View Full Version : Battlefield Hardline [PC, PS3, PS4, X1, X360]

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28-05-14, 14:45
Como conseguiram "matar" o nome Medal of Honor, lançam um com o nome Battlefield a ver se vende melhor.

Qualquer dia, nem no nome Battlefield se vão poder refugiar.


O jogo vai ser produzido pela Visceral Games, mesmos do Dead Space e Dantes Inferno e supostamente será lançado no último trimestre do ano.


Leak do gameplay:


28-05-14, 14:47

Esses gajos não estão bons da cabeça só pode...
Vão destruir o nome Battlefield...

Parece que este ano será novamente o ano do COD...
Major Actor Star + NextGen Engine e possivelmente novas mecânicas...

LOL... BOA EA...



28-05-14, 14:53
Não me admirava que a saga Battlefield seguisse pelo mesmo caminho que o Medal of Honor. É triste.

28-05-14, 15:23
Epá não me levem a mal mas a saga Battlefield tem uma categoria só sua e bem degradada após os pregos do Battlefield 4...
Este e um Double Kill do Medal of Honor e do Battlefield. Enfim a EA vai ter dias muito sombrios.


28-05-14, 17:00
A EA anda a seguir o mesmo caminho que o COD, cada ano sai um novo Battlefield .

Vamos ver se é para corrigir/compensar o BF4

28-05-14, 17:27
A EA anda a seguir o mesmo caminho que o COD, cada ano sai um novo Battlefield .

Vamos ver se é para corrigir/compensar o BF4

Sim... mas isso já era normal...
Tentam combater na silly season do natal...

O problema é que BattleField = All out WAR!
E agora é mais um "The Run" vestido de Battlefield...




28-05-14, 18:15
Se me fizessem um BF Bad Company 3 é que eram lindinhos (H.)

28-05-14, 18:21
A pergunta mais importante é se já corrigiram o netcode e os muitos bugs que ainda infestam o BF4. Ou será que vamos levar com mais uma alpha que dura meses e meses sem fim.

28-05-14, 18:23
Se me fizessem um BF Bad Company 3 é que eram lindinhos (H.)

Ate tenho medo, ainda estragavam a serie :|

28-05-14, 22:47
Relaxem, este jogo será um spin-off para encher chouriços (e bolsos da EA) até vir o seguinte BF5. Deverá ser uma espécie de Counter-Strike wannabe com o mesmo intuito dos COD "grade B" da Activision que intercalam anualmente.


28-05-14, 23:52
Relaxem, este jogo será um spin-off para encher chouriços (e bolsos da EA) até vir o seguinte BF5. Deverá ser uma espécie de Counter-Strike wannabe com o mesmo intuito dos COD "grade B" da Activision que intercalam anualmente.


Eu apostaria num BF BC 3 ,pelo menos aqui há uns tempinhos falou - se que daqui a 2aninhos provavelmente sair o BC 3 .

29-05-14, 11:40

29-05-14, 12:09
Sinceramente ... Não consigo dizer se esta bom ou não ,ou se gosto ou não .

Talvez por ser diferente do que estamos habituados

As perseguições em carro ,fez me lembrar Need for speed LOL

29-05-14, 14:39
Pegaram no Battlefield 4 meteram umas skins novas, modos de jogos, uns voiceovers novos...Dá-se um nome novo! ET VOILÁ!!!


29-05-14, 15:21
BF tanto criticou COD que fez exatamente o mesmo, sempre a sair.

Enviado do meu C1505 através de Tapatalk

29-05-14, 15:43
Entretanto ... BF Hardline já está em Pre order na Origin .

Será que vai haver gente a cair no mesmo erro que o 4 ?

29-05-14, 16:09
Há sempre gente que cai na esparrela mais do que uma vez. Mas creio que muita gente já aprendeu a lição.

29-05-14, 16:43
Já está o novo BF em pre-order e nem sequer tenho o anterior e nem o experimentei...também não tenho muita pena :)


29-05-14, 17:08
Leaked Battlefield Hardline footage is six months old (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/leaked-battlefield-hardline-footage-is-six-months-old/)

Video that’s out there was for an internal meeting. It’s 6 months old now and team has been cranking since then. See the real deal at E3. Excited to see so much buzz for the old footage. Love it. Can’t wait to show you how much further the team has taken things. We’re pouring everything we’ve got into this & stoked to share details on June 9 – maybe even a little more before then if you want it.

29-05-14, 19:11
A mim custa-me a perceber porque a malta compra os jogos mesmo antes de eles saírem, é com medo que não haja stock?

Enviado do meu C1505 através de Tapatalk

29-05-14, 20:33
A mim custa-me a perceber porque a malta compra os jogos mesmo antes de eles saírem, é com medo que não haja stock?

Enviado do meu C1505 através de Tapatalk

Por acaso ,excelente pergunta ...
Nunca fui a favor das pre orders ,não tenho nada contra a quem o faça ,cada qual é dono dos seus €€€ e sabem como o gastam ,mas sou da opinião do jotinha .

Sou mais a favor de esperar que o jogo saía ,e se caso o jogo não venha nada de mais ,com bugs etc etc esperar que fique PELO MENOS razoavelmente bom para se jogar . Senão acontece o que aconteceu com o BF4 e WD ... Que quando saíram vi muita gente (Amigos) a chorarem os €€€que gastaram .

29-05-14, 20:51
Normalmente as pre-orders oferecem vantagens sobre quem compra posteriormente...

Dai que as mesmas existam, no entanto quando não existe qualquer vantagem na compra antecipada também não percebo o porquê de comprar antes...

Com os meus melhores cumprimentos,


29-05-14, 20:57
Boas LPC,

Que vantagens são essas? Mais barato? Acesso a outro conteúdo? ...


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29-05-14, 20:59
Normalmente em pre reserva são mais baratos

29-05-14, 21:03
Isso não é verdade, por vezes até se paga bem mais, BF4 rapidamente baixou.

Enviado do meu C1505 através de Tapatalk

29-05-14, 21:06
No caso do BF3 e BF4, quem comprava em pre reserva tinha direito ao primeiro DLC de forma gratuita.
No BF3 foi o Back to Karkand e o BF4 foi o China Rising.

29-05-14, 21:11
Mesmo depois dele sair houve essa versão ao preço da outra ou com margem de 1/2€.

Mas é com os erros que se aprende.

Enviado do meu C1505 através de Tapatalk

29-05-14, 21:42
Isso não é verdade, por vezes até se paga bem mais, BF4 rapidamente baixou.

Baixou porque viram que aquilo estava mau quando saiu (rotfl)

29-05-14, 21:54
COD está a mesma bosta e nem daqui a 2 anos :P

Enviado do meu C1505 através de Tapatalk

29-05-14, 23:13
Eu fui um dos que fiz pré order para o BF4... Gostei do 3, ia jogar o 4 de certeza, nunca pensei que pudessem estragar o que já estava feito ... Por isso na altura pareceu-me boa opção... Se soubesse o que sei hoje tinha feito o mesmo? Não... :)

Claro que a analisar em retrospectiva ninguém comete erros... :)

E em relação a pre orders acho que o Cartman resume bem:


29-05-14, 23:19
COD está a mesma bosta e nem daqui a 2 anos :P

Enviado do meu C1505 através de Tapatalk

Mas esses pronto é um caso extramamente aparte LOL

09-06-14, 20:01
Já me inscrevi na Beta e mais logo devo começar a jogar.

http://s25.postimg.org/v7f9yopkf/BF_Hardline_beta.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

Para quem quiser, basta ir a http://www.battlefield.com/
Fazer login, escolher a plataforma, seguir os passos e depois fazer download.

Apenas para PC e PS4.

09-06-14, 20:13
Eu inscrevi-me na BETA recebi o mail da origin a confirmar mas o jogo não me aparece em "My Games" :(

09-06-14, 20:26
Faz refresh ao Origin. Ou desliga e volta a ligar.

Eu estou a entrar num servidor agora mesmo.
A lista de servidores disponíveis é imensa, mas apenas dois ou três é que tem pessoal a jogar.
Se calhar vai demorar algum tempo até o pessoal se inscrever e fazer download.

09-06-14, 20:33
Faz refresh ao Origin. Ou desliga e volta a ligar.

Eu estou a entrar num servidor agora mesmo.
A lista de servidores disponíveis é imensa, mas apenas dois ou três é que tem pessoal a jogar.
Se calhar vai demorar algum tempo até o pessoal se inscrever e fazer download.

Já fiz logout e entrei outra vez mas mesmo assim não aparece.

Só a mim :P

09-06-14, 20:42
Tás com azar.

Já estive a jogar uma ronda. É BF4 em muita coisa.
Parece mais um ad-on ao BF4 do que um jogo novo.
Jaguei um modo de jogo onde temos de ir buscar dinheiro a um cofre. A equipa que mais juntar no final, ganha.
É divertido quanto baste.
Ainda não tive bem a ver como está o netcode, mas parece estar ao nível do BF4 pós patch dos 30Hz. Mas não posso confirmar.
Não encontrei bugs, por enquanto.
O mapa que joguei tem levolution, com uma grua a cair no meio do mapa.

09-06-14, 21:04
Yay, 1 hora depois....... :D


09-06-14, 21:13
O jogo até parece jeitoso, mas sinceramente, pagar 60 euros por um mod do BF4 parece-me muito.
Não sei se o compro assim.....

09-06-14, 21:28

09-06-14, 21:31
Isto é sempre a render, a mim é que não me apanham mais nenhuma vez.

09-06-14, 22:50
60€ por uma expansão!? É que é já a seguir... :D

09-06-14, 22:54
60€ por uma expansão!? É que é já a seguir... :D

Expansão ? Podes andar de carro da moina (H.)

09-06-14, 23:21
Expansão ? Podes andar de carro da moina (H.)

Mas não dá para passar multas ao pessoal. Só por isso já não é realista.

22-07-14, 23:20
Battlefield Hardline adiado para 2015 (http://www.gamer-source.net/2014/07/battlefield-hardline-adiado-para-2015.html)

A EA e a produtora Visceral Games decidiram adiar Battlefield Hardline para 2015 depois do feedback recebido da beta.

A Electronic Arts anunciou hoje o adiamento para o próximo ano, pelo que o jogo já não irá ser lançado em Outubro de 2014 como inicialmente previsto. A companhia aproveitou para anunciar também o adiamento de Dragon Age: Inquisition por mais um mês do que o previsto.

Karl Magnus Troedsson, General Manager da DICE, afirmou que a produtora "precisa de mais tempo para assegurar que Hardline proporciona a melhor e mais inovadora experiência que conseguirmos". Este anúncio veio depois do feedback dos jogadores da beta que decorreu o mês passado.

Estava planeada uma segunda beta para o Outono em todas as plataformas, não se sabe se este adiamento afectará a data da mesma.

23-07-14, 00:03
Portanto a EA está sem blockbuster para este Natal?


Activision vai ter então um natal em grande! :)
Já tinha a idea que desta vez o COD era um titulo mais forte... mas sem concorrência nas vendas vai ser encher o cofre...



23-07-14, 00:31
A mim é que nao me vao apanhar no msm erro que fiz no bf4... comprar antes de sair, nunca mais!!
foram meses de nervos por causa do jogo!! hehehe só me apetecia apertar o pescoço aos gajos da DICE/EA...
enfim o que importa é fazer milhoes e o resto ( clientes ) que se fod*!
Quanto ao Hardline, joguei a beta, só por dizer que tem uns mods diferentes e tal, porque de resto nao se justifica o preço!!
O facto de ser adiado para 2015, parece que aprenderam com o erro do lancamento do bf4, ou pelo menos assim espero para futuros lancamentos...
A sair o novo bad company 3, espero bem que se sair, por favor nao metam agua como no bf4...
Sendo grande jogo, o bad company 2 ( saudades do Valparaiso em rush :Festa: ), merece que seja lancado em beleza!

23-07-14, 07:46
Eu ainda ando pelo 3 e não instalo o 4 tão cedo, devia ter poupado os 15€ que gastei no jogo sinceramente.

23-07-14, 09:53
Alguém na EA começou a aperceber-se que a empresa não se pode dar ao luxo de continuar a matar franchises a torto e a direito.

O MoHW e o BF4 foram apressados e falharam nas vendas que a EA planeava. O primeiro foi cancelado e o segundo deu resultado a que a EA perdesse valor nas acções e levasse com processos judiciais em cima.

Mais um falhanço destes e a EA fica sem shooters militares de topo para competir com o COD.

Não me admirava que as pre-orders do BF Hardline fossem tão baixas que a EA começou logo a prever um falhanço.

Muita gente ficou queimada com o BF4 e e quantidade imensa de bugs e problemas que o jogo tem, ainda hoje. Ainda por cima, andar a pagar 60 euros por um mod do BF é bastante puxado.

Vamos lá ver o que a EA faz com este tempo extra.

14-08-14, 15:26
Campanha de Battlefield Hardline terá uma duração entre 7 a 15 horas (http://www.eurogamer.pt/articles/2014-08-14-campanha-de-battlefield-hardline-tera-uma-duracao-entre-7-a-15-horas)

A Electronic Arts e a Visceral Games aproveitou a Gamescom para mostrar a campanha single-player do seu promissor Battlefield Hardline.

Steve Papoutsis, um dos principais produtores do jogo, não deu uma resposta clara no que toca à duração do modo campanha, mas baseou-se na sua experiência pessoal admitindo que no que respeita a "alguns episódios chegaram-me a durar entre 30 a 45 minutos, e vi pessoas que demoraram perto de 90 minutos para completar algumas missões." Dito isto, Steve acredita que o modo campanha poderá ter uma duração entre as 7 e as 15 horas.

Para a história do jogo a equipa preferiu focar-se em dotar profundidade aos personagem com a finalidade de criar um argumento mais interessante. "Queríamos criar personagens interessantes que pudessem interagir entre si, com diálogos profundos, para que isso se tornasse mais pessoal."

7 a 15 horas ? 90 minutos cada missão ? As 15 horas e os 90 minutos deve ser na dificuldade mais difícil de certeza absoluta (lol)

Mas até que nem é mau, será que desta vez vamos ter uma campanha em condições do nível do COD ou superior ?

14-08-14, 15:34
Mais uma campanha de m*rda, num jogo que o pessoal compra pelo MP.
A campanha do BF3 foi uma porcaria, a campanha do BF4 uma porcaria foi. E pelo que se viu vamos ter mais uma campanha sem inspiração.

Em vez de andarem a gastar tempo e dinheiro a fazer uma campanha que ninguém quer, deviam era fazer mais mapas e armas para o SP, ou melhor ainda, gastar o tempo para corrigir os muitos bugs do jogo antes de o lançarem.

Só espero que desta vez não obriguem a ter de jogar a campanha todo para desbloquear armas como no BF4. Ter de passar por aquele martírio para ter todas as armas é muito mau.

14-08-14, 15:37
A campanha do BF4 foi mesmo uma valente porcaria, já nem falo do jogo que estava todo bugado.

Se este novo BF vier com uma campanha de caca é mais um para passar ao lado.

14-08-14, 15:43
Sim a vermos dessa forma, se formos precisar de passar a camapnha para se ter as armas e se a campanha tiver memso entre 7 a15 horas sim, vai ser MUITOOOO chato :facepalm:

Mas se com este tempo todo tiver algo bem feito e até dê um certo gozo jogar nem me importo

14-08-14, 19:42
Boa campanha parece ser a do novo COD...

Vamos a ver... eu pessoalmente devo arriscar nesse jogo...



14-08-14, 19:43

15-08-14, 13:10
X2! Para não falar de ter de repetir para tomar decisões diferentes que desbloqueiam armas diferentes!

16-08-14, 16:00
E sem esquecer o ter de repetir, pq nao salva direito e tens de recomeçar!! Hehehe eu por exemplo nao acabei a campanha no bf3 pq dava erro a determinado ponto, entao desisti... mas tb essas armas da campanha, pouco interessam, as melhores desbloqueias é no MP a fazer pontos...

20-08-14, 12:20
Nova beta do Hardline.

Battlefield: Hardline – Open Beta Launches This January, New Screenshots Revealed (http://www.dsogaming.com/news/battlefield-hardline-open-beta-launches-this-january-new-screenshots-revealed/)

19-09-14, 16:54
Battlefield Hardline's Hotwire mode is like Need for Speed with rocket launchers (http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/09/19/battlefield-hardlines-hotwire-mode-is-like-need-for-speed-with-rocket-launchers/)

A new Battlefield Hardline trailer is out. At first, it looks a bit like Need for Speed—what with police cars in pursuit of some high-speed vehicle. Soon after, it looks less like Need for Speed—what with machine guns and shotguns and rocket launchers and death. I think the idea is to get a fast car from one place to another. I know the idea is for explosions to happen.

Is this the end-game for EA? In the same way Ubisoft's biggest games seem to be converging into a cut-and-paste template of open-world action, will EA eventually merge their various franchises into one big, destructive playground of machismo and explosions? Probably not. Although, there was that PGA Tour trailer.

Battlefield Hardline was originally due out this year, but was put back in the development oven in order to work on the feedback gathered from a rather lacklustre beta.

Here's Evan, with hands-on impressions (and video) from the game's E3 demo.


Este ainda nem saiu já esta como o COD a desiludir, o COD é salganhada de varios jogos à mistura, este BF até o NFS entra vejam lá (rotfl)

Perseguições à NFS + Rocket´s = BF4 :thumbsup:

19-09-14, 17:00

Só rir com EA e Activision. Sempre dispostas a animar o dia da malta. Bobos da corte da indústria...

19-09-14, 17:08
A EA está mesmo com vontade de matar a saga Battlefield.

19-09-14, 19:46
Battlefield for Speed. (H.)

19-09-14, 19:59
Isto de Battlefield não tem nada :facepalm:

19-09-14, 23:28
Isto de Battlefield não tem nada :facepalm:
Tem.... Os tiros :P

19-09-14, 23:53
Vamos poder tunar os carros? xD

20-09-14, 00:20

20-09-14, 08:42
Vamos poder tunar os carros? xD

Se calhar vamos poder meter um aileron para termos menos recoil....
Destes gajos já espero tudo.

30-09-14, 08:56
A ser verdade será o primeiro BF que não é lançado cheio de bugs em meia década.

EA is confident that Battlefield Hardline "will work" on launch day (http://www.techspot.com/news/58234-ea-is-confident-that-battlefield-hardline-will-work-on-launch-day.html)

Few things in gaming are more frustrating than trying to play the latest AAA title on launch day. More often than not, it ends up being an exercise in patience as traffic predictably overloads the game’s servers which in turnprevents (http://www.techspot.com/news/48598-diablo-iii-launch-marred-by-server-issues-error37-trends-on-twitter.html) you from being able to play with your friends (or in some cases (http://www.techspot.com/news/51845-ea-notes-overwhelming-demand-for-simcity-origin-servers-falter.html), at all).The general consensus among gamers is that companies are well aware that their servers won’t hold up under the load of launch day but the bean counters – those in the company that only care about money – won’t allow them to spend the extra funds for additional servers ahead of time.
During a recent interview with Game Revolution (http://www.gamerevolution.com/news/battlefield-hardline-will-work-at-launch-says-visceral-28643) during the 2014 Tokyo Game Show, Battlefield Hardline creative director Ian Milham was asked about the launch stability of the game. The question didn’t surprise him and yes, he said the game is going to work on launch day.
Milham pointed out that they began working on the game more than a year before Battlefield 4 came out. What’s more, they’ve already had one successful beta and plan to have another beta on every platform they ship on.
While he did admit that there may be some hiccups due to the size of the game and the fact that it’ll arrive on five different platforms, he is very confident that Hardline will be devoid of any major issues.
Could EA actually set precedent with Battlefield Hardline in which other companies must answer to? You know, where the norm is to actually get enough servers ready for a game’s launch ahead of time? It’s hard to tell by Milham’s comments as he seems to be focusing more on the game itself instead of the infrastructure that’ll be needed to support multiplayer.

06-10-14, 17:51
Battlefield Hardline will launch with 9 maps and 7 modes (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/battlefield-hardline-will-launch-with-9-maps-and-7-modes/)

EA and Visceral Games have confirmed that Battlefield Hardline will come with nine new maps and seven game modes at launch early next year. However, five of those game modes will be brand new to the Battlefield franchise, although this will come at the expense of some other notable game modes, including Rush.Steve Papoutsis, one of the developers at Visceral, made the confirmation during a video with YouTuber, JackFrags (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry8lqf23Cmw). Confirmed game modes include: Hotwire, Rescue, Blood Money, Heist, Conquest and Team Deathmatch, so there is still one more to be revealed.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Hardline-600x300.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Hardline-600x300.jpg)
Battlefield Hardline was originally due out this month but it has been pushed back to 2015 (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/battlefield-hardline-delayed-until-2015/) in order to incorporate beta feedback. Lead multiplayer designer, Thad Sasser, noted on the Battlefield blog (http://blogs.battlefield.com/2014/09/perfecting-battlefield-hardline/) that there would be another beta in the future to gather more feedback ahead of launch.
Additionally, Visceral Games has been making an effort to sidestep criticism of the Battlefield franchise after the launch of Battlefield 4. The developer has stated that the game “will work (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/visceral-games-battlefield-hardline-will-work-at-launch/)” at launch.

O BF4 saiu com 10 mapas e pelo que vi na beta, os mapas do hardline são bem mais pequenos e limitados.
Com menos mapas e mais pequenos, isto deixa-me preocupado com a variedade e longevidade deste Hardline.

06-10-14, 18:24
Este BF vai - me passar ao lado.

07-10-14, 14:25
De facto é um bf para passar ao lado!! Eu experimentei o jogo e a unica coisa que marcou a diferença foi os modes... Coisa que nao justifica o preço do jogo!

28-10-14, 23:47
Temos datas para o Hardline e para o Battlefront

Electronic Arts has announced – during its latest financial conference call – the release windows for Battlefield: Hardline, Star Wars: Battlefront and the next Battlefield game (that will most probably be Battlefield 5).According to the big publisher, Battlefield: Hardline is expected to hit stores in March 17th, 2015.
On the other hand, the release windows for both Star Wars: Battlefront and the next major Battlefield game are Holiday 2015 and Holiday 2016, respectively.
In case you’re wondering, these are official release windows. Just a couple of hours ago, Electronic Arts confirmed the release window for Star Wars: Battlefront via Twitter (https://twitter.com/EA/status/527205661692555265).
It will be interesting to see whether these games will meet their targeted release windows, or whether they’ll get delayed as pretty much all other titles (including Battlefield: Hardline).

29-10-14, 20:23
Ou é de mim, ou este BF esta tao cagada, que já é a segunda vez que adiam a data de lançamento LOL

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29-10-14, 20:28
este bf em termos de falhos/problemas vai estar igual ao bf4, ponto!!
agora se estao a atrasar assim é pq estao a espera para competir com o lancamento de outro titulo...
seja como for, na minha opiniao nao vale a pena pagar os euros por este "dlc do bf4"!

13-11-14, 20:15

23-12-14, 11:53


23-12-14, 11:56
Smells like so much fail.....

23-12-14, 11:58
Smells like so much fail.....

DLC a preço de ouro!!

23-12-14, 11:59
DLC a preço de ouro!!
Usa o cartãozinho de socio :D

23-12-14, 12:24
Como queimaram o nome Medal Of Honor e já não dá dinheiro, agora estão a ver se ganham uns trocos com a fama de outra saga e queimam o nome Battlefiled no processo.

23-12-14, 13:05
Não me admirava nada que a EA matasse a marca Battlefield, pois já é politica da empresa ao longo de décadas.
Muitas são as sagas de jogos que foram mortas pela EA usar e abusar destas.

23-12-14, 15:17

09-01-15, 15:04
Details coming for Hardline Beta

http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/d76b0de586a89be4a64eaf1d87a851da_L.jpg (http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/d76b0de586a89be4a64eaf1d87a851da_XL.jpg)

More info each week till release
Visceral has announced that they will be dropping new info each week on Battlefield Hardline till release.

Fans can tune-in each Wednesday till launch where they can find out more of the behind the scenes of the development of Hardline as well as details about game modes, weapons, and all things Hardline.
Next week Visceral has teased that they will reveal more about the upcoming Beta test for Hardline. From what we understand, unlike the first testing of Hardline, the beta test this time will be available for all platforms. Last time around access was limited only to PlayStation 4 and PC.
Hardline is planned for release on March 17th in North America on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PC. It is planned for release in Europe on March 20th. These are the new confirmed release dates that were announced after Visceral went back to the drawing board after hearing feedback from the PlayStation 4 and PC testing. Battlefield Hardline was originally scheduled to be released in October of last year. Visceral believes the additional time has given them the ability to address feedback and build the game that players want to play.


12-01-15, 14:06
Visceral Games pleased with decision to push back Battlefield Hardline

Instead of rushing Battlefield Hardline out as scheduled on October 21, Electronic Arts and Visceral Games decided to take their time and ensure a pleasant gamer experience at launch. The new cops-and-robbers style video game will be released on March 17, providing even more details and features to be added to the game.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42721_01_visceral-games-pleased-decision-push-back-battlefield-hardline.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42721_01_visceral-games-pleased-decision-push-back-battlefield-hardline_full.jpg)

"We got some pretty pointed feedback after our early beta that you wanted more," said Steve Papoutsis, executive producer and GM of Visceral Games, in a statement to fans. "And we listened. There's no doubt moving the game back was the right call."

When the game is released, there will be 51 weapons, 27 new vehicles, 28 gadgets, nine maps and seven modes immediately available - and EA is preparing to release new game details and in-play trailers every Wednesday.


12-01-15, 14:12
Pudera. Apresentaram uma beta que era pouco mais de um mod do BF4. Ouviram montes de acusações dos jogadores e só depois de ficarem com medo de não terem clientes é que se lembraram que era melhor ter mais algum tempo para adicionar conteúdo.

14-01-15, 20:20
Battlefield Hardline beta won’t have a level cap (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/battlefield-hardline-beta-wont-have-a-level-cap/)

EA has announced plans for the next Battlefield Hardline beta test for the PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 and PS4. The beta will allow you to progress through the game’s upgrades without a cap on the maximum level. There is no beta release date as of yet but given that the game is due out in March, it will likely be some time soon.
The beta will include two maps, Desert and Downtown as well as two game modes. Conquest will be making a return with 64 player cops vs robbers street warfare, while the new hotwire game mode will be based around vehicles:
“While it’s just a taste of the whole game, we want you to come in, take your jacket off, stay awhile,” Visceral boss Steve Papoutsis explained.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Hardline-600x300.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Hardline-600x300.jpg)
“To be frank, we want you to play this beta to death. We need you to. This test is only going to make the game stronger, and help us take a look at ways we can ensure we deliver the most stable launch you deserve.”
Battlefield Hardline is the first game in the series to be developed by Visceral Games, rather than DICE. It was originally due to release in October last year but chose to delay in order to avoid a potential ‘Battlefield 4 fiasco’.


16-01-15, 14:07
EA launching a new beta for Battlefield: Hardline on all platforms

There's another Battlefield: Hardline beta coming, which will reach the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC sometime soon. There's no solid ETA on it just yet, but it should be in the immediate future.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42871_03_ea-launching-new-beta-battlefield-hardline-platforms.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42871_03_ea-launching-new-beta-battlefield-hardline-platforms_full.jpg)

EA hasn't mentioned the date yet, but it does tease what we can expect. We will continue to see the main Conquest mode features, but the new beta will include a new game mode: Hotwire. Hotwire is explained by DICE as "an all-new mode coming to Battlefield focused on combining all-out warfare with all-out speed".

There will be no progression cap during the beta, so you can go rank crazy if you want. Any and all progress will not be carried over to the full game, which is still on track for release on March 17.


20-01-15, 15:50
Battlefield Hardline será violento, muito violento! (http://www.battlefieldbr.com/2015/01/battlefield-hardline-sera-violento.html)

Parece que Battlefield Hardline quer mesmo causar um grande impacto entre os jogadores, o jogo promete ter muitas cenas violentas e envolventes que o deixará "preso" na história. E como sendo a Visceral Games (também responsável pelo assustador Dead Space) a principal desenvolvedora envolvida, você não poderia esperar o contrário, o novo título "Hardline" terá muita violência e sangue que fluirá em abundância durante o jogo, que também contará com várias cenas explícitas.

Não surpreendentemente, o ESRB, órgão de controle americano, classificou o jogo como "Mature", ou seja, apenas adequado para um público adulto.

A descrição não deixa margem para dúvidas:

"Mature (M) - descrição do conteúdo: sangue, violência intensa, linguagem forte, uso de drogas."

Não mostramos outros conteúdos para evitar spoilers, o fato é que Battlefield: Hardline poderá nos surpreender, pelo menos em relação ao nível de violência contida na história principal ;D.

Lembrando que Battlefield Hardline está previsto para ser lançado em março em todas as principais plataformas, com exceção do Wii U e portáteis.

20-01-15, 16:36
Isso é porque o pessoal vai andar todo lixado com os bugs e netcode. Muitos palavrões serão ditos e muita violência contra teclados e ratos.

21-01-15, 11:42
Battlefield Hardline will reach the Xbox One first thanks to EA Access

Xbox One owners will get a four-day head start on Battlefield Hardline thanks to the preview program EA access offers, which should have owners of Microsoft's now current-gen console very happy.

image: (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43011_02_battlefield-hardline-reach-xbox-one-first-thanks-ea-access_full.jpg)http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43011_02_battlefield-hardline-reach-xbox-one-first-thanks-ea-access.jpg

The previews themselves are limited to just six hours of gameplay over the four days, but any of the save games and other files generated over that time will transfer over to the full release on March 17. The preview is free, but EA Access costs $5 per month, or $30 for the year.

Battlefield Hardline will launch on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC on March 17. But before the full launch, we are to expect another open beta (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/42871/ea-launching-new-beta-battlefield-hardline-platforms/index.html), which there are no specific dates for just yet.


21-01-15, 23:53
Novas imagens do jogo.

http://i.imgur.com/4KbWOQYs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/4KbWOQY.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/uD2Ld1Os.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/uD2Ld1O.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/Xie5OTFs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/Xie5OTF.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/PJZLDRKs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/PJZLDRK.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/RibAU92s.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/RibAU92.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/jnE3qI0s.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/jnE3qI0.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/6a8FPWAs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/6a8FPWA.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/g2I6n41s.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/g2I6n41.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/r0EWrrbs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/r0EWrrb.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/iJangaQs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/iJangaQ.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/p0YW16es.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/p0YW16e.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/ykAssBqs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/ykAssBq.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/qgcLv7xs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/qgcLv7x.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/kfgA7uIs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/kfgA7uI.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/MsvxyJjs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/MsvxyJj.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/LBJCz6Ks.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/LBJCz6K.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/qYzKvyHs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/qYzKvyH.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/wMGq0Avs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/wMGq0Av.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/GujNCV3s.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/GujNCV3.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/riBIHq5s.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/riBIHq5.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/J3QaGM9s.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/J3QaGM9.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/JMR1yLOs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/JMR1yLO.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/YG2WyXFs.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/YG2WyXF.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/0lfq237s.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/0lfq237.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/LHTW8hms.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/LHTW8hm.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/BBk2kHns.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/BBk2kHn.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/Z6d7ew8s.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/Z6d7ew8.jpg)http://i.imgur.com/K41HYg2s.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/K41HYg2.jpg)

22-01-15, 09:40
O need for speed, com armas... :)

22-01-15, 09:53
Tendo em conta o regista da saga nos últimos anos, este Battlefield é um bom jogo para ser lançado em 2015, mas apenas para ser comprado em 2016 a metade do preço, já com premium e com uma carrada de patches em cima.

22-01-15, 10:34
Oh horus mas o quê que isto tem de Battlefield? Eu não sou veterano visto que só jogo isto desde o BC2, mas porra isto não é Battlefield...

A única maneira de eu jogar isto é se for como tu dizes, promoção muito boa, e se tiver muitos conhecidos a jogar, senão nem assim...

22-01-15, 10:37
Oh horus mas o quê que isto tem de Battlefield? Eu não sou veterano visto que só jogo isto desde o BC2, mas porra isto não é Battlefield...

A única maneira de eu jogar isto é se for como tu dizes, promoção muito boa, e se tiver muitos conhecidos a jogar, senão nem assim...

Pois, isso que dizes também é bem verdade.
De BF só mesmo o nome no titulo.

25-01-15, 14:29
Battlefield Hardline's maps and modes detailed

Battlefield Hardline is much closer to its release on March 17, with Electronic Arts teasing what maps and modes to expect from the new entry into the Battlefield franchise.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43109_01_battlefield-hardlines-maps-modes-detailed.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43109_01_battlefield-hardlines-maps-modes-detailed_full.jpg)

The maps that will be included with Hardline are as follows: Downtown, Bank Job, The Block, Dust Bowl, Hollywood Heights, Derailed, Riptide, Everglades and the 420 friendly map Growhouse. As for the modes, we have Conquest, Team Deathmatch, two capture the flag variants with Heist and Blood Money; Rescue, where gamers playing as cops have to handle a hostage situation; Crosshair which sees a VIP being protected; and finally Hotwire, where the bad guys try to steal cars while the cops try to stop them from taking the cars - usually resulting in a big shootout.

The upcoming new beta of Battlefield Hardline (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/42871/ea-launching-new-beta-battlefield-hardline-platforms/index.html) will include both Dust Bowl and Downtown, but we don't know when the new beta of Hardline will be arriving.

Read more at http://www.tweaktown.com/news/43109/battlefield-hardlines-maps-modes-detailed/index.html


28-01-15, 15:30
Beta para o dia 3 de Fevereiro.

Battlefield Hardline Beta Date Leaked -- Report (http://www.gamespot.com/articles/battlefield-hardline-beta-date-leaked-report/1100-6424935/)

29-01-15, 23:05

30-01-15, 12:01
Txxxi ja falta pouco para o Need for Call of Battlefield... :)

30-01-15, 12:11
Temos que testar isto!

30-01-15, 12:16
Próxima 3º feira já podemos andar aos tiros na beta.

02-02-15, 12:14
Beta de Battlefield Hardline ocupa 11GB (http://www.eurogamer.pt/articles/2015-02-02-beta-de-battlefield-hardline-ocupa-11gb)

Se o vosso plano é experimentar a beta no PC, então a partir das 18h00 de hoje (Portugal Continental) poderão colocar a beta em pré-load através do Origin. Qualquer um poderá experimentar a beta já que estará disponível para todos os utilizadores.

Mais logo já podem fazer o pré-load.

02-02-15, 12:27
11Gb nem é muito nos dias de hoje.

02-02-15, 12:30
eu por acaso e' jogo que nem lhe vou pegar.... já e' muito pouco BF e muito "kids stuff" "NFS" entre outros... vai passer mesmo ao lado este!

02-02-15, 12:30
Eu vou experimentar como assim não pago nada.

02-02-15, 12:43
Também vou testar, vou com poucas expectativas e espero não gostar.

02-02-15, 13:18
Também não tenho boas expectativas.

Aposto que o netcode vai continuar a ser mau, com um tick rate ridiculamente baixo de 30, resultando em montes de erros, desde mortes atrás de paredes, mortes instantâneas, balas que não matam, etc...



02-02-15, 14:35

02-02-15, 16:14


O que aconteceu?

02-02-15, 16:30
Cada vez mais COD.


02-02-15, 16:45
Cada vez mais COD.


Mais um ano ou dois temos o BF 2042.

02-02-15, 18:10
Estou a fazer o pre-load da beta. São 9.61GB.

Para fazerem basta irem à store do Origin, depois Free Games, Demos and Beta e seleccionam o jogo.

02-02-15, 18:38
Estou a fazer o pre-load da beta. São 9.61GB.

Para fazerem basta irem à store do Origin, depois Free Games, Demos and Beta e seleccionam o jogo.

Pre Load Feita!

Vou tentar usar uma VPN japonesa :)


02-02-15, 18:41
Por acaso na Twitch já há quem joga, mas os servers ainda estão meio vazios.

02-02-15, 18:58
A beta dura quanto tempo?

Para saber se vale a pena sacar...

02-02-15, 19:00
Até dia 8

02-02-15, 19:00
ja tou a baixar :D:D

02-02-15, 19:19
Está a baixar meu irmão?

02-02-15, 19:23
estou sim senhor

02-02-15, 19:37
Cuidado com o que baixas.

02-02-15, 21:37
Hotwire mode


03-02-15, 09:21
Só para avisar que já podem jogar. Já dei uns tiros na beta.

Requerimentos anunciados para a beta.


Intel "Quad Core"
AMD "Six Core"
AMD Athlon II/Phenom II 2.8 GHz
Intel Core i3/i5 2.4GHz

AMD Radeon R9 290
Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
3 GB of VRAM
AMD Radeon HD 5770 (1 GB)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 (896 MB)

8 GB
4 GB

Windows 8 64-bit (with KB971512 update)
Windows Vista SP2 64-bit (with KB971512 update)

60 GB


03-02-15, 09:39
E que tal Horus?

03-02-15, 09:48
Apenas fiz duas rondas de Heist. Por isso ainda só tenho uma ideia do jogo.

- De BF não tem nada. Mais depressa seria um Payday do que um Battlefield.
- O netcode parece melhor do que o BF4. Talvez tão bom como no BF3.
- O jogo está feito para custar muito mais dinheiro do que os 60 euros que pedem por ele. Parece pay-2-win. Está cheio de unlocks, compra de armas, atachments e gadjets. Isto pode ser comprado com dinheiro virtual ganho a jogar, mas e preciso fazer grind. Depois ainda temos os boosts.
- Os gráficos não impressionam. São bons, mas longe de impressionar. Usa o mesmo motor que o BF4, mas em menor escala.
- O controlo das armas é estilo BF.
- O jogo parece ser mais rápido do que o BF4, nos movimentos e a afins. Pode ser apenas impressão minha pois tenho jogado Insurgency em vez de BF4.
- Admito que o jogo está divertido, mas vejo potencial para cansar depressa. Entre o grind e o tamanho dos mapas, tem menos para oferecer do que os BF anteriores.
- O supression está diferente e não é para melhor. Agora o ecrã começa a ficar preto, com umas barras estilo um olho a fechar-se sobre o ecrã. Mas pelo menos os medkits funcionam debaixo de supression.

Parece ser bom jogo para comprar numa promoção, já com o Premium, daqui a uns meses.

03-02-15, 11:02
Fiz mais umas rondas. Esqueçam o que disse sobre o netcode. Está tão mau como o do BF4.
Já tive algumas insta kills com apenas um tiro, nota-se o bubber banding quando vamos contra os colegas da equipa, etc...

Ou seja, a parte mais importante do jogo continua má.


03-02-15, 11:05
É bom saber que a qualidade do netcode conseguiu ser mantida, já que não era facil piorar :D
Mais um para levar uns valentes patches...

03-02-15, 11:13
Mesmo sendo beta, não me acredito que o net code melhore

03-02-15, 11:25
É um jogo baseado no 4, teriam de começar do zero para conseguir resolver esses problemas todos.
Vão vender de qualquer das formas.

03-02-15, 11:29
Sim, nota-se bem a base do BF4. Aliás, dizer que é um mod avançado do BF4 continua a ser verdade agora.

Também acredito que vá vender bem, mas menos do que o BF4.

03-02-15, 11:50
Lançaram mais uma expansão, mas desta vez pagas mesmo sendo premium e pagas bem.
Pois isso de novo jogo não tem nada, deram-se ao trabalho de fazer novos mapas e modos de jogo o resto está lá dos anteriores.

03-02-15, 12:11
Tudo a queixar-se do Netcode :facepalm:

É uma expansão que vem dar um ar fresco.

Mas o preço de 70€...que loucura...só de pensar que o BBC2 Vietnam saiu a 12€...

03-02-15, 12:47
O netcode vai continuar a dar problemas tal como acontece com o Hardline e bf4 porque a base continua a msm!!! A unica maneira de melhorar era começar do ZERO, coisa que nao vai acontecer!! Da maneira como esta, continua a vender e vai continuar a vender, a maioria dos jogadores nao querem saber dos problemas e vao continuar a dizer que "os jogos estao beeeemmm, os bugs sempre existem, eles vao melhorando com os patchs, bla bla bla..." (deixam-se ir nas cantigas) enfim nada de novo, ja vemos isso nos varios COD, sempre mais do msm e o pessoal continua a comer ano apos ano!!! :facepalm:
Quantos aos mapas, sim sao novos, mas nota-se bem que em certas areas aproveitaram o layout de mapas do bf4 e deram uma lavagem a cara hehehe quando experimentei o hardline, percebi isso em mts sitios... nao conhecia o mapa, mas orientei-me bem aqui e ali, achei bastante familiar se é que faço entender!! lol

resumindo, é uma expansao do bf4 vendida a preço de ouro!!!

03-02-15, 13:19
Há muitos jogadores que começaram a jogar online nesta última geração, por isso só conhecem jogos com mau netcode como o COD e BF.
Estes jogadores não sabem o que é jogar em servidores com tick rates acima de 30, não sabem o que e jogar em servidores dedicados, não sabem o que é jogar com netcode server based.

Por isso acham normal que jogar online tenha todos estes bugs, lag, glitches e problemas.

É triste, mas com eta geração de consolas o online gaming deu muitos passos atrás.

03-02-15, 13:58
Eu é que nao faço o msm erro nos proximos jogos como fiz com o bf4 ... Agora é, sai o jogo, deixo passar uns meses e vejo o feedback do pessoal (dos que sabem jogar claro!) e ai decido se compro ou nao....
Ate la vou continuar a dar uns tiros no bf3, esse sim um jogo que nem o hardline nem o bf4 chega aos calcanhares de jogabilidade e diversao!!! Só tenho pena de nao terem continuado com a base do bf3, fazer as correçoes do que era preciso e assim com isso lançarem o bf4 (que seria "the best game" hehehe). Porque os mapas novos do bf4 com a jogabilidade do bf3... uiiiiiiiiiii isso é que era um jogo!! Sendo assim temos pena...

03-02-15, 14:57
Battlefield: Hardline needs R9 290 or GTX 760 for best quality

With the Open Beta - EA posted the recommended PC system specs for Battlefield: Hardline. BTW - Hardline will not run on 32-bit systems and you will need 60GB of storage space !!
Ready for the Battlefield Hardline open beta? We can't wait for you to experience a taste of the cops vs. criminals action. And while we’re excited for you to check out a new take on Battlefield, we’re also excited to reveal the official system requirements of Battlefield Hardline. If you’re planning on cranking up your display settings to the max (and you totally should – the game looks downright incredible), make sure your gaming rig has what it takes. Check out the following system requirements, which are same for both the beta and the final release of the game:

OS: WINDOWS 8 64-BIT (with KB971512 Update)
GRAPHICS CARD: AMD Radeon R9 290, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760


OS: WINDOWS VISTA SP2 64-BIT (with KB971512 Update)
PROCESSOR: Athlon II/Phenom II 2.8 GHz, Intel Core i3/i5 2.4GHz
GRAPHICS CARD: ATI Radeon HD 5770 (1 GB), NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 (896 MB)

Please note: Machines with 4GB of RAM or less may experience issues in the Battlefield Hardline open beta, as gameplay performance for lower-end PCs is still being optimized. We suggest you close all other applications while playing the game.

http://www.guru3d.com/index.php?ct=news&action=file&id=9402 One of the many joys of being a PC gamer is having complete control over how a game looks and runs on your machine – Battlefield Hardline is no exception. In fact, the developers over at Visceral Games are so eager for you to see for yourself what Battlefield Hardline has to offer that they sat down with us to talk about their commitment to making the PC version of the game the best it can be.


03-02-15, 15:07
Há ai alguma coisa muito mal optimizada, quando para os mesmos settings é preciso uma 760 da nVidia e uma 290 da AMD.

03-02-15, 15:13
Eu é que nao faço o msm erro nos proximos jogos como fiz com o bf4 ... Agora é, sai o jogo, deixo passar uns meses e vejo o feedback do pessoal (dos que sabem jogar claro!) e ai decido se compro ou nao....

Eu depois comunico bro... muahaha :P

03-02-15, 15:17

OS: WINDOWS VISTA SP2 64-BIT (with KB971512 Update)
PROCESSOR: Athlon II/Phenom II 2.8 GHz, Intel Core i3/i5 2.4GHz
GRAPHICS CARD: ATI Radeon HD 5770 (1 GB), NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 (896 MB)

Que mentirosos!!! é msm pra vender ao maximo de crentes hehehehe
para quem goste de jogar com lag é porreiro!! :bsod:

aquela 5770 era um espetaculo, devia ter guardado, deixa saudades...

03-02-15, 15:19
Eu depois comunico bro... muahaha :P

looooooool fico a espera! :P

03-02-15, 15:31
Tem de longe pior Hitreg que o BF4...não sei como é possível, mas há que dar os parabéns à Dice, conseguiram!

03-02-15, 15:34
Este não é exactamente da Dice, mas sim da Visceral, dos mesmos gajos que fizeram o Dead Space.
Mas como usam a base feita pela Dice, já seria de esperar que tivesse problemas parecidos com o BF4.

03-02-15, 15:42
Dice, EA, etc...está tudo no mesmo saco da treta.

O detalhe das armas está péssimo, os modelos do Insurgency dão 1000-0 a estes tipos AAA++++++++...

03-02-15, 15:44
Jogos muito distintos Mbmrtns...

BF/COD é um jogo para um gajo se divertir, dar umas boas gargalhadas e o Insurgency é algo mais hardcore para ficar com uma tola do carago.
BF3 tinha mais esse lado competitivo tal como o Bad Company 2, neste BF4 e neste novo o que vejo é algo mais virado para o puro gozo e diversão.

Sou sincero, o BF4 não está perfeito mas a malta da Task Force passa umas boas horas na galhofa a jogar aquilo.... o tal convivio que tanto falamos, descontrair.

03-02-15, 15:48
Jogos muito distintos Mbmrtns...

BF/COD é um jogo para um gajo se divertir, dar umas boas gargalhadas e o Insurgency é algo mais hardcore para ficar com uma tola do carago.
BF3 tinha mais esse lado competitivo tal como o Bad Company 2, neste BF4 e neste novo o que vejo é algo mais virado para o puro gozo e diversão.

Sou sincero, o BF4 não está perfeito mas a malta da Task Force passa umas boas horas na galhofa a jogar aquilo.... o tal convivio que tanto falamos, descontrair.

Sim, são jogos distintos mas não estou a comparar os modos de jogo.

Mas ver a AKM deste Hardcoder estando habituado ao modelo AKM do Insurgency...holy moly...

03-02-15, 15:48

OS: WINDOWS VISTA SP2 64-BIT (with KB971512 Update)
PROCESSOR: Athlon II/Phenom II 2.8 GHz, Intel Core i3/i5 2.4GHz
GRAPHICS CARD: ATI Radeon HD 5770 (1 GB), NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 (896 MB)

Que mentirosos!!! é msm pra vender ao maximo de crentes hehehehe
para quem goste de jogar com lag é porreiro!! :bsod:

aquela 5770 era um espetaculo, devia ter guardado, deixa saudades...

Comprei agora um 460 para o meu amigo por isso há esperança que ele possa jogar hardline... :D :D LOL ... a 30 fps, ou então na loucura 800 x 600 oldschool... a malta das consolas jogam mais ou menos assim e adoram...

looooooool fico a espera! :P

Agora não tenho pegado tanto como nos velhos tempos, mas ainda vou dando umas balias só para o fun e o lulz aqui com o pessoal... O teu irmão ainda joga? O varelão reformou-se, o unico que tenho visto mais activo é o Slim...

03-02-15, 15:50
A quanto ficou isso?

Já passou do prazo, talvez uma 6950 fosse possível por volta dos mesmos valores, flash 6970 e obterias performance aceitável.

03-02-15, 15:50
Sim, são jogos distintos mas não estou a comparar os modos de jogo.

Mas ver a AKM deste Hardcoder estando habituado ao modelo AKM do Insurgency...holy moly...

Concordo, o que mais gosto no Insurgency é mesmo o detalhe nas armas, o som, os efeitos das garnadas smoke etc.

03-02-15, 15:55
Tens os mods de som instalados?


Intense Realism Sound Mod;

E o Snackbar.

03-02-15, 15:56
O que mais gosto no Insurgency é que o jogo faz bem aquilo a que se propõe.
O netcode é bom, as balas acertam onde devem, não se morre atrás das paredes, não se tem bugs com a faca, não há lag constante, não há gadjets de m*rda, etc...

03-02-15, 15:56
Jogos muito distintos Mbmrtns...

BF/COD é um jogo para um gajo se divertir, dar umas boas gargalhadas e o Insurgency é algo mais hardcore para ficar com uma tola do carago.
BF3 tinha mais esse lado competitivo tal como o Bad Company 2, neste BF4 e neste novo o que vejo é algo mais virado para o puro gozo e diversão.

Sou sincero, o BF4 não está perfeito mas a malta da Task Force passa umas boas horas na galhofa a jogar aquilo.... o tal convivio que tanto falamos, descontrair.

Ainda ontem no café com esta história do meu colega voltar aos PCs disse isso... O CS:GO é muito fixe a nível competitivo para jogar em grupo etc, e pelo que vi do insurgency gostei, é um jogo também do género, é hardcore, não há cá fulls, tens de ter calma com o gatilho, conhecer o recoil, tens de ser paciente e inteligente a jogar, levas um tiro na tola já foste...

Agora para o fun? Para dar risota? Lulz? Troll? O BF4 tem muito mais a oferecer... Matar mans de desfibrilhador, repair tool, rpg nos dentes, c4, MAV... Etc...

"Faz spawn em mim que já passei" e dar aquele backrage top... "Anda para o tanque comigo" ... :D Priceless... Gosto muito...

A quanto ficou isso?

Já passou do prazo, talvez uma 6950 fosse possível por volta dos mesmos valores, flash 6970 e obterias performance aceitável.

45€... O único negócio melhor que apareceu foi uma 7850, por 80€ mas já tinha dado a palavra ao MR... não voltei atrás...

03-02-15, 16:01
Ainda ontem no café com esta história do meu colega voltar aos PCs disse isso... O CS:GO é muito fixe a nível competitivo para jogar em grupo etc, e pelo que vi do insurgency gostei, é um jogo também do género, é hardcore, não há cá fulls, tens de ter calma com o gatilho, conhecer o recoil, tens de ser paciente e inteligente a jogar, levas um tiro na tola já foste...

Agora para o fun? Para dar risota? Lulz? Troll? O BF4 tem muito mais a oferecer... Matar mans de desfibrilhador, repair tool, rpg nos dentes, c4, MAV... Etc...

"Faz spawn em mim que já passei" e dar aquele backrage top... "Anda para o tanque comigo" ... :D Priceless... Gosto muito...

45€... O único negócio melhor que apareceu foi uma 7850, por 80€ mas já tinha dado a palavra ao MR... não voltei atrás...

O BF4 é divertido, se for jogado nos mapas mais pequenos em TDM/SDM/Domination...Obliteration também escapa.

Conquest large, rush...a meu ver é péssimo porque as armas não têm o alcance realista necessário para combates a distâncias maiores.

03-02-15, 16:14
Para mim é precisamente o contrário, tirar Conquest ao BF4 é "matar" o jogo, raramente vou para outros modos.

03-02-15, 16:24
Agora não tenho pegado tanto como nos velhos tempos, mas ainda vou dando umas balias só para o fun e o lulz aqui com o pessoal... O teu irmão ainda joga? O varelão reformou-se, o unico que tenho visto mais activo é o Slim...

Sim ja nao é como antes, mas la vamos fazendo uns rounds, eu, o Hard, o Slim, o meu irmao e mais alguem que la vai aparecendo!
Ja que falas no Slim, ele agora esta em frança e levou o pc...
Experimentou o bf3 e parou de jogar ao fim de uns minutos!
Diz que era ridiculo o hitreg que se tem la, apontas, burst de 5 balas e os gajos tombam!!! loooool ahhh e isto que a net dele é de 4mb hehehehehehe

03-02-15, 16:26
O BF4 é divertido, se for jogado nos mapas mais pequenos em TDM/SDM/Domination...Obliteration também escapa.

Conquest large, rush...a meu ver é péssimo porque as armas não têm o alcance realista necessário para combates a distâncias maiores.

Nota-se que perdeste pouco tempo no jogo e ..... não jogaste em grupo, jogavas uma vez conosco no TS e pensavas "realmente isto dá outro gozo", ainda ontem joguei com o Viriato e com o Morais, andar atrás dos tanques, ir à base da equipa adversaria roubar veiculos etc....

Puro gozo e um gajo passa ali um bom bocado.

03-02-15, 16:31
Já andam aos tiros nisto?

Tive a experimentar e gostei do flow dos movimentos do boneco, ta bastante fluido e intuitivo. Em relação aos sistema de rank achei um bocado abusado, logo no primeiro round fiquei logo nível 5. Experimentei também o banco e achei muita confusão mesmo em 32, ou então è possivelmente do pessoal ainda andar à toa e tal, mas a dada altura è um caos completo e ninguém se entende.

As shotguns estão brutalmente op, chegando ao ponto de com um tiro a 50m matas o gajo, eles teem que rever isso. As vozes dos bonecos são um bocado chungas sinceramente, eles podiam ter tido mais criatividade nesse sentido.

O hit reg achei sinceramente que esta mais ao menos ao nível do bf4, pelo menos foi o que achei, as balas ate me pareciam estar a cair no sitio onde queria, uma ou outra situação mais estranha mas lá está, foi dentro do banco com toda a confusão a ocorrer.

Em relação ao recoil já há varias queixas, o visual recoil parece que esta de volta, pessoalmente não desgosto, já no bf4 também não desgostava, sempre da um pouco mais de desafio e obriga o jogador a ter calma a disparar.

Fiquei surpreendido de não terem posto o mantle de volta, mas achei o jogo a correr muito bem mesmo, nada a apontar.

Overall, vou passar este, tem umas coisas engraçadas e tal mas sinceramente acho um "bf4" com novos skins e mapas e gadgets. Eu sendo um jogador mais de conquest, sinto que este jogo já não tem muito para oferecer nesse sentido e no bf4 sinto-me em casa.

03-02-15, 16:33
Sim ja nao é como antes, mas la vamos fazendo uns rounds, eu, o Hard, o Slim, o meu irmao e mais alguem que la vai aparecendo!
Ja que falas no Slim, ele agora esta em frança e levou o pc...
Experimentou o bf3 e parou de jogar ao fim de uns minutos!
Diz que era ridiculo o hitreg que se tem la, apontas, burst de 5 balas e os gajos tombam!!! loooool ahhh e isto que a net dele é de 4mb hehehehehehe

O famoso hitreg francês... :P

03-02-15, 16:33
Pedro andas a falhar, aparece no TS :thumbsup:

03-02-15, 16:36
Vamos sim, da-me 10m. :)

03-02-15, 16:37
O famoso hitreg francês... :P

por isso é que ate de m9 andavam.. hehehe
um gajo ja fica todo contente quando apanha aqueles minutos bons, agora imagina todos os dias assim!! Jikamode *|:Festa:

03-02-15, 16:37
Nota-se que perdeste pouco tempo no jogo e ..... não jogaste em grupo, jogavas uma vez conosco no TS e pensavas "realmente isto dá outro gozo", ainda ontem joguei com o Viriato e com o Morais, andar atrás dos tanques, ir à base da equipa adversaria roubar veiculos etc....

Puro gozo e um gajo passa ali um bom bocado.

Acredito que para a paródia seja bom.

Mas eu estou habituado a armas e uma arma para mim tem que matar, não é descarregar 10 balas num gajo e o tipo continuar a correr...

Dai que seja difícil suportar os BF´s depois do BBC2.

Em hardcore e mapas pequenos, joga-se...tirando a classe Sniper que cospe setas com rasto de fogo em vez de balas.

03-02-15, 16:40
Joga hardcore se queres envolvência e matar um gajo com 2 balas.

Hadcore + um bom sniper = profit

03-02-15, 16:42
Joga hardcore se queres envolvência e matar um gajo com 2 balas.

Hadcore + um bom sniper = profit

Nem em hardcore a classe sniper funciona, não tem a pujança que devia.

03-02-15, 16:42
No bf4 se acertares com 10 balas no gajo e ele morrer ja vais com sorte!! o que eu nao suporto é a lotaria que tem o jogo, tanto matas com 10 balas como descarregas 30 e o gajo nao morre!! Ahhh e ta de costas, vira-se pra ti e morres logo!! loooool
Isso pra mim é algo que nao tem perdao num fps!!!!!!!!

03-02-15, 16:43
Nem em hardcore a classe sniper funciona, não tem a pujança que devia.


03-02-15, 16:44
Falta de skill :P

03-02-15, 16:44
No bf4 se acertares com 10 balos no gajo e ele morrer ja vais com sorte!! o que eu nao suporto é a lotaria que tem o jogo, tanto matas com 10 balas como descarregas 30 e o gajo nao morre!! Ahhh e ta de costas, vira-se pra ti e morres logo!! loooool
Isso pra mim é algo que nao tem perdao num fps!!!!!!!!

Também...quantas não são as vezes que vais a descarregar o carregador no gajo, vês as balas a bater-lhe, o sangue a sair, o gajo vira-se ou dá a volta a qualquer elemento (árvore etc...) e mata-te como se nada fosse.

É um conjunto de situações...no geral é um jogo divertido, mas não se pode levar muito a sério.

E nem me estou a queixar de fazer fracos scores, porque geralmente não é difícil andar no topo da lista, especialmente para quem está habituado a simuladores.

03-02-15, 16:48
Need skill.....lool.....na reina

Eu joguei uma mao cheia de vezes em hardcore, mas lembro me que as snipers aquilo 85% das vezes era 1 shot kill. Lá uma ou outra vez que o gajo se ia embora a soro, mas era quase sempre kill.

03-02-15, 16:51
Need skill.....lool.....na reina

Eu joguei uma mao cheia de vezes em hardcore, mas lembro me que as snipers aquilo 85% das vezes era 1 shot kill. Lá uma ou outra vez que o gajo se ia embora a soro, mas era quase sempre kill.

Experimenta usar scope 40x e aprecia a paisagem dos erros de código...

Observa outro sniper e vê a seta a chegar até ti...se estiveres a mais de 500m tens praticamente tempo para te desviares...

As balas parecem foguetões a descolar.

É demasiado irreal.

Comparem até com o BBC2, que nem tem nada a ver com sim.

Por vezes vê-se um traço derivado do reflexo do Sol, mas meramente isto.

Não se segue a seta com os olhos até ao alvo...

03-02-15, 17:05
Isso de ficar o trajecto da bala de uma sniper é irreal ok, mas se nao fosse assim no jogo nao tinhas qq hipoptese contra os montes de acampados em tudo o que é telhado ou monte a estragar o jogo todo!! é que nao jogam para o objectivo do jogo, seja ele conquest ou rush, etc!!
So estao la para as kills, a espera que chegue um a armar a mcom ou a dar revive, etc...
Pra isso das duas uma, ou joga como ja vi grandes jogadores de sniper agressivos, sempre la no meio da confusao e a fazer grandes scores ou entao se é para as kills tem o TDM! Mas claro ai nao é tao parado e o skill falha na hora de apontar...

03-02-15, 17:06
Ninguem no TS? :) Bora

03-02-15, 17:08
Acaba por ser tudo uma questão de preferência pessoal e, apesar de todos os problemas, ainda não encontrei outro que desse o mesmo prazer em estar ali a mandar bala. Tal como acontecia com o BFBC2, tinha umas hitboxes do mais reles que há, mas era muito divertido.

Foi também por um desses motivos que na altura deixei o Red Orchestra 2, além de não ter ninguém com quem jogar frequentemente, passava tanto tempo a tentar encontrar inimigos do que a matá-los. Por enumeras vezes atravessava o mapa de uma ponta à outra e não via ninguém.

Ou seja, chegava a casa ao final do dia, tinha uma horita para jogar, mas no total meia hora de jogo era perdida a tentar encontrar inimigos. O jogo podia ser muito realista, mas para mim isso não era divertimento, não obstante de o poder ser para outros.

O BF4 acaba por ser um jogo de compromisso, dá para quem for lone wolf, dá para jogar taticamente, não é exageradamente arcade e os veículos dão outra dimensão ao jogo. No final de contas, acima de tudo o que conta é o gosto de cada um e se vai jogar sozinho ou não. Um COD por exemplo, é um jogo já por natureza mais apto a quem gostar de andar sozinho.

03-02-15, 17:10
Isso de ficar o trajecto da bala de uma sniper é irreal ok, mas se nao fosse assim no jogo nao tinhas qq hipoptese contra os montes de acampados em tudo o que é telhado ou monte a estragar o jogo todo!! é que nao jogam para o objectivo do jogo, seja ele conquest ou rush, etc!!
So estao la para as kills, a espera que chegue um a armar a mcom ou a dar revive, etc...
Pra isso das duas uma, ou joga como ja vi grandes jogadores de sniper agressivos, sempre la no meio da confusao e a fazer grandes scores ou entao se é para as kills tem o TDM! Mas claro ai nao é tao parado e o skill falha na hora de apontar...

É exactamente por isso que outro tipo de jogos têm limitações de sniper´s.

A maioria dos servidores hardcore tem limitações de sniper.

Se tivessem feito a classe como devia ser, convivia tal e qual com todas as outras.

03-02-15, 17:11
reiszink, já experimentaste o Insurgency?

Tem modos de jogo parecidos com os do BF, não tem veículos, mas os mapas são mais pequenos e intensos.
O netcode é excelente, pois é um jogo que usa o source da valve.

Não é tão realista como Red Orchestra, mas também não é tão arcada como o BF4.

EDIT: Olha o pessoal das consolas a ser lixado à grande....

Battlefield Hardline to use the 'same resolution settings' as Battlefield 4 on PS4 & Xbox One (http://www.videogamer.com/xboxone/battlefield_hardline/news/battlefield_hardline_to_use_the_same_resolution_se ttings_as_battlefield_4_on_ps4_and_xbox_one.html)
Cops vs robbers shooter to be 720p on Xbox One, 900p on PS4?

Battlefield Hardline may not hit its 1080p target on PS4 and Xbox One, according to new comments reportedly made by EA.In a statement provided to Australian site Games.on.net (http://games.on.net/2015/02/visceral-still-unsure-about-1080p-60-fps-for-battlefield-hardline-on-ps4-and-xbox-one/), EA states that Visceral is now aiming to get the PS4 and Xbox One versions of Hardline "playing at 60 FPS using the same resolution settings as [Battlefield 4]".

The news suggests that Hardline will run at 720p on Xbox One and 900p on PS4 – somewhat lower than the previously promised 1080p (http://www.videogamer.com/ps4/battlefield_hardline/news/battlefield_hardline_is_1080p_60fps_on_ps4.html).
Back at E3, Sony's Adam Boyes said that the game would run at 1080p/60fps on PS4 (http://www.videogamer.com/ps4/battlefield_hardline/news/battlefield_hardline_is_1080p_60fps_on_ps4.html), despite the initial beta running at 900p. Visceral later suggested that the Xbox One version "should" also hit the 1080p target (http://www.videogamer.com/ps4/battlefield_hardline/news/battlefield_hardline_should_be_1080p_60fps_on_xbox _one_as_well.html).
While VideoGamer.com had been unable to determine the resolution of today's beta at the time of writing, comments online point to worse-than-expected visuals, with Xbox One users complaining of a "sub 720p" resolution and "murky textures".
"Definitely a step down from BF4," said one Reddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/comments/2uks9z/psa_the_battlefield_hardline_beta_is_now_available/) user. "So far I haven't been very impressed with this game."

03-02-15, 17:20
Por acaso até tenho o jogo, que veio numa altura no Humble Bundle, mas ainda não joguei.

É marcar uma jogatana com o pessoal daqui, para eu mostrar os meus super high skills... ou não. (lol)

03-02-15, 17:24
É exactamente por isso que outro tipo de jogos têm limitações de sniper´s.

A maioria dos servidores hardcore tem limitações de sniper.

Se tivessem feito a classe como devia ser, convivia tal e qual com todas as outras.

O mal é que nao existe!! :/ mudava e mt o ambiente no servidor...

03-02-15, 17:28
É isso, o BF hoje em dia é para a paródia em grupo.

Mas tem aspectos que para quem é do tempo do BF2, não computam.

O BF era outra coisa, era um "simcade".

O BBC2 já veio cortar com as raízes, mas ainda assim tinha um feel to it glorioso.

BF3/BF4/Hardline, caminham cada vez mais para o arcade...e para longe do meu gosto primordial.

Mas ainda assim jogam-se e têm os seus momentos de diversão.

Ro2 é absolutamente o oposto, muito complexo, guerra fria e dura, um tiro morres, um tiro no pé tens que te mandar para o chão e recuperar etc...as armas têm o alcance real, etc...eu tenho 500H de jogo e não tenho metade dos "upgrades" desbloqueados, há realmente muita coisa para fazer e cada classe tem uma função importante e distinta, como na guerra. TL/SL desempenham um papel crucial pelos pontos de spawn, artilharia, etc...

Tem as suas "manias", não é um jogo perfeito, mas para mim é de longe o melhor fps-sim dos últimos anos.

Insurgency...é tudo aquilo que o RO2 devia ser caso fosse um jogo "close-quarters", preciso, frio, imperdoável...grande título.

03-02-15, 17:30
Por acaso até tenho o jogo, que veio numa altura no Humble Bundle, mas ainda não joguei.

É marcar uma jogatana com o pessoal daqui, para eu mostrar os meus super high skills... ou não. (lol)

Experimenta. Tem uma curva de aprendizagem íngreme, pois ao mais pequeno erro morres.
Mas assim que começas a dominar o jogo, dá um gosto do caraças, pois sabes que quando matas é 100% skill.

03-02-15, 17:37
Por acaso ja nao pego no insurgency a uns meses..... Os mapas de noite sao fixes!! ;)

05-02-15, 13:46
Hardline quality shows little improvement over BF4

http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/12a500552148ca35fa622a2b820a417d_L.jpg (http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/12a500552148ca35fa622a2b820a417d_XL.jpg)

Xbox One version still stuck with 720p rendering like last time
Now that the Hardline beta has been out, we have to watch everyone pick apart not the game, but the graphically presentation.

The long and the short of it is that the Xbox One version is still rendering at 720p and the PlayStation 4 version is still rendering at 900p. Nothing different from what Battlefield 4 was doing with the Frostbite Engine when we saw it released alongside the next-gen consoles.
While we know that this is still a beta, we have to wonder how much additional time is left really to optimize Hardline prior to actual release? If we had to guess there is now much to do and the majority of the time left isn't going to the improvement of the graphics. Still we expected that Frostbite 3 would be better optimized by now on the consoles.
We also have to wonder on the Xbox One side if they are taking advantage of the most recent optimizations that have been made which have gone on to improve other. Although I have enjoyed playing Hardline, I can't say that I am pleased with graphics that have not evolved much from the release of the console.


05-02-15, 22:12
Digital Foundry - Performance Analysis: Battlefield Hardline beta (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2015-battlefield-hardline-console-performance-analysis)

05-02-15, 22:27
Pior jogo, de longe...

BF4 é mais fluido e tem melhor hitreg.

05-02-15, 22:53
Pior jogo, de longe...

BF4 é mais fluido e tem melhor hitreg.

Joga mais vezes e mudas logo de opinião.

O Hitreg do BFH está bem melhor.

05-02-15, 22:59
Eu acho que são os dois quase a mesma coisa.

06-02-15, 10:24
Techspot - Battlefield Hardline Beta Benchmarked, Performance Preview (http://www.techspot.com/review/958-battlefield-hardline-beta-benchmarks/)


06-02-15, 14:44
Hardline servers at max for PS4 users

http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/276970e7624ab67ad1f1a95495bb0a65_L.jpg (http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/276970e7624ab67ad1f1a95495bb0a65_XL.jpg)

Matchmaking fails with no server to join
The beta for Battlefield Hardline is pretty popular on the PlayStation 4. How popular you might ask?

Well, it so popular that PS4 users are seeing errors that "Matchmaking Failed – Could not find a server to join". It is not that there is a problem with the network play, the issue is that the PlayStation 4 servers for Hardline are at max capacity and there currently are no free slots.
What EA says about the issue is a little interesting. They apparently have limited the number of players per platform in order to stress-test the platform. In other words, they are trying to determine how many players each server is able to support. EA says that the PS4 Hardline players peeked with over 132287 players in the last 24 hour period. That is impressive for a beta.
EA says that they are working on keeping up with the demand and adding more capacity as they are able. The good news for EA is that it would seem there is a lot of interest in Hardline which could indicate sales boon for the game.


06-02-15, 18:43
EA Using Feedback for Battlefield Hardline

EA has released a list of improvements (http://www.ea.com/news/15-battlefield-hardline-improvements-made-since-the-last-beta) made to Battlefield Hardline since the inception of both the closed and the currently ongoing open beta test. They’ve listed 15 total improvements that should have a noticeable affect on gameplay that have been a direct result of feedback from the Battlefield Hardline community itself.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/2555468-battlefield-hardline-5-wm-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/2555468-battlefield-hardline-5-wm.jpg)

To better help us understand what they’re doing during development, they say they’ve done the following:

Renamed the mechanic class to something more appropriate to the game; Gadget Master.
Cleaned up the customization screen in order to make it more intuitive to actually change your gear.
Added more objects that players can interact with. They specifically mention that you should be prepared to play with the usual spread of doodads to include radios.
Lengthened the rounds in Heist and Blood Money mode will be longer.
Lessened the number and frequency of explosions that happen on the various maps and game modes.
Cleaned up the HUD to differentiate it from Battlefield 4 and to make it easier to read.
Implemented stronger vehicles, though not going so far as to make them reminiscent to tanks and APC’s of the previous titles.
Tweaked the audio engine to include louder environmental cues and a better propensity for positional audio.
Adjusted the interrogation mode.
Increased movement speeds to better fit the less laden characters.
Adjusted the camera effect to be less prevalent when being suppressed by enemy fire.
Changed the conditions where one can use the Survivalist gadget to only work after explosions or from being run over.
Provided increased visual feedback on the map for finding objectives.
Increased the speed of vehicles so that the handbrake can be a good offensive element.
Adjusted how heavy armored vehicles are damaged, making it follow real life principles so that it’s easier to damage a vehicle from below or behind.

This open communication with the community at large is seemingly a move to restore confidence in their ability to release games in more a more complete and finished state. Battlefield 4 is still a recent memory of what can happen if one doesn’t listen to or properly beta test a game. It’s unfortunate that Battlefield 4’s multiplayer component didn’t exactly feel finished (http://www.incgamers.com/2013/11/battlefield-4-pc-review) upon release, despite EA and DICE’s best efforts to the contrary (http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/04/battlefield-4-problems-halt-future-projects-and-expansions) right after its release. Even today there are still comments regarding the relative finish that Battlefield 4 exhibits. Overall this should prove to have only positive benefits for the release of Battlefield Hardline, giving it a chance to come out of the gates as a complete package. Has anyone else here noticed any positive benefits to the changes that they’ve made? Perhaps any negative observations?


06-02-15, 20:23
E mesmo assim não melhoram o tick rate? Nem o netcode e o hit reg?
Isto é mesmo ignorar o principal problema do saga na última meia década.

07-02-15, 11:38
Já viram estas animações de reload do jogo?




07-02-15, 14:49

Sinceramente este jogo não me está a dar qualquer apeal...



07-02-15, 14:59
COD esta a outro nível.

Este BF esta muito fraquinho.

07-02-15, 19:43
Andei a experimentar a Beta na PS e o resultado foi

http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx307/Nelson140096/20150207_165515_zpsr1pimp8j.jpg (http://s766.photobucket.com/user/Nelson140096/media/20150207_165515_zpsr1pimp8j.jpg.html)

http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx307/Nelson140096/20150206_220223_zpsmjkzjvb8.jpg (http://s766.photobucket.com/user/Nelson140096/media/20150206_220223_zpsmjkzjvb8.jpg.html)

Dar carry :p

07-02-15, 19:56
O jogo, pelo que vi e disseram, ate que está engracadito, tem algumas arestas a melhorar como tudo, mas não é jogo qye vou perder a cabeça ao compra lo.

07-02-15, 20:03
O problema é que a EA está a cobrar 69 euros por um mod do BF4. Tens uns mapas novos, umas skins para policias e ladrões, uns fixes aqui e ali, mas pouco mais.

Muitos dos problemas que afligem o BF4 continuam no Hardline. Desde o sistema de spawn, o visual recoil, o lag, o rubber-banding, o excesso de snipers acampados, o mau sistema de team balance, tiros que não registam, mortes atrás de paredes, o sistema de unlock de armas e atachments lento e aborrecido, erros de animação, etc....

07-02-15, 20:13
O problema é que a EA está a cobrar 69 euros por um mod do BF4. Tens uns mapas novos, umas skins para policias e ladrões, uns fixes aqui e ali, mas pouco mais.

Muitos dos problemas que afligem o BF4 continuam no Hardline. Desde o sistema de spawn, o visual recoil, o lag, o rubber-banding, o excesso de snipers acampados, o mau sistema de team balance, tiros que não registam, mortes atrás de paredes, o sistema de unlock de armas e atachments lento e aborrecido, erros de animação, etc....
Mas para esses problemas se resolverem era necessário refazer o jogo do zero, e se mesmo assim se vende, trabalho para que? (lol)

07-02-15, 20:16
Mas para esses problemas se resolverem era necessário refazer o jogo do zero, e se mesmo assim se vende, trabalho para que? (lol)

Exactamente. Enquanto o pessoal for inocente e continuar a comprar jogos cheios de problemas, eles não se vão dar ao trabalho de os corrigir.
Uma pintura nova em cima e mandam cá para fora um jogo "novo".

07-02-15, 20:57
Já viram estas animações de reload do jogo?

WTF!!! isto é que, algum programa de talentos?!?!

cada vez estao mais patetico estes lançamentos...

Exactamente. Enquanto o pessoal for inocente e continuar a comprar jogos cheios de problemas, eles não se vão dar ao trabalho de os corrigir.
Uma pintura nova em cima e mandam cá para fora um jogo "novo".

ora nem mais!! o recheio é feito com a msm porcaria, só mudam o embrulho e toca a vender aos inocentes/crentes....

09-02-15, 14:06
Visceral Games: 5 million players have played Battlefield Hardline

<article>The open beta for Battlefield Hardline continues, with Visceral Games' General Manager, Steve Papoutsis, taking to Twitter to announce that 5 million players have taken place in the beta.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43403_01_visceral-games-5-million-players-played-battlefield-hardline.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43403_01_visceral-games-5-million-players-played-battlefield-hardline_full.jpg)

Papoutsis said: "Wow, we've passed 5 MILLION players in the #BFHardline beta! So proud of your team. Glad you're having fun and keep that feedback coming". Destiny set the bar last year, with 5 million players taking place in the open beta for Destiny, but Destiny wasn't released on PC. This goes to show that the PC community is huge, and a strong force for even a game like Battlefield Hardline which hasn't been getting the best feedback.

Battlefield Hardline will be released on March 17 for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC. The beta itself closes today, unfortunately.



09-02-15, 19:57
Battlefield Hardline Video Card Performance Preview

Battlefield Hardline (http://www.battlefield.com/hardline/home) is a new game coming next month that differs from the Battlefield 4 gameplay formula. Battlefield Hardline is all about "cops and robbers" allowing you to play on the side of the police, or the criminal. There are new game modes included: Heist, Rescue, Hotwire Mode, Blood Money, and Crosshair Mode. There will be a single-player campaign, and of course the big draw, multiplayer.


Battlefield Hardline is a first-person shooter game developed by Visceral Games in collaboration with EA Digital Illusions CE and published by EA. The game was first announced back at E3 2014 and a beta version was playable for about two weeks during June of 2014.

The original release date for this game was to be in October of 2014, however due to feedback from the beta the game was delayed so that the feedback from this beta could be implemented. The new release date is now March 17, 2015. We have to give credit to the developers and publishers for allowing a delay to improve the game based on feedback. We need more of this in the gaming community.

Battlefield Hardline is based on the same Frostbite 3 engine as is used in Battlefield 4 which came out in 2013. There have been no changes or upgrades to the engine that we are aware of for BF Hardline. This game will support DX10/DX11 and will support Mantle, though no support for Mantle is in the open beta. BF4 Hardline will also support Levolution (http://www.battlefield.com/battlefield-4/features/levolution) technology as seen in BF4. This means you will see destruction of some objects in the game, both large in scale, and small in scale. From the perspective of graphics, nothing has truly changed or been improved.

Open Public Beta
During this past week the game was opened up to a public beta (http://www.battlefield.com/hardline/news/battlefield-hardline-open-beta) from February 3rd, through February 8th 2015. However, just recently the open public beta has now been extended to February 9th. During this time we had a chance to sit down with the game for the first time and evaluate its performance and image quality on several video cards.

This article today is a preview of Battlefield Hardline performance in the three available maps during the open beta event. It will give us an idea of what we might can expect when the full version game is released in March.

In the open beta there are three maps available: "Bank Job" a 32-player map, "Downtown" a 32-player map, and "Dust Bowl" a 64-player map. We have played on each map with all the video cards tested today and will report the performance we experienced.

The Graphics Options and How we Tested
Since this is a multiplayer game, we focused on multiplayer gameplay. For some reason FRAPS would not work in this public demo. We had to resort to Battlefield's in-game console which allows you to save frame time data over time which allows you to calculate the average frame rate. We used the "perfoverlay.framefilelogenable 1" command to gather our data.

We confirmed that the executable was running in 64-bit mode, so this game, even in open public beta form is a 64-bit game.

http://www.hardocp.com/images/articles/1423459013VEZSb9gsF8_1_2.jpg (http://www.hardocp.com/image.html?image=MTQyMzQ1OTAxM1ZFWlNiOWdzRjhfMV8yX 2wuanBn)

The graphics options in this game are exactly the same as is in BF4. There are absolutely no differences to the graphics options. You can set global options, or just set everything to "Custom" which allows you to manipulate settings. You can see above we ran this game with all "Ultra" settings.

This game only supports 2X MSAA and 4X MSAA just like BF4. It is a bit surprising that this newer game doesn't go up to 8X MSAA and has the same limitations as BF4 in that regard. The post process AA options are still FXAA based and have a "Low", "Medium" and "High" option. This does blur the image, and for our testing we disabled post process AA and just used MSAA. In fact, we are going to run with 4X MSAA enabled in all the run-throughs for the best image quality.

The Ambient Occlusion options of SSAO or HBAO are there as well. We are using the highest form, HBAO in our tests. It is again a letdown that this newer game does not support NVIDIA's newer and better HBAO+ (http://www.geforce.com/hardware/technology/hbao-plus) mode, which would have been a welcomed improvement to HBAO performance.

For our run-through we recorded an ENTIRE gameplay session playing on each map. In this way we get a nice long playthrough from start to finish of playing on each map. We played as the cops on each side to keep the run-through similar. We utilized all the things possible in each map, from driving cars, to leaning out of cars, and other vehicles, and other weaponry and tried to stay in the areas of extreme action.

Toda a analise:
http://www.hardocp.com/article/2015/02/09/battlefield_hardline_video_card_performance_previe w#.VNkRBy5v7P4

18-02-15, 10:29
Battlefield: Hardline – Dinosaur Head Skins Confirmed (http://www.dsogaming.com/news/battlefield-hardline-dinosaur-head-skins-confirmed/)

Ever since the release of Battlefield 4, a lot of gamers wished for a dino mode. And while the latest rumours suggested that Battlefield: Hardline would feature something like that, we can safely say – at this point – that those rumours were not accurate. Instead of an epic dino mode in which dinosaurs would battle humans, Battlefield: Hardline will offer a raptor head skin/mask (as well as a wolf mask). Obviously, this won’t satisfy those that wanted a proper dino mode in Battlefield, but then again it’s cool knowing that Visceral and EA are aware of the high demand for such a thing. Below you can view two videos showing the raptor head skin in action. Enjoy!<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8BWOcOYaIp4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MWBwjg8jzb0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

Para corrigir os bugs e netcode, não fazem nada. Mas para fazer porcaria como esta............
A saga BF está a ir por um caminho muito mau!

18-02-15, 12:18
Por mim eles podem fazer o que quiserem, este jogo vou passar. Não vi nada de especial no jogo, alias, consigo obter mais divertimento a jogar o bf4 do que este para ser sincero.

18-02-15, 13:07
Por mim eles podem fazer o que quiserem, este jogo vou passar. Não vi nada de especial no jogo, alias, consigo obter mais divertimento a jogar o bf4 do que este para ser sincero.

Mas de longe, este BF é um jogo puramente para os putos.
Não é para mim e nem quero ofender quem o gosta de jogar, mas a meu ver está uma palhaçada.

18-02-15, 13:19
A EA quer comer mercado ao COD e por isso quer fazer o seu próprio COD.
Como já matou a saga Medal of Honor, agora cabe à saga Battlefield ser o próximo sacrifício no altar.

18-02-15, 13:44
O caminho é a palhaçada, é o codismo, a infantilidade, randomizar as kills, perk´s, etc etc.

É isto que vende aos putos consoleiros.

Veja-se a diferença do BF1942 /BF2 face a este tipo de títulos...lixo, puro lixo.

MOH foi o título pior gerido que eu tenho memória...era dos jogos mais rentáveis do mundo, foi atirado ao lixo por se meter no Modern Warface quando tudo já lá estava.

Esse sim, devia ser sempre o jogo de excelência dos conflitos antigos (WW1/2/Nam).

Cambada de monopolistas, nem mais um jogo compro dessa série de treta se não inverterem estas tendências.

18-02-15, 14:30
O caminho é a palhaçada, é o codismo, a infantilidade, randomizar as kills, perk´s, etc etc.

É isto que vende aos putos consoleiros.

Veja-se a diferença do BF1942 /BF2 face a este tipo de títulos...lixo, puro lixo.

MOH foi o título pior gerido que eu tenho memória...era dos jogos mais rentáveis do mundo, foi atirado ao lixo por se meter no Modern Warface quando tudo já lá estava.

Esse sim, devia ser sempre o jogo de excelência dos conflitos antigos (WW1/2/Nam).

Cambada de monopolistas, nem mais um jogo compro dessa série de treta se não inverterem estas tendências.
Totalmente de acordo.

18-02-15, 15:08


Metam os "polícias e ladrões" no dito cujo, e deixem essas tretas para o Payday e até GTA online...

18-02-15, 15:21
PayPay cumpre muito bem o que promete, gostei imenso do jogo.

18-02-15, 15:33
Com o Payday 2 tenho uma história curiosa...

Enquanto joguei online com a versão crackada, gostei.

Comprei, joguei 1/2x, mas depois começaram a sair as montanhas de DLC´s, nunca mais lhe toquei.

19-02-15, 11:37
A situação com as pre-orders ficou ainda pior com esta treta que a EA fez no BF Hardline. O jogo tem 3 armas exclusivas para quem comprar o jogo em pre-order da versão Digital Deluxe e não há outra forma de as obter.

@Battlefield (https://twitter.com/Battlefield):
2015-02-10 22:59:47 UTC (https://twitter.com/Battlefield/status/565284018699386881)
Kicking off LIVE Twitter Q&A w/ #BFHardline (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23BFHardline) Lead MP Designer @dirtydeathdog (https://twitter.com/dirtydeathdog). What did you like about Beta? What changes do you want to see?
@LtRoyalShrimp (https://twitter.com/LtRoyalShrimp):

2015-02-10 23:27:45 UTC (https://twitter.com/LtRoyalShrimp/status/565291058331156481)
@Battlefield (https://twitter.com/Battlefield) @dirtydeathdog (https://twitter.com/dirtydeathdog) Are the 3 preorder rifles available to all classes?
@Battlefield (https://twitter.com/Battlefield):

2015-02-10 23:30:30 UTC (https://twitter.com/Battlefield/status/565291748604538880)
RT "@dirtydeathdog (https://twitter.com/dirtydeathdog) @LtRoyalShrimp (https://twitter.com/LtRoyalShrimp) They are all rifles in the Operator class."
@AsthmaBlows (https://twitter.com/AsthmaBlows):

2015-02-18 22:53:20 UTC (https://twitter.com/AsthmaBlows/status/568181500375470081)
@Battlefield (https://twitter.com/Battlefield) Are the deluxe edition weapons exclusive or just unlocked early? Because if i can just unlock them later, i won't get deluxe
@Battlefield (https://twitter.com/Battlefield):

2015-02-18 23:09:23 UTC (https://twitter.com/Battlefield/status/568185539016278016)
@AsthmaBlows (https://twitter.com/AsthmaBlows) Those weapons are exclusive for the Deluxe edition.


24-02-15, 22:19
Win 10.000£ in EA’s ‘Battlefield Hardline: Live’ launch event

Having a Launch Event isn’t precisely an entirely new concept, but having a launch event where you pretend to be a criminal from a game in real life, is kind of new and odd I’d say at least. Electronic Arts UK has set up an event they are calling ‘Battlefield Hardline: Live’ where you can win 10.000£.
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Battlefield-Hardline-635x381.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Battlefield-Hardline.jpg)
Win 10.000£ by pretending to be a real crook in Battlefield Hardline: Live EA announced today that they will be holding sort of a Launch Event for Hardline in London, an 8 day long event that will kick off March the 18th and finish on the 25th. It will be a “one-hour controlled yet immersive experience”, where the winner will be able to walk away with 10.000£.

Welcome to the world of crime and revenge! Battlefield Hardline: Live (#BFHardlineLive) is giving you the chance to fulfil your criminal fantasies by leading your crew in a high adrenaline, high stakes experience that could see you win £10,000.
Those that win the opportunity to take part in Battlefield Hardline: Live against other crews will lead their chosen crew in to a murky world where deceit and destruction are all in a day’s work. Rescue the VIP, explore the vault, avoid guards and plan their escape to pull off the perfect crime


Well you can definitely hear that they are British in the above video.

Battlefield Hardline: Live draws inspiration from three of Battlefield Hardline’s new game modes – Heist, Blood Money and Rescue as well as the multiplayer maps Growhouse, The Block and Derailed.
Think you’ve got what it takes to survive the underworld – get in, get the goods, then get out without being caught? Enter to stand a chance of winning a place for you and your four chosen crew members to take part.
I guess an event like this could be kinda cool, the only downside is obviously that its going to be limited in how many people that can participate, there’s one pretty interesting line of text over at the sign-up site though:

“the winning crew leader claiming the £10,000 bounty but then facing a dilemma – would you keep it all or share with your crew?“
Does that mean that someone could potentially screw over their ‘crew’ and take the prize money for themselves, if so then you’d better sign up with some mates you know won’t stab you in the back. I know I’d buy a bunch of new hardware for a share of the prize money.
Battlefield Hardline: Live will take place at a secret Central London location for eight days from March 18 until March 25, and the sign-up site can be found Here (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/battlefield-hardline-live-registration-15811342150). The game itself launches March 17th on PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360.

: http://wccftech.com/battlefield-hardline-launch-event/#ixzz3Shfuflkd

25-02-15, 08:50
Battlefield Hardline Gone Gold

Battlefield Hardline has just gone gold on all platforms and all regions as stated in the tweet below.

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-ou0Z-W4AAB-pz.jpg (http://twitter.com/Battlefield/status/570319780768550915/photo/1)

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/540935547120652289/XqS73vV5_normal.jpeg Battlefield ✔ @Battlefield (https://twitter.com/Battlefield)
Follow (https://twitter.com/Battlefield)
#BFHardline (https://twitter.com/hashtag/BFHardline?src=hash) is officially Gold on all platforms & all regions! RT if you'll be joining us on the streets on Mar 17

<time pubdate="" class="dt-updated" datetime="2015-02-24T20:30:06+0000" title="Time posted: 24 Feb 2015, 20:30:06 (UTC)">8:30 PM - 24 Feb 2015</time> (https://twitter.com/Battlefield/status/570319780768550915)

The time has come, no more betas and no more delays. Battlefield Hardline has been developed by Visceral Games, the hugely talented studio behind the Dead Space trilogy, in collaboration with EA Digital Illusions CE, and published by Electronic Arts.
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Battlefield-Hardline-5-635x357.jpg (http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Battlefield-Hardline-5.jpg)
Battlefield Hardline Beta had over 7 million participants. The news comes shortly after Battlefield Hardline latest beta period ended, which had over 7 million gamers participate. Any issues that were encountered have been quickly ironed out, but the majority of players reported smooth and consistent matchmaking and gameplay.
Visceral Games specified that the single-player campaign will not be linear and made a promise to deliver a deeper and better single player experience that the predecessors. The single player campaign will feature episodic crime dramas with player choices affecting the outcome of the story and gameplay experience. Taking the role of a cop, players will have a large variety of gadgets at their disposal, including scanners for stakeout situations and other police equipment.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Battlefield-Hardline-4-635x348.jpg (http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Battlefield-Hardline-4.jpg)

There are many other game modes featured in Battlefield Hardline including: Heist, Rescue, Hotwire Mode, Blood Money and Crosshair Mode.

Heist: The criminals must break into a cash filled vault (or as featured in some maps, blow open the doors of an armoured truck) then move the cash filled packages to an extraction point; the police must stop them. If the Criminals manage to escape by bringing all the money to the extraction point they win.
Blood Money: Both factions must retrieve money from an open crate in the center of the map, then move it back to their respective side’s armored truck. Players can also steal money from the opposing team’s truck. The team that first deposits $5 million worth of money into their truck or the team with the most money under a time limit wins.
Hotwire Mode: Drivable cars take the role of traditional Conquest “flags.” Like Conquest, capturing cars (done by driving above a certain “cruising” speed) will bleed the enemy team’s reinforcement tickets. The team who reduces the other’s to zero or who has the most tickets remaining after the time limit wins.
Rescue: In a 3 minute long 5 vs 5 competitive mode, S.W.A.T officers must try to rescue hostages held by criminal forces. The cops win by either rescuing the hostage(s) or by killing all the criminals. Criminals win by killing all the cops. Each player has only one life in this mode, that means no respawns.
Crosshair: The second competitive game mode in Battlefield Hardline. Crosshair is also 3 minutes long, 5 vs 5 with only one life. In Crosshair the criminals are trying to kill a player controlled VIP on the cops side who is a former gang member turned states witness. The criminals win by killing the VIP and the cops win by getting the VIP to the extraction point.
Even though Battlefield multiplayer has been the main appeal for the series, I am really looking forward to see what Visceral Games did with the single player campaign. They have made a promise to improve on the single player experience and given their pedigree, it will be interesting to experience the episodic cop drama tales.
Battlefield Hardline is stated for a March 17 launch in North America and on March 19 in Europe. It will release for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.


26-02-15, 08:47
EA Access members get access to Battlefield Hardline five days early

Battlefield Hardline has a launch date of March 17, but it will release five days earlier for EA Access members, with those gamers able to play the cops-and-robbers first-person shooter from EA and Visceral Games on my birthday, March 12. EA Access is an exclusive to the Xbox One, which means no early play for PC or PlayStation gamers.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43779_07_ea-access-members-battlefield-hardline-five-days-early.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43779_07_ea-access-members-battlefield-hardline-five-days-early_full.jpg)

The five-day trial will allow EA Access members to play the full version of Battlefield Hardline, but for only 10 hours in total. EA Access normally offers six hours of trial before the game goes live, so this is a nice four hour addition. The entire game will be accessible: all maps and modes in Battlefield Hardline's multiplayer component will be playable. As for the single player side of the game, only the first chapter of the story and the prologue will be made available.

Any and all progress will be carried over to the full game when it launches on March 17, which is a nice touch. EA Access customers can purchase Battlefield Hardline from the Xbox Games Store with a 10% discount, dropping its $59.99 price down to $53.99.


27-02-15, 16:33
EA talks Battlefield Hardline, says BF4 launch was 'less than stellar'

Battlefield Hardline isn't too far away now, so EA is getting down and dirty with getting the game out there, with Mike Gloseski from EA taking to the official Battlefield website to talk the game up.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43803_15_ea-talks-battlefield-hardline-bf4-launch-less-stellar.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43803_15_ea-talks-battlefield-hardline-bf4-launch-less-stellar_full.jpg)

Glosecki concentrated on the PC side of things, addressing the 'power of PCs', 'how stable will the game be on PC' and more. When talking about the power of PCs, Gloseski said that the PC "allows you to customize the experience to your liking" and that you can set specific graphical details in the game, compared to its console counterparts. He added: "You can adjust your field of view or run higher than 60 FPS if you choose. You can even play with a three monitor setup for an immersive experience. Lastly, you get to use a mouse and keyboard which gives you the best control setup for a first person shooter".

One of the better additions to this post was that he tackled a big question: "how stable will the game be on PC". Glosecki said: "I think we can all agree that Battlefield 4's stability at launch was less than stellar. In order to address stability for our game at launch, we've had the game up and running in the multiplayer environment for the last two years with both the development and quality assurance teams playing in daily matches". Another nice change is that the developer is "also making changes to Battlelog to include a new pop-up on how to activate the plugin in your browser since this was an issue for some of our players".

Battlefield Hardline will be released on March 19 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC.


27-02-15, 16:55
Battlefield Hardline on PC Will Have Higher Quality Visuals VS Console Versions

Earlier this week Battlefield Hardline went gold (http://wccftech.com/battlefield-hardline-gold/)on all platforms, as well as EA announcing that you could play Hardline a week in advance on Xbox One via EA Access (http://wccftech.com/play-battlefield-hardline-week-advance/). Now EA wants to talk a bit about the PC version it seems. Over at the Battlefield site (http://www.battlefield.com/hardline/news/battlefield-hardline-on-pc), gameplay systems producer Mike Glosecki talks about the PC version.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Battlefield-Hardline-x-635x357.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Battlefield-Hardline-x.jpg)
“What Makes Hardline a Great Battlefield PC Game?” So what does Mike Glosecki have to say about the PC version then? Lets see shall we.

Battlefield Hardline is being built on PC alongside the other platforms. We’re doing what we can to take advantage of people’s different system with the graphics, framerate, controls, etc. We’re not just porting it over. Battlefield started on the PC with 1942 and we know we have a passionate fan base on this platform. Fans can expect the huge 64-player battles with that rock, paper, scissor gameplay that they have come to love in Hardline as well.
The PC allows you to customize the experience to your liking. You can play at much higher resolutions, 1920×1080 and beyond up to the capabilities of your video card. You can also use much higher graphic settings on PC – which you gives you the best texture filtering, texture quality, and anti-aliasing in addition to other benefits. You can adjust your field of view or run higher than 60 FPS if you choose. You can even play with a three monitor setup for an immersive experience. Lastly, you get to use a mouse and keyboard which gives you the best control setup for a first person shooter.

60 FPS should be a given in this day and age really, especially when it comes to PC.
How Stable Will the Game Be on PC?
Stability has been one of the largest areas we’re focusing our attention at Visceral while developing Hardline. I think we can all agree that Battlefield 4’s stability at launch was less than stellar. In order to address stability for our game at launch, we’ve had the game up and running in the multiplayer environment for the last two years with both the development and quality assurance teams playing in daily matches. We’ve run two betas for the game as well, one at E3 and the pre-launch beta which just completed on Feb 9th. Both of these have not only helped us solidify the stability of our servers, but have also provided great feedback for us to address in the game. As a side note, we are also making changes to Battlelog to include a new pop-up on how to activate the plugin in your browser since this was an issue for some of our players.
He goes on to mention that as with Battlefield 4 on PC, Hardline will also have a CTE (Community test environment) as this will “allow us to gain valuable feedback from our players before changes migrate out to the world”.
So what do you think about Hardline yourself? I’m probably only ever going to pick it up after a year or so when it’s on sale, I participated in the betas but I don’t personally like it, “It’s not Battlefield” as it were, more like a weird mix of Payday and GTA. If you wish to read Mike Gloesecki’s statement in full, head on over Here (http://www.battlefield.com/hardline/news/battlefield-hardline-on-pc) then.


27-02-15, 17:51
Battlefield Hardline EA Access - Gameplay Trailer

Be the first to get a piece of the action in Battlefield Hardline, the complete first person shooter experience built on strategy, speed and story through EA Access only on Xbox One. EA Access gives you 10 hours of game time up to 5 days before launch, starting March 12. Play all of multiplayer and the prologue and first episode of the exciting new single player campaign inspired by TV crime drama. All your progress carries over.



02-03-15, 14:43
EA announces Battlefield Hardline Premium for $50

EA has officially announced Battlefield Hardline Premium, which is virtually identical to the other Premium services for the previous titles in the Battlefield franchise.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43869_09_ea-announces-battlefield-hardline-premium-50.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43869_09_ea-announces-battlefield-hardline-premium-50_full.jpg)

Battlefield Hardline Premium will cost $50, offering gamers four new "super features" which include: masks, gun bench, competitive play and legendary status. Not only that, but you'll get two weeks early access to the four story-themed DLC packs, as well as monthly rewards and access to "exclusive in-game events and items".

Here's a detailed list of what Battlefield Hardline Premium has on offer:

Four super features:

Masks - New player masks with unique gameplay benefits tied to the theme of each mask.
Gun Bench - Provides players with the ability to visually customize their weapons and track their kills per weapon.
Competitive Play - Support for competitive play through Battlefield Hardline Premium-access only tournaments and ladders.
Legendary Status - Provides replayability of the entire progression system.

Four digital expansion packs featuring new multiplayer maps, modes, vehicles, in-game content and a story themed throughout all four:

Battlefield Hardline: Criminal Activity - Players have to make a name for themselves in fast-paced, highly-destructible new maps littered with small-time crime jobs. Available summer 2015.
Battlefield Hardline: Robbery - Take down the opposition head on and progress through key locations with major cinematic action. Available summer 2015.
Battlefield Hardline: Getaway - This is frantic, high-speed chases that immerse players deeper in the heist. Available fall 2015.
Battlefield Hardline: Betrayal - There is a rat in every operation and players will have to find out who to trust. Available winter early 2016.

Two weeks early access to all expansion packs
12 Gold Battlepacks
New personalization options including gun camos, ammo skins, and more Battlefield Hardline Premium exclusive in-game items
Access to double-XP, in-game missions, and more Battlefield Hardline Premium exclusive events
Priority position in server queues

Battlefield Hardline launches on March 17 for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC. It will arrive three days later in Europe, on March 20.


09-03-15, 15:13
Battlefield Hardline will run at 720p on Xbox One, 900p on the PS4

Battlefield Hardline launches on March 17 for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC but we're just hearing about what resolution it will be rendered at on the Xbox One and PS4.

Hardline @dirtydeathcat (https://twitter.com/dirtydeathcat)
@VisceralGames (https://twitter.com/VisceralGames) @EAAccess (https://twitter.com/EAAccess) what resolution will battlefield hardline be on xb1 and ps4 ??

<b class="p-nickname">
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/474963667545382914/eK_gu31y_normal.jpeg Visceral Games @VisceralGames (https://twitter.com/VisceralGames)
Follow (https://twitter.com/VisceralGames)
@dirtydeathcat (https://twitter.com/dirtydeathcat) @EAAccess (https://twitter.com/EAAccess) 720 on Xbox One, 900 on PS4
<time pubdate="" class="dt-updated" datetime="2015-03-08T21:29:38+0000" title="Time posted: 08 Mar 2015, 21:29:38 (UTC)">9:29 PM - 8 Mar 2015</time> (https://twitter.com/VisceralGames/status/574683419226980352)


The Xbox One version of Battlefield Hardline will run at 720p, while the PS4 version will run at 900p, according to Visceral Games and their recent tweet. The PC version will be able to play at 1080p, 1440p, 4K and beyond - but you didn't expect anything less, did you? "Next-gen" consoles and we're seeing games in 2015 run at 720p, resolutions that PC gamers used in the 90s.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43963_02_battlefield-hardline-run-720p-xbox-one-900p-ps4.png (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43963_02_battlefield-hardline-run-720p-xbox-one-900p-ps4_full.png)


Cá está o poder cinematografico das consolas, principalmemnte a X1, a sobressair :D

10-03-15, 15:49
Battlefield Hardline Launch Trailer



13-03-15, 19:52
Performance Analysis: Battlefield Hardline Multiplayer (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2015-battlefield-hardline-multiplayer-performance-analysis)



16-03-15, 16:37
Best Easter Egg of All Time – Battlefield Hardline Drivable Couch

Battlefield Hardline trial, currently available on Xbox One through EA Access, comes with a drivable couch called “The American Dream” accessible in the Dust Bowl map in multiplayer.


Found by Jackfrags, the couch spawns in the map when playing Hotwire Mode. It is the fastest vehicle included in the game, and if it hits a ramp at the right speed and angle it can even fly for a bit. A hilarious inclusion is that when players get mowed down by the couch it reads “MERICA” in the kill feed (0:43) Certainly a hilarious Easter Egg that could definitely entertain in multiplayer matches.

http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/battlefield_hardline_logo-635x194.png (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/battlefield_hardline_logo.png)

Battlefield Hardline is scheduled to be released on Tuesday, March 17 and is currently playable through EA Access on Xbox One.
EA has a reward for Battlefield Hardline players:

A Battlefield Hardline Reward to the Battlefield Veterans
Available starting March 17, Battlefield Hardline will definitely be a new and unique chapter in the long history of Battlefield games. Naturally, we’re thrilled about those who will make Battlefield Hardline their first Battlefield game. But we also feel we want to give you Battlefield veterans out there something special.

http://eaassets-a.akamaihd.net/battlelog/prod/61d099d23fe104fe673091d470c96970/en_US/blog/en/files/2015/02/Patch.png?v=1425032999.62 (http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/news/)
To show our appreciation to all you vets out there, we’ve prepared an exclusive “Veteran’s Pack” to any owners of Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, or Battlefield 4 who decide to buy Battlefield Hardline.
The Veteran’s Pack includes:

One in-game Veteran’s Patch
One 200% Objective Boost (active for 30 minutes once activated)
One 200% Teamplay Boost (active for 30 minutes once activated)

http://eaassets-a.akamaihd.net/battlelog/prod/61d099d23fe104fe673091d470c96970/en_US/blog/en/files/2015/02/200-1-150x150.png?v=1425032999.62 (http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/news/)http://eaassets-a.akamaihd.net/battlelog/prod/61d099d23fe104fe673091d470c96970/en_US/blog/en/files/2015/02/200-2-150x150.png?v=1425032999.62 (http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/news/)
Redeeming is a cinch: if you own any of the three aforementioned games on any platform and have an Origin account, the Veteran’s Pack will be available automatically the first time you login to Battlefield Hardline. Should you register Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, or Battlefield 4after Battlefield Hardline, you’ll also get the Veteran’s Pack – simply log in to Battlefield Hardline again and it’ll be there.
Hats off to you veterans – and enjoy your Veteran’s Pack!
Pre-order Battlefield Hardline (http://www.battlefield.com/hardline/buy?intcmp=HARDLINE_GLOBAL_all_pages_Main_Navigati on_top-right_Pre-Order-Now)
Note: Find full details of this offer below.

We will bring you any new information for Battlefield Hardline both prior and following its release, as soon as it becomes available. You can read more about Battlefield Hardline in our previous coverage here (http://wccftech.com/battlefield-hardline-720p-xbox-900p-ps4/) and here. (http://wccftech.com/battlefield-hardline-launch-no-issues/)


17-03-15, 10:21
Battlefield Hardline Face-Off: PC vs. PS4

Battlefield Hardline releases today, for both current-gen consoles and PC. Visceral Games aimed for 60fps for the console versions and opted to lower the resolution, resulting in 720p for the Xbox One and 900p for the PlayStation 4. The comparison shots are between the PlayStation 4 and PC versions of Battlefield Hardline.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Battlefield-Hardline-Review-05-635x348.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Battlefield-Hardline-Review-05.jpg)
The PlayStation 4 version runs at 900p, so it’s noticeably less sharp than the PC version, which is maxed out at 1080p. The PC version appears to have more aliasing options, more flexible resolutions (understandably), higher resolution shadows, more foliage and sharper textures. The PS4’s shadow resolution is about equivalent to the PC’s medium setting.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/BFHL_Screens_SP_Tony_Dune_Profile_WM-635x348.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/BFHL_Screens_SP_Tony_Dune_Profile_WM.jpg)

Considering the PS4’s lower resolution, the PS4 does a pretty good job. Especially taking into account the solid frame rate, the difference in visual quality between the two is not too far apart. You can view the two versions in the gallery below. Note that the first image is of the PC version and the second of the PS4.




Even though, Battlefield Hardline released only just a few hours ago, already seventy thousand people are playing the game. What’s interesting though is that the Xbox One version has an early lead over the PS4, with nearly double the number of players.
Since most players are midnight launch customers, points to the Xbox One having more hardcore FPS gamers. Late Tuesday night when the majority of day one purchasing public are online will give us a more accurate indication though.
Introduction to Battlefield Hardline with a few tips
I’m a Battlefield Rookie – What Game Mode Should I Try First?
Hardline contains both a thrilling single player campaign and the all-out war glory that is Battlefield Multiplayer. If you don’t want to face the heat of multiplayer right away, start with the campaign and familiarize yourself with the controls, try the guns, and earn some Battlepacks.
When you face off in multiplayer, there are seven unique game modes to choose from and we hope you’ll try them all. If you’re unsure where to kick off, you can’t go wrong with Hotwire. If you played the beta you already know about this fast-paced mode, where the cops and criminals fight over a series of marked cars. These rides are basically mobile control points, which you need to take control over. Expect glorious chaos on the streets as the two fractions face off.

And What Class Should I Choose First?
If you’re new to the class system, choose one of the four and try that out for a few matches before switching. Try starting with the Operator class and learn how to keep team mates and yourself alive with the First Aid Packs. Play around with the class-specific guns and gadgets and get a sense of the rock-paper-scissors gameplay foundation that Battlefield rests on.
Any Other Good Beginner Tips?
Playing Battlefield Hardline earns you in-game cash. Make sure to spend it to unlock new weapons, gadgets, and attachments.
Spend some time at the loadout screen and tinker with the weapon and gadget setup for your agent. Find a combo you like – and don’t be afraid to experiment.
You’ll unlock Battlepacks throughout your Battlefield Hardline career. Open these in Battlelog or the in-game menu as they contain helpful items like XP boosts, weapon camos, knives and more.
The zipline and grappling hook are two great gadgets that will let you move around the Battlefield more efficiently. Find a slightly glowing ledge of a building, fire the grappling hook, and climb the rope to waste some snipers. Ziplines let you move quickly to a lower part of the map – just look out for enemies sabotaging them during your ride…
When you spawn in to the streets, be aware that you can spawn into vehicles or on team members. You don’t need to respawn in your base the whole time.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/battlefield_hardline_logo-635x194.png (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/battlefield_hardline_logo.png)

We will bring you any new information on Battlefield Hardline as soon as it becomes available.


O PC a levar a melhor sobre a consola.

17-03-15, 13:12
Sim mas esperava piores resultados para a PS4, afinal não e' assim tao mau....

Agora a Xbox e' que deve estar uma bela merdoca... :D

18-03-15, 13:14
Por curiosidade fui agora ver quanta gente está a jogar o Hardline e comparei com o BF4.



Peak 24h

Peak 24h

Peak 24h

Peak 24h

Peak 24h


Não parece ter muita gente a jogar, mesmo considerando a hora do dia. Muita gente deve não comparr logo o Hardline e vai ficar pelo BF4, ou outro jogo.

18-03-15, 15:10
Vemo-nos no BF5... ;)

Como disse, este vai-me passar ao lado... o facto de estar mais virado para o GO também não ajuda...

18-03-15, 16:30
Battlefield Hardline Launch Fraught with Issues; DDoS’s

Battlefield Hardline’s launch is, as expected, not going so well. But not for the reasons you might think. The overall game appears to play quite well actually with very few bugs that actually affect gameplay, be it multiplayer or singleplayer. But there is another sort of issue that’s been affecting the launch of Battlefield Hardline; that of the mighty DDoS (https://twitter.com/Battlefield/status/578061417007345664).
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/2555462-battlefield-hardline-1-wm-635x336.jpg (http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/2555462-battlefield-hardline-1-wm.jpg)
Battlefield Hardline servers are being affected by what seems to be a large-scale DDoS attempt. Players are not able to connect or are disconnected immediately. EA has noted that the reported server problems are likely related to an attempt to DDoS a large number of servers of the game. It may not necessarily be anything that EA did directly to cause these issues. They’ve announced the issue via the official Battlefield Twitter account.

We’ve identified the connectivity issues on Xbox One are due to DDoS attack and working to resolve. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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This issue affected all platforms and is currently being resolved. Last night I was able to play with very few problems, with only one server seemed to have connectivity issues. The unfortunate thing about DDoSing is that it’s difficult to defend against a concentrated attack. If someone wants to throw 100’s of Gbps of data at a server from a large botnet to knock it offline, then all the load balancing and other tricks in the world won’t completely protect it. It’ll still be slowed down if not completely unreachable. Simple and effective, unfortunately.
No modern Battlefield game can seem to get off the hook on launch day. First we have Battlefield 4 that was horrendous when it launched and took many months to fix and make playable. And now we have Battlefield Hardline which can be said to be far more complete this time around, though some people seem to want to ruin the fun for others. If there are few complaints, I guess whoever is responsible for these DDoS attacks want to make those complaints.
Thankfully this type of activity is relatively rare. And this is an exception to the norm. It is, though, rather concerning to see this happen to a game, any game, on it’s launch day. So far no-one has spoken up and taken responsibility for the mess, so even if it’s a bid for attention, it’s not really working. If a group reveals itself, I won’t update this to name them either, they don’t deserve the attention. So let’s just ignore them and get on with the day.
It’s people like that that prevent us from having nice things. Battlefield Hardline should be back in working order, but if it’s not, then let us know what you’re experiencing in the comments. Does anyone enjoy the game? Having fun with the multiplayer or even the singleplayer?


18-03-15, 21:08
E já começam os problemas do jogo....

Warning; Hardline has no field of view for singleplayer because presumably the people who made it live in 1987


18-03-15, 21:16
Lol, TB tem mandado umas trolitadas no jogo de vez em quando, a ver se sai um videozeco em breve. :P

19-03-15, 18:33
Digital Foundry - Face-Off: Battlefield Hardline (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2015-battlefield-hardline-face-off)

Mais uma vez o PC a liderar, seguido da PS4 e a X1 bem lá atrás da matilha....

BTW, os videos do jogo ocupam 36 a 44GB de espaço. :facepalm:

EDIT: Fui ver quanta gente andava a jogar e fiquei surpreendido com os números, especialmente nas consolas...

Peak 24h

Peak 24h

Peak 24h

Peak 24h

Peak 24h


21-03-15, 09:55
Reparem bem no anuncio que a Sony colocou do BF Hardline na PS4 :D
Já nem tentam esconder as mentiras. hahaha


21-03-15, 13:33

Tudo dito.

21-03-15, 14:03
Bom video.

21-03-15, 14:21
É a tal situação, quem nunca jogou BF1942/BF2 não percebe o que realmente era o BF, e por consequente, a desilusão perante os novos títulos.



22-03-15, 14:41
A review do Totalbiscuit


23-03-15, 12:11
Resumindo... Skip... Ou apanhar a 15€...

23-03-15, 18:52
Battlefield: Hardline Ultra vs Low Graphics Comparison

It looks like GreenManGaming has provided DSOGaming with some Ultra vs Low graphic comparison for Visceral’s Battlefield Hardline. Below you can see the comparison. Note that the Ultra screenshots are the top ones, while the Low are right below the Ultra screenshots.
Thank you DSOGaming (http://www.dsogaming.com/screenshot-news/battlefield-hardline-ultra-versus-low-comparison-screenshots/) for providing us with this information


Ainda se nota bem as diferenças.

23-03-15, 20:08
E cá está a análise do Angry Joe.


24-03-15, 15:52
Battlefield Hardline Benchmarked, Performance Review (http://www.techspot.com/review/979-battlefield-hardline-benchmarks/)

Although we thought Battlefield Hardline showed superb graphics (http://www.techspot.com/review/958-battlefield-hardline-beta-benchmarks/) and smooth gameplay when we benchmarked it during last month'sweek-long public beta, the pre-launch build didn't quite display Battlefield 4 (http://www.techspot.com/review/734-battlefield-4-benchmarks/)'s wow-factor.
The good news, of course, was that Hardline could be played on fairly modest hardware using the ultra-quality pre-set, which enables 4xMSAA and allows 60fps+ at 1080p with either the GeForce GTX 770 (http://www.techspot.com/review/678-gainward-geforce-gtx-770/) or Radeon R9 280X (http://www.techspot.com/review/841-radeon-r9-280x-roundup/).
Developed by Visceral Games and published by EA, the retail version Battlefield Hardline (http://www.techspot.com/products/pc-games/battlefield-hardline.117514/) is now available and we are back to rerun all the beta tests along with others to see how the frame rates have changed from beta to retail.
http://www.techspot.com/articles-info/979/images/2015-03-23-image-1.jpg (http://www.techspot.com/photos/article/979-battlefield-hardline-benchmarks/#2015-03-23-large-1)
Before we get to the benchmarks, it's worth noting a problem plaguing Nvidia users. Thankfully we only ran into it once while testing, though our tests probably don't run long enough for this bug to really rear its ugly head.
Tens of thousands of Nvidia users say that after a match or two their game crashes to the desktop giving a DirectX error message. The issue seems to be with the latest GeForce 347.88 drivers (http://www.techspot.com/downloads/drivers/essentials/nvidia-geforce/) and so far there is no fix.
Testing Methodology We used the latest AMD and Nvidia drivers on 26 DirectX 11 graphics card configurations covering most price ranges. Our test rig was outfitted with the Intel Core i7-5960X (http://www.techspot.com/review/875-intel-core-i7-5960x-haswell-e/) to remove CPU bottlenecks that could influence high-end GPU scores.
We used Fraps (http://www.techspot.com/downloads/2835-fraps.html) to record 60 seconds of gameplay for benchmarking but it will be a little tricky to test Battlefield Hardline (http://www.techspot.com/products/pc-games/battlefield-hardline.117514/) because it's an online multiplayer game. In the past we have avoided such tests as generating accurate results is difficult because reproducing the same test repeatedly is a challenge. It's particularly difficult in games that have random respawn points such as Battlefield 4. (To enable Fraps, you have to hit the ~ key and type the following into the console: RenderDevice.PresentAsync 0.)
Hardline is a little easier as you can select a deploy point on the map, so we benchmarked using the 'Bank Job' map as a member of the police force and deployed in the same location. Moreover, we joined the same server which always had just a few players who didn't interfere with our testing -- this seemed preferable to joining completely empty servers.
We tested using 1366x768, 1920x1080 and 2560x1600 resolutions using the 'ultra' quality preset which sets anti-aliasing to 4xMSAA and uses HBAO ambient occlusion.
Test System Specs

Intel Core i7-5960X(3.00GHz)
x4 4GB Kingston Predator DDR4-2400 (CAS 12-13-13-24)
Asrock X99 Extreme6 (Intel X99)
Silverstone Strider Series (700w)
Crucial MX200 1TB (SATA 6Gb/s)
Gigabyte Radeon R9 290X (4096MB)
Gigabyte Radeon R9 290 (4096MB)
Gigabyte Radeon R9 285 (2048MB)
Gigabyte Radeon R9 280X (3072MB)
HIS Radeon R9 270X (2048MB)
HIS Radeon R9 270 (2048MB)
HIS Radeon R7 265 (2048MB)
HIS Radeon HD 7970 GHz (3072MB)
HIS Radeon HD 7970 (3072MB)
HIS Radeon HD 7950 (3072MB)
HIS Radeon HD 7870 (2048MB)
HIS Radeon HD 7850 (2048MB)
Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan X (12288MB)
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 980 (4096MB)
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 970 (3584+512MB)
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 960 (2048MB)
Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan (6144MB)
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 780 Ti (3072MB)
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 780 (3072MB)
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 770 (2048MB)
Palit GeForce GTX 760 (2048MB)
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 750 Ti (2048MB)
Gainward GeForce GTX 680 (2048MB)
Gainward GeForce GTX 660 Ti (2048MB)
Gainward GeForce GTX 660 (2048MB)
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
Nvidia GeForce 347.88 WHQL
AMD Catalyst 14.12 Omega

Toda a analise:

25-03-15, 12:30
Guru3D - EA Infects Battlefield Hardline with new ghastly DRM (http://www.guru3d.com/news-story/ea-infects-battlefield-hardline-with-new-ghastly-drm.html)

So currently I am working on a graphics performance review for Battlefield Hardline, and guess what ? Do you guys remember the DRM introduced (http://www.guru3d.com/news-story/why-guru3d-probably-never-will-review-ubisoft-titles-anymore-anno-2070.html) in Ubisofts Anno 2070 ? Well, EA just did pretty much the same thing. I am so irritated right now.So I started working on a performance review. And after a graphics card or eight I think it was, EA will now lock your accoungt with the following message:

Here's what EAs DRM is doing, they don't just verify the number of PCs you work on slash use, nope .. they dare to monitor hardware changes now, which I am sure is a privacy breach on many levels. So once we insert new hardware (graphics cards) the hardware id # hash changes and if that happes a couple of times they are rendering your activation invalid.
What a bunch of rubbish ....
If this is the future for EA titles then you guys can forget about VGA performance reviews as EA is rendering that pretty much impossible now. I've now been waiting for like 3 or 4 hours and we are still locked out of the game. The only way to solve this would be purchasing another key and setup a secondary account. This means that if we'd like to make a VGA performance review on Battelfield Hardline with a card or 20 we'd need to purchase the game three times.
EA - guys we understand your piracy concerns, but STOP pissing off your user-base with this STUPID DRM non-sense. Christ almighty, at what point will the industry realize they are killing the PC game market themselves ?

Isto é muito mais para os jogadores. Como se já não bastasse termos de levar com Origin e o Battlelog, ainda temos de levar com mais uma forma de DRM em cima do jogo?
Mais um motivo para não comprar o jogo.

25-03-15, 13:22
Para mim a sensação de jogar Insurgency e de seguida pegar no BF é suficiente para não comprar mais nenhum.

Que sistema de hitreg tão deficiente.

25-03-15, 13:34
Para mim a sensação de jogar Insurgency e de seguida pegar no BF é suficiente para não comprar mais nenhum.

Que sistema de hitreg tão deficiente.

Isso é verdade, o hitreg e netcode do BF comparado com o Insurgency, é um falhanço completo. Mesmo com a última patch, continua a ser muito mau em comparação.

25-03-15, 13:38
Um gajo que lhe vá pegar sem jogar outro fps antes, aguenta-se...apesar de irritante.

Mas passando de um para o outro (e nem precisa de ser o Insurgency, basta ser o BBC2)...que jogo tão vergonhoso.

25-03-15, 15:55
CS GO... Que vicio... :P

26-03-15, 16:40
Battlefield Hardline New Patch Upcoming – Dev Talks to The Players For Constructive Feedback

Battlefield hardline is a first person shooter that just made its way across platforms a week earlier. The game has been allotted some good and mediocre rating by its reviewers but generally its tilting towards the good category in shooter games. It has been the latest installment in the Battlefield series and is published by Electronic Arts across all major platforms including the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. It’s been a bit longer than a week and already we have news for you regarding its patch where earlier on its release we brought to you the visual comparison of Battlefield Hardline which compared PC , PS4 and the Xbox One (http://wccftech.com/battlefield-hardline-visual-comparison-ps4-vs-xbox-one-vs-pc/). More recently the game had issues installing on the PS4 console (http://wccftech.com/battlefield-hardline-users-installation-issues-ps4/) which have been mostly resolved by the developers by now.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/2555468-battlefield-hardline-5-wm-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/2555468-battlefield-hardline-5-wm.jpg)

New Battlefield Hardline Patch Will Focus on Weapon Balance Moving on to the topic at hand, we have had news about the games upcoming patch although the date has not been confirmed but the lead multiplayer designer for Battlefield Hardline, Thaddeus Sasser, did say that they were planning on bringing weapon balances to the game. It is more than just a plan as they pointed out that the dev team has been trying them out for themselves at the moment and noticed significant improvements.

The context changes and the statement in full, as stated on the Battlefield Hardline forum (http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/forum/threadview/2955065241073453637/), is as follows:

“Hi guys,
A lot of people have been providing feedback on the gameplay balance, and we’ve been looking at the data and feedback (as we always do). Here’s a quick list of changes we’re considering for the next update. I do not have an ETA for you on this update yet, but once we know we’ll provide dates.
– K10: Reduce bullet damage to 33
– Saiga and PTR: reduce recoil to bring more in line with Cop faction DMRs
– HCAR and HK51: reduce recoil to bring more in line with SCAR-H and SA-58
– .410 Jury: Increase damage per pellet to become more effective
– FMG-9 and M/45: Increase damage per round to 25 and push out falloff start range to make these weapons more effective
– Battlerifle min damage increased to 25 across the board
– AKM min damage reduced to 24
Just kidding, be nice to each other. We’ve tested these changes and find them to be good improvements, look forward to constructive feedback.”
Well the developers have shown good intent by coming out and sharing their improvements with the gamers and as they said, they hoped for constructive feedback in return. Looking at the replies to the forum post, that wish was granted and players took this change well and added some further improvements the team could try out.
Do look out for the upcoming patch in a couple of weeks. We will keep you updated with the latest and until then, do share what you think about the game improvements in the comments section.


26-03-15, 17:26
EA Responds To Battlefield Hardline DRM Complaints

Earlier this week, reports emerged that the Origin-based DRM used in Electronic Arts’ just-released Battlefield Hardline will monitor hardware changes in addition to keeping tabs on how many PCs can play host to the game. Battlefield Hardline apparently allows only five hardware changes per account before the game's activation becomes invalid. Once those are used up, the game won't load for 24 hours per activation. "We're sorry, an error has occurred," Battlefield Hardline's warning said. "Too many computers have accessed this account's version of Battlefield Hardline recently. Please try again later."
Guru3D was the first to complain (http://www.guru3d.com/news-story/ea-infects-battlefield-hardline-with-new-ghastly-drm.html), stating that testing a "handful" of graphics cards with the game led to the error message. Based on the report, it appears that the warning can be triggered if users swap out components on their machines, such as graphics cards, CPUs or motherboards.
An error popping up after a new motherboard installed is perhaps understandable, but locking users out after installing new CPUs or graphics cards seems a bit heavy handed. Curious as to what's going on, we reached out to Electronic Arts for an answer.
"Origin authentication allows players to install a game on up to five different PCs every 24 hours," an EA representative told Tom's Hardware. "Players looking to benchmark more than five hardware configurations in one 24 hour period can contact our Customer Support team who can help."
Note the word "configuration." Origin seems to be keeping track of the hardware used on machines with Battlefield Hardline installed. Also note that the EA representative put the blame on the Origin platform, not an invasive software DRM.
What's curious here is that Origin will allow installations on five different configurations. Presumably, that should be plenty for all Battlefield Hardline players. Yet, this limit makes us wonder if EA is having a hard time with customers sharing their Origin account.
Customers having to update multiple components may hit the Origin wall. Then again, the lock-out is only 24 hours per activation, which gives you plenty of time to play something else during the wait. Those who rarely update their hardware shouldn't have any problems whatsoever.


27-03-15, 14:55
Battlefield Hardline Ban for Changing Hardware 5 Times in One Day

Reviewers and extreme users around the world have run into trouble with the new Battlefield Hardline as EA introduced a nasty method of DRM protection for the game. Replace your hardware five times within a day and you get locked out of your account, at least temporary. A reviewer over at Guru3D was testing a handful of graphics cards with the game and suddenly found himself locked out of the game and got the message “We’re sorry, an error has occurred. Too many computers have accessed this account’s version of Battlefield Hardline Digital Deluxe recently. Please try again later.”
While the ban is temporary and just lasts 24 hours, it means that EA is using similar hardware monitoring and information collection as Ubisoft did with Anno 2070, uncool. While Microsoft for example also uses such techniques to keep Windows safe, all it takes is a call and enter a row of digits to get it activated again. EA offers no support, just a 24-hour timeout for you.
This intrusion on privacy could backfire a lot on EA, not only by bugging their users. It could effectively mean that hardware reviewers around the world could stop using EA’s games altogether for their work. There are enough games on the market and it might simply not be worth the effort it takes to work with them.
What’s your take on this? Is it okay for EA to monitor and collect information about what hardware you use when?
Thanks to Guru3D (http://www.guru3d.com/news-story/ea-infects-battlefield-hardline-with-new-ghastly-drm.html) for providing us with this information


27-03-15, 21:37

02-04-15, 15:15
Visceral Cuts Hardline’s Ridiculous Couch Stats

Visceral looks like it will be lowering down the game’s drivable couch stats with the first patch. The intended Easter egg apparently proved to be too popular and too effective as an actual vehicle rather than the joke it was intended to be. Battlefield Hardline’s patch now state that Visceral will lower the couch’s stats by drastically lowering its health and repair rate.

“Couch health reduced and repair rate decreased to a miniscule amount, making the Couch the one-off it was intended,” the developer wrote.


The exact date of when the patch will roll out is not yet known, but Visceral said that the new stats will take effect in the “near future”. The full patch notes can be found over at Battlefield’s forum (http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/forum/threadview/2955064791152946448/).
Thank you Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-04-02-visceral-nerfs-battlefield-hardline-couch) for providing us with this information


02-04-15, 16:38
De todos os problemas que o jogo tem, ter que baixar as stats de um sofá é realmente uma daquelas coisas que enfim... só mesmo para isto:


02-04-15, 17:13
BF está mesmo nas ruas da armagura, quando tem coisas destas......

28-04-15, 17:31
First Battlefield Hardline Patch Adds Gameplay Changes and Bug Fixes

The very first Battlefield Hardline patch is now finding (http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/forum/view/2955064791163727380/) it’s way to players on all platforms. And it brings with it a long list of changes and fixes.
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/battlefield-hardline-interview_zipline-2-970x0-635x357.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/battlefield-hardline-interview_zipline-2-970x0.jpg)
Battlefield Hardline Patch 1.02 is released on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One, optimizations, fixes and gameplay changes in tow. The community hath spoketh and DICE hath listened. In addition to a great deal of bug fixes and also improving the performance of the game, the first Battlefield Hardline patch adds some gameplay altering changes that the community has mostly spoken for.
Crucially, weapons have been further tuned with improvements and balancing for six different weapons based on community feedback. Battle rifle ammo, for instance, now produces at least 25 hit points of damage, while the minimum damage of the AKM has been reduced to just 24.

In addition to that, the battlepacks have been reworked to give players a better chance at getting something actually nice instead of collecting boosts as happened in Battlefield 4, you’ll now receive more useful items in the Bronze battlepack.
The full patch notes for the PC are listed below for your reading pleasure. Let us know if you enjoy the changes that have been made, or if you enjoy the game at all.

Bronze packs – changes made to the last slot drop to improve the chances of collectibles and vouchers rather than boosts
Silver packs – made the first 3 slots like a Bronze pack, and removed any chances of getting standard drops and increased the chances of collectibles for the last slot
Gold packs – made the first 4 slots as Silver pack, and removed any chances of getting standard items, drops advanced vouchers and greatly increased the chances of getting superior or distinguished items
Shortcut Battlepacks added
Added the Prima Guide’s Gold Battlepack


Adjusted the RPG to only have 1 ammo when picked up from a vehicle trunk and to have less splash damage

Crash fixes

Fixed a crash related to some specific Nvidia based video cards
Fixed some low reproduction crashes related to video card drivers
Fixed crashes in multiplayer based on data from BugSentry (internal crash tracking tool for live servers)


Bullet impacts near the player no longer cause camera shake in certain cases
Fixed an issue in the Hollywood Heights map that allowed players to grab cash through a roof in the Blood Money game mode
Optimized game engine to increase graphics performance while punkbuster is running


Fixed an issue where the Hotwire game mode was showing as available for the Hollywood Heights MP map
Adjusted Team Death Match spawns so player is closer to friendlies and further from enemies
Adjusted tickets to 600 for Conquest Small and 999 for Conquest Large
Added Conquest Large to the Growhouse map
Fixed an issue were some game modes didn’t have the correct amount of tickets


Fixed an issue with server customization settings for certain game modes
Added ability to clear and save a maplist when using the remote console server controls
Increased the size of the text character limit for the MP map lists

Shortcut kits

Added licenses for all items granted in the DLC shortcuts


Fixed an issue where players could bypass the timer at the beginning of the round during Rescue and Crosshair
Fixed an issue with the Chinese language EULA referring to another game title


Reduced the health of the couch and reduced the rate at which it can be repaired
Adjusted the criminal and law enforcement variants of the sedan so that they now take the same damage per bullet from weapons

Weapon turning

K10 – reduced start damage to 33 and end damage to 8
Saiga, PTR 91, HCAR, and HK51 – reduced the amount of vertical recoil
RO993 – increased the rate of fire to 850
Jury 410 – increased the amount of damage per pellet to 20
FMG9 – increased max damage to 25
Battle Rifle ammo – increased min damage to 25
AKM – bullet min damage decreased to 24


Fixed dev only bugs related to command line arguments used for testing


06-05-15, 08:50
Battlefield Hardline: tested with 23 GPUs (including frametimes)

<article itemprop="reviewBody"> Intro Hardline is the latest addition to the popular Battlefield series. Instead of the military setting of the previous games, this game is all about the world of crime (fighting). In single-player mode you're on the side of the police, in multiplayer you can also do your bidding as a criminal. Bank robberies and hostage situations, chases and of course the necessary shootouts are what this game is all about. The game uses the Frostbite 3 engine, just like Battlefield 4. Just like that game the gameplay is influenced by the surroundings. Levolution is its name: because many parts of the environment change (in many cases: demolished or blown up), a level can play out in multiple ways. The PC edition of Battlefield Hardline got a reasonable rating by critics according to Metacritic, but users seem less enthusiastic. At the time of writing the score is at 3.7. The main question is whether that is deserved, as it seems the score is heavily influenced by a group of gamers who don't fancy EA. Hardline may not be the best Battlefield, for fans of this series it's definitely not a bad title, with an original setting for this series.

http://content.hwigroup.net/images/products_larges/221389/battlefield-hardline-pc.jpg (http://content.hwigroup.net/images/products_xl/221389/battlefield-hardline-pc.jpg) For PC users it's good to know that Battlefield Hardline just like Battlefield 4 can use the AMD Mantle API. For testing with AMD graphics cards we used the Mantle version of Hardline, Nvidia cards have been tested in combination with the DirectX version. Just like other Mantle games it mainly means the API can perform better when you're combining a fast GPU with a slower multi-core CPU. With the Core i7 5960X of our testsystem the difference between DirectX and Mantle is however very limited in this game.

Toda a review:

07-05-15, 08:04
EA CEO is 'very happy' with Battlefield Hardline sales figures

Electronic Arts is reportedly "very happy" with Battlefield Hardline sales, according to CEO Andrew Wilson while speaking during a recent earnings call. EA didn't disclose how many copies of the game were sold since its March 17 release date, with the title available for the PC, Sony PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, Microsoft Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/4/44985_01_ea-ceo-very-happy-battlefield-hardline-sales-figures.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/4/44985_01_ea-ceo-very-happy-battlefield-hardline-sales-figures_full.jpg)

Even though exact sales figures weren't released, it was announced that 80 percent of Hardline sales were for the PS4 and Xbox One.

"We're very happy with how well the game has sold to date, and more importantly, that we've brought many new fans into the Battlefield universe," Wilson noted.

Some gamers showed concern that Battlefield was breaking away from its traditional war-themed titles, but gamers seem pleased with Hardline. Over the next few months, EA plans to release multiple expansion packs, hopefully generating new sales across all platforms.
