View Full Version : EA vs Ubisoft

17-06-14, 17:32
Ao longo dos anos temos visto várias acções destas duas empresas que prejudicam gravemente os jogadores. Durante muito tempo a EA foi considerada como uma das piores empresas de videojogos de sempre , chegando ao ponto de ganhar por 2 anos o prémio de pior empresa dos EUA.
Com o culminar das mentiras sobre a qualidade gráfica do Watch Dogs no PC, muitos começam a afirmar que agora a pior empresa é a Ubisoft. Nem tanto por este caso em particular, mas pelo acumular de muita coisa. Ou seja, esta situação com o Watch Dogs foi a última gota.
Apesar disto, a EA tem mostrado um esforço para tentar melhorar a sua imagem.
- Participação no Humble Bundle, dando jogos a jogadores e ajudando a caridade.
- Oferecendo 2 milhões das suas receitas por participar no Humble Bundle.
- Ofertas de um jogo gratuitos todos por mês. O actual é o Peggle.
- Recebeu prémios por promover a igualdade no local de trabalho.
- Melhorias significativas no Origin.
Apesar disto, é óbvio que ainda temos muito coisa má vinda da EA, que prejudica os jogadores. Para além de uma longa história.
- Responsável pela aquisição de vários estúdios e franchises de sucesso, para depois acabar com ambos.
- Lançar jogos com poucas melhorias todos os anos, especialmente de desporto.
- Lançar jogos inacabados e cheios de bugs e problemas.
- Utilização de DRM agressivo.
- Obrigar jogadores a utilizar uma ligação constante para DRM, em jogos single player.
- Remoção de jogos da plataforma Steam.
- Encher vários jogos com conteúdo bloqueado, acessível apenas após muitas horas de jogo ou pelo pagamento micro transacções. isto apesar de cobrar os 60 euros do costume pelo jogo origina.
- Passar a cobrar 60 euros no Origin, em vez dos 40 tradicionais em jogos de PC. Isto apesar de não ter de pagar royanties a uma terceira empresa, ou ter de gastar dinheiro em distribuição física, caixas, manuais, etc.
- Forçar multiplayer em jogos tradicionalmente single player, reduzindo recursos disponíveis e a qualidade final.
- Bans nos forums do Origin que resultaram na perda de todos os jogos da mesma conta.
- Fecho de servidores de jogos online de forma antecipada.
- Online passes.
- Day-one DLC.
Por outro lado agora temos a Ubisoft a ganhar terreno:
- Utilização de DRM ainda mais agressivo, que prejudica gravemente os consumidores.
- Instalação de rootkits nos PCs sem autorização dos clientes.
- Apresentação de trailers que mentem sobre a qualidade final do jogo. (Watch Dogs, AC3 e 4, Far Cry3....)
- Falta de optimização em vários jogos, com destaque para o Watch Dogs.
- Day-one DLC
- Forçar os jogadores a usar o Uplay, apesar de este ter uma quantidade imensa de problemas e falta de muitas funcionalidades. Isto apesar de o sistema já existir há 2 anos.
- Forçar os jogadores a usar o Uplay, mesmo quando estes compram o jogo no Steam.
- Acusações falsas de pirataria aos jogadores de PC.
- Remoção de features gráficas no jogo WatchDogs.
- Online Passes
- Lançar jogos inacabados e cheios de bugs e problemas.
- Cobrar 60 euros no Uplay, em vez dos 40 tradicionais em jogos de PC. Isto apesar de não ter de pagar royanties a uma terceira empresa, ou ter de gastar dinheiro em distribuição física, caixas, manuais, etc.
- Criar 5 versões de collectors editions para o Watch Dogs, cada uma com conteúdo diferente e sem possibilidade de o jogador aceder a tudo sem gastar dinheiro adicional.
- Racismo e misoginia latente em vários jogos e afirmações de responsáveis da empresa.
- Dependência em franchises e na sua repetição quase anual.
Estas são as ofensas mais graves de que me lembrei destas duas empresas. Se se lembrarem de mais, digam para continuar a discussão.
Algumas são mais graves que outras, mas no geral começa a ser difícil distinguir qual a pior empresa.
Por isso pergunto a todos, o que acham. Quem é a pior empresa? Ubisoft ou EA?

17-06-14, 17:39
Ubisoft esta a ir por um caminho muito mau, mas a EA ainda é aquela mancha negra

17-06-14, 17:54
Claro que a Ubisoft é racista. São franceses! O racismo e a xenofobia em França estão a bater níveis record com a ascensão da extrema-direita.

Já a EA é "apenas" capitalista ao extremo, não chega a tocar no assunto do racismo.

Rockstar e 2K Games, quanto vos adoro ao lado destas duas espeluncas!

15-12-14, 13:43
Mais uma mentira da Ubisoft para enganar os jogadores.

Ubisoft’s ‘HD’ Heroes of Might and Magic trailer lies (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/jon-martindale/ubisofts-hd-heroes-of-might-and-magic-trailer-lies/)

Ubisoft is just about the new EA games at this point. It’s made so many gaffs in the past year that you have to wonder whether it’s doing them deliberately. Well sometimes it is, as in its trailer for the upcoming “HD” remastering of Heroes of Might and Magic, it showed old game sprites being re-done in newer, prettier forms. Except it lied, deliberately making the original sprites look worse quality than they actually are, in order to make the new version look better.This was first spotted by that eagled eyed lot over at NeoGAF (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=949321), who felt there was something a bit fishy about Ubisoft’s “HD” trailer and did a little comparison between the remastered sprites, the ones Ubisoft was claiming were the originals and screenshots from GoG’s updated, DRM free version of the original.
So for reference, here’s what the Ubisoft HD sprites looked like, along with its claims of what the originals were like also:
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/hommisoft.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/hommisoft.jpg)
Those new ones do look nicer and a lot cleaner, but not by anywhere near as big a margin when you compare them to real screenshots of the originals:
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/homm.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/homm.jpg)
Far, far less blurry right? To make sure this wasn’t a fluke, I grabbed the game from GoG and installed it myself, managing to take this screenshot within just a few minutes of play time:
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/gog.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/gog.jpg)
As you can see, while the sprites are a little less detailed than what Ubisoft’s new HD version is offering, it isn’t anywhere near as big an improvement as it’s making out.
The Ubisoft version will come with an upgraded multiplayer lobby system and Steamworks compatibility, but it will not include the game’s two major expansions. However the GoG version does and is available at just £2.59 (http://www.gog.com/game/heroes_of_might_and_magic_3_complete_edition) at the time of writing.

15-12-14, 13:45
Ubisoft, os franceses idiotas da indústria, what else?

15-01-15, 15:29
Mais corrupção no jornalismo dos videojogos. Agora entre um jornalista da PCGamer e uma produtora da Ubisoft.

Love and Ethics: PC Gamer/Ubisoft staff relationship revealed (http://techraptor.net/content/love-ethics-pc-gamerubisoft-staff-relationship-revealed)

Since the Zoe Post went live months ago, a large microscope has been placed on the realm of gaming journalism. Ethical concerns have been raised, sites have altered (http://www.ign.com/wikis/ign/Standards_and_Practices) their policies (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/video-games/editorials/12223-The-Escapist-Publisher-Issues-Public-Statement-on-Gamergate) with the new climate, and others have shirked their responsibilities in defiance. Ultimately, we live in a world where certain relationships and ties to one another within the video game industry will be closely examined by the readers if the websites will not do it themselves. Thus, we are brought to today, where a possible romantic link between Anne Marie Lewis of Ubisoft and Tyler Wilde of PC Gamer (who penned the recent “Let’s stop calling ourselves the PC Master Race (http://www.pcgamer.com/lets-stop-calling-ourselves-the-pc-master-race/)” article).As a short aside, you can read Techraptor’s response to said article here (http://techraptor.net/content/techraptor-staff-responds-critics-term-pc-master-race).
Information was sent to me via email by Twitter user TheFartRises (https://twitter.com/TheFartRises) (whose real name will be kept from record), and was sent to him via an anonymous source. I’ve reviewed the images and have come to the conclusion that the picture on Wilde’s Facebook page is indeed Anne Marie Lewis (https://www.linkedin.com/in/annemlewis). Wilde’s names have been attached to many news stories (https://i.imgur.com/T9JH1HZ.png) in regards to Ubisoft releases, such as Farcry 4 and Assassin’s Creed Unity. Now, to be fair to Wilde, he did not review a single one of those games listed. He has been seen on Twitter recommending Farcry 4 (https://archive.today/ZTeBq), but whether he is promoting the game for his significant other or legitimately enjoys it is up for interpretation. The links that will follow are all archived from Tyler Wilde’s Facebook page and the respective Twitter.
At one point, Tyler was open about his relationship with Anne Marie. You can see in this archive (https://archive.today/MhLR6)that that features the two together on Wilde’s Facebook page. It seems that when folks started to make connections, Wilde abruptly changed (https://archive.today/OJJbI) the picture. Their language via Twitter exchanges also is quite playful. If they are not in a relationship, it is rather obvious that they are at least friends. Friends on two sides of the industry from one another. Though Anne’s Linkedin profile (https://www.linkedin.com/in/annemlewis) shows she was once a game journalist, those days have ended, and thus it was Wilde’s responsibility as a journalist to report the relationship and disclose it. That (https://archive.today/sXQzE) has (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.pcgamer.com/assassins-creed-unity-gets-dramatic-e3-trailer-and-live-singe-player-gameplay-demo/) not (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.pcgamer.com/far-cry-4-gameplay-footage-shows-mountains-elephants/) happened (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.pcgamer.com/watch-dogs-hands-on-playing-it-cool-as-an-incognito-hacker-in-cyber-chicago/). Once again, we find a member of the gaming press doing a favor for a friend.
What’s even more odd is that it is difficult to find PC Gamer’s ethical standards. It is possible that the site does not list them to the public. Either way, it seems that if such a code exists, it seems to be very loose in regards to what information the reader is going to know about the mindset of the journalist. The reader is left in the dark in regards to non disclosure agreements, embargoes, sponsorships, and other information that a reader needs to process how much weight they give to what they read. It is essential to any journalistic effort. It seems PC Gamer’s dedication to such may be lacking, considering their editor in chief knew about the relationship! (http://imgur.com/EglKEkV)
As it stands, evidence of this relationship is now made to the public. On a personal level, I do not fault two human beings caring for one another, because it’s part of who we are as people. At the same time, to err is also human, and Wilde has done such in not disclosing the relationship to his readership.

15-01-15, 16:08
Muito mau...

15-01-15, 16:47
Não é a primeira vez que aparece algo do género, e acaba por prejudicar a PCGamer com a divulgação posterior destas tretas. Além de que o artigo dele de ontem foi um bocado ridículo, o que causou uma avalanche de comentários.

Daí que cada vez é mais importante ler artigos de diversas fontes, especialmente independentes. No que toca a PC gaming, DSOG está lá no cimo das minhas considerações.

29-02-16, 14:13
EA withdraws 'Ghost' trademark dsipute, concedes to Ubisoft

A new development regarding the trademark dispute between Ubisoft and EA regarding the word "Ghost" in relation to video games has just come up. It seems that EA has completely withdrawn their dispute, "without prejudice," meaning they won't be allowed to pursue legal action in the future regarding this issue.


At the beginning of the month, we found out that Ubisoft had filed a trademark for the word Ghost in conjunction with gaming, to help to identify their Ghost Recon series of games from the mind of Tom Clancy, specifically Ghost Recon: Wildlands. EA filed an opposition to Ubisoft's application on the grounds that their internal studio, Ghost Games was the first to use the word in association with video games.

Now it seems they've resolved to withdraw that opposition entirely, letting the trademark, if it passes through further scrutiny, become Ubisoft's. Because of the association with the trademark, it might have an impact on Ghost Games, forcing them to change their name, or it could have little to no impact depending on how strict Ubisoft is regarding their win. We had thought the battle could be long and drawn out, but it seems to have been completed amicably, which is a surprise.



01-03-16, 17:57
Solução mais simples era a EA comprar a Ubisoft:)