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08-02-15, 14:45
Metal Gear Solid 1 Remake Possible? Campaign Hits Kickstarter

I don’t think we’d be able to live without Kickstarter as a platform anymore. It’s proven to be able to provide funding for a wide variety of projects that we probably even take for granted. Star Citizen anyone? Aside from that, we can see many other independent and very ambitious projects come to fruition with the help of the very helpful public. It’s also great when those projects actually come to fruition and we can see a final project.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/metalgearsolidremembrance-635x443.jpg (http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/metalgearsolidremembrance.jpg)
Fans Want Metal Gear Solid 1 Remake for PS4 – Start Fundraising Campaign on Kickstarter

Just today someone named Thomas Pryor listed a very ambitious project (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/951082611/metal-gear-solid-1-ps4-remake?ref=nav_search) that he wishes to get funded. Tom, as he likes to be known, is asking for $650,000 in order to remake the first Metal Gear Solid using the Fox graphics engine and release it on the PS4. There isn’t much listed in the information section of his project, other than that he wishes to remake the classic Metal Gear Solid with “…a whole new level of cinematic depth only the fox engine can handle!” A very energetic statement indeed.
Thomas Pryor is certainly starting a very ambitious project. Perhaps one that isn’t exactly in line with reality. The actual problems, risks and challenges he faces in this endeavor are far more daunting than his description would tell you. The development of the game itself will be the easy part, at least if it were for personal use only, or perhaps a mod that’s free for the community to download and use. He doesn’t at all have the rights to publish such a game and certainly doesn’t have permission from Hideo Kojima to do so.

Another issues is that the Fox engine is proprietary and not for use by the curious public. Certainly asking for donations to make something is not a violation of any sort of IP law or rights, but publishing it very well could step into a world that he probably doesn’t want to. Those that have played Metal Gear Solid 1 will likely be very excited by the prospect, but don’t hold your breath just yet. It’s not likely to succeed as is, but very well may evolve to include elements that are at least familiar. I just hope that Hideo Kojima and Konami are forgiving.
Hideo Kojima himself has told of plans he has for remaking (http://www.gamespot.com/articles/kojima-wants-open-world-metal-gear-solid-1-remake-/1100-6425043/) Metal Gear Solid 1, and how he wants to update not only the graphics but also transition into a more open-world type of gameplay. But unfortunately he’s admitted that there just aren’t enough resources to develop the idea any further. Until then, however, we can look forward to the next installment of Metal Gear Solid V; The Phantom Pain, due out sometime in 2015.
The question then becomes; Just who is Thomas Pryor anyway? How does he have access to the Fox engine and why does he tease us? A remake would be great, the gameplay was absolutely revolutionary for the time, and I loved hiding in boxes! But alas, this may not be the remake we’re looking for.


21-02-15, 14:59
Metal Gear Solid PS4 Remake Kickstarter Canceled After Absolutely No One Pledged


Some Kickstarter projects are doomed to fail from the beginning, and it was no different for the ridiculous Metal Gear Solid PS4 remake on Kickstarter
The original creator of the game, Hideo Kojima, said at the Taipei Game Show that he’d like to see a remake of the game but that it was hard to find volunteers for the task.
A user named Tom took it upon himself to fulfil this dream and created a Kickstarter project (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/951082611/metal-gear-solid-1-ps4-remake) for the game

Metal Gear Solid is one of the best experiences on PSX. With the Fox Engine and next gen graphics, we will relive all of the best moments. For those of you who have not played it yet; Now is your chance to see what all the fuss is about!
Not just updated graphics, this will be a whole new level of cinematic depth only the fox engine can handle!
We won’t keep you waiting! This is a long awaited project that we can’t wait to start!
Thanks, you’re pretty good!
But even Tom had to face his fail with this ridiculous attempt and the funding has now been cancelled – with absolute zero pledges. Nothing. Not a single cent was pledged.
Thanks to DualSHOCKERS (http://www.dualshockers.com/2015/02/19/ridiculous-metal-gear-solid-ps4-remake-kickstarter-canceled-after-absolutely-no-one-pledged/) for providing us with this information


21-02-15, 22:52
O problema é que foi um gajo qualquer chamado Tom que fez o kickstarter do jogo.
Se tivesse sido o Hideo Kojima, até chovia dinheiro. É uma questão de confiança e não é um zé ninguém a falar em nome de outra empresas que pode começar estas coisas e espera que o pessoa dê dinheiro.

22-02-15, 06:34
Se fosse o Hideo Kojima era provável que o objectivo fosse alcançado em tempo recorde. Penso que aqui não foi só uma questão de (falta de) confiança, pois há muitas campanhas bem sucedidas a prometer o impossível, mas também a clara falta de licenças. Esse Tom até podia ser altamente talentoso e competente naquilo a que se propunha, mas seria altamente provável o projecto ser barrado por alguém mais lá para a frente. Até porque acredito que o Kojima quis dizer com isto "he’d like to see a remake of the game but that it was hard to find volunteers for the task" foi algo do género "ainda não encontrei ninguém suficientemente competente, para além de mim, para me tratar disso". O Metal Gear é o "bebé" dele e ele já viu a sua obra original ser alterada quando passou da MSX2 para a Nintendo. Presumo que a última coisa que ele permitira, seria alguém fazer um mau remake disto.

06-03-16, 14:45
Metal Gear Solid Remake in Unreal Engine 4 Has Been Cancelled

Remember when we told you about that awesome Metal Gear Solid remake in Unreal Engine 4 (http://www.eteknix.com/metal-gear-solid-fan-remake-looks-incredible-unreal-engine-4/)? Well, it looks like (http://www.dsogaming.com/news/metal-gear-solid-shadow-moses-remake-in-unreal-engine-4-is-cancelled/) the project won’t be materializing after all, as iRam Gamer has just announced its cancelation. It’s not exactly clear at this point why this happened, but it’s probably safe to assume that the man behind the project received a C&D letter from Konami. I’m sure that most of you will agree that the project was probably doomed from the start, as there have been numerous cases in the past when similar remakes were put down by the original franchise. Regarding the cancellation, iRam Gamer has issued a rather brief statement:

“We have an important announcement to make today: We have to cancel the Shadow Moses Project for reasons beyond our control. We would like to thank everyone for the tremendous support we have received.”
Up until it was killed off, the remake definitely looked promising, and its developers were actually working on adding existing Metal Gear Solid characters as well as enemies and remade environments. Some of the most interesting additions would have been Meryl, Solid Snake and even Gray Fox, and maybe if the developers had kept the entire thing under wraps until it was completely finished, they might have had a good chance to pull it off in the end.


07-03-16, 01:29
Não fazem, nem deixam fazer...