View Full Version : Sony tem uma probabilidade de falência de 78.49% a 2 anos

04-01-14, 16:00
Segundo a análise da Microaxis, a Sony Corporation tem uma probabilidade de abrir falência a dois anos de 78.49%.


(http://ene3.pt/sony-tem-uma-problabilidade-de-falencia-de-78-49-em-2-anos/)Isto são mesmo más noticias para os jogadores. Será que daqui a pouco vamos ter apenas a MS e a Nintendo nas consoals?

04-01-14, 16:16
É possível que esteja numa situação complicada devido a alguns sectores menos competitivos no entanto do que vejo a Sony está bem posicionada na maioria dos sectores que compete:

- TV´s, Leitores Buray, Hifi, etc..
- Smartphones, desde que está sozinha lançou produtos competitivos e de qualidade
- Fotografia, onde as suas máquinas competem contra Cannon, Olympus e Nikon
- Entretenimento com as consolas

Visto que não conheço outras áreas de mercado deles não sei onde podem estar a perder tanto dinheiro...
Ao contrário da LG e da Samsung, não existem produtos para casa (chamada linha branca) da Sony...



05-01-14, 00:09
Pois, a Sony em valor de mercado anda nos 10 mil milhões, o que é muito pouco, falando de grandes empresas. Qualquer dia são engolidos por algum monstro, tipo google, apple ou Microsoft. Empresas bem atualmente são cada vez menos, mas do tamanho de google, Microsoft e apple começa a haver praticamente zero. A sony desaparecer seria horrivel. Mas é mesmo assim, é o capital que manda.

17-09-14, 18:42
E com o prejuízo que hoje falaram de mais de 1B nos smartphones, não sei onde vai parar a Sony. Parece cada vez mais que a única unidade rentável da empresa é a Playstation. Até as TV's parecem estar a dar prejuízo...

17-09-14, 18:56
Nos telemóveis, o prejuízo é de 2 mil milhões. O todas das divisões todas é um prejuízo de 1 mil milhões.

A MS em vez de comprar a Mohjang, metia mais uns milhares de milhões e comprava a Sony toda. Ganhava a guerra das consolas num dia.

17-09-14, 19:00
Se calhar comprar a Sony hoje em dia não é muito bom movimento. Não sei. Como a maior parte da empresa está a dar prejuízos brutais, ninguém quer agarrar em algo que está a dar prejuízo. A Sony ou se desenrasca sozinha ou não sei quem estará interessado na batata quente, ainda a deixam é falir mesmo.

A Samsung está a asfixiar o mercado do Android, dá nisto. Mesmo a Huawei e a LG não conseguem fazer grande lucro nos smartphones, se é que o fazem.

17-09-14, 19:22
A Sony tem divisões que dão lucros, mas não o suficiente para cobrir 2 mil milhões.
Mais vale venderem a divisão dos smartphones e concentrarem-se nas que dão dinheiro.

17-09-14, 19:25
Sinceramente parece-me o próximo passo. A de PC já era, segue-se a de smartphones. E aos poucos a Sony vai perdendo expressão no mercado. A divisão de TV também dá prejuízo siga. Fica a Sony a resumir-se ao nome Playstation e pouco mais.

17-09-14, 20:01
Quem poderia comprar essas 2 divisões (TV e Smartphones) era a Phillips.

Sempre foi a grande rival da Sony á muitos anos atrás...



17-09-14, 20:10
Por acaso aprecio bastante a Philips hoje em dia. Os meus auscultadores Bluetooth são da Philips e nunca me deixaram mal. Acho que a Philips está a voltar aos seus bons tempos. Já começo a ver mais coisas deles nas revistas também.

17-09-14, 20:14
Não estou a ver a Philips interessada na Sony, muito mais facilmente é comprada por outra nipónica, pela Sharp ou Panasonic, tal como aconteceu com a Pioneer.

Tendo em conta a vasta experiência que a Sharp tem em painéis LCD/LED, até podia ser um bom arranjinho, painéis de topo associados a uma marca com grande representação.

A Sharp não se está a conseguir afirmar no mercado das TVs, mesmo fabricando dos melhores painéis que andam aí. A Sony podia ser uma porta aberta.

17-09-14, 20:16
O pior para o potencial comprador é que terá que assumir as dívidas da Sony. Que não devem ser poucas com semestres e trimestres a serem de prejuízos na casa dos biliões.

Pedro Pinto
17-09-14, 20:23
Não estou a ver a Philips interessada na Sony, muito mais facilmente é comprada por outra nipónica, pela Sharp ou Panasonic, tal como aconteceu com a Pioneer.

Tendo em conta a vasta experiência que a Sharp tem em painéis LCD/LED, até podia ser um bom arranjinho, painéis de topo associados a uma marca com grande representação.

A Sharp não se está a conseguir afirmar no mercado das TVs, mesmo fabricando dos melhores painéis que andam aí. A Sony podia ser uma porta aberta.
Uma salvação dupla!

31-10-14, 09:57
Mais um trimestre cheio de prejuízos para a Sony.

TOKYO— Sony Corp. reported a hefty net loss of ¥136.0 billion ($1.2 billion) for the July-September period as it wrote down the ¥180 billion book value of its struggling smartphone business.

The outcome was narrower the ¥148.06 billion loss forecast by analysts. Markets had factored in a big loss since the electronics maker announced the write-down in September. In the same quarter a year ago, Sony recorded a ¥19.6 billion loss.

Restructuring the troubled Xperia handset business is an urgent task for the Japanese conglomerate. Chief executive Kazuo Hirai named the mobile segment as one of the three pillars of the company’s future, and Sony had ambitions of taking the third-largest global market share after and Samsung and Apple .

But faced with increasing competition from lower-cost Chinese makers, Sony acknowledged that its strategy had been wrong, and it would no longer seek such a large piece of the pie, signaling it would decrease its presence in some emerging markets. In the three-month reporting period, the mobile segment recorded a net loss of ¥172.0 billion.

Apart from the loss-making mobile business, the company’s other two pillars—the PlayStation business and the image sensor business—remain robust. They recorded operating profits of ¥21.8 billion and ¥29.6 billion respectively, from a loss of ¥4.2 billion and a profit of ¥11.9 billion a year ago.



http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/IR/fina...q2_sonypre.pdf (http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/IR/financial/fr/14q2_sonypre.pdf)

31-10-14, 10:18
Não me admira nada as perdas no mercado mobile, eles cospem na cara dos consumidores. Chegaram ao ridículo de num espaço de 18 meses, terem lançado 4 topos de gama, Xperia Z, Z1, Z2 e Z3.

Isto dá um smartphone novo a cada 4~5 meses, um verdadeiro absurdo e tira qualquer vontade em usar smartphones da marca. Um gajo dá 600€ por um equipamento e ao final de apenas um ano vale tuta e meia, porque já foi substituído por dois ou três.

Gostei muito do Sony Xperia Z, mas enquanto continuarem com esta política de tornar os equipamentos descartáveis, dificilmente comprarei mais algum smartphone deles. É pena que a marca ande assim, porque é dos poucos fabricantes em Android que dão importância à qualidade de construção.

31-10-14, 11:19
É muito guito perdido num espaço tão curto de tempo... a continuar assim é mais um nome que se vai.

31-10-14, 13:35
Em apenas 2 trimestres com este prejuízo e dava para comprar a Mohjang, ao preço que a MS a comprou.
É mesmo muito dinheiro.

Quando coloquei esta noticia há meio ano atrás, pensava que isto era apenas dados estatísticos e que a Sony podia mudar a coisa a seu favor.
Mas os trimestres onde a Sony reporta prejuízos são bastantes, mesmo após estruturações e vendas de unidades.
A possibilidade de não termos uma Sony daqui a 2 anos parece cada vez mais uma realidade. Ou pelo menos, será uma empresa que é uma sombra daquilo que já foi, com apenas 1 ou 2 divisões a trabalhar.

31-10-14, 14:27
A Sony nestes ultimos anos tem desaparecido muito, não temos uma Sony como tinhamos há uns anos atrás.
A Sony já foi uma referencia, consolas,, TV e Hi-Fi, actualmente é uma sombra daquilo que já foi, os prejuizos demasiado elevados num curto espaço de tempo refletem isso mesmo.
Acho que dentro de pouco tempo a Sony será mais um nome a constar do museu dos grandes nomes do passado e que trouxeram inovações e aparelhos miticos.

26-11-14, 14:06
Sony To Overhaul Smartphone Division, Plans For Profitability In 2015

Today, Sony announced (http://online.wsj.com/articles/sony-eyes-strong-playstation4-sales-gains-1416888161) that it will overhaul its smartphone division, which is currently losing the company money. Hiroki Totoki, Sony's new mobile chief, said that the company has been too optimistic about its goal of becoming number three in smartphones. Right now the focus will be on profitability, even if that means losing 20-30 percent market share in smartphones.

“Our urgent task is to make the business profitable even if we face declines in sales by 20% or 30%," said Mr. Totoki, who replaced Kunimasa Suzuki as the new head of the smartphone division.

Under the CEO, Kazuo Hirai, and the new CFO, Kenichiro Yoshida, Sony hopes to refocus the company in three areas: image sensors, video games, and its entertainment studio. Sony has already seen strong growth in video games and consoles division, for which it aims to increase its revenues from ¥1.4 trillion ($12 billion) to ¥1.6 trillion by 2018, as well as in the image sensor division, for which it hopes to grow sales from ¥890 billion to ¥1.5 billion. Sony is also expected to see solid gains in sales from its Hollywood studio.
Other divisions from Sony aren't expected to do as well in the next period. Cameras are expected to stay flat or slip to between ¥650 billion to ¥700 billion, compared to ¥710 billion for this year.

Noticia completa:

26-11-14, 14:08
Mais uma reestruturação. A ver se é desta que voltam aos lucros.

26-11-14, 14:10
Diminuam a quantidade de gamas...

Já vi Samsung e agora a Sony a decidirem-se por este caminho. Quando é que a MS faz o mesmo? Porra, há tanto Lumia que até confunde o utilizador.

26-11-14, 14:20
Diminuam a quantidade de gamas...

Já vi Samsung e agora a Sony a decidirem-se por este caminho. Quando é que a MS faz o mesmo? Porra, há tanto Lumia que até confunde o utilizador.
O contrario dos sony e samsung, é que esses ainda se vendendo, ja os lumias grande parte deles, enfeitam as prateleiras.

Enviado do meu ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 7041X através de Tapatalk

26-11-14, 14:23
Mais uma reestruturação. A ver se é desta que voltam aos lucros.

Se as coisas forem bem feitas e não andarem a lançar modelos atrás de modelos semana sim, semana não, decerto que os lucros vão vir.

02-12-14, 09:01
Sony won't renew contract with FIFA, will spend the money internally

The latest reports from Nikkei is that Sony will not be renewing its large contract with FIFA for sponsorship, with the Japanese electronics giant to spend the money on structural reforms.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41602_01_sony_won_t_renew_contract_with_fifa_will_ spend_the_money_internally.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41602_01_sony_won_t_renew_contract_with_fifa_will_ spend_the_money_internally_full.jpg)

Sony started sponsoring FIFA back in 2005, with the company signing an eight-year contract worth $277 million. Nikkei is reporting that Sony was involved with sales and marketing in over 40 soccer tournaments during that time, something that included the bigger 2010 and 2014 World Cup matches.

Sony has been experiencing some massive hurdles lately, with an operating loss of $766 million in October, riding on the back of the 13.5 million PlayStation 4 consoles being shipped (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/40914/sony-has-sold-13-5-million-PlayStation-4-consoles-so-far/index.html) from its Games and Network division. Not only that, but the company has increased its loss forecast to $2.15 billion in September (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/40211/sony-prepares-for-massive-2b-financial-year-loss/index.html), after it downgraded its mobile and smartphone business by a large $1.68 billion. The company has also restructured its TV division, and sold off its VAIO PC brand back in February, too, which saw 5000 jobs cut from the company.

Noticia completa:

20-01-15, 20:51
Sony is closing its stores in Canada (http://www.kitguru.net/channel/generaltech/matthew-wilson/sony-is-closing-its-stores-in-canada/)

Sony has announced that it will be closing down all of its stores in Canada within the next six to eight weeks. From now on, Sony will be selling and supporting its products through a series of authorized retailers and its own online store.
Sony confirmed the cost cutting move to CBC News (http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/sony-to-close-all-14-canadian-stores-within-2-months-1.2902094), saying: “Our network of Sony authorized retailers offer a full range of Sony products and will be supported by our in-store Merchandisers and Product Trainers on an ongoing basis in order to ensure that our past customers have continued access to knowledgeable Sales consultants who can support their ongoing Sony electronics needs.”
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Sony-Store-e1393454498351.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Sony-Store-e1393454498351.jpg)
This move will allow Sony to save some money, the company cut two thirds of its US stores last year (http://www.kitguru.net/channel/generaltech/matthew-wilson/sony-shutting-down-two-thirds-of-its-us-stores/) following a giant company-wide loss, which was followed up with the sale of Sony’s Vaio PC business.
Sony is still struggling to return to profitability and rumors suggest that it may sell off its Xperia mobile and Bravio RV businesses.


20-01-15, 21:04
Sony, quem te viu e quem te vê.

Na década de 80 e 90 Sony era símbolo de qualidade, tinha produtos desejados por todos.
Tinha um dos melhores slogans de sempre: It's a Sony.

20-01-15, 21:06
Bem verdade, desde Walkmans a televisores, passando por aparelhagens de som... era o top.

28-01-15, 08:28
Sony cutting 1,000 jobs in smartphone division

http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/0feef89c803d16a238cd93ea00cbf03a_L.jpg (http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/0feef89c803d16a238cd93ea00cbf03a_XL.jpg)

30% cut expected by 2016
Sony is reportedly planning to cut 1,000 jobs in its mobile phone division. The latest round of cuts comes just months after the company announced it was laying off 1,000 people in the same division.

According to Nikkei, Sony’s overall mobile unit workforce will be reduced to 5,000 by March 2016. By that time, the division will be shrunk by roughly 30%. Nikkei said the new cut will be announced in Sony’s next quarterly report in February.
Sony has had a tough time in the mobile space, as it lost ground to a number of companies. Sony’s Xperia line of Android smartphones usually gets positive reviews, but time and again the company has proven unable to translate good reviews into good sales.
On the whole, customer reviews suggest people are rather happy with their Z-series Xperias, especially Compact models, which offer high-end specs in a relatively small package. However, Sony’s user base remains small compared to big players like Samsung and Apple.
Sony's new Xperia Z4 series is expected to launch in a matter of weeks, possibly at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.


28-01-15, 13:14
Deviam era vender a divisão, que só dá prejuízos brutais

28-01-15, 13:21
Voto no mesmo. A Sony devia vender a secção de smartphones.

28-01-15, 13:42
Deviam era vender a divisão, que só dá prejuízos brutais

Com o que têm vindo a fazer mais vale, é que exisstem coisas que não se compreendem.

28-01-15, 16:29
O problema da Sony é que se encostou demasiado tempo à sombra da marca como se isso bastasse. Com os mercados tecnológicos a serem cada vez mais competitivos, uma marca por maior que seja, não se pode de dar ao luxo de parar na inovação.

28-01-15, 18:07
Sony is ditching homegrown music service, teaming with Spotify on PlayStation Music (http://www.techspot.com/news/59548-sony-ditching-homegrown-music-service-teaming-spotify-playstation.html)

Sony has announced (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2015/01/28/playstation-meet-spotify/) intentions to close its homegrown Music Unlimited service (http://www.techspot.com/news/41691-sony-debuts-music-unlimited-streaming-service.html). The company isn’t getting out of the streaming music business, however, as it plans to launch a new service in its place known as PlayStation Music.The new effort will be backed by Spotify (http://www.techspot.com/news/59378-spotify-reaches-another-milestone-60-million-active-users.html) and its catalog of more than 30 million songs and 1.5 billion playlists. Those on the PlayStation 4 (http://www.techspot.com/review/829-sony-ps4-review-update/) will be able to listen to music while playing games, we’re told. What’s more, gamers will have access to existing playlists from current users as well as those curated by Spotify and use the service on all Spotify supported devices.
As per the agreement, PlayStation Network users will be able to link their IDs with Spotify and even use their PSN billing information to pay for a premium Spotify account.
PlayStation Music is expected to arrive sometime this spring in 41 markets around the globe. Initially, the service will be available on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 as well as Xperia smartphones and tablets.
Music Unlimited, meanwhile, will be shutting down in all 19 countries on March 29, 2015. Those with active subscriptions as of February 28 will receive up to 30 days of free access through March 29.
Whether or not this is a PlayStation exclusive remains to be seen. As you know, Microsoft operates its own music service, Xbox Music (http://www.techspot.com/news/58551-microsoft-kill-free-xbox-music-streaming-december.html). As of writing, we haven’t heard anything that would suggest Microsoft also wants in on the Spotify action.

02-02-15, 20:54
Sony Online Entertainment Sold, Renamed

Now here's a bit of shocking news for PC gamers: Sony has sold off (http://www.soepress.com/article.vm?release=columbus-nova-acquires-sony-online-entertainment) its Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE) division to investment management firm Columbus Nova for an undisclosed amount. The developer, best known for its MMOGs such as EverQuest and PlanetSide, will now be called Daybreak Game Company LLC.
"We are excited to join Columbus Nova's impressive roster of companies. They have a proven track record in similar and related industries and we are eager to move forward to see how we can push the boundaries of online gaming," said John Smedley, President, Daybreak Game Company.
With Sony prime out of the picture, Daybreak can now stand on its own two feet as an independent developer and focus on making great games for the PC as well as additional platforms such as the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and mobile. The studio can also focus on getting EverQuest Next out the door, which is scheduled to launch "in the near future."
On Monday, the studio revealed on the H1Z1 website that even though Columbus Nova now holds the reins to Daybreak, it will be "business as usual," meaning that all projects currently in development will continue. Further, Daybreak said that because of the acquisition, the studio now has more resources to utilize.
"It also means new exciting developments for our existing IP and games as we can now fully embrace the multi-platform world we are living in," the studio revealed (http://www.reddit.com/r/h1z1/comments/2ujaaj/sony_online_entertainment_becomes_daybreak_game/) in a Reddit post.
Daybreak Game Company launched as Sony Interactive Studios America in 1995, and then re-branded itself as Sony Online Entertainment in 1998. The studio made a name for itself when it launched the original EverQuest MMORPG back in 1999. Since then, the studio has focused on the MMORPG genre it helped create, offering games like Star Wars Galaxies, Free Realms, PlanetSide, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, H1Z1 and more.
"Our games and players are the heart and soul of our organization, and we are committed to maintaining our portfolio of online games and pushing the limits of where we can take online gaming together," the Daybreak team said.
Was this a good move? Breaking away from Sony to become a standalone studio? As the team indicated, Daybreak will have more resources now that it has teamed up with investment firm Columbus Nova. But we now have to question what kind of input Columbus Nova will have. Will the games continue to be developed as planned, or will the investment firm have a say in how these titles will be baked in the developmental oven?
Thanks to the acquisition, Daybreak will join a number of other companies in the Columbus Nova portfolio including the Rhapsody music service, TomFoolery Incorporated, chat service Rabbit, NoSQL database Aerospike, the Kaazing WebSocket Gateway and more.


02-02-15, 21:31
Os tempos estão difíceis para a Sony....

Que faça como a Sega e comece a focar-se no mercado PC.

04-02-15, 20:00
Sony Shutting Down Factory Working On PlayStation Chips – Increasing Production of CMOS Sensors

We can’t say what Sony is up to nowadays, but the video games giant is surely making some big changes to its assets. It seems like after selling off (http://wccftech.com/sony-online-entertainment-sony-xbox-one/) the veteran MMO video game development studio known as Sony Computer Entertainment to Columbus Nova for an undisclosed sum of money, Sony is gradually shifting all of its focus to the PlayStation 4, leaving the seventh generation PlayStation 3 console behind. The company recently announced that it is going to discontinue all operations at the factory that is known for the production of the packaging of the RSX chips for the PlayStation 3.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/sony_660_082514123202-635x433.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/sony_660_082514123202.jpg)
Factory Involved in the Production of Packaging of Chips for PlayStation 3 Console Being Shutdown by Sony Ending relationship with one of its oldest video game development studios, Sony recently sold off Sony Online Entertainment (http://wccftech.com/sony-online-entertainment-sony-xbox-one/), a video game development studio responsible for MMOs like H1Z1 and PlanetSide 2, to a massive New York-based investment management firm known as Columbus Nova, and now, the company has announced via a press release that it will be shutting down any and all operations at the Japanese Sony Semiconductor Oita Technology Center, A.K.A Oita TEC, based in Kunisaki, Oita Prefecture.

Noticia completa:

04-02-15, 20:21
Provavelmente já têm chips da PS3 em stock que bastam para o resto da vida da PS3.
No caso da PS4 os chips são feitos na TSMC, por isso a Sony não precisa de manter linhas de produção.

12-02-15, 13:29
Daybreak Game Company annouces layoffs


Daybreak Game Company, the once-and-former Sony Online Entertainment, has confirmed that it is laying staff off following its acquisition by investment firm Columbus Nova.

Founded in 1998 from Sony Interactive Studios America when its parent company merged Sony Online Ventures and Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Online Entertainment has been responsible for some of the company's best-loved output from massively multiplayer online franchise EverQuest - dubbed EverCrack by its addicted players - through to the more recent and divisive zombie-themed survival title H1Z1. Early this month, Sony confirmed it had sold the company to Columbus Nova (http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2015/02/03/sony-sells-off-sony-online-entertainment/1) which immediately rebranded it as the Daybreak Game Company and pledged to continue development of the studio's planned titles.

Development may well be continuing, but it will be doing so without a chunk of staff. 'To better position our newly independent studio for future growth opportunities and to deliver on our legacy of making top online games, we have had to make some tough choices including realignment of resources,' the freshly-rebranded company explained in a euphemism-heavy statement late yesterday. 'Unfortunately, this realignment means adjusting staffing as well. We announced today that we will eliminate positions in our San Diego and Austin studios. Many of us are saying goodbye to close friends and colleagues who we’ve worked with over the years, and we are grateful for the memories and all that they’ve contributed. They will be greatly missed, and we wish them nothing but the best for the future.'

The company has denied that the cutbacks will have an effect on the operations of its current games, but the news has already poured oil on the fire of displeasure over H1Z1's use of microtransactions to give players willing to cough up real-world cash seemingly unfair advantages over the more frugal gamer. Users of Reddit have begun comparing the company's actions to a pump and dump scam (http://www.reddit.com/r/h1z1/comments/2vkcjt/changes_at_daybreak/coik2u9), claiming that the investment firm has planned to 'fire part of the [H1Z1] team and suck all the profit they can out of this game before abandoning it.'


16-02-15, 14:17
H1Z1 developer, previously known as SOE, announces layoffs

It was only a couple of weeks ago that investment firm Columbus Nova purchased Sony Online Entertainment, which renamed to Daybreak Game Company, but now we're seeing layoffs from within the company.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43527_06_h1z1-developer-previously-known-soe-announces-layoffs.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43527_06_h1z1-developer-previously-known-soe-announces-layoffs_full.jpg)

Development of games will still happen for Daybreak Game Company, including the ongoing work for H1Z1, with the company explaining: "To better position our newly independent studio for future growth opportunities and to deliver on our legacy of making top online games, we have had to make some tough choices including realignment of resources".

Daybreak Game Company continued: "Unfortunately, this realignment means adjusting staffing as well. We announced today that we will eliminate positions in our San Diego and Austin studios. Many of us are saying goodbye to close friends and colleagues who we've worked with over the years, and we are grateful for the memories and all that they've contributed. They will be greatly missed, and we wish them nothing but the best for the future". The developer says that the layoffs will not have an effect on its current development operations.


19-02-15, 11:14
Sony will spin off its audio and video units in attempt to streamline its business even further

http://www.techspot.com/images2/news/bigimage/2015-02-18-image-9.jpgSony has been slowly making some major changes over the last year or so. After moving its TV business, followed by selling off the Vaio computer side of things, the company is now announcing (http://www.wsj.com/articles/sony-aims-for-4-2-billion-operating-profit-in-three-years-1424245447) more key changes to its core businesses.
In its continued attempt to streamline its offerings after close to 10 years of losses, CEO Kazuo Hirai has announced that Sony will be moving its audio and video business into its own subsidiary. The CEO also went on to say that the company may have to consider selling more than just its Vaio business in order to focus on more profitable avenues for the company like gaming and its involvement with sensors for Apple. The company is, as of now, considering selling off its smartphone and TV businesses all together, according to Hirai.
While its clear Sony wants to focus on its poplar PlayStation gaming unit and the image sensor business, which is heavily involved in the creation of components that help Apple’s iPhone run, its media offerings are next in line. Even after being asked by investors two years ago to roll over its entertainment business, Hirai has placed it third in line moving forward.
As you likely imagined, the Sony CEO finished off with some overly-optimistic projections including a jump to nearly 500 billion yen in profit by the time 2018 is up. But that number is quite a stretch from the 20 billion the company is planning on hitting as of March of this year.


19-02-15, 14:39
Sony could exit smartphone and TV sectors to boost profits

Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai has announced that the company aims to boost its operating profit by 250 per cent between now and 2018. The key strategic focus of its growth plans will be concentrating upon its entertainment, PlayStation and camera sensors businesses.
Despite the sales of its Xperia smartphones picking up in the last quarter, increasing from 10.8 million to 11.9 million in the quarter to 31 December 2014 year-on-year, the Japanese firm is still expecting to lose money on a net basis for the sixth time in seven years. This is the main reason behind the electronics giant's decision to no longer pursue sales growth in the cut-throat smartphone and TV sectors, where it has suffered competition from cheaper Asian rivals and industry leaders including Apple and Samsung.
"The strategy starting from the next business year will be about generating profit and investing for growth," said CEO Kazuo Hirai, according to Reuters (http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/18/us-sony-strategy-idUSKBN0LM05X20150218). He added that the firm would not "rule out considering an exit strategy" for its smartphone and TV units, confirming the possibility of selling or finding partners in these struggling sectors.
Favouring more profitable and secure markets, Sony will focus its spending on its profitable camera sensors, videogames and entertainment businesses and it would allow these units to become more autonomous. Sony aims to reach its goal of posting an operating profit of at least 500 billion yen ($4.2 billion) for 2017/18, a 25-fold increase over its current financial performance of 20 billion yen forecast for the year ending 31 March. To do so, the company has already sold off (http://hexus.net/search/?title_only=1&q=vaio) its personal computer division, and cut thousands of jobs, most recently (http://www.zdnet.com/article/sony-confirms-2100-smartphone-job-cuts-primarily-in-china/) over 2,100 jobs in its smartphone division, as part of a restructuring plan lead by Hirai.
Sony hasn't yet thrown in the towel concerning smartphones. The firm will be present at the MWC 2015 but whether it will be revealing/launching any Xperia Z4 handsets remains to be seen. GSM Arena sources (http://www.gsmarena.com/sonys_mwc_conference_will_probably_be_held_on_marc h_2-news-11017.php) are pointing to a summer release schedule for the next range of Xperia devices.


19-02-15, 16:36
A Sony anda a fazer de tudo para não se afundar...

20-02-15, 15:35
Sony to more than double down on its investment into PlayStation

It's kind of an end of an era for Sony, with the Japanese giant falling on its sword in multiple of its failing divisions. We've seen the company sell of its VAIO laptop business, which is now making a comeback (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/43566/vaio-back-new-transforming-laptops-range/index.html), but there's some more news that many will be sad over.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43650_01_sony-more-double-down-investment-playstation.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43650_01_sony-more-double-down-investment-playstation_full.jpg)

Sony wants to make a 25-fold increase in its profits, by concentrating on products that actually make the company money. Considering the company has just recorded its sixth net loss in seven years, many can see why. Sony's stock on the other hand has actually grown by 80% in the last 12 months, as its CEO, Kaz Hirai, has been restructuring the core of Sony's business.

Hirai has been able to do this by focusing on making less products, to ensure they're making the right products, that sell well. This effort of restructuring will continue, but now the company has announced it will be pulling out of more markets. In the end, Sony will be making the PlayStation its near sole purpose, as well as making Sony camera sensors for companies like Apple. The company has thought of pulling out of the TV market with its Bravia brand, as LG and Samsung have been making serious inroads in the TV business over the years.

But alternatively, if Sony is putting all of its eggs into the PlayStation basket, this could be a good thing for the PlayStation. Maybe we'll see multiple consoles released with a proper high-end unit in the PlayStation 5 that is capable of 4K at 60Hz+, and 1440p at 120Hz+ that can be used with the consumer version of its VR headset, Project Morpheus (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/40268/sony-s-project-morpheus-vr-headset-is-85-finished-/index.html). I'm kind of excited, to be honest.


26-02-15, 09:14
Dish chairman says Sony's upcoming Internet TV service, not Sling TV, will be the real game-changer

http://www.techspot.com/images2/news/bigimage/2015-02-25-image-16.jpgSling TV (http://www.techspot.com/news/59514-hands-sling-tv-solid-live-tv-experience-cord.html) has been hailed as a disruptor in the pay-TV industry but according to Dish Network chairman and inbound CEO Charlie Ergen, that title is best reserved for an upcoming over-the-top service from Sony.
During a recent investor call to discuss the company’s Q4 / 2014 earnings, Ergen said (http://www.fiercecable.com/story/ergen-sonys-upcoming-ott-service-real-disrupter-not-sling-tv/2015-02-23) Sony’s product will really be a replacement for pay television. He apparently came to this conclusion due to the fact that Sony will be a newcomer in the industry whereas Dish is a well-established player.
The executive added that Sling TV is more related to their wireless strategy; specifically, to distribute video on a mobile and wireless basis because that’s how the next generation is going to watch television.
Providing a bit more insight, Ergen said Sling CEO Roger Lynch first started talking to content providers about such a service five years ago. As you can imagine, nobody was interested… that is, until Disney’s landmark deal with Dish last year.
Lynch said that now, however, there are more programmers concerned about not being on the platform than there are those who are worried about participating.
Late last year, Sony secured a content deal with Viacom (http://www.techspot.com/news/58091-dish-network-signs-licensing-deal-with-scripps-for-upcoming-internet-tv-service.html) to carry roughly 20 of its channels over the Internet including BET, CMT, Comedy Central, MTV, MTV2, Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Nicktoons, Spike, TV Land, VH1, BET Gospel, Centric, Logo, CMT Pure Country, MTV Hits, MTV Jams, mtvU, Palladia, TeenNick, Vh1 Classic and Vh1 Soul – all in HD.
No word yet on when Sony plans to launch its service.


03-03-15, 09:19
Sony: We will not sell smartphone division (http://www.kitguru.net/laptops/mobile/anton-shilov/sony-we-will-not-sell-smartphone-division/)

Just several weeks after chief executive of Sony said that the company could sell off its money losing smartphone business unit, the head of the division denied such plan. According to him, the handset unit is very important for the company.
“At the beginning of February there was speculation about a sale of Sony Mobile,” said Hiroki Totoki, the head of Sony Mobile, in an interview with Le Figaro, reports Reuters news-agency. “It’s completely untrue.”
Mr. Totoki said that Kazuo Hirai, chief executive officer of Sony, would visit the Mobile World Congress to speak about “the importance of this business for Sony”.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/sony_xperia_z_ultra_5-1024x705.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/sony_xperia_z_ultra_5.jpg)
Sony’s handset business is bleeding money, just like similar business units at companies like LG Electronics or Microsoft. In fact, only Apple and Samsung earn profits selling smartphones nowadays.
Sony plans to reorganize its handset business unit, shrink the model lineup and release new devices less often. This should cut-down development costs and allow Sony to develop more innovative models to better address the high-end of the market.


30-06-15, 20:01
Sony To Raise $4 Billion USD; Invest All Of Them In Camera Sensors

Despite the fact that Japanese tech company Sony has a commanding lead in the smartphone camera sensor market share (http://wccftech.com/sony-20-iphone-6-sold/), the firm has been facing a difficult time when the growth of its smartphone business is concerned. Since Sony is well known to manufacturers for its dexterity in smartphone camera sensor tech, the company will be taking advantage of this by issuing new shares in approximately 26 years. With this move, the company plans on increasing the amount of capital it needs in order to dig deep in to camera sensor technology.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/xpera-z1-overview-waterproof-1880x950-f3a0b95102fbf07bdb009bc3def310b7-940x475-635x321.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/xpera-z1-overview-waterproof-1880x950-f3a0b95102fbf07bdb009bc3def310b7-940x475.jpg)
Sony Expects To Raise $2.62 Billion From A Public Stock Offering, Followed By A Further $1.38 Billion According to Yahoo Finance (http://finance.yahoo.com/news/sony-raise-3-6-billion-054736169.html), the amount of money that is going to be raised by the company is equivalent to 10 percent of the company’s total value. However, it can clearly be seen that the company’s CEO, Kazuo Hirai, is giving the camera sensor business the highest priority in order to steer Sony in to calmer waters. The company has failed to gain a significant market share in mobile devices due to being hammered by large corporations such as Apple and Samsung, along with Chinese smartphone makers that price their products at a very affordable range.
The company said in a statement that:

“In addition to securing funds for active and concentrated investment in businesses that are driving growth. Sony … aims to secure its ability to make future further investment.”
While investors fear that the new stock will dilute per-share earnings, the company’s market value has actually doubled, and it was reported in June 2014, that the company was worth $35 billion.

According to Takatoshi Itoshima, who is the Chief Portfolio Manager Commons Asset Management states that:

“It’s positive that it is investing in the sensor business which is seen promising. But short-term investors may question the strength of its balance sheet, or wonder whether the company could’ve slashed more of its businesses before raising money from the market.”
Right now, demand for camera sensors is so high that Sony is unable to meet the quota. That being said, Tomoyuki Suzuki, who is the head of Sony’s device solutions business, has stated that he expected sensor sales to grow by nearly a quarter to 550 billion yen in the year ending March.
Additionally, the company has also not been performing in the TV business, and is expected to lose around 6 percent of this particular business. Despite its losses, Sony is aiming for the heavens and with the amount of investment that it will be able to accumulate, we expect the company to bring about new camera sensor tech sporting new image and video capturing prowess in the near future.
Image source: Xperia Z1 Overview Waterproof (http://www-static.se-mc.com/blogs.dir/0/files/2013/11/xpera-z1-overview-waterproof-1880x950-f3a0b95102fbf07bdb009bc3def310b7-940x475.jpg)


30-06-15, 21:05
É o que eles sabem fazer bem. Basicamente tudo o que é Android com câmara decente tem vindo com sensores Sony.

30-06-15, 21:19
Pois eu não sei se a Sony não deixa de vez o negócio dos smartphones também além do dos PC's para passar a fazer apenas sensores e coisas do género. Nos smartphones a Sony tem acumulado prejuízos estupidos. Se a dos PC's era muitos milhões de prejuízo então venderam. Não sei se não será o mesmo com os smartphones... E as TVs...

01-07-15, 13:45
Sony Japan launches First Flight crowd-funding site


Sony Japan is dipping its feet into the crowd-funding waters, launching a new site - First Flight - to generate cash and gauge demand for devices designed by its employees.

While Sony is no stranger to crowd-funding, the art of promising to create products that don't yet exist by getting a bunch of individuals to stump up pre-orders through the promise of various added-value 'rewards,' the launch of First Flight marks a shift in the company's approach from using third-party services to bringing the whole funding system in-house - meaning it can keep a bigger chunk of the proceeds, naturally.

Based on the Kickstarter model of requiring a project to raise a certain amount of money within a limited time period or no cash changes hands, First Flight's initial campaign (https://first-flight.sony.com/pj/2/HUIS%20REMOTE%20CONTROLLER) is for a customisable remote control based on a low-power electrophoretic e-paper display. Similar to Logitech's existing Harmony family, the Huis offers to ability to learn codes from various remote controls - including from non-Sony products - in order to replace multiple remotes with a single unit.

Designed as part of Sony's regular entrepreneurship programme, the Huis remote needs to raise ¥5 million (around £26,000) in the next 50 days in order to reach production; with 102 backers, the campaign is already more than half-way to its goal. If successful, the Huis would join other Sony products that have been produced as a result of crowd-funding campaigns including the FES smartwatch and MESH modular electronics kit.

First Flight is available exclusively in Japan, and thus far Sony has not announced any plans to launch similar sites in other countries.


04-12-15, 13:57
Sony buys up Toshiba's image sensor fab for $155 million

Amid recent financial woes and scandals (http://gizmodo.com/toshibas-ceo-has-quit-over-a-1-2-billion-profit-scanda-1719209309), Japanese electronics company Toshiba today announced (http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/News/Press/201512/15-1204E/) that it has sold its image sensor business to Sony for 19 billion yen ($155 million).

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/8/48787_1_sony-buys-up-toshibas-image-sensor-fab-155-milion.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/8/48787_1_sony-buys-up-toshibas-image-sensor-fab-155-milion_full.jpg)

Starting in April 2016, Sony will take over Toshiba's semiconductor fabrication facility in Oita, Japan (http://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1174892), which can ship up to 12,500 300mm wafers a month. Along with the Oita facility, Sony will take in all equipment and 1,100 employees who will now operate under Sony's own Semiconductor Corporation (http://www.sony.net/Products/SC-HP/). The facility will focus "primarily for manufacturing CMOS image sensors."

This move sees Toshiba effectively pull out of the image sensor market. Negotiations for the takeover started back in October (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-toshiba-divestiture-sony-idUSKCN0SH2N320151024), and Nikkei (http://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Companies/President-kicks-off-overhaul-on-familiar-turf-chips) notes that Toshiba turned right to Sony due to past business.

"Toshiba has little choice but to carry out a sweeping reorganization of its presence in semiconductors. It has turned to Sony, which once sold a portion of its semiconductor operations in Nagasaki to Toshiba, only to buy it back later."

With Toshiba's Oita facility under its belt, Sony has considerably bolstered its profitable image sensor presence. Sony's high-grade image sensors make up almost 40% of the smartphone market, and can be found in everything from Apple's iPhones to Samsung's Galaxy line.


27-01-16, 17:18
Sony to acquire Altair Semiconductor to bolster IoT ambitions


Sony Corp. has reached an agreement (http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/News/Press/201601/16-008E/index.html) to acquire Israel-based chipmaker Altair Semiconductor for $212 million, positioning itself to become a serious player in the rapidly approaching Internet of Things era. Altair was founded in 2005 by Oded Melamed, Yigal Bitran and Eran Eshed, all former Texas Instruments executives. The company specializes in chip technology and software related to 4G LTE. Its chips are said to be known for their high performance, low power consumption and competitive cost.
The Japanese electronics maker said in a press release that it will continue to expand Altair's existing business as well as move forward with research on and development of new sensing technologies.
Sony is in a good position to do just that. Late last year, the company spun off (http://www.techspot.com/news/62355-sony-spinning-off-lucrative-image-sensor-business-make.html) its image sensor business into a separate entity known as Sony Semiconductor Corporation in a bid to encourage underperforming divisions to step their game up. A couple of months later, Sony acquired (http://www.techspot.com/news/63034-sony-buys-toshiba-image-sensor-division-155-million.html) Toshiba's image sensor business for around $155 million, further extending its dominance over the industry.
Sony said that by combining its image sensors and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) with Altair's chip technology, they hope to develop a new breed of cellular-connected, sensing component devices... or in other words, IoT devices with 4G LTE connectivity (and cameras?).
The acquisition is expected to be complete by early next month.


29-01-16, 14:25
Games move Sony foward

http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/859458c0aabe6efcc450028edcf44e20_L.jpg (http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/859458c0aabe6efcc450028edcf44e20_XL.jpg)

Make up for poor image censors and mobile phone sales
Sonyis seeing a turnaround which is based on its games business – something you would not have expected a year or two ago.

The company reported quarterly profit that beat market estimates as the outfit cost cuts in its flagging mobile business amd made a pile on games to offset a fall in sales of the image sensors that had led the company's turnaround last year.
October-December operating profit rose 11 percent from a year earlier to 202.1 $1.68 billion, beating the average $1.44 billion forecast by Wall Street.
Cost cuts and strong sales of PlayStation 4 games and image sensors used in smartphones helped a turnaround at the Japanese manufacturer over the past year.
Sony said quarterly sales of devices, including image sensors, fell 13 percent from a year earlier. The segment, also hit by weak battery sales, booked a loss of $967 million compared with a profit in the previous year.
The company maintained its outlook for full-year operating profit to grow to $2.64 billion.


29-01-16, 21:35
Já ouvi isso há uns 5 anos atrás. E eles continuam cá. E acredito que vão estar muito tempo por cá.