
Estive a ver aqueles 15 minutos...


Ainda vou comprar uma PS4 só para ir jogar isso... O jogo... é lindo!


Aguenta os cavalos, vem para pc.

10-09-14, 17:07
Tenho de ver se vejo como isto se porta na One. Com o poder da cloud deve ficar um jogo fantástico. Visto que até é passado no espaço xD

O poder da cloud já é usado há muito tempo nos jogos online de PC. São servidores dedicados, apenas não tinham um nome todo paneleiro.

10-09-14, 17:11
Estava a ser irónico sobre o power of the cloud lol.

10-09-14, 17:30
Aguenta os cavalos, vem para pc.

Eu sei...

Mas é Tesonis! :)

Vem em Abril senão me engano...



10-09-14, 17:31
O Tesonis guarda para o pc... não para uma caixa :D

10-09-14, 17:38
LPC estás com o hype pelo PvE ou pelo PvP?

10-09-14, 17:46
LPC estás com o hype pelo PvE ou pelo PvP?

Pelo PVE claro...

Não sou gajo de PVP.... Vou pela historia e pelo mistério da descoberta...



10-09-14, 17:48
Pessoalmente, não estou com hype para o jogo. Mesmo sabendo que o jogo vem para PC, não lhe vejo assim tanto interesse.
Sinceramente, parece pouco mais do que um Borderlands mas sem o humor, com melhores gráficos e mais jogadores.

10-09-14, 17:49
Pois desde que soube que só jogas CoD pelo modo história sabe-se logo que não és gajo de multiplayer.

O Destiny não permite co-op?

10-09-14, 18:07
Pessoalmente, não estou com hype para o jogo. Mesmo sabendo que o jogo vem para PC, não lhe vejo assim tanto interesse.
Sinceramente, parece pouco mais do que um Borderlands mas sem o humor, com melhores gráficos e mais jogadores.

Eu jogo pelas histórias dos jogos...

É isso que me interessa...

E este tem algo de mass Effect / halo que me interessa...



10-09-14, 18:09
Pois desde que soube que só jogas CoD pelo modo história sabe-se logo que não és gajo de multiplayer.

O Destiny não permite co-op?

Não sou, por dois motivos:

1) Não tenho a skill para andar a jogar nesse tipo de jogos, não tenho reflexos a 1000 á hora e gosto de levar os jogos com calma e ir apreciando as coisas...

2) Não tenho o tempo para estar a perder com jogos que é só matar ou ser motor em mapas sempre iguais over and over again...

Em relação ao CO-OP não sei se tem (deve ter), mas acaba por ser PVE na mesma já que é tipo missões conjuntas e afins...



10-09-14, 20:45
Eu jogo pelas histórias dos jogos...

É isso que me interessa...

E este tem algo de mass Effect / halo que me interessa...



Nesse caso irias adorar o Borderlands 2. Tem uma boa história e um sentido de humor fantástico, do melhor que podes encontrar em videojogos.
Podes jogar sozinho ou em co-op com amigos.

10-09-14, 20:53
Nesse caso irias adorar o Borderlands 2. Tem uma boa história e um sentido de humor fantástico, do melhor que podes encontrar em videojogos.
Podes jogar sozinho ou em co-op com amigos.

Tem alguma coisa a ver com o primeiro Borderlands? É que eu não gostei nada do primeiro...

Se o segundo for semelhante nem lhe meto a vista em cima...



10-09-14, 20:57
É uma sequela, mas melhora em várias coisas, especialmente no guião.
Tem montes de piadas excelentes.

Mas se detestaste o primeiro, és bem capaz de não gostar do 2º.

10-09-14, 21:14
É uma sequela, mas melhora em várias coisas, especialmente no guião.
Tem montes de piadas excelentes.

Mas se detestaste o primeiro, és bem capaz de não gostar do 2º.
Eu não gostei muito do Borderlands, nem do primeiro nem do segundo... ao fim de jogar umas duas horas já estava cheio do jogo.
Mas concordo, tem um humor fantastico.
LPC, nada como experimentares.
Mas se és dos meus que nada jogos em rede e levas as coisas com calma, provavelmente vais chegar à mesma conclusão.

10-09-14, 22:44
Para umas gargalhadas ás custas da versão da PS3.


10-09-14, 22:58
Sombras da hitbox

11-09-14, 20:33
O The Escapist não tem boa opinião do jogo. Apenas 3/5
A conclusão deles parece ir de acordo com a visão que eu tinha do jogo...........a diferença é que eles já o jogaram e eu não. :D


Bottom Line: With its banal universe and flavorless style, Destiny is packed with content, but just ... well ... content. There's a great PvP mode, and the leveling system can be rewarding, but nonetheless this is a pretty, rock-solid, ultimately pedestrian product.
Recommendation: If you want a stable and populated FPS MMO, this will do the job with minimal fuss. For all my complaints, I did waste a lot of time with it, and will likely continue to do so, so it's indeed doing something to hook folks. I wouldn't buy into the hysterical hype though.

11-09-14, 20:35
Então é mais hype que outra coisa...

11-09-14, 20:42
Atenção que é apenas a opinião de uma pessoa. Apenas porque ele não adorou o jogo, não quer dizer que outras pessoas não o adorem.
Mas sim, parece que temos mais hype do que jogo.

Pessoalmente, considero o Jim Sterling como uma das pessoas mais sérias no jornalismo de videojogos, mesmo quando não concordo com ele, pois ele sabe fundamentar os seus pontos de vista.
Sinceramente, dou mais valor a uma análise dele ou do TotalBiscuit, do que a cem do IGN ou Game trailers.

11-09-14, 20:43
Estranho, pois vejo opiniões diferentes noutros locais...

Poderá acontecer que a história poderá ficar mais rica com os 2 DLC´s que estão preparados para sair nos próximos meses...

A mim interessa-me a história mais que tudo...
Quem é o "traveler", porque veio para ali, porque defendeu a humanidade sacrificando-se...

O que existe para lá da última cidade humana...




11-09-14, 20:48
Estranho, pois vejo opiniões diferentes noutros locais...

Poderá acontecer que a história poderá ficar mais rica com os 2 DLC´s que estão preparados para sair nos próximos meses...

A mim interessa-me a história mais que tudo...
Quem é o "traveler", porque veio para ali, porque defendeu a humanidade sacrificando-se...

O que existe para lá da última cidade humana...




Se o que queres é história, não me parece que vás ter muita sorte. Basta ver logo pelos nomes genéricos que eles escolheram..................só de pensar que alguém foi pago para isso!
A premissa de entidades misteriosas não é sinal de uma boa história, é apenas um recurso fácil para um escritor ganhar a atenção do leitor, espectador.
Para termos uma boa história é preciso ter boas personagens, um arco completo de acções, sofrimento, luta, desgraça, esforço, recuperação, apogeu, conclusão.

Gameinformer - Destiny Is Great, But Half Measures Hurt (http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2014/09/11/opinion-destiny-is-great-but-half-measures-hurt.aspx)

O GameInformer confirma a opinião do The Escapist em relação á história, como sendo um dos pontos fracos.

The “story” is threadbare, and single-player encounters and patrols are snooze-worthy stuff in comparison to any multiplayer encounter. Even with the responsive controls and well-done combat, the single-player and story content are simply uninteresting. And that’s fine, except it’s almost as if Bungie has done everything they can to make sure they let people know at the design level that it’s not a MMO. “It’s not a MMO,” I can imagine them saying. “You can play by yourself, it’s fine, it’s not some multiplayer-only experience.”

11-09-14, 20:49
Atenção que é apenas a opinião de uma pessoa. Apenas porque ele não aforou o jogo, não quer dizer que outras pessoas não o adorem.
Mas sim, parece que temos mais hype do que jogo.

Pessoalmente, considero o Jim Sterling como uma das pessoas mais sérias no jornalismo de videojogos, mesmo quando não concordo com ele, pois ele sabe fundamentar os seus pontos de vista.
Sinceramente, dou mais valor a uma análise dele ou do TotalBiscuit, do que a cem do IGN ou Game trailers.
Vindo de quem vem, tem bastante credito.
Mas é sempre a opinião dele, embora não deixe de ser estranho todo o hype que está feito em torno do jogo e no final sair uma coisa mais fraca.
IGN... não ligo ás reviews deles.

11-09-14, 20:52
Acho que temos um novo Watch Dogs nas mãos. Mais um jogo que é apenas bom, mas que levou com muito hype.
Acredito que nas próximas semanas vamos ver muita gente desiludida.

11-09-14, 20:57
Pronto, continua a ser melhor o ME3 neste tipo de jogos.

11-09-14, 21:03
E pelos vistos confirma-se que o netcode é ainda pior do que o BF4...........
Ou seja, para PVP esqueçam este jogo.


11-09-14, 21:10
Mais um que só lá vai com patches atrás de patches :facepalm:

11-09-14, 21:53
Vejam o lado bom...

Quando sair a versão PC, já vem toda polida e com todos os patches e DLC que venham a ser lançados...

Consolas vão ser os beta testers da versão definitiva! LOL



11-09-14, 22:01
Esperemos que seja assim... se não é mais um BF4 :facepalm:

12-09-14, 07:02
tanto hype.... eu sinceramente acho o jogo muito bom mas depois de ver o que era na consola e o que fizeram nos trailers... mehhh
Não faz parte do que eu jogo normalmente... sou mais virado para mmos e este os graficos deixam algo a desejar... pelo que tenho visto... e agora com o netcode tao "bom" uau :P

12-09-14, 13:02
E já anda o pessoal nas consolas com hacks...


Mais um grupo de pessoas que até estão a gostar do jogo, mas que consideram que a história é mesmo má.
A partir do minuto 30 e poucos.


12-09-14, 13:37
Focaram-se tanto na história e afins, e no fim não é grande coisa?

Bungie, tens muito que melhorar agora...

Resolvam tudo até á versão PC sair... Quero a versão Polida...

Continuem a fazer de Beta Testers console guys...



13-09-14, 15:36
Mais umas reviews

Polygon - 6/10 http://www.polygon.com/2014/9/12/6138497/destiny-review-no-fate
Gamespot - 6/10 http://www.gamespot.com/reviews/destiny-review/1900-6415863/

Destiny suggests potential it never realizes
Let's wipe away Bungie's legacy with Halo, which put them on top of the world and in a position to make a game they've said they always wanted to make for ages. We'll step back from the whispers of giant budgets, of corporate politics. For now, Destiny is just another game.
As just another game, Destiny is a confusing combination of often at-odds elements — it presents itself as ambitious, almost boastful, while seeming strangely safe and reserved. It wants to eat its cake as a shooter, and have the longevity of an MMO — but it lacks the combat sophistication of the former, and the deep well of content native to the latter.
For all the wonder of its presentation, the swelling potential suggested by its (excellent) score and the basic foundational strength of its controls, Destiny often feels like a collection of its influences' biggest problems.


13-09-14, 15:53

Tenho que depois mais logo ler as reviews...

O jogo tem que melhorar mesmo...



13-09-14, 16:23
Isto começa a parecer uma desilusão ainda maior do que o Watch Dogs....

13-09-14, 16:31
Mais um para o lote...

13-09-14, 17:05
Com o custo e o esforço envolvido no jogo, é muito mau. As reviews valem o que valem, mas um 6/10 fica muito aquém do esperado.

13-09-14, 17:36
Já penso que não importa muito se o jogo vem ou não para o PC.

O pessoal das consolas pode ficar com ele.....

13-09-14, 17:54
O Angry Joe também está a finalizar a review dele e ao que parece, segundo o que disse no twitter, o final não é assim grande espingarda... hehe, wait for it...

13-09-14, 18:46

Tenho que depois mais logo ler as reviews...

O jogo tem que melhorar mesmo...



Ja desististe da pre-order? :D ainda vais a tempo :P
6/10 e' realmente muito mau :(

13-09-14, 20:50
Um jogo destes tinha que ter uma forte componente em single player e multiplayer. Um jogo sem história e com um mau netcode, só podia dar esturro.

13-09-14, 22:11
Giant Bomb - Destiny Review - 3/5 (http://www.giantbomb.com/reviews/destiny-review/1900-655/)

Destiny is a beautiful but hollow experience with most of the pieces you'd expect from a great multiplayer shooter. It just can't find a way to fit them all together.

14-09-14, 10:24
Here's Destiny played with infinite ammo and no reloads (http://www.polygon.com/2014/9/13/6144429/heres-destiny-played-with-infinite-ammo-and-no-reloads)


14-09-14, 10:36
Um bom artigo falar de como o hype de jogos medianos está a prejudicar os jogadores e a industria.

Forbes - Forbes - What Have We Learned From Titanfall, Watch Dogs, And Destiny? (http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/09/13/what-have-we-learned-from-titanfall-watch-dogs-and-destiny/)

The reviews are in and Destiny appears to be something of a disappointment for fans and critics alike. The game has received rather low review scores from many major outlets, 6 out of 10s (http://www.polygon.com/2014/9/12/6138497/destiny-review-no-fate) and the like, and its all-important Metacritic rating is hovering at atroubling 75. (http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/destiny)Past that, it’s a strange situation as in the wake of GamerGate, fans and critics don’t seem to be at odds with one another regarding low review scores of Destiny. This is an industry where fans will lose their minds of a Zelda game is scored in the 8 range, but there has been surprisingly little pushback even among those fans who like the game.
I know the feeling. I like Destiny more than most critics it seems, but I understand that there are pretty huge, pervasive problems with it, some of which involve what it contains, some of which involve what it doesn’t.
One major complaint about Destiny is that the scale is vast, but largely repetitive, where players will retread over the same maps, fighting the same enemies in the same mission formats. The other big issue everyone has with Destiny?
It just doesn’t seem like what was promised.
It’s a giant world, but it’s empty, as I explained in detail yesterday (http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/09/12/destiny-isnt-too-small-its-just-too-empty/). We were promised a “shared world shooter” and quasi-MMO like nothing else before it. Planets to explore! Sci-fi mysteries to uncover! A whole new video game universe to enjoy over the next ten years.
And yet, that’s not what the final game delivered, at least not at launch. It’s largely empty maps with an uncomfortably sterile hub world, and on top of it all, a story so incoherent even the game’s most ardent defenders admit it’s terrible.
All of this seems like it’s happened before. And it has, twice this year already.
Destiny was the third of three major IPs to debut this year, all of which have been greeted with fairly mixed reviews from fans and critics alike. I’m talking of course about Titanfall, the game meant to shake-up the shooter landscape, and Watch Dogs, which was poised to reinvent the sandbox genre. All three of these games arrived on colossal waves of expectation and hype, and all dashed against the rocks, producing adequate experiences at best, but failing to be the game-changers they were supposed to be.
The press has been blamed for this to some degree. There are accusations that for all three of these games, the media hyped up each and built up these false expectations. I don’t think that’s the case, given the evidence at hand.
Watch Dogs is a different case from the others. That game famously overdressed its E3 footage to the point where the final product was leagues behind what was debuted for the general public. That game’s hype was a slow decline until release when we were given a serviceable, but hardly revolutionary sandbox shooter.
Titanfall and Destiny share the same issue in this case. Both had a beta that allowed players to experience the game for themselves. You may think that’s the most honest and transparent way to demonstrate what your game will be like, but the problem is that with each of these games, there was no way to know exactly what was going to be contained in the final product after a promising start.
Titanfall was a more egregious example of this, with the final game having a handful of multiplayer modes and the flimsiest attempt at a single-player story in recent memory. Destiny certainly has more substance to it, and yet even during the beta, it was hard to get a full picture of what the game was going to be like.
Well, that’s not strictly true. There were certainly clues that many picked up on, and those who thought the game would be repetitive and empty were right. But others like myself had faith that because it was a beta, the blanks would be filled in by release. I remember thinking that the dead-ends I was running into in Patrol mode would surely be filled with treasure and cool enemies by release. I remember believing the story would pick up and become more interesting in time. I remember hoping that somewhere out there were interesting characters to meet, and missions would become more diverse down the road.

But instead we got the content of the beta repeated four times across four planets (well, three planets and a moon). We didn’t learn until after the fact that “endgame” content was the same content from your first playthrough, repeated on a harder difficulty. A singular raid is coming, and more content is being updated periodically, but again, if it retreads the same ground, the game will still face the same problems.
Erik Kain sums up the “what could have been” problem with the game nicely in his most recent review (http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2014/09/12/destiny-review-in-progress-part-two-good-game-not-great-game/):“I pictured an open space game in which you’d travel via spaceship from one planet to the next, to open and vast worlds ready to be explored.
I pictured a shared-world where players would encounter each other as they explored in an exciting and organic way, eschewing traditional concepts of party-based play and the over-crowded nature of most MMORPGs. I wanted to feel like a galactic hero, superful and badass, out in uncharted danger, only encountering my fellow Guardians (of the Galaxy) through luck and at times of great need.
I imagined outposts and other human settlements or military bases sprinkled throughout the galaxy—multiple hubs, essentially—and an actual metropolis rather than just the Tower hub.”

In short, it’s about expectations. The problem is that when we heard news about a shooter MMO from Bungie, we expected all the best things about the two genres. The massive universe with so much to discover. Characters to meet, mysteries to solve, friends to make, and so on. Instead, we got the worst aspects of an MMO, grinding for marginally better gear in repetitive zones, without the backdrop of an interesting universe at all. Bungie got two of their key points right, the amazing visuals and the tight gameplay, but they missed everything else.
And I’ve said it a million times before, but Titanfall, Watch Dogs and Destiny all share a lack of memorable characters. Tell me who the face of each of these games are. For Watch Dogs you have Aiden Pearce, an unlikable, improbable, bland hero. For Titanfall and Destiny, you have faceless space-soldiers. In fact, the “face of Destiny” is probably Peter Dinklage’s Ghost at this point, and I think we can all agree that’s kind of terrible. To become an iconic series, your game has to create icons.
I’m looking back to the year before this one where The Last of Us and BioShock Infinite were both vying to be game of the year. Both were hugely successful and beloved because of the stories they told, and the characters they created. I wrote a post (http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2013/03/29/the-one-twist-in-bioshock-infinite-you-might-have-missed-completely/) about the mind-bending ending of Infinite which was my most popular of the year simply because people wanted to discuss the story that much. The Last of Us made instant icons out of Joel and Ellie, even if it didn’t innovate all that much in the gameplay department.
This year it feels like three strikes and you’re out. Three games that were sold as new entries that would revolutionize their genre, but ended up disappointing in one way or another because they failed to deliver on that implied or implicit promise. It’s a tough market for new IPs and I hope the lesson here for dev isn’t to stick with sequels. But I think consumers and critics are going to be incredibly wary of future games riding this much hype, even if they’re trying to be transparent through betas and demos.
I think out of all of these titles, there’s the most hope for Destiny. It feels a lot like Diablo 3 at launch in many ways, a game that disappointed at the start, but through hard work and listening to fan feedback was able to patch and expand itself into something pretty great. And given that Destiny even shares many of the exact same problems as Diablo (lackluster loot, a repetitive endgame), there’s literally a roadmap on how to fix these issues.
I like Destiny well enough, but it’s hard not to be disappointed with many aspects of it. Maybe it’s us that have the unrealistic expectations. Maybe despite how much games are advancing, we just can’t have it all between endlessly entertaining content, diverse missions, engaging characters, an interesting plot, easy co-op partying, and a fun and balanced multiplayer. Maybe given the finite resources of game development, we have to pick three of those and be satisfied.
But I hope not. I want that perfect combination of all of the above, and some games get very, very close. It just seems like developers sometimes focus on the wrong issues in an effort to create the next immortal franchise. In this case, Destiny reached in every direction, and in the process became a Jack of all trades, and a master of none.
It’s been a strange year for games when out of Destiny, Watch Dogs and Titanfall, I’d actually pick Wolfenstein: The New Order as a better game than all of them. That game wasn’t making grandiose claims to revolutionize any genre, and yet by doing what it knew well, it managed to surpass everyone’s expectations.
I think there are a lot of lessons to learn here about the importance of story and characters in almost any genre, the balance between proper marketing and complete oversaturation, and games that believe they can add content later and not expect players to be annoyed with a sparse offering at release.
All of these games will get sequels, and I just hope they learn their lessons for next time.

14-09-14, 10:44
Em Marketing não pode existir um Gap entre aquilo que o consumidor espera e aquilo que ele recebe. Quando se faz uma promessa e se eleva as expectativas dos consumidores, é desejável que no mínimo essa expectativa seja satisfeita. Se não teremos o caso de o cliente esperar 5 recebe 3, 3-5= -2 ou seja o consumidor fica insatisfeito.

14-09-14, 15:46
Mais ainda se forem consumidores como eu:

- Primeiro a História
- Depois os Personagens
- Depois a Jogabilidade
- Depois os Visuais
- Depois a banda sonora e efeitos sonoros
- Por fim o MP se tiver se não tiver menos uma merda...



14-09-14, 18:51
Olha uma lista de prioridades nos jogos igual à minha :thumbsup:
Apenas retiro por completo o MP... não gosto mesmo :D

15-09-14, 09:41
"A coisa mais decepcionante" de Destiny (http://www.eurogamer.pt/articles/2014-09-14-a-coisa-mais-decepcionante-de-destiny)

Um vídeo de um YouTuber que parece tocar na ferida.
Destiny já está disponível na PS3, Ps4, Xbox 360 e Xbox One e até à data tem vindo a receber um misto de reacções por parte dos jogadores e da imprensa.

O utilizador do YouTube RefrigeratedFox publicou um vídeo que aponta para algo que seja talvez a coisa mais decepcionante em Destiny. No vídeo, que podem ver em baixo, mostra como os produtores inicialmente prometeram que os terrenos de jogo podiam ser exploráveis e jogáveis na sua totalidade, mas que no final de contas até um pequeno salto de um penhasco resulta numa morte certa.


15-09-14, 10:02
É apenas mais uma daquelas promessas feitas para vender, mas que não passa de uma grande mentira.
E depois certos criadores de jogos admiram-se quando os jogadores ficam zangados com eles. Pudera, pagaram perto de uma centena de euros por um monte de mentiras.

Sinceramente, acho que isto só vai acabar quando estas empresas levarem um processo por andarem a mentir sobre as features dos seus produtos.

16-09-14, 15:48
Isto deve doer um bocadinho nas carteiras do pessoal da Bungie.

Destiny Review Scores May Cost Bungie A $2.5 Million Bonus (http://kotaku.com/destiny-review-scores-may-cost-bungie-2-5-million-1635273500)

Destiny is not getting great review scores. In fact, it's getting resoundingly mediocre review scores—as of right now, Bungie's ambitious shooter has a 76.29% on GameRankings (http://www.gamerankings.com/ps4/704532-destiny/index.html) and a 77 onMetacritic (http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/destiny).That's certainly not the type of critical reception Activision was hoping for when they pumped half a billion (!) dollars into this franchise, and the mediocre reception may wind up costing Bungie a great deal of money, if their 2010 contract is still active. Turns out those review scores—those arbitrary attempts to quantify a game's subjective quality—might be worth $2.5 million.
Let's take a trip back to 2012, when Activision was embroiled in a nasty legal battle with Call of Duty creators Vince Zampella and Jason West. As part of that court case, Activision had to share details of its original contract with Bungie for Destiny, which was then scheduled for release in 2013. Buried in the public documents (http://documents.latimes.com/bungie-activision-contract/) is this little nugget:

Activision shall pay to Licensor a quality bonus (the "Quality Bonus") in the amount of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000) should Destiny Game #1 achieve a rating of at least 90 as determined by gamerankings.com (or equivalent reputable services if gamerankings.com is no longer in sen/ice) as of thirty (30) days following the commercial release of Destiny Game #1 on Xbox 360.
Right now, Destiny is nowhere close to a 90 on GameRankings (http://www.gamerankings.com/ps4/704532-destiny/index.html). It's unlikely if not impossible for the game to make that score by next month.
Now, it's worth noting, the numbers here are old. This contract is from 2010, and I've heard that it's been reworked since then, though I'm not sure if they removed or altered this specific bonus condition. It's certainly possibly that Bungie fought to take it out. Activision is staying mum on the specifics—when I reached out yesterday for clarification, the publisher declined to comment.

16-09-14, 15:51
Ouch, até doi :D

16-09-14, 17:51
What I found disappointing, maybe it's just me, but the gameplay is very repetitive.

I can describe this whole game in one sentence; "You go down to a small enclosed area on a planet, kill all the enemies, press a button on a computer and then defend it" RINSE AND REPEAT! It doesn't even matter what Planet you're on either, they all feel the same but have a different colour tone. I was expecting a harsh environment on Venus and Lower gravity on Mars.... NOPE, all plays exactly the same

O quê? Um jogo da Bungie repetitivo?



Só me dá "Halo PC" flashbacks ao ler isso... repeat overkill e um dos jogos mais caca que já joguei.

16-09-14, 18:48
Verdade. O Halo 1 era muito, mas muito repetitivo. Então aqueles corredores antes da Flood. Jeeeeezzzzz

17-09-14, 16:05
Segundo informações hoje divulgadas, Destiny teve 325 milhões de euros em vendas nos primeiros cinco dias.

O que vos parece?

Link - http://www.wpcentral.com/destiny-generates-325-million-total-sales-first-five-days

17-09-14, 16:09
É um bom numero. Ficou foi além das expectativas. Quero ver a Review do angry joe.(H.)

17-09-14, 16:14
É um bom resultado, sem dúvida. O problema é manter isso durante mais umas semanas.
Lembro-me de quando o BF4 saiu, começou a vender bem na primeira semana. Quando o pessoal começou a saber que o jogo estava muito mal, as vendas desceram para metade na segunda semana.
No caso do Destiny, acredito que também vamos ver uma descida nas vendas na segunda semana, mas talvez não tão forte como no BF4.

Outra coisa a considerar é que isto são as vendas. Tira-se a parte da Sony/MS, a parte dos distribuidores e a parte dos retalhistas, o valor final deve ficar a metade. ou Seja, deve dar uns 160 milhões.
O orçamento do jogo é de 500 milhões, mas não tenho a certeza sobre se isto é para a triologia, ou apenas para um.

17-09-14, 16:19
É um bom numero. Ficou foi além das expectativas. Quero ver a Review do angry joe.(H.)

Deves querer dizer, aquém das expectativas. Além das expectativas é precisamente o oposto.

17-09-14, 17:09
Segundo informações hoje divulgadas, Destiny teve 325 milhões de euros em vendas nos primeiros cinco dias.

O que vos parece?

Link - http://www.wpcentral.com/destiny-generates-325-million-total-sales-first-five-days

Marketing resultou. E como isto das consolas e canalha miúda vai sempre de arrasto... "se os meus amigos têm eu também quero", *bling, fez-se o chocapic. ^^

17-09-14, 17:31
A Bungie, tem muito trabalho pela frente...

Supostamente o suporte será ao jeito de um MMO, ou seja devem haver expansões e correções/melhoramentos ao jogo.

Em termos de vendas, está em linha ao que haviam "hypado", eu mesmo tinha ficado com uma ideia diferente do jogo, do que eu via...
Mas assumo que achei por vezes que era épico demais para ser realmente verdade...

E infelizmente confirmou-se que o jogo é bem menos que o prometido...



17-09-14, 17:55
Deves querer dizer, aquém das expectativas. Além das expectativas é precisamente o oposto.

É isso turtos.

21-09-14, 13:57
Cá está ele:


21-09-14, 17:42
Bem o gajo diz tudo o que o jogo tem (ou seja pouco) e o que nao tem :) ehehehe
Boa review :) sem duvida o jogo esta muito fraquinho....

21-09-14, 18:08
Neste momento já nem quero que o jogo venha para o PC.
As consolas que fiquem com ele, pois o PC não precisa de mais lixo.

21-09-14, 18:11
o gajo refere e' que para PC vais ter o jogo mais barato (logico sai mais tarde e' natural) e talvez com mais conteudo, mas esta muitooooo mau para ser um jogo AAA....
Definitivamente continuo a achar que jogos de 2004 batem aos pontos todos os jogos que andam a sair ou sairam em 2013 e 2014...

Parece que agora a malta nem se preocupa em fazer jogos cativantes... e' melhor fazer trailers BRUTAIS (onde colocam "not gameplay scenes") e pronto :) hype e tal 50€ e puff :)

21-09-14, 18:26
Mesmo que sai mais tarde e com mais coisas para o PC, a distância do jogo actual para um bom jogo ainda é grande e não é com meia dúzia de promessas que lá chegamos.
Aliás, promessas foi a única coisa que o pessoal das consolas levou, pois o resto foi apenas grinding e desilusões.

21-09-14, 18:49
Neste momento já nem quero que o jogo venha para o PC.
As consolas que fiquem com ele, pois o PC não precisa de mais lixo.

Eu também já estou com essa ideia, se o desejei no pc, agora não.
O PC merece bem melhor.

21-09-14, 18:57
Eu tenho o jogo e até nem o ache mau.
Achei ao principio mas depois de o ter começado a jogar mudei de ideias.
experimentem primeiro.

21-09-14, 19:01
Quando vier para pc eu experimento, nao vou comprar uma consola por causa de um jogo (lol)

21-09-14, 19:05
Estourar 60 euros num jogo que tanto a maioria dos críticos como jogadores acham mediano e cheio de problemas? Para quê? Há muitos mais jogos que realmente são bons e que realmente vale a pena investir dinheiro.
Não é como se precisássemos do Destiny porque não existissem mais jogos.
Tu se calhar até gostas de grinding e do loot e afins. Ou então estás a tentar justificar perante ti mesmo teres gasto 60 euros num jogo que não é lá muito bom.

21-09-14, 19:45
Bem, talvez seja um jogo para comprar numa mega-promoção. Porque 60€ por um jogo repetitivo sem história com falhas em muitos aspectos, não me parece que seja a escolha acertada. ^o)

21-09-14, 22:01
O jogo veio com a ps4, por isso tanto faz. Tem me oferecido bem mais que o bf4.

21-09-14, 22:07
Fiquei mais uma vez agradavelmente surpreendido com a Activision. Sempre dispostos a darem-me muitos momentos de regozijo. Puro prazer. Aquele video do angry joe é uma pérola. Obrigado Activision, sem ti não seria possível! Estava no destiny que este destiny ia ser um flop hahaha

21-09-14, 23:31
Espero que corrijam o que têm a corrigir até ao lançamento da versão PC...



21-09-14, 23:33
O jogo veio com a ps4, por isso tanto faz. Tem me oferecido bem mais que o bf4.
Não entendo esta tua crítica tão forte pelo BF4, o jogo agora está impecável e não muito longe do 3, dá bem para umas boas horas de divversão mas tudo bem.... Opiniões.

22-09-14, 09:02
Sim, o BF4 neste momento está bem jogavél. Não está perfeito e ainda há muita coisa a corrigir, mas já não é a desgraça de há um ano atrás.

Aliás, do que tenho visto e ouvido do pessoal que jogou, o Destiny em ainda mais lag do que o BF4 quando foi lançado. O que é dizer bastante.

22-09-14, 10:30


22-09-14, 10:50

26-09-14, 13:50
Quem estava à espera de que o DLC melhorasse o jogo, bem que podem esquecer.........


29-09-14, 13:32
Um jogador encontrou uma glitch no jogo que lhe permitiu ver que o disco do jogo tem boa parte do DLC que será lançado em breve.
Ou seja, está explicado o porquê de o jogo ter tão pouco para oferecer aos jogadores, pois muito conteúdo foi cortado para ser vendido à parte.


29-09-14, 16:08
Um jogador encontrou uma glitch no jogo que lhe permitiu ver que o disco do jogo tem boa parte do DLC que será lançado em breve.
Ou seja, está explicado o porquê de o jogo ter tão pouco para oferecer aos jogadores, pois muito conteúdo foi cortado para ser vendido à parte.


Milking... all the way...

Menos e menos appeal vai tendo este jogo...



29-09-14, 16:15
Sinceramente para mim nunca teve appeal este jogo. Qualquer dia, numa promoção já com todos os DLC's incluídos, por um preço baixinho, TALVEZ pense no assunto...

29-09-14, 20:20
Sinceramente para mim nunca teve appeal este jogo. Qualquer dia, numa promoção já com todos os DLC's incluídos, por um preço baixinho, TALVEZ pense no assunto...

Bem dito. Por uma vez concordo contigo.

BTW, vejam só esta pérola.....


13-10-14, 17:45
E o jogo é fraco...............agora imaginem se fosse bom.

3.2 million people play Destiny per day on average (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/3-2-million-people-play-destiny-per-day-on-average/)

A month after Destiny’s hugely successful launch, Bungie has revealed a few impressive gameplay statistics. The development studio says that currently 3.2 million people on average log in to play Destiny every single day, which is probably largely down to the daily events and the addition of raids.The average Destiny owner has supposedly played the game 20.9 times overall and plays 1.8 times a day, including weekends. Its safe to say that Bungie has grown in popularity as a game studio, despite the mild disappointment surrounding Destiny’s story. More people have played Destiny within its first three weeks than both Halo 3 and Halo: Reach combined.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/destiny-600x315-c.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/destiny-600x315-c.jpg)
On Bungie’s weekly update blog (http://www.bungie.net/7_Bungie-Weekly-Update---10102014/en/News/News?aid=12272), the studio said: “We thank you for playing. And, we thank you for the passion and enthusiasm that has made the Destiny community so strong already. It’s been amazing to watch your Guardians become legends. Your reactions and your opinions have helped us to make Destiny better over this past month.”
“Pioneering something new is never easy. When we see the raw numbers, it’s easy for us to say that the destination was worth the journey. Stay tuned for the next evolution of our shared adventure.”

22-10-14, 06:32
Revelado um patch para este jogo para coorigir erros e acrescentar novas armas.

Bungie’s Destiny (http://wccftech.com/microsofta-destiny-xbox-mocks-sony-destiny-fragrance/) is potentially the biggest first-person shooter video game right now with over 3.2 million Guardians logging in daily to protect the last remaining city on the planet Earth. All this is even after the video game industry’s experts, who check out video game titles and review them for you to choose whether to buy them or not, gave the game mixed ratings. It seems that the new activities that the developer keeps on throwing in for the players of this role-playing online shooter are captivating enough to keep them busy for a certain amount of time.
http://wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Tower_Bounty-635x357.jpg (http://wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Tower_Bounty.jpg)
Leak Allegedly Reveals Tons of Item Sets, Weapons and Other Items That Will Be Included in Upcoming Major Destiny PatchIt seems like we already know what Destiny (http://wccftech.com/destiny-beta-ps4-xbox-screenshot-comparison-xbox-version-stands-surprisingly/) will offer its players in the next raid, as today a long list of gems was allegedly leaked on the Internet, revealing weapons, item sets belonging to each class, etc. that will be included in the next major patch of the game. The leak was first hosted on DestinyDB (http://www.destinydb.com/), but YouTube user NoahJ456 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP9tAErY_RlX4RFKssE4ogg) took it upon himself to explain it thoroughly, revealing that if this list is to be believed, each in-game class can expect to find three pieces of colorful gear, potential vehicle shaders, new fabric for polishing players’ items and more. You can check out the entire leaked list below, along with items’ descriptions, where available.

Necrochasm – Exotic Auto Rifle, Arc Damage – “Eternity is very close. can you feel yourself slipping?”
No Land Beyond – Exotic Sniper Rifle, Kinetic Damage – “Every hit blazes the path to our reclamation.”
Punk Prayer – Exotic Scout Rifle
Devil’s Due – Exotic Shotgun
Dragon’s Breath – Exotic Rocket Launcher, Solar Damage – “Burn the world. Burn it all.”
Word of Crota – Legendary Hand Cannon, Arc Damage – “There was life, and He spoke unto it; and it was silent, and lived no more.”
Abyss Defiant – Legendary Auto Rifle, Void Damage – “We will not go quietly.”
Fang of Ir Yut – Legendary Scout Rifle, Solar Damage – “This is the shape and the point of the tooth: nothing has ever lived that will not die.”
Oversoul Edict – Legendary Pulse Rifle, Arc Damage – “The light of the will of Crota shines down like a vast and inverse sun.”
Swordbreaker – Legendary Shotgun, Arc Damage – “If you’re going to face down a Knight with an ascendant blade, bring an ascendant gun.”
Light of the Abyss – Legendary Fusion Rifle, Solar Damage – “In the dark beyond the Hellmouth there is a terrible need for light.”
Black Hammer – Legendary Sniper Rifle, Void Damage – “I cannot permit you to exist.”
Fist of Crota – Legendary Rocket Launcher, Solar Damage – “Would you defy Me? I am the eater of hope.”
Song of Ir Yut – Legendary Machine Gun – “It is the song of endings.”


The Stag – Exotic Helmet – “…FEED ME…”
Starfire Protocol – Exotic Chest – “13.4 billion years ago, the first stars kindled out of darkness, seeding the future of all life.”
Claws of Ahmkara – Exotic Gauntlets – “Look at all this life, oh bearer mine. There is so much left to burn…”

Tier One/Two Legendary Item Sets:

Deathsinger’s Gaze – Helmet – “The unnerving awareness of the watcher being watched.”
Deathsinger’s Mantle – Chest – “Fashioned from war prizes taken in Crota’s hellish cosmos.”
Deathsinger’s Grip – Gauntlets – “Grip the universe. Reshape it. Disregard the screams.”
Deathsinger’s Herald – Boots – “Frankly, it’s surprising that these don’t hover.”
Bone Circlet – Cosmetic Slot – “A memento of the world Crota ruled.”


ATS/8 Arachnid – Exotic Helmet – “Advanced tactical sensorium. Induces hallucinations integrate broad-spectrum targeting data.”
Don’t Touch Me – Exotic Gauntlets – “Amputated from a creature that stumbled out of a Vex gate. A vestigial defensive reflex still remains.”
Radiant Dance Machines – Exotic Boots – “Built for swift movement, they provide unexpected and decisive social benefits.”

Tier One/Two Legendary Item Sets:

Unyielding Casque – Helmet – “The weak will be consumed.”
Relentless Harness – Chest – “The splayed claws and empty skull of a Thrall cry defiance to the Hive.”
Dogged Gage – Gauntlets – “One doesn’t need sleeves to keep knives inside them.”
Tireless Striders – Boots – “If there is no road, then it cannot be long.”
Shroud of Flies – Cosmetic Slot – “The gather where death steps.”


The Glasshouse – Exotic Helmet – “Everything is luminous.”
Ruin Wings – Exotic Gauntlets – “In the Garden grows a tree of silver wings. The leaves are ruin, the bark disaster. Of the seeds we do not speak.”
Pardon me. Coming through – Exotic Boots – “Pardon me. Coming through.”

Tier One/Two Legendary Item Sets:

Willbreaker’s Watch – Helmet – “Their howls of terror will mark your arrival.”
Willbreaker’s Resolve – Chest – “Their blades break against your heart.”
Willbreaker’s Fists – Gauntlets – “Take what is yours.”
Willbreaker’s Greaves – Boots – “The ground shudders beneath you feet.”
Mark of the Pit – Cosmetic Item – “Torn from a vanquished Wizard, it flutters in the windless air.”


Exotic Armor Shard – For making ultimate improvements to high-quality armor.
Exotic Weapon Core – For making ultimate improvements to high-quality weapons.
Epoch Splinter – “Slivers of glass used by the Vex. Isotopic dating suggests their age ranges across billions of years – past and future.”
Vehicle Shader Template – “A layer of translation code that allows a shader to interface with vehicle coatings.”
Vex Raid Rare – “Vex raid rare material for Vex exotic weapon blueprint.”
Glass Shards – “Translucent shards of non-baryonic matter, trembling with contained energy.”
Hadronic Essence – “A dense lattice of exotic baryons and mesons, used as an infusion in Warlock fieldweave.” [updated Hadronic Essence description]
Hangar Assignment – “A hangar assignment from the Tower Shipwright. No ship lands without one.

Read more: http://wccftech.com/destiny-leak-reveales-major-patch/ (http://wccftech.com/destiny-leak-reveales-major-patch/#ixzz3Gqvk1F9Y)

22-10-14, 12:33
Eles que vão corrigindo e adicionando conteudo ao jogo, pois quando sair para a versão PC já quero isso como deveria ter sido lançado e não esquartejado pelos "fatos" para fazer render o peixe...



29-10-14, 18:13
Dentiny, primeiro DLC demasiado caro.

Destiny’s first expansion pack, The Dark Below, is due to launch on the 9th of December, exactly three months after the base game launched. However, Bungie’s pricing model is raising some concerns amongst fans, the first expansion pack will set US customers back $19.99 and despite the exchange rate, it will also cost £19.99 in the UK as well.
In addition to the substantial cost, PS4 and PS3 buyers will be getting an extra strike mission while Xbox owners will have to pay the same price for less content. However, buyers will have known this going in as details surrounding Sony’s exclusivity deal for the game have been publicly available for some time.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/gamescom-2014-destiny-expansion-the-dark-below-com_hn3s.1920-e1414595636642.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/gamescom-2014-destiny-expansion-the-dark-below-com_hn3s.1920-e1414595636642.jpg)
The expansion will include some new weapons and gear, three more multiplayer PvP maps, a new raid mission and a new strike mission. The Light level cap will be raised to 32 and five new bounty slots will be added.
Playstation owners will be getting an extra strike mission called The Undying Mind. It’s not yet known if Bungie plans to address the complete lack of story in the base game and ultimately, this new expansion doesn’t sound like it has enough content to justify the high cost.

KitGuru Says: If you convert £19.99 back to US dollars, it works out as $32, so it is clear that UK customers are getting the short end of the stick. What do you guys think of this? Does the expansion appear to justify the high cost?


29-10-14, 18:18
32 aerios por um DLC? dasss, há jogos completos a custar menos, bem melhores do que o Destiny.

29-10-14, 18:20
É muito guito por um DLC :facepalm:

29-10-14, 18:58

Ass Rape mode... with no vaseline...

Espero ter essa merda toda quando sair a versão PC...



30-10-14, 12:22
Os jogadores de Destiny na Xbox One acabaram de ser lixados à grande. Pagam pelo DLC o mesmo que os que têm PS4, mas levam bem menos conteúdo.

On December 9, Bungie will release The Dark Below, a new expansion pack for Destiny. For $20, you'll get some new story missions, some multiplayer maps, a raid, and two new strikes. Unless you're on Xbox.

Yep, Sony's snagged themselves yet another Destiny exclusive: one of The Dark Below's strike missions—you know, the ones where you and two other players go through quasi-dungeons and take on powerful bosses—is only for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. Bungie says the exclusive is until "at least" fall of 2015, which means that for the next year at a minimum, Xbox players will miss out on a large chunk of The Dark Below.

That's on top of the already-PlayStation-exclusive Dust Palace strike, so if you're keeping track, by the second week of December, PlayStation owners will have eight strikes while Xbox players only have six. Of course, it's been clear for months now that Bungie has firmly sided with Sony in the battle for your living room, but that hasn't stopped Xbox fans from feeling ripped off. How can you blame them? They're paying the same amount of money as PlayStation players, yet getting less stuff.

It's yet another example of video game console warfare having a negative effect on the people who actually play games. Forum soldiers and fanboys might enjoy this sort of exclusivity nonsense, and it might help Sony's bottom line, but for Xbox owners who have been playing and enjoying Destiny, this is really shitty. (Similarly, Microsoft's timed exclusive deal for next year's Rise of the Tomb Raider has justifiably annoyed PlayStation fans who want to check out Lara Croft's next adventure.)

This all might not be as bad if The Dark Below was packed full o' things to do, but even with the PlayStation-exclusive strike, Destiny's first expansion isn't really all that meaty. Unless the new story missions add some variety to Destiny's vanilla "deploy ghost -> fight waves of enemies" structure, you're essentially paying $20 for a raid and two strikes, which makes it particularly aggravating that some people won't get one of those strikes (for at least a year) simply because they chose to play the game on the platform Bungie likes least.

Console exclusivity might have saved some developers' hides over the past few years—just ask the folks behind Titanfall—but this sort of practice is just going to breed more resentment in the people who play games, and who could blame them?

E a quantidade de conteúdo que está no disco do jogo, mas que foi bloqueado para sre vendido como DLC.
Não admira que os jogadores se tenham queixado de o jogo ter pouco para oferecer.


30-10-14, 16:32

05-11-14, 18:00
Destiny 2 a ser produzido.

Bungie and Activision have seen great success with the launch of Destiny. While reviews were fairly mixed, criticizing the title’s lack of story but praising the gameplay mechanics, it hasn’t stopped the game from garnering 9.5 million registered users to date and due to this commercial success, Destiny 2 is already in the works.
During Activision’s latest earnings report, around 9.5 million people are registered on Destiny, although the publisher does note that some users have more than one profile: “There’s a relationship to sell through, but it’s not exact as some people have more than one profile”.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/destiny-600x337.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/destiny-600x337.jpg)
Later on the publisher noted that “work has also begun on future expansion packs, as well as on our next full game release”, meaning that Destiny 2 is currently in the works.

Ver o resto da noticia complete em:

05-11-14, 18:06
Ainda nem terminaram o 1º e já estão a fazer o 2º..........

05-11-14, 19:41
Com o Destiny a desiludir nas notas e nas vendas, o resultado foi uma quebra de 17% nas acções da Activision.

Why Activision is Down 17% in a Month (http://www.firstadopter.com/2014/10/07/why-activision-is-down-17-in-a-month/)


06-11-14, 06:02
Grande rombo num mês...

09-11-14, 11:19
Bungie gives unwell gamer a one-of-a-kind gun in Destiny

Brittany Levasseur's husband has had seven brain surgeries over the last 12 months, where she took to Reddit to post about how their doctor recommended playing Destiny as a form of mental therapy. She wrote: "It's been a joy to watch him. It's been a little over a week, and the game's effect on him has been so strong. Weak for months, he is flourishing in more than just the game world. He has been going out more, doing chores, making jokes. The effect of playing the game on his mood has been almost staggering".

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41005_05_bungie_gives_unwell_gamer_a_one_of_a_kind _gun_in_destiny.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41005_05_bungie_gives_unwell_gamer_a_one_of_a_kind _gun_in_destiny_full.jpg)

Noticia completa em:

09-11-14, 19:24
Parece mesmo que o Destiny é o maior flop de 2014, com um monte de unidades por vender e muitas expectativas goradas.

Yahoo Finance - Activision’s Destiny: Huge Sales Disappointment vs. Expectations (https://finance.yahoo.com/tumblr/blog-activisions-destiny-is-a-huge-sales-disappointment-vs-202417346.html)

(A photo I took last weekend of Destiny games collecting dust at my local Best Buy)
An industry insider who used to work for one of the largest video-game companies in the world told me once the only reason a company will obfuscate and not give actual units sales for a title is because sell-through is lower than they expected. He said they received sell-through data in real-time from their retail partners.


Activision has been coy on actual unit sales of Destiny in recent weeks dribbling out pieces of information and metrics, but never telling us actual sales.
In the earnings press release couple days ago Activision said Destiny had 9.5 million registered users. At first blush this sounds impressive, but then they admitted during the conference call it included gamers who had multiple identities.
I did more research and discovered on both Xbox and Playstation as long as there is a primary Xbox Live Gold or PS Plus subscriber, any extra user accounts on the console can have access to premium subscription features like multi-player. In any household, it’s conceivable there are multiple “registered user” accounts on the console (kids, parents, gamers who want to use different names, etc.). Also the registered user number will double count when gamers trade-in their copy and the game gets re-sold and used. Consequently the 9.5 million registered users number tells us very little about actual total unit sales of the game.
A sell-side analyst asked directly for Destiny sell-through sales numbers on the earnings call and the Activision executive rambled and didn’t give an answer. Why is Activision being so coy and parsing out information? It’s because sales are way lower than what Wall Street was expecting.
On September 8, 2014 Merrill Lynch analyst Justin Post wrote “we estimate 13 million units in 2014” for Destiny sales. Two days laters Jefferies analyst Brian Pitz wrote “by year end, Destiny should sell-through over 15 million units without breaking a sweat.” SG Cowen analyst Doug Creutz on Destiny sales wrote “expect first year unit sales of 12-13 million units.”
In mid October, NPD released September U.S. videogame sell-through data. This information isn’t publicly available. However according to sources familiar with the matter Destiny unit sales had a 2 handle, which means less than 3 million units were sold. The U.S. market is roughly half the world’s console game market, so pro-rating the data means the game sold 5-6 million units.

(There has been 20-50% off sales at every major gaming retailer in the weeks after Destiny’s release. Another clue of sell-through issues)
Merrill Lynch says ”typically 70%..games sales are realized in the first month.” Gfk Chart-track releases sell-through data in the UK, which tends to correspond well with U.S. sales historically. They reported Destiny sales fell 78% w/w in week 2, fell 30% w/w in week 4, fell 44% w/w in week 5, and fell 22% w/w in week 6. Given the data above and the rapid decline in sales after the bad reviews came out at the end of the first week, Destiny total sell-through is probably currently around 7 million units and may not hit double-digits over the first year.
With Wall Street analysts expecting 13-15 million units sold “without breaking a sweat” a mid single digit millions sell-through number thus far is a huge disappointment. That’s the reason why Activision is playing games with the release of Destiny sales numbers.
Note: The strong September quarterly sales reported by Activision doesn’t mean as much because that is “sell-in” to retailers. The sell-through (actual games sold to gamers) is the most important metric.

18-11-14, 13:41
Destiny recebe update e inclui um novo DLC - 2.44GB

Bungie is currently pushing out a new patch for Destiny, bringing the open-world title up to version 1.0.3. The new patch has the developer baking in fan-requested features, such as a beta for voice chat when in the matchmaking screen. The full patch notes are available on Bungie's website (http://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=12398).

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41200_01_destiny_gets_updated_with_a_2_44gb_patch_ preparing_for_its_first_dlc.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41200_01_destiny_gets_updated_with_a_2_44gb_patch_ preparing_for_its_first_dlc_full.jpg)

The problem is, if you're playing Destiny, you're going to need to leave your game in order to download, and install the patch - something that weighs in at a very connection-straining 2.44GB. Bungie has released this patch, as the start of a series of updates that will end in the first DLC for Destiny, The Dark Below, being released on December 9.

Noticia completa:

06-12-14, 10:32
Bungie Explains Destiny Changes (http://www.hardocp.com/news/2014/12/05/bungie_explains_destiny_changes/)

The Bungie Weekly Update (http://www.bungie.net/7_Bungie-Weekly-Update---12042014/en/News/News?aid=12447) explains what has been added (and taken away) to the game and the reasons behind those decisions. There is also word on fixes for the connection issues that have been persistent since launch.

During the most recent Destiny Update, players noticed an increase in WASP errors. Power-cycling your router and maintaining a secure, wired connection are the best remedies. We know that this won’t always resolve the issue, and our team is actively investigating a solution. We’ll keep players up to date on our WASP page.


15-12-14, 06:41
Destiny players are being banned by Bungie for using modded consoles

Bungie issued a release (http://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=12465) this week, stating that "something else that deserves mention is that the BanHammer has been a-swingin'. A review of the bans applied over the last week shows that all of the affected accounts had logged into Destiny on a modified console at some point", asking their customers to "play nice! And use the boxes that your favorite retailer 'gave' you."

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41946_09_destiny-players-being-banned-bungie-modded-consoles.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41946_09_destiny-players-being-banned-bungie-modded-consoles_full.jpg)

Given this quote they didn't outright tell consumers to only use non-modified consoles, but it's certainly heavily implied. They made sure to mention this console issue after commenting on their BanHammer, saying that "ninja Justice is always swift and final".

There have been multiple recorded cases online of in-game cheats being used through the utilization of modded consoles and it seems like Bungie have had enough. If you're running a custom previous, or next gen console, you might want to steer clear of this game.

Noticia completa:

15-12-14, 10:05
E depois vem o pessoal das consolas dizer que o PC está cheio de cheaters e que nas consolas não há disso.

17-12-14, 21:05
Análise do DLC do Destiny: Destiny: The Dark Below - Análise (http://www.eurogamer.pt/articles/2014-12-17-destiny-the-dark-below-analise) - 6/10

PArece que nem com o DLC este jogo fica bom.

17-12-14, 21:47
Não bastava esta moda dos DLCs e Season Passes já ser o que, ainda conseguiram levar isso a todo um novo nível. Enfim, cada vez mais se desprazam os jogadores, os fãs, a comunidade.

23-12-14, 09:16
Destiny gamers have clocked up 99,523 years of in-game play time

Bungie has released some end of the year numbers for Destiny, showing off just how many gamers have pumped countless hours into the console exclusive. The developer has said "Staggering statistics aside. Destiny is more than a game of numbers. it's a world made of people... It's the human stories that lodge in our void-stained memories."

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42199_02_destiny-gamers-clocked-up-99-523-years-game-play-time.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42199_02_destiny-gamers-clocked-up-99-523-years-game-play-time_full.jpg)

Over the course of its launch, nearly 13 million players have played Destiny, for a total of 22.9 million guardians. When it comes to in-game time, Destiny gamers have spent an insane 875 million hours playing the game, a number that translates to 99,523 years. The developer has released some other bullet-pointed numbers, too:

In the span of time you have spent playing Destiny, the Curiosity Rover could have made the voyage to Mars more than one hundred thousand times
If the Guardians populating Destiny occupied a single city, it would be as large as New York City and Los Angeles, combined
Atheon has been shattered 2.4 Million times
At least a dozen of those kills were without cheese
Crota has been Ended 769 times, and rapidly counting


24-12-14, 14:43
Destiny has had just shy of 13 million players

Around 13 million people have played divisive online first-person shooter Destiny since its launch in September, developer Bungie has revealed.
That's 12,869,066 players to be exact, as of the end of last week, Bungie said in a Weekly Update (http://www.bungie.net/7_Bungie-End-of-Year-Update---2014/en/News/News?aid=12472). It'll be more now.
22,932,276 Guardians have been created, Bungie said. Guardians are the game's super soldier playable characters. You can make three per account.
Over 500 people are working on the game, its downloadable content and, of course, Destiny 2, Bungie added.
Other stats: Atheon, the boss of the Vault of Glass raid, has been defeated 2.4m times. Crota, the boss of the new Crota's End raid, has been defeated a paltry 769 times - but DLC The Dark Below only launched early in December.
Activision, which reportedly spent a whopping $500m getting Destiny off the ground, had high hopes for the game - but it has yet to announce an exact sales figure.
It has said it's the biggest new IP launch of all time, beating out Ubisoft's Watchdogs. Back in October Bungie said Destiny had 3.2 million daily players.
So, how does Destiny compare to gaming's other big hitters?
Well, an incredible 67 million people play MOBA League of Legends every month, according to developer Riot Games. 27 million play every day. It's the most played game in the world.
Valve's MOBA Dota 2, comfortably the most-played game on Steam, had 9.8 million unique players in the last month.
Perhaps a comparison with those games is unfair, as they're free-to-play and supported by microtransactions. Destiny is a full-price game and does not include any microtransactions as of yet.
<aside class="in-article-promo">
</aside> Activision is yet to offer updated sales or engagement figures for Call of Duty now Advanced Warfare is out in the wild. But in 2011, when the series what at its peak, it enjoyed 40 million monthly active users. That number will no doubt be lower now, but still comfortably ahead of Destiny as Activision's most popular game series.
MMO World of Warcraft has - at last count - over 10 million subscribers, a figure boosted by the recent release of expansion Warlords of Draenor.
During FIFA 15's first week on sale the football game surpassed 3.4 million unique players in one day - a record for the franchise, EA said. The company said nearly 50 per cent more players played FIFA 15 online compared to FIFA 14 last year.
Destiny's figures are dwarfed by Minecraft's. An incredible 17.6 million people bought the PC/Mac version of the game alone. In February developer Mojang revealed the sandbox had 100 million registered users. As of 10th October 2014, the game had sold approximately 60m copies across all platforms.
And this one, for good measure: DayZ creator Dean Hall told me recently the standalone version has enjoyed over three million players.
So there you have it. Destiny is undoubtedly doing well when it comes to player count, although it's got some way to go before it hits the heights of gaming's biggest series. And we're still waiting for a sales figure, Activision.


24-12-14, 14:52
Muita manipulação de números. Apenas referem quantos jogadores ligaram o jogo.

Mas quantas pessoas jogam frequentemente? Quantos jogadores ao mesmo tempo?
Qual o tempo médio de cada jogador? Estas e outras questões são bem importantes.

02-01-15, 18:35
Destiny’s potential DLC roadmap has leaked (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/destinys-potential-dlc-roadmap-has-leaked/)

A newly leaked image from what looks to be a Bungie meeting is doing the rounds on the Internet today, showing off what could be Destiny’s DLC roadmap for 2015. According to the leak, we can expect to see one major on-disc expansion titled ‘Comet: Plague of Darkness’.
Comet will be familiar to those who have followed Destiny as the expansion was mentioned in a leaked Bungie/Activision contract from 2012. The contract described Comet as a “major downloadable content expansion’, it looks like it will be launching on disc next year and may very well cost more than the smaller expansions we’ve seen so far- namely The Dark Below and House of Wolves, which is due to release in March.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/142020665036.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/142020665036.jpg)
Apparently Comet will include 12 new story missions in total, hopefully patching up the little story telling there was in the original base game. There will also be four new strikes, one new raid and six new PvP maps.
Over the next year of expansions, Destiny will also receive new sub-classes es and weapon types. A few months after Comet’s September release a fourth expansion will launch, currently titled ‘Forge of Gods’, although there are no hints as to what this expansion will include.
While this image surfaced very recently, it is in-fact a few months old. Bungie’s release plans may still change, given the fact that this was not supposed to be public knowledge at this stage. However, it does give us a good look at the game’s future.

Noticia completa:

07-01-15, 20:22
Bungie is sending out legendary weapons to Destiny players today (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/bungie-is-sending-out-legendary-weapons-to-destiny-players-today/)

Bungie’s Christmas gift to Destiny players has finally arrived as gamers start to receive legendary weapons from an ‘unknown benefactor’. Those of you that want to grab your legendary will have to visit the post master at the tower, where you will find a package waiting for you.
The legendary weapon is generated at random, so not everyone will receive the same thing, I ended up with a fairly powerful scout rifle myself. Bungie let players know that it would be sending out its gift earlier this week in a tweet, which said: “A small, but Legendary token of gratitude is being prepped for delivery later this week. We’ll let you know when to check the Postmaster.”
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/destiny-600x315-c.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/destiny-600x315-c.jpg)
If you end up hating your new weapon you can always trade it in for some ascendant energy.
Those of you who are still interested in Destiny and Bungie’s future expansion plans, then you can check out a leak of the DLC roadmap for 2015, HERE. (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/destinys-potential-dlc-roadmap-has-leaked/)


20-01-15, 14:16
Destiny gamer constructs a robot to grind for him, levels up overnight

Destiny has been super successful for Activision and Bungie (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/40136/destiny-hits-500m-in-sales-in-one-day-largest-game-franchise-launch/index.html), with the former company investing some $500 million into it (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/37531/bungie-s-destiny-could-top-gta-5-as-most-expensive-game-ever/index.html) before things even kicked off. Well, gamers across the world are addicted, but I think we just found one that takes the cake.


'yavin427' has constructed himself a "servomechanism" that make meleeing automated, while the character in Destiny stands in one place. This leaves Yavin with the ability to open up an early Ocean of Storms level on the moon, and just let the 'robot' have at it. Enemies will rush the character, while the bot either performs a melee attack, or shoots until it dies. Once it has died, it will reload the level to that checkpoint, and let the character do it all over again.


This leaves Yavin to sleep and level up, and once he wakes up he enjoys the higher level, and all of the glorious weapon drops and experience rewards, all while he rests. Yavin took to Reddit, where he wrote: "Woke up this morning to a brand new 20! Had about 3600 kills, and 900 deaths (lol), and like 50 green engrams. I started at level 16.5 yesterday afternoon, and reached 20 sometime while I was asleep. With the armor I had waiting for him he is now a 26. Seems to be getting anywhere from 15 to 215 exp per run, depending on timing".


20-01-15, 18:31
O jogo é tão mau que o pessoal prefere ter uma máquina a jogar por eles.......

20-01-15, 19:07
Este é talvez o jogo mais desapontante do ano.

20-01-15, 19:20

Esperava tanto do jogo... um mass effect + halo, e saiu... ...

Espero que os patchs e os dlc e toda a merda que foi cortada do jogo, seja introduzida na versão PC... Se eles têm planos a 10 anos, bem podem começar a dar corda aos sapatos e meter o jogo em condições...



20-01-15, 19:21
Tens de mudar o titulo desta thread. Este jogo não merece estar a ser comparado com o Mass Effect.

20-01-15, 19:23
Tens de mudar o titulo desta thread. Este jogo não merece estar a ser comparado com o Mass Effect.

Your wish is my command! :)



20-01-15, 19:28
O nosso supremo líder é o maior :thumbsup:

26-01-15, 21:34
Bungie talks plans to improve Destiny progression system in next expansion (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/bungie-talks-plans-to-improve-destiny-progression-system-in-next-expansion/)

Bungie has faced a lot of criticism since it launched its latest game, Destiny, last September. However, the development studio seems keen to correct all of its mistakes over the course of this year with a new set of expansions that will fix the progression system for those looking to hit the level cap and a huge September expansion that will add in many more story missions. (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/destinys-potential-dlc-roadmap-has-leaked/)While the story fixes won’t be hitting until September this year, progression system updates will be coming in the upcoming expansion, House of Wolves. Bungie Lead Designer, Luke Smith took to NeoGAF (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=148984121#post148984121) to say that the team won’t be making the same mistake twice when it comes to the reward economy, which saw a change up when The Dark Below released.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/House_of_Wolves_DLC-e1422298637674.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/House_of_Wolves_DLC-e1422298637674.jpg)
“We want fewer barriers to equipping upgrades. The shard economies erect these barriers between players and the new piece of gear they just got. We’re not intending to adjust the shard economy for this Tier — we don’t want to invalidate player effort (again). But removing the barrier between that new drop you’re excited to get and actually being able to equip it as a member of your arsenal are something we will do going forward.”

House Of Wolves will attempt to reduce the intense grind players face during Destiny’s end game, which mostly involves repeating strikes and raids for new gear, upgrade materials and strange coins to pick up exotics from Xur on the weekends.

Querem um bom jogo, então paguem pelo DLC....

04-02-15, 16:44
Destiny ‘House of Wolves’ expansion details leak (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/destiny-house-of-wolves-expansion-details-leak/)

A hefty amount of information on Bungie’s upcoming Destiny expansion, House of Wolves, leaked online this week, including the possible release date, along with new weapons and armor. A Reddit user managed to gain access to the hidden future content via an unknown method.
Apparently we can expect the House of Wolves expansion to unlock on the 19th of May, which is a Tuesday, fitting in with the game’s weekly reset and the launch of the first expansion, The Dark Below, back in December. The expansion’s description reads: “The Queen’s Fallen have purchased their freedom with Awoken blood. Hunt down the traitors and your debt to the Queen will be paid.”
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/destiny-house-of-wolves-expansion-details-possible-release-date-leak-142304055241-e1423061315677.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/destiny-house-of-wolves-expansion-details-possible-release-date-leak-142304055241-e1423061315677.jpg)
New story missions will make an appearance alongside a brand new raid. There will also be one new strike and three new multiplayer maps for the Crucible PvP mode. The leak confirms that this new raid will take place in ‘The Reef’ a currently non-explorable area in the game. However, prior to launch, we did see game footage of The Reef being a playable area, which did not appear in the final game.
Following the leak on Reddit, Bungie community manager, ‘DeeJ’, responded saying (https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/98258550/0/0): “What could it all mean? I know that rampant speculation will burn for a while on this topic. As you enjoy a conversation about the pearls of information that can be lifted from this, please bear a few things in mind…”
“1. Aside from giving it a name, Bungie has yet to reveal the House of Wolves. That means that anything you know about it can change. We have a team working on the experience in their own fancy room, and they have some exciting surprises up their sleeves. 2. We reserve the right to overwrite anything you’re looking at right now. These placeholder items enable us to save room on your drive for actual future updates. You’ll all download them before it’s time to play.”
“3. Any stats or assumptions about power or impact or handsomeness are months old, and do not reflect the things that we’re doing to adapt to what you’ve taught us about Destiny. There is a process here, and you’re a part of it. Leaks are fun. I totally get it. Please discuss to your heart’s content. All we ask is that you leave your mind open to the evolution that are inevitable. What you see here are very old ghosts from our pre-launch database. These are not necessarily the wolves you’re looking for.”
So there you have it, we have some early information on the House of Wolves expansion, although some details are subject to change between now and the May release date. Following on from the House of Wolves will be Destiny’s biggest expansion yet in September, which leaked a little while ago.


06-02-15, 17:56
Destiny’s House of Wolves add-on gets a launch window

In the latest “Bungie weekly update (https://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=12558)” Community manager David Dauge said that the second expansion for Destiny, the House of Wolves, is coming out sometime during the second quarter of this year, meaning anywhere from April 1st to June the 30th.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/House_of_Wolves_DLC-635x357.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/House_of_Wolves_DLC.jpg)
House of Wolves will launch in Q2, between April 1st – June 30th.

“We’re keeping all other details under wraps for now. There is a special team here that’s dedicated to creating some new ways for you to play Destiny. They’re also making the game you know a better reflection of what we’ve learned about you since you’ve started playing. While they do their thing, we’ll walk the fine line between making you a part of the process and providing them with a safe place to explore possibilities and do their best work.”

Earlier this week information about the House of Wolves expansion leaked in the form of a Reddit post (http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2umska/house_of_wolves_dlc_release_date_in_may_19/) where a Destiny player managed to dig up some in-game item details, such as new pieces of Crucible and Vanguard armor for the Warlock, Hunter and Titan classes, as well as a bunch of new guns and rocket launchers. Bungie pretty quickly stated that players should not get too carried away with the leaked House of Wolves details, and that any item details such as stats and the likes should be considered “placeholder (https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/98342603/0/0/1)“.
Seeing as Bungie yesterday announced the Q2 launch window one can assume they wanted to clear up any and all rumours , since among the leaked content there was a suggested release date for House of Wolves in the Reddit post, and it was the 19th of May.

From the previously mentioned Reddit post “I found a way to access part of “House of Wolves.” I was able to access vendor weapons, vendor armor, and part of the story.As a result of my analysis, I found that “House of Wolves” is set to unlock on 5/19/15. Furthermore, within the next 4 weeks, I believe a patch (1.0.9) will be released.”
Going back to the Bungie weekly update, David also stated that they were planning something for this fall, and in Bungie’s Original contract with Activision they were obligated to release a downloadable expansion, codenamed “Comet”, in between major Destiny game releases. Furthermore in a recent investor call, Activision referred to a “major content release coming in 2015″ for Destiny. So this could possible be quite a large expansion that’s coming this fall after we have gotten House of Wolves in Q2.



15-02-15, 14:50
Leaving Destiny Articles Annoy David Jaffe

David Jaffe is known throughout the gaming community for being a bit outspoken at times. He’s certainly caught a lot of criticism for comments he’s made in the past regarding other games he’s opened his mouth about. In fact, just perusing his Twitter account can reveal that he is indeed quite opinionated. This time about Destiny (https://twitter.com/davidscottjaffe/status/565890303073075200).
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/DestinyHate-635x344.jpg (http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/DestinyHate.jpg)
David Jaffe has recently expressed his displeasure over the frequent ‘why are people leaving Destiny articles. On David Jaffe’s twitter account (https://twitter.com/davidscottjaffe/status/565890303073075200), he’s posted comments that effectively dismiss anyone who has played Destiny for more than 100 hours and has become bored or feel as if a massively multiplayer game should continue to provide entertainment past a certain amount of hours of content.

He makes the logical assumption that if one were to play a game for more than 100 hours that it must be good. That isn’t always true. An addictive game isn’t always necessarily a good game. As with all addictions, a game may have a built in reward system that draws us to it due to instant gratification or something else entirely. We want to pick up the loot, we want more of whatever is offered by beating the newest update. That doesn’t necessarily mean its good by any means. It could even trigger an underlying addictive personality trait that’s not related to the game itself.
Most MMO’s seem to have continuous content that draw the fan base back to it. This content is designed to continually make money as well as generate interest in the game itself for old and new players alike. EVE Online seems to be able to remain interesting for more than 100 hours of gameplay. World of Warcraft seems to do the same as well. So it’s not a stretch to ask Destiny to do the same. But it doesn’t seem to.
I digress, I feel as if his thinking is flawed. Though I do agree that the prevalence of articles regarding leaving Destiny is a bit much. Does it truly matter why anyone leaves a game? To be honest, who cares? Play a game if you enjoy it and don’t play it if you don’t enjoy it. It’s a rather simple formula. But do we need articles telling us why you left Destiny?
For those that are unfamiliar, David Jaffe was the creative director for the God of War and Twisted Metal series of video games. He’s also the founder of two game studios, Eat Sleep Play which he left in 2012 to found another, The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency, which has just recently begun development on their first title, Drawn to Death (http://drawntodeath.com/en-us), a PlayStation 4 (http://wccftech.com/playstation-experience-top-11-videos/) exclusive title.


18-02-15, 16:25

O homem tem a sua razão!

18-02-15, 21:01

O homem tem a sua razão!

Claro que tem...

Não á novidades ainda para a versão PC desta trampa?



18-02-15, 21:19
Pessoalmente, depois de tudo o que se viu do jogo, acho que nem vale a pena que o lancem para o PC.
Já temos muitos bons jogos na plataforma, vários exclusivos e não precisamos de um jogo que é na melhor das hipóteses mediano.
Tendo em conta o lag, o grind, a falta de conteúdo, até se pode afirmar que é um jogo medíocre. Mas como está nas consolas e o padrão nestas plataformas é tão baixo, acaba por parecer ser melhor do que o que é.

18-02-15, 21:27
Deixa-o lá estar nas consolas, não é preciso mais jogos miseráveis no PC.

21-02-15, 15:01
Never Trust a Stranger, Young Destiny Player Learns It the Hard Way

The PS4 has the cool feature that you virtually can hand over your controller to another player to get help with a tricky situation that you can’t handle yourself – but you should be sure to trust the person you share with.
A young player Destiny player learned this the hard way as he lost two of his characters and the last exotic weapon from his third character when sharing with a stranger over the internet.
The player’s mother tells that one of the members of the young man’s clan invited KirmitTHEfrog and another person into a party. They played together for a while, and it was after earning his trust on February 13, that the events of the video below unfolded. The young man handed the controller over via Share Play expecting that the other user would help him uncover a glitch to boost his character, but he was betrayed by his young age and naivety.


The good thing is, it’s just a game and the young man won’t really have any consequences from this experience, except that he probably won’t trust a stranger so easy a second time. A good lesson learned the hard way.
Thanks to N4G (http://n4g.com/news/1675301/young-destiny-player-gets-a-harsh-lesson-in-using-ps4-share-play) for providing us with this information


21-02-15, 21:30
Destiny's Gjallarhorn Made Out Of LEGO (http://www.hardocp.com/news/2015/02/20/destinys_gjallarhorn_made_out_lego/)

This is pretty bad ass (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoznfLiS_x4). For those of you that play Destiny, this could be the easiest way to actually get a Gjallarhorn. http://www.hardocp.com/images/smiley/biggrin.gif



26-02-15, 21:32
Destiny leak shows The Reef as a new social area (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/destiny-leak-shows-the-reef-as-a-new-social-area/)

It looks like Destiny is going to get a new social area in the upcoming House of Wolves expansion DLC, if these newly leaked screenshots are anything to go by. We know that the Reef was once a playable area at one point in development and previous rumors have hinted at the Reef becoming a new social area and a change of scenery from the Tower.
A map setting for the location has been spotted in the game, with screenshots landing on Reddit. The leaks come from Reddit user, megamanexe4, (http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2x7c55/misc_access_to_house_of_wolves_111spoilers/) who previously leaked a long list of details pertaining to the House of Wolves expansion pack (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/destiny-house-of-wolves-expansion-details-leak/), mentioning new guns and missions.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/RMTUsLs-e1424983314721.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/RMTUsLs-e1424983314721.jpg)
The Reef is going to play a big role in the upcoming House of Wolves DLC as the primary focus is going to be on The Queen. The upcoming raid for the expansion is also expected to take place on The Reef.
A new level 30 story mission and a level 28 strike have also been spotted for The Moon, rewards include an armor upgrade and XP. Bungie has not given a release date for House of Wolves yet but the rumored release date is currently the 19th of May.


06-03-15, 22:39
Destiny: Six Years in the Making - GDC 2015 (http://www.gamespot.com/videos/destiny-six-years-in-the-making-gdc-2015/2300-6423668/)
É uma apresentação interessante sobre a parte técnica do jogo. Começa aos 8:00 minutos.

10-03-15, 16:04
Lone Player Kills Crota, Destiny’s Hardest Boss, With no Guns

Crota, the toughest boss in Bungie’s first-person shooter Destiny, is a difficult enough raid with a team. The typical tactic for Crota’s End is to bombard the enemy with rockets while one player grabs a sword with which to attack Crota when he becomes vulnerable. For a lone player to do it, without firing a single bullet? Astounding!


The solo raid was completed by redditor Sunshadowr (http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2yd2me/mediasoloing_crotas_end_no_guns/), otherwise known as The HM05 on Destiny. For those interested in watching the entire bullet-less raid, including Deathslinger, Bridge, and Abyss, can find further videos at the above reddit link.


31-03-15, 22:24
How Much Has 'Destiny' Been Held Back By Xbox 360 And PS3? (http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2015/03/30/how-much-has-destiny-been-held-back-by-xbox-360-and-ps3/)

This past weekend, Bungie announced that they were adding in a popular feature that Destiny fans have been requesting practically since launch, larger vault sizes for item storage (https://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=12707). Even though a relatively small percentage of players have full or almost full vaults, Bungie realizes it’s still one of the most sought-after additions to the game, so they’re trying to oblige.But now we’re getting a look at why it might have taken so long to implement. In explaining how the new vaults will expand from 20 to 24 (for armor and items) or 20 to 36 (for weapon hoarders), Bungie revealed that a sacrifice has to be made on the last-gen versions of the game.
“We had a choice, leave the Vault as-is, or find some kind of compromise to enable it safely,” said Bungie’s Brad Fish, engineering lead for UI. “We weighed the options, with player feedback in mind, and decided to move forward with the expansion by disabling the item comparison feature within the Vault on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.”
Item comparisons are helpful in most RPGs, but I seldom see them used all that much in Destiny, so perhaps the 360 and PS3 versions won’t miss them. But I think this raises an interesting question about the game as a whole, and what else has been held back because of PS3 and Xbox 360′s limitations.
As a games journalist elitist with a PS4 and an Xbox One, I often fail to remember just how much of the market is still on last-gen consoles. Yes, PS4 has sold 20 million units and Xbox One isn’t all that far behind that, but in total, the last-gen systems of PS3 and 360 have sold ~80 million units each. Even if some of those are broken or in Gamestop basements somewhere, it’s still a dominant portion of the market, and why for the first year or two after the launch of a new console, we still see last-gen versions of games developed frequently.
It is, in part, some of the reason that games developed near the end of a console’s lifecycle can be dramatically more impressive than early releases. Yes, developers managed to squeeze every inch of power out of the system which helps, but also most no longer have to worry about any constraints of the last-gen. And regardless of when they were released, many of the most impressive, memorable, enormous games of the last console generation were only for that generation. Gears of War, Halo 3, Uncharted, BioShock, etc, were not concerned with last-gen compatibility, even when systems like the PS2 also had a huge existing install base. That has changed significantly.
Sometimes, it’s not all that big of a deal. We see it in a series like Call of Duty, where at launch, Ghosts was an upconverted title from last-gen, while the following year, Advanced Warfare was downconverted for older consoles. Certainly AW was a more advanced game that its predecessor (no pun intended), but the difference wasn’t thatstark, given the relatively linear nature of COD campaigns, and boxed-in multiplayer maps.

But where we do see this manifest most prominently is in a game like Destiny. Even though Destiny is an inarguable success by this point (no matter how loudly naysayers may disagree), there was a period of surprise and disappointment around launch when players realized the game they envisioned in their heads was different than the one they were getting. They were told tales of enormous planets to explore, but instead, they got a handful of “zones” locked into very specific regions of the map. It was open world-”ish” but definitely not what players had in mind. Past that, even if some of the spaces are sprawling, they’re empty, devoid of much else besides random pockets of enemies that turn into larger pockets of enemies if you’re rolling through the area on a specific mission. Overall, Destiny was a lot smaller and emptier than most imagined it would be.
This new storage space issue reinforces the idea that many aspects of Destiny have been limited by the game trying to contort itself to work on last-gen consoles. If storage space on vaults couldn’t even be increased without hacking something off the PS3/360 versions, it’s certainly the case that map size and depth was limited by similar kinds of restrictions.
This isn’t meant to be a “this is why Destiny sucks” observation, however. If anything, it makes me hopeful for the future of the franchise, as things can only go up from here.
According a leaked schedule, Destiny will spend the next year and a half churning out more content for the first game, before releasing a sequel in fall 2016. A two year development cycle filled with last-game DLC seems relatively short for a game like Destiny, so I have my doubts about that schedule’s accuracy. If anything, I think it’s going to be three or four years before Destiny 2, but the good news is that by that point, last-gen will be a much less prominent consideration, if the game even comes out for 360 and PS3 at all. That may disappoint some players, but it’s a somewhat reasonable expectation that many will have upgraded by that point.
That will free up Destiny, in theory, to be what it was always meant to be, a sprawling experience about exploration through much larger areas filled with hopefully more than empty space and scattered enemies. Right now, the game has limited itself for many reasons, but one of the biggest ones is last-gen consoles. Free of that restriction, the possibilities are endless.
When Xbox One makes a game a generational exclusive, we get Sunset Overdrive. When PS4 does it, we get Bloodborne. Many of the best games of this generation are ones that don’t feel the need to anchor themselves to the past, and I think we’re going to be able to put Destiny in that category someday.

E agora basta pensar no quanto o PC fica limitado pelas consolas, ano após ano.............

01-04-15, 09:41
Destiny gameplay designer moves to Bethesda (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/destiny-gameplay-designer-moves-to-bethesda/)

Destiny has been out for a while now. It has sold enough copies and has enough regular players to be considered a success and a new expansion is expected to release very soon. However, Bungie’s senior gameplay designer for the game has just left for Bethesda.
Josh Hamrick, senior gameplay designer on Destiny has been picked up by Bethesda. There is no word on what he is working on though, which makes sense as Bethesda hasn’t announced any upcoming projects yet.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/destiny-600x337.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/destiny-600x337.jpg)
The move was confirmed by Pete Hines and Josh Hamrick on Twitter. Hamrick has worked at Bungie for six years and joined while it was still working on Halo games.
Aside from the recent hire, Bethesda has its own press conference coming up at E3 in June, where it will hopefully announce some games and let us know what it has been working on since Skyrim and the other games it helped publish.


04-04-15, 13:58
Destiny’s next expansion will have a release date soon (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/destinys-next-expansion-will-have-a-release-date-soon/)

Destiny has been out for quite some time and while two expansions for the game were announced last year as part of a ‘expansion pass’, so far, we’ve only seen the launch of The Dark Below. Over the last few months, we have seen tons of leaks and rumors pertaining to the second expansion for Destiny, titled ‘House of Wolves’ but Bungie has been quiet on a release date.
However, in a weekly update (https://www.bungie.net/7_Bungie-Weekly-Update--04022015/en/News/News?aid=12738), the studio finally spoke up, stating that the release date for House of Wolves will be announced this month, which probably means that it will come out some time in May, as previous rumors suggested: “This week at Bungie, we’re dancing ever closer to the House of Wolves.”
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/House_of_Wolves_DLC-e1428077359544.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/House_of_Wolves_DLC-e1428077359544.jpg)
“The next expansion for Destiny is something we’re really looking forward to talking about. This month, there will come a day when we’ll reveal a release date for the trials that await you, with a whole reef of details soon to follow–but it is not this day.”
House of Wolves will launch at $20/£20 just like The Dark Below did. The level cap will be raised and we will see new story missions, a new raid, new maps for the Crucible and a lot of new weapons and armor. Following House of Wolves, we will probably hear more about the third expansion, which is tipped to be huge.


14-04-15, 07:42
Destiny's House of Wolves DLC arrives on May 19

Destiny players will have something to celebrate next month, with Bungie and Activision set to launch the game's second expansion pack: House of Wolves.


Activision announced the news with a note to the world this morning, showing off a new trailer to the House of Wolves expansion, which we've embedded above.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/4/44568_04_destinys-house-wolves-dlc-arrives-19.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/4/44568_04_destinys-house-wolves-dlc-arrives-19_full.jpg)


24-04-15, 16:18
Man Builds Destiny Suros Rifle Entirely From Lego

What do you do when you’ve got a lot of spare time, a huge amount of Lego pieces and love for a computer game? You recreate one of its most popular weapons in exquisite detail of course! At least, that’s what Nick Brick did, as he’s just finished up a fantastic replica of the Suros Regime exotic auto rifle from Bungies popular MMOFPS, Destiny.
This must have taken a fair amount of time to complete and no doubt a lot of searching through Lego boxes for the right parts for the job.
The gun comes complete with a removable magazine, as well as a light up ammo counter in the back, a movable trigger and a charging handle, meaning it’s completely practical to play with when you want to run around with it and make pretend gun noises.
Nick is no stranger to fantastic Lego creations and you can check out his other work on his Flickr album (https://www.flickr.com/photos/nickjensen/sets/72157633567879262), such as this stunning BR55 Rifle from Halo 2 Aniversary (see below).
If you could recreate any gun from any game and had unlimited Lego (and time) to complete it, which one would you choose? I think I would have to go with the Mako Cannon from FFVII, although perhaps not on a 1:1 scale!


24-06-15, 20:00
Destiny players to get extra content this year when PS4 DLC hits Xbox (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/destiny-players-to-get-extra-content-this-year-when-ps4-dlc-hits-xbox/)

If any of you have been following or even playing Destiny since its launch last year, then you know that Sony has an extensive deal with Bungie and Activision to bring exclusive content to the PlayStation platform. Fortunately for everyone else, this content is timed exclusive so Xbox players will be getting a few extra maps, missions and vehicles in a few months.
Once the Sony barrier has been lifted on this content, Bungie has plans to bring out a little extra for all players. Bungie wants to reward early adopters of the game who played during its first year, ahead of the release of its third expansion ‘The Taken King’ in September.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Destiny-PS4-and-PS3-Boxarts-Revealed-600x300.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Destiny-PS4-and-PS3-Boxarts-Revealed-600x300.jpg)
During an interview with Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-06-24-destiny-extra-content-for-all-platforms-when-sony-timed-exclusives-launch-on-xbox), Bungie’s Luke Smith said:
“The previously Sony-exclusive strikes will be available this autumn on Xbox. But we’re not just re-issuing them. We’re also refreshing them completely with the Taken. We want you to experience The Undying Mind completely as it was with the Vex, and also in a Taken-ified version. We wanted to make it feel like more than last year’s model.”
“So Xbox players can play last year’s model and, as a community, Destiny fans can play through the new versions together and figure them out”.
So Destiny players will have some new content to look forward to around September time. However, it is possible that Sony will renew its timed exclusive deal with Bungie for the next year, meaning future expansions will have yet more exclusive PS4 content, that Xbox players will then have to wait a year to get their hands on.


25-06-15, 13:40
Destiny and Red Bull marketing plan leaked - paying gamers to be nice

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<article id="main-content"><header>Destiny and Red Bull marketing plan leaked - paying gamers to be niceRed Bull and Destiny marketing document leaked, 300+ community members enticed to play nice
By: Chris Smith (http://www.tweaktown.com/author/Chris-Smith/index.html) | Gaming News (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/gaming/index.html) | Posted: 7 hours, 8 mins ago
Comment (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/46109/destiny-red-bull-marketing-plan-leaked-paying-gamers-nice/index.html#comment) | Email to a Friend | Font Size: AA


</header><article><center style="clear:both;margin:30px 0"></center>With this leak shared on popular image website Imgur (http://imgur.com/a/mhSNp) by a user named AgriosEndendros (http://imgur.com/user/AgriosEndendros), depicted is the then-proposed Red Bull and Destiny partnership for 2015.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46109_052_destiny-red-bull-marketing-plan-leaked-paying-gamers-nice.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46109_052_destiny-red-bull-marketing-plan-leaked-paying-gamers-nice_full.jpg)

What you're reading here is the plan to ensure gamers must purchase specialty Red Bull cans in order to unlock 30 minute windows of XP gain and a new Destiny mission, which we shared news on recently (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/46105/destiny-requires-specialty-red-bull-purchase-unlock-quest/index.html). Want more bonus XP? You're going to need to buy another can.

An interesting part of this leaked document is slide number 5, which is about the "360* Marketing Campaign" and outlines the fact that there has been "300+ Opinion leader Kits seeded." In non-marketing terms, this means that people who are likely of strong opinions or influence (often people ranked high on the social or online ladder) have been sent some special information and possibly compensation in order to ensure they are always positive about this campaign.

Also shared in this Reddit thread (http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/3axt4p/destiny_has_an_exclusive_mission_for_red_bull/) by user ecto88mph (http://www.reddit.com/user/ecto88mph), it opened the eyes of a Destiny follower; "Wow that would explain the people blindly defending this crap".

Coming from a marketing background, it's not too uncommon to see company representatives 'play nice' with 'highly ranked' people in target communities, but it's not often that information like this is leaked.

As pointed out in our last story on this topic (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/46105/destiny-requires-specialty-red-bull-purchase-unlock-quest/index.html), it looks like Greentext memes are becoming a harsh reality.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46109_051_destiny-red-bull-marketing-plan-leaked-paying-gamers-nice.png (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46109_051_destiny-red-bull-marketing-plan-leaked-paying-gamers-nice_full.png)



03-07-15, 17:56
Destiny Had Professionally Written Jokes, Didn’t Use Any of Them

Did you know that Destiny was supposed to include professionally written, knee-slapping jokes? Neither did we, but apparently cleverly written quips that should have provided some much needed comedic relief to an overly serious partner, Ghost.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/destiny-intrusion-ghost-shell-635x335.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/destiny-intrusion-ghost-shell.jpg)
Lines were written by David Cross and Brian Posehn to instill a little humor into Destiny’s ubiquitous companion. Well before the release of Destiny, two great comedians were invited to take a look at a pre-release version of Destiny to play it and concoct a few jokes for Ghost along the way. David Cross, who plays Tobias Fünke in Arrested Development, talked to IGN (http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/07/01/david-cross-discusses-efforts-to-make-ghost-funny-in-destiny) about his involvement.

“Brian Posehn and I got asked and jumped at the chance. We were flown up to Bellevue, Washington to do a punch-up on the Ghost character in Destiny about a year ago. We were both very excited about it. They did not use a single, solitary thing that we wrote, which is a shame because we wrote some stuff that – you know, we’re gamers, and they… – I would imagine somebody somewhere said, ‘We can’t inject this levity or humour into it.'”
– David Cross

Unfortunately none of those jokes were included in the final build, so Ghost instead took on a very droll personality instead. Most of the jokes, according to David Cross, were homages to gamers and their trade, witty remarks and puns that made light of the overall serious nature of Destiny.

“Some of it was self-reverential. And it was just stuff that was making us laugh. We were in a room, we’d play a lot, and some of it was winking to gamers.”
– David Cross
Destiny can certainly be a very serious game, far more than most I’ve played. But Ghost especially has a propensity to be very dry. Do you guys think that Ghost could use a bit more liveliness to his monotone nature?


16-07-15, 16:12
Bungie hires on Destiny subreddit mod as community manger (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/development/jon-martindale/bungie-hires-on-destiny-subreddit-mod-as-community-manger/)

While games development itself is a tricky business, managing the mammoth communities that can form around them can be even harder. That’s especially so if you’re running an MMO, with ever evolving content, meta games and player numbers, so keeping your ear in to the ground is important. That’s why Bungie has decided to augment its Destiny team with someone that’s already showed a lot of love for the game and its players, by naming the Destiny subreddit creator as the game’s community manager.
Chris ‘Cozmo23’ Shannon has been running he Destiny subreddit for some time now, but will now be teaming up with long time Bungie community lead, David “Deej” Dague, who said that the pair would operate as a team. Together they’ll be responsible for not only helping out players in the game who have issues, but also managing things like the Destiny website and forums.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/destiny23.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/destiny23.jpg)
“Bungie.net is visited by millions of unique visitors,” said Dague. “Our forum is a fountain of feedback, insights, and creativity. When it comes to acknowledging the important things you say or celebrating the awesome things you do, we barely scratch the surface.”
It’s those expanded communities of smaller forums and groups that Shannon wants to make sure get a look in with Bungie, helping them to feel as appreciated and as in the developers’ thoughts as possible.


24-07-15, 17:02
This Destiny Titan figure is a work of art

As a staunch supporter of Destiny's Titan class (Defenders do it best!), I get excited at the prospect of modeling an incredibly detailed miniature version of my in-game character on my desk...or shelf...or anywhere else.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46578_2_destiny-titan-immortalized-figure-form.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46578_2_destiny-titan-immortalized-figure-form_full.jpg)

But where are all the Destiny action figures? Halo has a ton of them, made by McFarlane Toys no less. What about Bungie's newest shooter? Bambaland has answered the call with their gorgeous new Titan action figure (http://www.worldofthreea.com/threea-production-blog/r01e98zn5zaedwh04d6ln8bzg4whs8) that features all the articulation, detail, and eye-catching glory you'd expect from a proper Light-infused space hero.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46578_4_destiny-titan-immortalized-figure-form.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46578_4_destiny-titan-immortalized-figure-form_full.jpg)

The only catch is that it's $190. Well the one that comes with the Hawkmoon is $190, maybe the basic retail versions are a little cheaper. At that price range it's clear that the figure is meant to be a handsome bounty sitting atop a collector's shelf of prized valuables. Most of us don't plan to buy it, but it doesn't hurt to window shop. So let's take a closer look, shall we?

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46578_3_destiny-titan-immortalized-figure-form.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46578_3_destiny-titan-immortalized-figure-form_full.jpg)

The Titan is 1/6th scale, checking in at 12.6 inches with over 24 points of articulation. Featuring two sets of interchangeable hands, you can swap different weapon sets on-the-fly. Speaking of weapons the Titan ships with scaled high-detailed replicas of real in-game weapons including the Shadow Price AR (my personal go-to gun), the Felwinter's Lie shotgun and the Zombie Apocalypse WF47 heavy.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46578_1_destiny-titan-immortalized-figure-form.png (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46578_1_destiny-titan-immortalized-figure-form_full.png)

These special edition figures go on pre-order starting July 31st, and you can check this list (http://www.worldofthreea.com/3astockists/) of retailers for more info. In other higher-priced geekwear, for just $150 you can snag an official wearable Mega Man helmet (http://www.capcom-unity.com/brelston/blog/2015/07/22/mega-man-wearable-helmet---new-pics-and-details) and relive your favorite childhood memories as an 8-bit hero. It's never cheap being a nerd.


Read more at http://www.tweaktown.com/news/46578/destiny-titan-figure-work-art/index.html

27-07-15, 19:12
Your Destiny Guardian will be supported for next decade

Bungie has a long-term plan for Destiny, and gamers will be able to support their current Guardian for quite some time. It turns out, with Bungie's current 10-year support plan, gamers may not need to make a new character - or switch - anytime soon.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46670_01_destiny-guardian-supported-next-decade.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46670_01_destiny-guardian-supported-next-decade_full.jpg)

"We certainly take it seriously that Destiny is a ten-year thing," said Luke Timmins, engineering lead for the Destiny video game, in a statement to GamesRadar. "It's a long-term thing and with these adventures that we're adding my contract to you - and any player - is that your Guardian will always be there. We're going to keep adding new stuff for you to do and I'd hope you'll look at The Taken King and be like, 'I'm looking forward to logging on again and hooking friends online.'"

Destiny: The Taken King is scheduled for launch on September 15, and it looks like Bungie plans to support your characters for a while. The expansion will be available for $40. In addition, it looks like Bungie is already working on a new "upcoming title," so Destiny fans will be quite busy.


31-07-15, 17:18
Destiny: The Taken King's game zone is a cyclopean Hive ship

In Bungie's most recent Weekly Update (https://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=13316) the developers take us on a tour of the Hive Dreadnaught--that vast starship made of graves, shadows and woe that serves as the major game zone for Destiny's new The Taken King (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/The_Taken_King) expansion.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_1_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_1_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface_full.jpg)

The studio takes us into the Dreanaught, a massive Hive interstellar cruiser that resembles a sort of lunatic conjunction of John Berkey and H.R. Giger; it's all wicked spikes and cruel black steel forged with a queer Borg-like symmetry...and it's very hard to look away.

The Dreadnaught will not only be a pivotal focal point for The Taken King's campaign story, the cyclopean flagship will be one of the game's new zones and feature Public Events, Patrol Missions, and Bounties. "The Dreadnaught is a major centerpiece of The Taken War, a progression that extends well beyond the traditional storyline, and will provide new ground to explore and Patrol. In that regard, like The Taken King itself, it represents a big leap forward."

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_2_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_2_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface_full.jpg)
http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_2_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface.jpgimage: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_3_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_3_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface_full.jpg)

As someone who was absolutely entranced by my first visit to Hive-infested bowels of the Moon, this new wave of art resonates quite keenly with my sense of macabre wonder. The style brings to mind ghastly interstellar phantoms fed by nightmares and a poisonous, vile Darkness, with shadows lurking at every corner. It's as if the ship itself is living tomb, haunted by monsters who wish to slake their thirst on your Light.but even still you dare to explore, because you have to see. You have to know.

Apparently that's the exact kind of feel that Bungie was going for with the new Dreadnaught ship.

"It was important to us that you would feel the scale as you moved through the hulls of the Dreadnaught, never sure about what to expect as large spaces condensed to claustrophobic tunnels before revealing entirely new areas of the ship," Bungie Senior Artist Andrew Hopps elaborated.

"A sense of wonder about the unknown is what drove a lot of the spatial design. It was an incredibly fun challenge to find the right balance between a mysterious tomb ship and the flagship for the Taken fleet - to capture the idea of this unfathomable threat, a monstrous spaceship captained by the Taken King, yet filled with vast caverns and unknown passages."

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_5_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_5_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface_full.jpg)
http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_5_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface.jpgimage: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_7_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_7_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface_full.jpg)
http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_7_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface.jpgimage: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_10_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_10_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface_full.jpg)
http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_10_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface.jpgimage: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_13_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46799_13_destiny-new-taken-king-screens-art-surface_full.jpg)

Intent on keeping players coming back for more, Bungie affirms that the colossal darkship will have plenty of secrets hidden in its dark depths. Bosses and treasure troves await for the bravest of Guardians, including Darkblade, a towering behemoth that will terrorize its prey in the Dreadnaught's featured Echo Chamber Strike mission (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Echo_Chamber).

The Hive ship wasn't always this fearsome. In fact it was originally designed to be an "inscrutable loot-filled fortress". "Way back during the planning of the Dreadnaught's design, Luke Smith challenged us to create 'an inscrutable loot-filled fortress'," Bungie Designer Ben Wommack revealed. "That challenge was an awesome piece of direction, and went a long way towards inspiring our efforts. We had an opportunity to improve upon the design of our worlds in Destiny, and the results are evidence of how excited this made us."

The Taken King will be a major Destiny expansion that adds a slew of new content that matches the game's original retail release. Additions include three new subclasses for each class (Titan Sunbreakers (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Sunbreaker), Warlock Stormcallers (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Stormcaller), and Hunter Nightstalkers (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Nightstalker)) along with three new Crucible maps (four for PS gamers), a new Strike exclusive to PS gamers, a Dreadnaught Raid (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Dreadnaught_Raid) that features a climactic battle against the Hive-god Oryx, as well as a slew of story missions, bounties, patrol missions and of course new Legendary and Exotic loot.

Destiny's The Taken King expansion is slated to release on September 15, 2015 and Bungie has made plans to take us on a tour of this eldritch fane of a spaceship sometime soon on Twitch.


31-07-15, 19:19
Bungie drops ban hammer on hundreds of Destiny cheaters

<center style="margin-bottom:10px"></center><article id="main-content">
<article><center style="clear:both;margin:30px 0"></center>Bungie dropped the banhammer down on hundreds of people cheating in Destiny, with the Security Response Team booting people off of Crucible PvP.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46801_01_bungie-drops-ban-hammer-hundreds-destiny-cheaters.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46801_01_bungie-drops-ban-hammer-hundreds-destiny-cheaters_full.jpg)

Specifically, the latest round of banned players were responsible for "manipulating network traffic," and Bungie would prefer players not even know what that means - saying "we love you. Never change."

"We're committed to protecting Destiny against cheaters," Bungie noted. "Enjoy your game. Just play it fair. That's all we ask. Short of your own commitment to honor, we'll take action ourselves. It's not a think we enjoy doing - and certainly something we'll never quantify or describe in agonizing detail. The damned shall remain anonymous - their nefarious actions a mystery."

For those of you detecting rather suspicious gameplay, feel free use in-game reporting tools to let Bungie know.



05-08-15, 07:32
Could We See Destiny On PC in the Near Future?

Bungie just might be looking to bring Destiny to the PC in the near future. A job opportunity opened up on their website for a PC compatibility tester (https://www.bungie.net/en/AboutUs#page=careers&job=13303).
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Mars_blind-watch_skirmish_01-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Mars_blind-watch_skirmish_01.jpg)
Much later now, could Destiny find a home on the PC?Normally this could be taken as just a company with turn-over looking to fill a position. This is far more significant due to the platform they currently develop for and the only game they’re supporting. Destiny has seen a mixed reaction that seems to surge from either loving it completely or hating it with a passion. The lack of a PC version for what is certainly well suited for the platform was not taken kindly.
But now it appears that they are doing one of two things; either looking to finally bring Destiny over to the PC, or they’re looking to get into PC development with something completely new. They would be remiss to completely ignore their PC roots, and in this case the large scale MMO of Destiny could potentially thrive quite well if given enough care.

But more than that, it might be possible for Bungie to be looking to take advantage of the significance of remastering older titles. They don’t have quite the past catalogue that he likes of Rare or others have, but if they could secure the rights to Oni or even Myth once again, the seminal titles of the burgeoning company, that too might do well. Though remasters seem to also garner mixed reactions, it’s sometimes nice to at least have older games playable on new hardware and operating systems regardless of whether they’re completely remastered.
But would Destiny be too little too late by coming to the PC? Would even an expanded game with much more content to take advantage of the power (and storage) of the PC be enough to revive a controversial franchise?


05-08-15, 11:27
Quando saiu o Destiny tive quase quase para comprar a PS4 apenas para jogar este título...

Depois saíram as reviews e a história era muito escassa para o que tinha sido prometido...
Actualmente já saíram algumas expansões que estão a compor a coisa... e sinceramente espero que este jogo venha mesmo para o PC...

Sempre foi um jogo que gostei do que vi, gostei do conceito e da história e o mistério que tem...

Vamos a ver...



10-08-15, 13:42
Xbox boss has pumped over 300 hours into Destiny

Phil Spencer, the chief of Xbox, has pumped some serious hours into Destiny. Another Xbox executive, Mike Ybarra, posted an image of Spencer's Xbox Live profile, showing that Spencer had played 346 hours of Destiny.

These 346 hours in Destiny were up to August 8, with Spencer using a level 34 Titan and level 13 Hunter. With Destiny launching not even a year ago, he's averaging an hour a day in Destiny, which is a considerable amount of time for someone as important and busy as the head of Xbox.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46960_06_xbox-boss-pumped-over-300-hours-destiny.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46960_06_xbox-boss-pumped-over-300-hours-destiny_full.jpg)


14-08-15, 13:39
Destiny: Xur is selling Gjallarhorn for the weekend

Starting today Destiny's mysterious interstellar merchant is selling one of the best exotic-class items in the game--the highly covered Gjallarhorn (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Gjallarhorn).

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47044_5_destinys-xur-selling-gjallarhorn-weekened.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47044_5_destinys-xur-selling-gjallarhorn-weekened_full.jpg)

From now until Sunday morning Destiny players can pick up the infamously powerful Gjallarhorn for a pittance of 17 Strange Coins from Xur. This week the Agent can be found in the upper rightmost section of the Tower, in the barroom corner between the Shipwright and the Future War Cult vendor.

Up until now the Gjallarhorn rocket launcher has been an item that's had a supremely mystical quality about it. Every Guardian wants one--it's even argued that every Guardian needs one when facing the atrociously difficult Level 35 Prison of Elders boss Qodron. After weeks and weeks of lackluster rolls and common exotics that everyone already has or doesn't need, Bungie decides to just give Destiny players an early Christmas present and finally cave in to the demands.

Also if you happen to be in the market for an Insurmountable Skullfort (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/An_Insurmountable_Skullfort), Light Beyond Nemesis (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Light_Beyond_Nemesis) or Achlyophage Symbiote (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Achlyophage_Symbiote), Xur has some amazing stat rolls on all three. But make sure you buy the Gjallarhorn first...unless you have coins for days.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47044_7_destiny-xur-selling-gjallarhorn-weekened.png (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47044_7_destiny-xur-selling-gjallarhorn-weekened_full.png)

In celebration of the event the official Destiny Reddit community has made it "rain" Gjallarhorns in their banner, and even make the default mouse pointer into a Gjally.


23-08-15, 13:42
Could Bungie be working on bringing Destiny to the PC?

All signs are pointing to Bungie making Destiny available on the PC in the near future, with the developer hiring a "PC Compatability Tester". Bungie has the job listed on its website.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47212_04_bungie-working-bringing-destiny-pc.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47212_04_bungie-working-bringing-destiny-pc_full.jpg)

The description reads: "The PC Compatibility Tester will evaluate PC hardware-specific features and ensure various systems work together across multiple PC configurations to provide a great experience". The developer is looking for someone that is "experienced and comfortable with building PCs from scratch".

Back at E3 2014, Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg teased three months before Destiny launched, that the PC version of the game was "something we're talking about and looking at very carefully". Earlier in 2014, Bungie writer Eric Osborne teased: "We have a lot of people who play on PCs. We have a lot of appetite to build that experience".

We shouldn't get our hopes up for a PC version of Destiny too soon, but this is definitely promising.


23-08-15, 14:56



01-09-15, 08:37
Destiny: Xur's Three of Coins exotic drop buff will be a gamble

In Destiny's new The Taken King expansion, Xur will have an impressive new buff that will significantly boost exotic item drop rates--but you'll have to gamble to get it.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47356_2_destiny-xur-buff-exotic-drop-rates-taken-king.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47356_2_destiny-xur-buff-exotic-drop-rates-taken-king_full.jpg)

During IGN's PAX 2015 panel (https://youtu.be/DWchvt-maRc?t=16777), Bungie dev Luke Smith revealed that Destiny's interstellar merchant, Xur, will have a new consumable that could make it rain exotics: "What Xur has on him is an item that lets you basically gamble the chance to find an exotic on the next boss you kill."

"Xur's still going to show up every week, he's still going to sell some amount of exotics," Luke Smith iterated when asked how the infamous Agent of the Nine might change in the new expansion. "But now he's got a new mechanic that we're not talking too much about yet, but it's a new way for you to sort of gamble and get exotics out in the world. We're pretty excited about this."

Using the new buff Bungie hopes that players will be able to find great gear while doing every type of activity possible, from storyline questing to general patrol missions. "One of our big important pillars for The Taken King's development was that we wanted you to find more stuff when you're running around the world," Smith said, explaining why Xur is getting this new buff. "We wanted the feeling of finding loot to not be restricted to the post-game carnage report."

But how many exotics can we expect? Will the boost be non-negligible, or will we have Gjallarhorns popping out everywhere? Luke Smith says that Guardians are going to be pleasantly surprised with the drop rates: "[With this new mechanic] you're going to see a lot of loot come out of monsters. I got more exotics in the first weekend while testing the buff than I've ever gotten in Destiny before."

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47356_4_destiny-xurs-three-coins-exotic-drop-buff-gamble.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47356_4_destiny-xurs-three-coins-exotic-drop-buff-gamble_full.jpg)

We don't know exact percentages of the Three of Coins buff, or how long it lasts, but we do know that is that the item is a sort of magic find buff that possibly enhances the probability of an exotic drop and that it will be purchasable with Strange Coins, but we don't know how much it will cost.

The chance aspect is how Bungie is balancing this particular mechanic, as you're not guaranteed to get anything when you buy it from Xur. The shady offworlder already lets Guardians trade in Motes of Light for the chance to get a particular exotic item, and it'll be interesting to see if Bungie keeps all of Xur's wares once the mechanic is instituted, and how it'll affect gameplay.

In other Destiny news, Bungie has confirmed that The Taken King's raid activity, The King's Fall, won't be available when the game ships (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/47355/). The devs will issue a cosmic alert once the raid is ready. The Taken King launches on September 15 for PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360. There is further speculation that Destiny might make it to PC after all (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/47212/bungie-working-bringing-destiny-pc/index.html), too.


01-09-15, 08:40
Destiny: The Taken King's raid won't be live upon release

The new raid for Destiny's The Taken King expansion, King's Fall (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/King), won't be available when the content goes live on September 15.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47355_1_destiny-taken-kings-raid-live-upon-release.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47355_1_destiny-taken-kings-raid-live-upon-release_full.jpg)

Enthusiast site Planet Destiny (https://twitter.com/DestinyNews_net/status/638105060908630020) spotted the news during IGN's PAX 2015 coverage (https://youtu.be/DWchvt-maRc?t=16777), where Bungie's Luke Smith revealed that The Taken King raid won't be up on launch day.

"The [King's Fall] raid is not going to be available on day one," Smith affirmed during the show. "We definitely have a plan for when it's going to be available. I'm not going to announce the plan for it here, but I promise that people who are excited about the raid that they will know when it's time to take time off of work. We'll give them a heads up."

This has actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise for many Destiny players, as they need time to prepare for the new cryptic raid--grind for better gear, level up and get acclimated to each of the new Nighstalker, Sunbreaker and Stormcaller subclasses. Smith assures that the raid will be worth the wait as it's a huge and challenging experience--which only seems fitting considering you're battling a god. "King's Fall is bigger and dramatically the largest raid we've ever built. The team's really happy with where we got it."

Speculation has mounted that Destiny will be making its way to PC after all (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/47212/bungie-working-bringing-destiny-pc/index.html), as Bungie is apparently hiring a "PC compatibility tester" who is "experienced and comfortable with building PCs from scratch".

Destiny's The Taken King expansion goes live on September 15 and will be available in disc form via the $59.99 Legendary Edition, which includes all previous expansions (The Dark Below and House of Wolves) and updates, and existing players can pick up a separate digital download of The Taken King for $39.99. Check here (https://www.destinythegame.com/taken-king/wheretobuy) for more details.


08-09-15, 08:51
Destiny: The Taken King cinematic trailer released (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/jon-martindale/destiny-the-taken-king-cinematic-trailer-released/)

In-case the feature set (and daunting price) of The Taken King weren’t enough to have you hyped for Destiny’s next big expansion, Bungie has released a cinematic trailer for it, showing off some of the key players of the plot, as well as some high stakes action. Oryx makes an appearance, as you would expect, along with his flagship, which seems nigh on indestructible, even when multiple tonnage meteors are crashed into its sides.
“Oryx is here. He’s hellbent on revenge, and he’s brought an army of Taken with him. Infiltrate his fortress, fight through his army, and Face The Taken King,” reads the video’s description, and it’s what players will be tasked with when the new expansion launches in just one week’s time.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/oryx.png (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/oryx.png)
(http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/oryx.png)He’s not just powerful in his own right either. Oryx commands fleets and armies that are reinforced from the ranks of his enemies and he’s angry too, because the high-end players of Destiny have spent the last few months grinding his son’s final breath over and over to get great equipment. That’s enough to get any father riled up.

<iframe width="640" height="385" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/7I6uLdHK5to" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="640" height="385" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HQymFddoo9I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

(http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/oryx.png) For a little more context, here’s the prologue trailer that Bungie released last month:
Although the fanbase is excited by the new content incoming, some have complained about the pricing. The Taken King is available in several editions, with even the cheapest costing as much as the base game. Still, early previews of the expansion have been very positive, so perhaps it will be worth it for big fans of the game.


08-09-15, 14:08
Nunca mais vem isto para PC...




09-09-15, 19:52
Destiny 2.0 Is Live Now And Brings Sweeping Changes

Destiny 2.0 is live (https://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=13474). The latest update for Bungie’s online cooperative/competitive FPS officially ushers players into Destiny’s Year Two, with an incredibly long text detailing patch notes that you can find below; this update paves the road for the arrival of The Taken King expansion later this month.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Mars_blind-watch_skirmish_01-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Mars_blind-watch_skirmish_01.jpg)

Player Character

Character Level Cap raised to 34 for all players

Your Character Level will be grandfathered into your highest possible Light Level from all gear in your inventory and vault
Character Level Cap will be increased to 40 on 9/15 (requires The Taken King)

Character Level and Lightarenowseparatestats

Light is now calculated by the average of the Attack and Defense scores of all your gear
Weapons, Ghosts, Class Items, and Artifacts now all contribute to Light
Grimoire Score has been moved from the Character Nameplate and now displays in the Character Screen

Attack Power values on weapons and gearhavebeenrenormalized in preparation for the Taken King

Year 1 Attack and Defense values caps have been renormalized for Year 2 (previously 365 Attack is now 170 Attack)
All Defense values are now on the same scale as Attack
Weapon damage numbers and combatants have been scaled against renormalized Attack and Defense values

Outgoing and Incoming damage has been changed to reflect new Light system

Ability Damage is directly computed from your Light Score
Player Health is directly computed from your Light Score
Weapon Damage is heavily weighted by both your Light score and the Attack value of the weapon


Intellect, Strength, and Discipline now only change their effect in fixed tiers
Intellect, Strength, and Discipline stats now display their tier and the exact duration of the effect on the tooltip in the Character Screen
Orb generation is now capped to a maximum of 8 orbs at once when wearing exotic armor items that increase orb spawning rates
Increased Recovery stat time at low end by 1 second and Reduced high end reduced timer by 2 seconds. These were re-normalized Recovery stat effects to make a more compelling character stats choice
Pulse Grenades secondary effect distance are now globally 8 meters (Thermal and Void: 7 -> 8 meters, Arc: 9 -> 8 meters). Detonation distance still unchanged at 7 meters
Pulse Grenade fuse times have been reduced
Thermal Pulse (Incendiary Grenade) base detonation and damage have been increased to unify stats with other Pulse Grenades
Fixed an issue where perks that grant additional super energy for grenade kills did not work correctly in the Crucible


Line attacks (Fist of Havoc Shockwave and Arc Blade Razor’s Edge) can now no longer penetrate Ward of Dawn


Golden Gun Damage increased (350 -> 360) to ensure it consistently killed opponents in the Crucible


Arc Blade can now generate up to 6 Orbs when geared with exotic armor that increase orb spawning rates
Blink movement ability activation delay increased by 0.07 seconds (0.26 seconds to 0.33 seconds)
Blink movement ability visuals now changed to better telegraphing direction: clearer activation FX and trail FX
Blink Strike now does Arc Damage
Arc Bolt grenades (Thermal and Arc) damage reduced by 25% to 75 damage
Arc Bolt Range reduced by 11% to 8 meters
Flux Grenade tracking shape volume has been changed to reduce tracking aggressiveness


Armor Bonus perk “Strength of the Ram” (found on exotic helmet, The Ram) has been reduced (5->3)


Fixed an issue where Sunsingers who self-resurrected from Fireborn were given a free orb upon respawn
Fireborn Sunsingers must now successfully kill to spawn orbs

WeaponsRead our detailed review of weapon change philosophies.
Auto Rifles

Base Damage increased across all archetypes
Damage Falloff now starts closer to the player to emphasize its role as a close range weapon
Base Stability reduced slightly. Landing consistent precision shots require more weapon control
Damage done against AI combatants increased by 30%

Pulse Rifles

All Stable (low recoil) Pulse Rifles (i.e., Hopscotch Pilgrim) now use “Medium” Rate-of-Fire base stats
“Medium” Pulse Rifle’s Rate-of-Fire has slightly increased, but with base Damage reduced slightly (2.5%)
PVP: Bursts-to-kill (all precision hits) is 2 or 3, depending on victim’s Armor stat
Magazine Size increased on all base stats
Base Stability reduced slightly. Landing consistent precision shots require more weapon control
Damage done against AI combatants increased by 25%

Scout Rifles

Base Damage increased slightly for “Medium” to “High” Rate-of-Fire Scout Rifles. Small adjustment, does not change shots-per-kill in PVP against another Guardian with full health
Magazine Size increased on all base stats
Accuracy when firing from hip is reduced
Damage done against AI combatants increased by 5%

Hand Cannons

Damage Falloff distance has been reduced to be closer to the player to limit long range lethality
Accuracy while in Aim-Down-Sights reduced slightly, making long range snap-shooting less reliable
Accuracy when firing from hip is reduced
Magazine Size reduced on all base stat settings
Base Optics (zoom) reduced so Aiming Down Sights grants more width (in favor for depth)


Shotgun precision damage scalar grants 10% bonus damage (Was 25%)
Shot Package perk reduces the cone spread by 20% (was 50%)
Rangefinder perk adds a 10% base Range increase on zoom (was 20)
Damage done against AI combatants reduced by 45% ( 2.25-> 1.15)
Sniper Rifles
Final Round perk now buffs precision damage, not base damage. This change only affects this perk when combined with Sniper Rifles

Fusion Rifles

Fusion Rifles now no longer get more accurate with each projectile fired
Fusion Rifles that are slow charging, high impact now have a slightly lower base Range value, making it harder to max outrange for these weapons
Accuracy increased for low range Fusion Rifles; Accuracy reduced for high range Fusion Rifles
Max Fusion Rifle projectile speed decreased slightly
Damage done against AI combatants increased by 15%


Base Reload Speed increased
Ammo Stats for Sidearms have been reduced to match other Secondaries, but still retain starting bonus ammo

Rocket Launchers

Blast Radius distance slightly increased
Grenades and Horseshoes perk proximity detonation distance reduced to 1.3 meter (was 2 meters)

Machine Guns

Fixed an issue with all Dead Orbit Machine Guns where attached plasteel plate failed to animate properly on reloads
Damage done against AI combatants increased by 5%

Weapon PerksGeneral

Reduced Damage bonuses and penalties granted from weapon barrel upgrades
Overpenetration perk now only works on bipeds (no longer works on environment materials)
Mulligan perk chance increased to 20%

Year One PerksWe have revisted all of these Year One stat perks and reduced the amount they buff your weapon stat to re-normalize against Year Two weapon lethality and reinforce specialization so players are making meaningful trade-offs on weapons.
To compensate for the weaker stat perks from launch weapons, we added some new stat perks (introduced in House of Wolves) that provided a significant increase to a stat in exchange for a reduction in other stats. This allows players to be able to spike a stat that reinforces their specialized play style, but at a cost.

Accelerated Coils: Reduced charge time by 50%
Accurized Ballistics: Reduced range and damage bonus by 50%
Aggressive Ballistics: Reduced damage bonus by 50%. Increased stability and range penalties by 100%
Aggressive Launch: Reduced damage bonus by 50%. Increased stability and projectile speed penalty by 100%
Confined Launch: Increased projectile speed penalty by 25%. Reduced stability bonus by 33%
CQB Ballistics: Reduced range bonus by 25%. Reduced stability bonus by 33%
Enhanced Battery: Reduced magazine bonus by 60%
Extended Mag: Reduced magazine bonus by 33%
Field Choke: Reduced damage bonus by 50%. Reduced range bonus by 60%. Reduced stability penalty by 20%
Field Scout: No longer affects magazine. Reduced inventory bonus by 37%
Fitted Stock: Reduced stability bonus by 60%
Flared Magwell: Reduced reload bonus by 80%
Hammer Forged: Reduced range bonus by 50%
Hand Loaded: Reduced range bonus by 50%
Hard Launch: Reduced projectile speed bonus by 50%
Heavy Payload: Reduced blast radius bonus by 50%
Javelin: Reduced projectile speed bonus by 50%
Linear Compensator: Reduced damage bonus by 50%
Luck in the Chamber: Reduced damage bonus by 3%
Perfect Balance: Reduced stability bonus by 40%
Send It: Reduced by range bonus 40%. Inventory and equip penalties added
Smart Drift Control: Reduced stability bonus by 40%. Reduced range penalty by 33%
Smart Drift Control (Rocket Launcher): Reduced stability bonus by 40%. Reduced projectile speed penalty by 33%
Smallbore: Reduced stability and range bonuses by 25%
Smooth Ballistics: Stability bonus made into penalty. Range penalty is now a bonus.
Soft Ballistics : Reduced damage penalty by 50%
Soft Launch: Stability bonus made into penalty. Projectile speed penalty is now a bonus.
Speed Reload: Reduced reload bonus by 80% *Warhead Verniers: Reduced blast radius bonus by 37%. Reduced projectile speed bonus by 60%. Reduced stability penalty by 20%

Exotic/Legendary WeaponsHard Light

Base Stability increased to 80
Hard Light projectiles now have increased bounce count
Hard Light projectiles are now not affected by Damage Falloff
Hard Light projectile FX updated so it is easier to track the projectile ricochets

Suros Regime

Stability reduced
Added a Range boost to the Focus Fire node on the Talent Grid


Base Stability increased to 60
Magazine Size increased
Cursebringer perk will now always trigger on a precision kill
Cursebringer perk explosion radius increased and deals more damage
Rangefinder perk has been replaced by Zen Moment

The Last Word

Range reduced by 10
Base Stability reduced by 10
Accuracy while in hip fire is increased
Precision Damage aim assist while in hip fire is increased
Fixed an issue where damage bonuses while in hip fire was not applying correctly


Base Damage of Thorn DoT reduced by 1/3 for both PVE and PVP
Thorn DOT now stacks up to 5x over multiple shots
This is a net buff, but it is now spread over multiple shots to eliminates the PVP “2-shot walk away.”Thorn DoT damage now correctly reports as poison


Luck in the Chamber and Holding Aces perks now have a stacking limit of 2. Only 2 of the bonus damage perks will ever stack, which should eliminate the Hawkmoon 1-hit PVP kill to an undamaged opponent
Holding Aces perk now increases magazine by 2 rounds


Ammo Recharge time increased to 7 seconds between rounds (was 5 seconds)


Reduce damage of Wolfpack Rounds by roughly 1/3

Black Hammer

White Nail perk now fills the magazine from your ammo reserves

No Land Beyond

Fixed an issue where there were overlap/parallax issues in Sights during aim-down-sights view
Base Handling increased
The Master perk has an increased base precision damage bonus scalar (2.6x -> 3x)

Lord of Wolves

Rally perk now grants +5 Recovery to allies in close proximity


Arc detonation chance for Lightning Rounds kill increased to 50%
Magazine size increased to offset ammo stat changes

Vex Mythoclast

Projectile Speed increased to compensate for global Fusion Rifle changes
Stability increased to compensate for global Fusion Rifle changes

Universal Remote

Base Range increased by +20

Monte Carlo

Stability increased to compensate for global Auto Rifle Changes
Fixed an issue where the Method perk did not only trigger when killing players or combatants. Can no longer trigger when “killing” destroyable objects

Bad Juju

Stability increased to compensate for global Pulse Rifle changes

Red Death

Stability increased to compensate for global Pulse Rifle changes
Fixed an issue where Rate of Fire and Impact stats were displayed incorrectly. Stat values were not changed, UI display only

Plan C

Range increased to compensate for global Fusion Rifle changes
Stability increased to compensate for global Fusion Rifle changes

Exotic ArmorGeneralMany pieces of Exotic Armor now recolor when a Shader is applied
An Insurmountable Skullfort

Gain a second melee charge for Storm Fist and Sun Strike. (It doesn’t apply to Void melee yet—this is a bug I believe we have fixed in 2.0.1.)

Spine of Young Ahamkara

Bonus to Tripmine grenade duration increasedGain a second grenade charge for Tripmine grenade

Heart of Praxic Fire

Gain bonus Agility when Radiance is active


Year 1 Activities have been converted into Quest system

Year One Questlines do not require ownership of The Taken King
You can replay the story for more experience and reputation by looking at the Quest Collections in the Tower

The Ghost is now voiced by Nolan North
Fallen Wolf Hunt Patrols will retreat in anticipation of the arrival of Oryx in our solar system
Fixed an issue where “Medic” and “Blast Shield” PVP medals displayed while playing PVE activities


Players now are required to participate in the boss fights to be eligible for end-of-activity loot.
Bonus Loot and Reputation can now be earned via Vanguard Streak Bonuses for players who continue to recycle back into the Strike playlist without exiting to Orbit
Burn (Arc, Void, Solar) Skulls now only increases player damage by 2x (down from 3x). Combatant damage to player is unchanged at 3x.
Fixed an issue where the incident for completing a strike (i.e., earning the “Strikes Introduction” grimoire card) was not triggering in Strike playlists

Prison of Elders

Fixed an issue where the “Servitor Bonds Weakened” buff did not clear when Skolas is pushed into phase 2
Fixed an issue where the web mine FX extended beyond effect area
Fixed an issue where the rewards for Skolas’s Revenge does not grant “Hildian Seeker” to players who already have Ceres Galliot
Glimmer Consumable drop rates reduced drastically from the Arena chest
Removed the Elder Cipher exotic bounty

These exotics now have a chance to drop from the large chest in the Queen’s Arena
Players who were on any step of the elder cipher should receive a token to redeem at Variks for their choice of House of Wolves exotic weapon

King’s FallKing’s Fall Raid will unlock on 09/18/15, 10AM Pacific

Quest Screen addedtoMenu

The Quest Screen allows you to view all active Quests
Quests may be abandoned, but they are recoverable at Abandoned Quest Archives at the Tower
Each Quest has a Details Screen that describes the current and previous quest steps
Up to four Quests can now be viewed in the Director and while in Nav Mode

Year One Activities have been converted into Quest system
New Questlines have been added for each Year One Subclass
Reputation panel has been moved from the Inventory screen to the Quest Screen


Bounty slot size increased to 16
Incomplete Year 1 Bounties are auto-abandoned on 09/08 in preparation for The Taken King launch
Incomplete Year 1 Exotic Bounties are auto-completed at their respective Vendors
Bounties are now turned in for completion reward via the Quest Screen
Bounties can now be tracked via the new Progress UI in NavMode
Eris Year 1 bounties will be retired. Reputation with Crota’s Bane can continue to be earned via TTK Quests on 09/15


All Vendor reputation from Year One carry over
Collections have been added to the Tower

Shaders & Emblems Collections can be found near Eva Levante in North Tower
Ships & Sparrow Collections can be found near Amanda Holiday in Tower Hanger
Exotic Armor & Weapon Blueprint Collections can be found near the Class Mentors

Vault space has been increased to store up to 72 Weapons, 72 Armors, and 36 General
The Bounty vendor, Xander-99, has a new stock of daily Bounties
Map droids have been removed from North Tower, Plaza, and Hangar
Loot announcements now appear in the Tower, but have a maximum range of 10 meters


Starting on 09/09, reputation will be earned with Banshee-44 by using his Field Test Weapons


New Ghosts are on sale with the Speaker
Year One Emblems have been moved to Eva Levante


Faction Emblems are no longer purchasable but will come from faction packages instead
Former Vanguard emblems are now unlocked at level 10 and 20 of their respective class quest chains

Crota’s Bane

Eris’ bounties have been retired as her ire shifts from Crota to Oryx and his Dreadnaught
Eris reputation can now be earned weekly by killing bosses in the Crota’s End raid, or through new methods to be discovered in The Taken King’s new destination
Eris’ reputation requirements for each rank have been adjusted to be faster
Characters will retain any rank they currently have with Eris
Eris’ reputation is no longer capped at Rank 4, and players will receive reward packages for Rank increases
Players will be able to earn rewards by continuing to level up the Crota’s Bane reputation

Queen’s Wrath

With the launch of The Taken King, Petra will have new bounties available in the Reef upon completing a new quest
These bounties will also drop a Treasure Key the first time one is completed each week


Class-specific Armor materials have been deprecated in favor of a unified material
On Sept 15th, Vanguard Quartermaster Roni-9940 will exchange old materials for new onesFixed a bug where item upgrade UI was triggering when nothing was actually earned
Armor dismantle now makes a sound when dismantling is complete
Year Two Weapon Telemetries have now been combined per weapon slot instead of per weapon type

CruciblePreview Event

The Taken King maps will be available for all players to preview for free 09/08 until 09/15
Rift game mode will be available for all players to preview for free 09/08 until 09/15
Crucible Daily will not be available on 09/08 and will resume on 09/15
Mayhem Clash game mode will be available for all players to preview for free from 09/11 until 09/15


House of Wolves maps (Widow’s Court, Black Shield, Thieves’ Den) are now available to all Destiny players
Year 1 Platform-exclusive maps (The Timekeeper, Exodus Blue) are now available to all Destiny players
Added a new Mercy rule that will end blowout games early
When the Mercy Rule hits, Shaxx will call out the end of the match. We immediately disable join in progress to prevent any additional players from joining the game (if anyone has dropped already) and reset the game clock to 10 seconds. After those 10 seconds, the match will end normally. All players will receive their end of match rewards and return to matchmaking.
More detail about this system can be found here
Legendary Loot drop rates have been increased
PVP post-game scoreboards now use abbreviated names
Hover over these stat headers to see more detailed information on what each stat tracks
The PGCR now does not display the “Score” column if the mode does not have individual player scores
Shaxx will now comment on multi-kills and kill streaks
“Victory Imminent” voice-over will no longer play when there is less than 30 seconds remaining in Crucible matches


Salvage and Rift are now core Crucible playlists
The Taken King maps are now included in the core Crucible playlists


Added set of new Crucible medals
Buckshot Bruiser, Machine Lord, Sharpshooter, and Master Blaster medals can now be earned multiple times in a row (if you’re awesome enough)
Fixed an issue where “First Place Kill” score bonus (which triggers the “Uprising” medal) was awarded when killing the highest scoring player on the winning team, instead of the highest scoring player in the match

MapsWidow’s Court

Added invisible physics to keep players from hiding in the ivy overlooking the courtyard Heavy Ammo

Game TypesSalvage

Reduced Salvage score limit from 10000 to 7500, as our data showed too many games were ending to the time limit
Modified the base 3v3 options to have a 7-second min respawn timer


Modified the base 3v3 options to have a 7-second min respawn timer


Changed special ammo crate timing for Inferno Clash, Inferno Control and Inferno Rumble modes to 2 minutes (small team modes will remain at 3 minutes)
Removed heavy ammo crates from all Inferno playlists


Placing in the top 3 in Rumble playlists now counts as a win for Quest Step purposes


Bastion, First Light, and Skyshock have been added to the core Control playlist with Pikes and Interceptors disabled
“Zone Captured” and “Zone Neutralized” scoring messages in Control will now display the zone being captured, i.e. “Zone A Captured,” “Zone C Neutralized”

Trials of Osiris

Trials Passage Coins are now discarded by the stack rather than by the item


Super icons in kill messages are now displayed in yellow
Added icons to kill messages for precision kills
Super kill messages now display the name of the Super used
Voice channel settings in Nav Mode have been moved into the Nav Mode toggle display, which also includes quests & bounties, active modifiers, and PvP Scoreboard


Cinematics can now be skipped
Show/Hide Helmet options now also applies to the Character Screen
Unused update compat packs will be removed automatically on PS3 and 360 (to save HDD space)
Fixed a crash on PS3 when cycling through too many activities
Properly report free space required on PS3 when out of disk space
Enabled support for game content to be loaded from USB devices on Xbox 360
Improved Xbox One messaging and flow handling for users performing certain party options; the Pineapple error should only occur for actual malfunctions now
Fixed an Xbox One issue with suspend/resume on certain loading screens
If there is a valid playlist, use that for rich presence instead of the activity


Reduced latency of kill notifications in Crucible
Improved damage validation systems to reduce the effectiveness of players with extreme lag
Improved accuracy of network quality meters slightly

There is still no word about a potential release of Destiny on PC. Bungie and Activision have always said that they were thinking about it and it wasn’t out of the question, but now that the base game has been out for a year on consoles, it would be nice to get an update on that. The game would surely look even prettier on PC.


06-12-15, 15:10
Bungie Announces Sparrow Racing League For Destiny Players, Special Bikes And Kit For PS4

image: http://hothardware.com/ContentImages/NewsItem/35901/content/sparrow_racing_league.jpg

Destiny (http://hothardware.com/tags/destiny) fans have been craving this forever, and it looks like the folks at Bungie are finally ready to oblige. Bungie (http://hothardware.com/tags/bungie) announced today that it will unleash Sparrow racing onto gamers starting Tuesday, December 8th. The Sparrow is typically used within Destiny to help Guardians quickly dash from one side of a map to another. However, the newly formed Sparrow Racing League will allow you to compete against five other players in the ultimate death race on the planets Venus and Mars.
In order to get started in the Sparrow Racing League once the update goes live, you’ll have to meet up with Amanda Holiday in the Tower. She will take on the role as Quartermaster for the festivities and provide you with quests and bounties so that you can get on your way.

<iframe width="620" height="349" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MMKd7ZW_ub8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The good news is that the Sparrow Racing League is open to all owners of Destiny: The Taken King. If you’re still rocking just the original Destiny, you’ll want to upgrade in the next few days to take advantage of this new mode of play. You’ll also be able to earn new loot like new Sparrows and swanky gear to show off to your gaming friends.

The bad news is that it appears as the the competitive league will only be open for three weeks. And while the Sparrow Racing League was announced during the PlayStation Experience for the PS4 (http://hothardware.com/tags/ps4), we have the sneaking suspicion that it will also be available to Xbox One (http://hothardware.com/tags/xbox-one) users as well — but don’t hold us to that…


15-12-15, 15:56
Bungie Breaks Promise & Introduces Paid Destiny Subclass Boosts

Destiny seems to be getting paid level and subclass boosts after all. Although Bungie recently denied paid boosts, paid level packs have now surfaced on the European PS Stores. So much for the “dust and echoes”.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/destiny-taken-king-970x545-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/destiny-taken-king-970x545.jpg)
Recently Destiny dataminers uncovered paid experience boosts in the game’s sourcecode. According Bungie however, the ‘files’ were in fact remnant files that didn’t have a place in the game.
Destiny Paid boosts after all Bungie denied that they would introduce paid experience boosts on Twitter, and even decided to write about the matter on their weekly Destiny Blog (https://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=13762). According Bungie, players are just seeing “some dust and echoes from the cutting room floor”.

Someone datamined files that prove Tess will be selling King’s Fall consumables! You said you wouldn’t do that! Why are you doing that!?”

We’re not doing that. The files in question were actually first uncovered some time ago, well before the launch of Eververse Trading Company. They weren’t ever intended to be sold in exchange for Silver. What you’re seeing are remnant files for Three of Coins or Moldering Shard like items that would have been available from Xûr. Ultimately, the team decided that they didn’t have a place in the game, and cut them from the experience. You’re seeing some dust and echoes from the cutting room floor.

A promise is there to be broken right? Well it does look like it, as paid level packs have now surfaced for both the PS4 (https://store.playstation.com/#%21/en-gb/games/addons/level-25-hunter-pack/cid=EP0002-CUSA00568_00-STARTERPACKHUNTE) and PS3. The packs are available through the European PS Store, and each ‘pack’ is priced at £24.99 (€ 29.99). Interestingly, that’s almost half the price of the full game.



Packs are available for the Titan (https://store.playstation.com/#%21/en-gb/games/addons/level-25-titan-pack/cid=EP0002-CUSA00568_00-STARTERPACKTITAN), Warlock (https://store.playstation.com/#%21/en-gb/games/addons/level-25-warlock-pack/cid=EP0002-CUSA00568_00-STARTERPACKWARLO), and Hunter (https://store.playstation.com/#%21/en-gb/games/addons/level-25-hunter-pack/cid=EP0002-CUSA00568_00-STARTERPACKHUNTE) and each pack contains a level boost to 25, alongside a subclass boost and a Telemetry.
So much for the “dust and echoes” Bungie. The dust seems to clear up and paid boosts echoes deeply.


16-12-15, 09:02
Bungie sells Destiny level boosts for $30, infuriates player base

Despite the assurances that Destiny's microtransactions wouldn't compromise the game, Bungie has introduced $30 add-ons that boost a player's level up to 25 (https://store.Xbox.com/en-US/Xbox-One/DLC/Destiny-Level-25-Warlock-Pack/e516c5c7-2b2f-4013-bab5-2e7ebe654fda). So if you want to boost a Titan, Hunter and Warlock to level 25, that'll cost you an absolutely ridiculous $90.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/9/49005_1_bungie-sells-destiny-level-boosts-30-fans-happy.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/9/49005_1_bungie-sells-destiny-level-boosts-30-fans-happy_full.jpg)

As soon as Bungie announced microtransactions were coming to Destiny, the game's entire player base cringed. Gamers know that allowing microtransactions is like opening Pandora's box, and they can eventually crush the credibility and fun of any game. Bungie jumped in to defend the move, saying that microtransactions were limited to cosmetic dance emotes and that there'd be no pay-to-win hijinks. That promise disarmed gamers, especially when they were told that the microtransactions would fund all future updates, meaning all of Destiny's DLC packs will now be free. So what's the downside?

Now we're starting to see the downside to microtransactions, and gamers are not happy. The item in question automatically levels up any given character to level 25, making it quite similar to the Spark of Light consumable that's given out for free with The Taken King DLC. The big deal comes with the item's asking price, which is an absurd $30. It's not enough that you can spend anywhere from $10 to $50 on microtransaction currency, but gamers now get charged $30 just to unlock the required level for The Taken King content? Ouch.

As you can imagine, gamers are not happy. "This feature is one that is completely ridiculous and seems like nothing more them a desperate grab for our money," says (https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/180351711) a disgruntled gamer. "If you pay money to boost your level in Destiny (or any game) you're effectively admitting the gameplay is bad," says (https://twitter.com/ChrisTansley/status/676790569528516608) another.

Any seasoned World of Warcraft players will recognize this tactic, as Blizzard offered to boost your character's level to 100 for a tidy sum of $60 (https://us.battle.net/shop/en/product/world-of-warcraft-service-level-100-character-boost). Since Activision has merged with Blizzard, it's not surprising to see this carry over to Destiny.

Bear in mind that this feature isn't going to break the game. All it does is make someone pay $30 for the Spark of Light consumable, and it won't affect anyone else. The price point is rather awful, but gamers are more worried about what this will lead to, and whether or not Bungie will break their own promises. Also remember that these

Bungie has yet to make an official statement on Twitter or its website, but we might see something during this week's weekly update.


27-01-16, 17:28
Destiny Will Not Offer Ammo Microtransactions

Over the years, gaming habits change. From triple-A games being released at £40, to subscription-based games and even free games with paid bonuses. A large number of customers are offended by companies who release a game and then request more money in either DLC or microtransactions that are sometimes already packaged with the original game (http://www.eteknix.com/mass-effect-3-day-1-dlc-included-on-disk-despite-biowares-claims/). Destiny is a popular subscription based game that was recently rumoured to include ammo microtransactions (https://www.vg247.com/2016/01/25/bungie-sell-destiny-ammo-packs-real-money-microtransactions/).
Microtransactions are almost like small DLC (downloadable content), they focus on adding a little experience to the game, normally at the cost of real-world money. Want to change the colours of your outfit? That will be £1.50. Don’t want to spend months grinding away to possibly get the gun you want? Buy it for £5. Microtransactions can be seen as good or bad, depending on how the company implements them and if they use them to restrict players choices or give others power boosts.
Activision has come forward saying that they will not be charging for the heavy ammo synth (http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2016/01/25/no-bungie-and-activision-aren-t-going-to-charge-real-money-for-destiny-ammo.aspx). The item in question offers a one-time refill for a players heavy weapon’s ammunition, something that could be seen as unfair given their rare drops. Offering players a boost for real world money is not something new but Destiny has so far avoided using these kinds of microtransactions. Destiny does currently feature microtransactions but only for emotes (actions the player can perform such as dancing on the spot or taunting the enemy), something that will not affect actual gameplay and is more for personalising your experience.
With microtransactions becoming the normal for so many games, it’s nice to see a game where the focus is on expanding the gameplay through expansions and events rather than asking for a continuous stream of money for highly controversial boosts (http://www.eteknix.com/microtransactions-dramatically-alter-payday-2-user-reviews/).
How many of you still play Destiny, are you happy to hear this won’t be a paid for addition to the game?


29-01-16, 14:00
Bungie's new CEO wants to make Destiny his #1 priority (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/50008/bungies-new-ceo-make-destiny-1-priority/index.html)

Bungie recently announced a change in leadership, with Harold Ryan stepping down as the CEO and Pete Parsons taking on the newly vacant role. Parson's is determined not to sit idly by while their new franchise slowly dissipates. He's determined to make a change.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/0/50008_10_bungies-new-ceo-make-destiny-1-priority.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/0/50008_10_bungies-new-ceo-make-destiny-1-priority_full.jpg)

He's definitely dedicated to Destiny and bringing the actual game in-line with the vision they originally had for it. Initially Destiny seemed to be a little more disappointing than they liked when the newness wore off. It has been an uphill battle to retain players and to interest new gamers.

In a statement (http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2016-01-28-bungie-president-harold-ryan-steps-down), Parsons said "To the players of Destiny, I want you to know that my number one priority, and Bungie's, is and always has been to deliver great games that we can all share together. I believe that Destiny is a one-of-a-kind experience. I also believe you have yet to see our studio's best work. My new role here at the studio will be entirely focused on fulfilling that promise." This confirms his commitment to the game that has so much potential.

This could potentially mean anything, from a continuation and evolution of content for this version of Destiny, or even still an abandonment and focus on Destiny 2 (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/49866/rumor-destiny-2-delayed-release-2016/index.html), which might align those goals more clearly with this switch in leadership. The possibilities are truly endless, and it's exciting to see just where Pete Parsons is going to take the franchise, and the company.

There already have been some interesting decisions to trickle content into the game, as well as to introduce micro-transactions (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/49005/bungie-sells-destiny-level-boosts-30-infuriates-player-base/index.html) to mirror other MMO's. But the actual story content itself has always been slightly lacking. Despite this, the dedicated have remained so in the face of a losing battle, becoming salty as a result.


29-01-16, 21:22
Pois. O Halo saiu, têm de se agarrar ao que consideram de valor. Acho que estao a pensar bem.

30-01-16, 14:19
Destiny Crimson Doubles Valentines day themed multiplayer mode coming

Bungie realizes you might love your firteam, it would seem, and has detailed their upcoming Crimson Doubles multiplayer mode that'll be running over Valentines day, from from February 9th through the 16th.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/0/50059_18_destiny-crimson-doubles-valentines-day-themed-multiplayer-mode-coming.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/0/50059_18_destiny-crimson-doubles-valentines-day-themed-multiplayer-mode-coming_full.jpg)

Crimson Doubles will be a 2 vs 2 Elimination requiring you to kill the other team. This is mode where you're able to enter the tournament with whomever you wish, not through the traditional matchmaking way. That's not new, necessarily, but they're adding a Broken Heart Bluff.

That works by bolstering your teammates maximum armor, agility, recovery and even weapon handling speed when you die, so that they can take revenge upon their fallen comrade. Of course there're new rewards like shaders, emblems and Ghost Shells to go along with the themed update.

And this update wouldn't be complete without hard candies with which to profess your love to your other fireteam members. You can obtain Crimson Candy, which when eaten will boost any experience you gain on all equipped weapons for 30 minutes.


04-02-16, 08:51
Are you still having fun in Destiny? Bungie wants to know

For the most part, gamers are pretty disappointed with Destiny's current setup. The game remains in a kind of stagnant stasis months after its stellar The Taken King expansion, and many publications have taken turns trying to rile the titans out of their slumber. Meanwhile, Bungie remains quiet and vigilant, as always.


As if the constant reminders, queues and prods from Reddit and its own forums weren't enough, Bungie has sent out a new e-mail survey asking Destiny players to rate their fun factor in the game. It's actually a very small message, and is only sent out to users who have signed up with Bungie's User Research platform.

In it's entirety, the e-mail simply asks players how much fun their having: 5 for "very fun", or 1 for "not fun". At this point in time, I think most gamers would answer "N/A" and write in "you need to communicate better with your audience." Oddly enough, it appears that the survey was only sent to a very limited number of players, and most research program users are reporting they didn't get any emails.

In any case, let's hope the survey messages reinforce the clear resounding message Destiny players really aren't happy. The Destiny Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/440bzd/bungie_asks_fans_if_theyre_still_having_fun/) has posted its own poll, and the most popular response is "2. Eh, it's almost fun".

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/0/50150_6_still-having-fun-destiny-bungie-know.png (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/0/50150_6_still-having-fun-destiny-bungie-know_full.png)

There's new hope for Destiny fans, however: the draconian reign of Harold Ryan is now over, and Bungie now has a new CEO who's making Destiny his number one priority (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/50008/bungies-new-ceo-make-destiny-1-priority/index.html). Under the leadership of CEO Pete Parsons, Bungie could turn everything around, and Parsons even says that he believes players have "yet to see our best work".

Bungie has to come out of the stars and fly back to Earth if it wants to keep its playerbase, and keep us updated on new content. With a game like Destiny, fresh content streams is vital to its success, and you can only get so far with in-game microtransactions (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/47855/destiny-moves-towards-microtransactions-fund-new-dlc/index.html) and rather boring seasonal content (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/50059/destiny-crimson-doubles-valentines-day-themed-multiplayer-mode-coming/index.html).

Meanwhile, we still don't know if Destiny 2 is delayed past 2016 or not (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/49866/rumor-destiny-2-delayed-release-2016/index.html), and we probably won't get any concrete info until things start to change. If they change, of course.


06-02-16, 15:51
Significant changes coming to Destiny soon, Damage Referee and more

Destiny is going to be updated to 2.1.1 next week, and Bungie is making some changes that are small, yet significant (https://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=44307) to the gameplay mechanics.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/0/50204_2_small-significant-changes-destiny-coming-next-week.png (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/0/50204_2_small-significant-changes-destiny-coming-next-week_full.png)

They're bringing in a new Special Ammo economy to help balance the use of those more powerful weapons, hoping to increase the use of the primary weapons instead. You'll have to wait for an ammo drop from green special crates to fill up.

Matchmaking is getting an overhaul with "Freelance" matchmaking where you don't have to be in a party to have fun. This'll be available to all solo players in 6v6 and 3v3 modes. Sometimes your friends just don't want to play with you, that and the number of players might be dwindling some.

One of the other major changes is to the netcode. Something they're calling "Damage Referee" is being added that should help those with bad connections. They want to make sure that things seem a bit more fair, even if your latency prevents you from actually firing first. Not everyone can be Han Solo.


12-02-16, 13:50
Destiny To Receive Large New Expansion This Year, Destiny 2 To Be Released Next Year

Destiny, the first person game developed by Bungie, has been released a while back on consoles in all regions, but the game is still going strong thanks to the team supporting the game with new content and expansions. Yesterday Activision shared what’s the future holds for Destiny ahead of its quarterly earnings call.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/destiny-taken-king-970x545-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/destiny-taken-king-970x545.jpg)
The publisher has confirmed that Destiny will be getting a large new expansion in 2016. A sequel has also been confirmed for next year. Details on both expansion and sequel are scarce at the moment, but more on them will surely come in soon.

Activision Publishing, along with its partners at Bungie, expects to bring a large new expansion to Destiny in 2016 and to release a full game sequel in 2017.
As mentioned above, Destiny is getting supported by Bungie with updates and new content regularly. A few days ago a new update, called Crimson Days, has been launched to celebrate Valentine’s Day. The update includes a limited time game mode named Crimson Doubles, a Fireteam 2v2 elimination mode where Fireteams will have to win five rounds to become victorious. The play mode also comes with the Broken Heart buff, which allows players to enjoy several enhancements when a partner falls in battle. A new quest is also available from Lord Shaxx, which allow players to earn a new Crimson Days emblem. The Crimson Days mode and the new quest will be available in the game until February 16th.
Destiny is now available on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. We’ll let you know more about the big expansion and Destiny 2 as soon as more comes in on them, so stay tuned for all the latest news.


18-03-16, 15:00
Bungie spills the beans on Destiny's new major April update (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/51131/bungie-spills-beans-destinys-new-major-april-update/index.html)

Destiny players are suffering from content fatigue, but Bungie is ready to unload a bounty of content with a new major update coming April 12.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/1/51131_6_bungie-spills-beans-destinys-new-major-april-update.png (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/1/51131_6_bungie-spills-beans-destinys-new-major-april-update_full.png)

In the latest weekly update (https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/44472/7_This-Week-At-Bungie---03172016), Bungie has outlined what Guardians can expect from Destiny's new "April Update". The content drop will include a fresh batch of activities across the full spectrum of the game, from PVE to PVP, so no players are left out. That's a pretty important designation considering PVE gamers have long been clamoring for new stuff to do in the interstellar sandbox. Check below for a bullet breakdown.

Of course Bungie doesn't reveal too much about the nebulous April Update--they're not about to break their infamous hype-building nature and expose full transparency--but we do get an actual release date and content hints. Bungie will also be streaming the new content on its Twitch channel every Wednesday for the next three weeks, so be sure to tune in if you're interested. Sadly, I think most of Destiny's playerbase has moved on to The Division by now.

Toda a noticia: