View Full Version : Endless Legend [PC]

20-02-15, 23:51

Estúdio: Amplitude Studios
Data de Lançamento: 18 de Setembro de 2014
Plataformas: Windows, MacOS
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/289130/
Site Oficial: http://www.amplitude-studios.com/Articles/NOW-AVAILABLE



25-02-15, 10:16
Chegou hoje cá a casa. O que impressiona é o manual a cores, de 40 paginas, cheio de detalhes. Esta é a versão normal do jogo.
Não é como a maioria dos jogos actuais, que tem duas folhas a preto e branco que têm apenas os avisos legais.

http://s25.postimg.org/q5lsxokq7/SAM_1239.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

http://s25.postimg.org/47pc3w5pr/SAM_1240.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

25-02-15, 21:59
Descobri que este jogo é capaz de ter um dos melhores sistema de protecção DRM de sempre.
Não é intrusivo contra os jogadores, mas remove uma funcionalidade essencial aos piratas.

Quem piratear o jogo, como eu fiz para o experimentar da primeira vez, não tem acesso ao tutorial, pois dá sempre erro.
Apenas quem tem o jogo original é que se pode ligar ao servidor da empresa deles e o iniciar.
Como o jogo tem uma curva de aprendizagem bem íngreme, especialmente para quem não está habituado a 4X, sem o tutorial é provável que fiquem sem perceber o básico de várias features.

Acabei de completar o tutorial e demorei quase uma hora, mas fiquei surpreendido com a profundidade do jogo. É fantástico.
Tem muito do que o Civ5 tem e muito mais. O sistema de combate é muito mais avançado do que Civ5 ou BE, fazendo lembrar um mini jogo de Magic the Gathering. Muito fixe.
A possibilidade de dividir exércitos para explorar, a possibilidade de usar heróis para dar boost a um exército ou para dar boost a uma cidade, a possibilidade de editar unidades militares com artefactos, armas e armaduras, deixaram-me surpreendido pela positiva. O sistema de quests é fantástico e muito mais profundo do que o do Beyond Earth. A interacção com facções menores (estilo os bárbaros ou aliesn do CIV) é bem mais profunda pois podemos converte-los para o nosso império, tanto à força, como com subornos ou conversando e fazendo quests.

Ainda estou a arranhar a superfície, mas como fã de Civ 5, tenho de admitir que está aqui um jogo que o parece conseguir ultrapassar em muitos aspectos.
Endless Legend é claramente superior ao Beyond Earth e é um forte concorrente perante o Civ5.

25-02-15, 22:02
Chegou hoje cá a casa. O que impressiona é o manual a cores, de 40 paginas, cheio de detalhes. Esta é a versão normal do jogo.
Não é como a maioria dos jogos actuais, que tem duas folhas a preto e branco que têm apenas os avisos legais.

Jogaste o primeiro Neverwinter Nights? Até mapa da cidade de Neverwinter a cores tinha! Ainda o tenho ali guardado... De vez em quando abro a caixa só para contemplar lol...

Esse jogo parece um bom substituto para o meu vício de Heroes of Might & Magic...

25-02-15, 22:06
Pois, mas o NeverWinter Nights original é de uma era passada, onde as empresas faziam um esforço nos manuais.
Houve uma altura em que os jogos vinham com manuais que pareciam obras de arte.

Nunca joguei Heroes of Might and Magiz, mas se gostas de 4X, este é dos melhores jogos de 2014.

27-02-15, 00:10
A concept art deste jogo é fantástica e por isso dão uns belos wallpapers.

Fica aqui um link para alguns deles: http://tanukinosippo.com/endless-legend-hd-wallpapers/

E alguns exemplos
http://tanukinosippo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/The-Drakken-Endless-Legend-HD-Wallpaper.jpg (http://tanukinosippo.com/endless-legend-hd-wallpapers/the-drakken-endless-legend-hd-wallpaper/)

http://tanukinosippo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Vaulters-Endless-Legend-HD-Wallpaper.jpg (http://tanukinosippo.com/endless-legend-hd-wallpapers/vaulters-endless-legend-hd-wallpaper/)

http://tanukinosippo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Ardent-Mages-Endless-Legend-HD-Wallpaper.jpg (http://tanukinosippo.com/endless-legend-hd-wallpapers/ardent-mages-endless-legend-hd-wallpaper/)

27-02-15, 00:29
Este jogo ta brutal, com uns DLC's a meter ainda mais conteudo ficava um mimo!

27-02-15, 10:32
O jogo já tem bastante conteúdo, não é como o Beyond Earth onde a Firaxis cortou coisas para mais tarde vender como DLC.

A única coisa que o Endless Legend tem é a versão Emperor. Esta apenas tem mais uma raça e umas minor factions.
Pouca coisa, pois a maior parte do conteúdo está mesmo no jogo base. A Amplitude Studios não tem uma politica de chular jogadores com DLC.
A única razão para a Emperor Edition é mesmo para quem quiser apoiar ainda mais o estúdio a fazer mais bons jogos.
Mas quem já tem a edição base, já tem praticamente tudo.

É preciso ter em conta que apesar de o jogo ter apenas 8 facções, todas elas são muito diferentes. Não é estilo CIV 5 e BE, onde só muda umas perks, duas unidades militares e a imagem do líder.
No Endless Legend mudam todas as unidades militares. Mais os heróis e as armas, armaduras e acessórios. As cidades, as construções, etc...
E depois temos 15 facções menores, que são estilo os Bárbaros. Cada uma destas facções menores é diferente. Dão bonus diferentes ao império quando são assimilados. Tem unidades militares únicas, etc....

27-02-15, 23:26
Criei um perfil para o Reshade, para usar com o Endless Legend.
Para quem quiser experimentar, está no site do SweetFX Database: http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/game/881/

Tem 3 imagens a comparar como fica antes e depois do Reshade.

28-02-15, 00:49
Epa ando a jogar ao jogo e ele e muito completo, e bastante complexo, em questao ao Civ, considero este bem mais liberal, mais aberto a opçoes, enquanto que no Civ e mais restrito com uma cronologia mais fechada no que se pode ou n fazer.

Em questao aos herois e soldados, gostei bastante de podermos personalizar o nosso heroi como se fosse um boneco de RPG, evoluindo as habilidades numa tech tree unica, metendo novas armaduras, armas, items ect.
Nos soldados, tambem os vamos evoluindo com melhores armas e ect. apesar de tambem haver varios buffs por explorar no jogo para melhorar o nosso imperio, em varios aspectos, desde a economia, a condiçoes militares, como melhor ataque, mais visibilidade das tropas, dano das tropas, produçao de Comida, visto que nos temos de preparar para o inverno, pk corremos varias problemas e desvantagens durante esse tempo, portanto temos de nos preparar ate la.

Penso que este jogo tenha mais aspectos positivos para mim que o Civ, e os graficos sao bem mais animados e a fantasia que evolve o jogo e optima!

O jogo deve ser ganho de duas maneiras, apesar de ter 9 maneiras de o vencer, para mim as obvias e como vou começar e pacificamente ganhando economicamente e com tratados de paz, e com guerra e muita porrada :D

Recomendo bastante este jogo, tendo me surpreendido em todos os aspectos.


0.5 sao retirados por nao tar em PT. xD

28-02-15, 11:14
Tiras 0.5 ?
Nota-se bem que és dono de uma GTX 970 :D

28-02-15, 11:43
Com muito orgulho xD

28-02-15, 12:26
Eu e o Minion já andamos a jogar online. Funciona como o Civ5, mas sem os crashes de ligação, o que é bom. :D

28-02-15, 13:14
Este tipo ta sempre a porrada, que violento xD
fico aqui meia hora a ver o moço a matar os bichos todos xD

28-02-15, 13:19
Chama-se pacificação.
Se toda a gente estiver morta, não há guerra :D

28-02-15, 13:25
E quando so sobrar tu eu? xD ai vemos quem pacifica primeiro? xD

28-02-15, 13:25
Ouvi dizer que vais morrer de fome antes :D

01-03-15, 10:31
5 Ways Endless Legend is More Exciting Than Civilization V (http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-ways-endless-legend-exciting-civilization-v/)

If you’re a fan of 4X style strategy games (http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/4-all-time-classic-4x-games-to-lose-yourself-in/), you’ve probably spent countless hours researching, negotiating, and conquering in Civilization V. MakeUseOf has shown you creative ways to extend the game’s life (http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-ways-to-keep-civilization-5-interesting-while-you-wait-for-beyond-earth/), the various ways to get into multiplayer (http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/youre-playing-civilization-v-wrong-time-multiplayer/), and exciting mods to change your game (http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/6-game-changing-mods-reinvigorate-civilization-v-free/).But as the sun sets on Civilization V, the upcoming Civilization: Beyond Earth (https://www.civilization.com/en/games/civilization-beyond-earth/) isn’t the only great destination to exercise your imperial ambitions. A small French developer, Amplitude Studios, recently released Endless Legend, a stellar science fantasy successor to their hard sci-fi strategy game Endless Space. Endless Legend’s core mechanics will be familiar to any 4X strategy fan, but here are five ways it blows the Civilization juggernaut right out of the water.
Gorgeous Presentationhttp://cdn.makeuseof.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Endless-Legend-Cities.png?bd76e7

From the moment you load up your first game of Endless Legend, and the ridges and hills rise up from the map before you, you’ll fall in love with its lush science-fantasy world. Civilization V has hills and mountains, but they tend to manifest as obvious indicators of where the map hexes are centered, even when they’re supposed to be continuous and organic. In Endless Legend, hills roll up and down the map, ridges overlook deep valleys, and waterfalls tumble down cliff sides. A healthy dose of tilt-shift further enhances the experience, making the world look like a tiny, detailed model when you zoom in close.The game’s soundtrack is a great accompaniment to your adventure too. Its combination of thumping drums, haunting choirs, mournful strings, and sparkling chimes transports you into the game’s timeless, mystical world. Don’t take my word for it; listen to the whole thing at Game Audio Factory (http://gameaudiofactory.bandcamp.com/album/endless-legend-soundtrack)!
Lively World & Storyhttp://cdn.makeuseof.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Endless-Legend-World.png?bd76e7

Endless Legend’s ever present cycle of devastating harsh winters is a constant threat that helps it stand out from Civ and its sea of clones. Auriga, the game’s world, is plagued by sudden cold snaps, and though they start as simple penalties to city resources and army movement, they get more and more apocalyptic as the game goes on. You’ll know when winter is close, but you’ll never know the exact turn of its arrival, and it forces interesting gameplay decisions. Your main army might be ready to march on an enemy, but can you risk having them stuck abroad if a deep freeze hits and a foe is just out of sight? Winter forces you to think ahead, and gives the game a great cycle of fast and slow paced phases.Each faction also tells a story in its main quest. You’ll get short term goals along with snippets of story as you play, and each goal you complete grants you rewards like resource caches, exclusive technologies, and artifacts for your heroes. Side quests with similar rewards pop up regularly too, encouraging you to explore ruins and make contact with minor factions. The system organically interacts with the game state to produce unexpected complications. You may need to search an abandoned ruin in a neighboring region, but if one of your neighbors settles there and closes their borders to you, do you go to war to reach that shrine, or do you try to patch up prior tensions so you can go in unhindered?
Varied Factions & Mapshttp://cdn.makeuseof.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Endless-Legend-Faction.png?bd76e7

There may only be eight factions in Endless Legend, but one look at their qualities proves that the differences between them are extremely dramatic. Try playing as the Vaulters, a technological people that recently emerged from an underground bunker, and you’ll win battles with their power to teleport armies between any cities they control. Then play the Roving Clans, a nomadic faction that cannot declare wars, but skims a tax off of every trade between other factions and can uproot their cities on the backs of giant beetles. Or take the Drakken for a spin, a dragon race that, with enough political influence, can force states of peace, or even alliance. If you can’t find a playstyle you like among the canonical factions, you can always build your own from the game’s huge pool of traits.The game’s strong identity is further bolstered by its distinct, randomly generated regions you’ll see each time you play. When you settle a city in Endless Legend, you’re not just carving out a tiny pocket on the map; you’re staking claim to an entire named province of resources and indigenous minor factions. It’s a difference that gets rid of the patchy, unclaimed hexes that dot Civilization V’s late game maps, and since regions are primarily composed of one particular landform, each one ends up having a strong sense of place to it.
The Power of Heroeshttp://cdn.makeuseof.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Endless-Legend-Heroes.png?bd76e7

In Endless Legend, you won’t just command faceless armies of troops. Heroes are powerful units that you’ll need to exploit if you hope to win against higher difficulty settings. And they’re not just there to fight your foes! While a battle hardened hero can give your troops the edge they need to win, you can also recruit heroes better suited to city governance. These cunning politicians can boost resource outputs or quickly stifle rebellion, making them valuable for magnifying the benefits of your best cities, or shoring up the deficiencies of a weak one.Defeated heroes are only knocked out of the action for a while, so you can feel safe making them a longer term investment than Civ V’s great people. As they gain experience, they’ll progress up skill trees based on their faction and role, letting you groom them for whichever activities best suit your plans. You can also equip them with weapons, armor, and accessories, just like you can equip your troops. With their higher stats and the proper equipment multipliers, a properly managed hero is a force to be reckoned with, on and off the battlefield.
No One Is Safehttp://cdn.makeuseof.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Endless-Legend-Armies.png?bd76e7

Have you ever been frustrated by a strategy game in which, several hours into your match, you realize that there’s just no hope for you to catch back up to your opponents? Play Endless Legend and you’ll quickly notice that the game’s status quo is refreshingly fragile. A poorly defended city can be captured by an army in the space of a single turn, and the right military tech can turn a flagging army into a powerhouse with a quick retrofit. It’s a change that’s great for strong and weak players, as the strong ones can’t just walk a victory across the finish line, and the weak ones never feel totally out of the action.Combat results are rarely decided before a fight begins too. While you can choose to automate fights if you just want the game to compare army compositions and spit out a result, you can also fight in manual mode. Choosing to do so zooms down on the action and lets you micromanage a six exchange fight in a single turn, taking advantage of all the terrain around you. Did your opponent only bring slow melee units to fight? Stall the battle for your reinforcements by zipping your fast units through woods and around ridges, forcing a stalemate. Do you have a hero with a powerful defense sapping ability? Build your army so its initiative is just a touch lower than the hero, so they can bombard a unit right after it’s penalized. Each unit only has a few action choices, so the fights don’t bog down in tedium.
Don’t Miss This LegendEndless Legend doesn’t have the benefit of a huge publisher and the bright spotlight of popularity to get your attention, but it’s a polished, exciting strategy game with that critical one-more-turn compulsion to play on. Amplitude has promised continued support with regular patches, and a smattering of DLC; both free and paid. So what are you waiting for? Consider this legend wholeheartedly recommended.

06-03-15, 19:00
[G2G] Choose The Next Hero (http://steamcommunity.com/games/289130/announcements/detail/139946768661448098)


Hello everyone,

Thank you for choosing the latest Menu 3D Scene that will be created for Endless Legend! This was a close one, but the Ardent Mages won (775780 points).

There's a new GAMES2GETHER vote (https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=http://g2g.amplitude-studios.com/G2G-Votes2)[g2g.amplitude-studios.com], but on Dungeon of the Endless, so check it out if you're interested. :)

In other news, we also wanted to let you know that you have the possibility to select the next community hero for Endless Legend, based on a Minor Faction. Check out this threadhere (https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/showthread.php?63095-Minor-Faction-Hero-Creation-poll)[forums.amplitude-studios.com] and vote for your three favourite Minor Factions:

The Gauran
The Kazanji
The Urces
The Sister of Mercy
The Jotus
The Erycis
The Silics
The Delvers
The Bos
The Haunts
The Ceratan
The Eyeless Ones
The Geldirus
The Hurnas
The Nidya

06-03-15, 22:08
Muito bom contacto com a comunidade :thumbsup:

07-03-15, 09:48
Chama-se pacificação.
Se toda a gente estiver morta, não há guerra :D


07-03-15, 10:05
Tiran, toca a comprar o jogo. Este não tem crashes de ligação como o Civ5 e podemos jogar à vontade.

08-03-15, 21:56
Após 30 horas de jogo já apanhei o jeito ao jogo e está a ser um vicio como nos tempos do Civ 5.
O jogo tem semelhanças com o Civ5, mas depois tem muita coisa diferente.

Por exemplo, o uso de heróis dentro de cidades é muito importante, não só para defesa, mas também para melhorar a cidade em vários aspectos de produção.
É como as características de cada civilização do Civ5, mas muito mais diversas e colocadas numa personagem do jogo.
Os heróis fazem level up, estilo warcraft 3, mas não têm habilidades apenas para combate. Muitas habilidades melhoram a resistência e ataque do exército onde está o herói, ou melhora a produção de conhecimento, ouro, comida, etc.

Uma coisa muito fixe no jogo é o universo e história dele. Como não tenta seguir uma história real, como o Civ5, cria a sua. Neste mundo os Invernos estão cada vez mais longos e frios e por isso temos de criar uma civilização capaz de aguentar esta mudança do clima. A parte curiosa é que o jogo mistura a história com o jogo em si. A cada certo numero de turnos temos o inverno e durante este período perdemos alguma capacidade de produção de comida, ouro, produção, etc...
Com o passar de cada era o tempo de verão diminui, o tempo de inverno aumenta e o impacto do inverno é maior. Mas com o desenvolver de tecnologias e das habilidades dos heróis podemos reduzir ou negar este impacto.
Ou seja, vivemos uma civilização a tentar sobreviver a todo o custo, não só contra outras civilizações, mas também contra uma mudança do mundo.

Outra coisa importante é o planeamento da cidade. Para além de construir uma cidade também podemos construir distritos, para expandir o território.
Mas temos uma questão que modifica o planeamento da cidade. Cada distrito retira happiness e comida de um tile. No entanto, se construirmos 4 distritos à volta de uma cidade ou outro distrito, fazemos um level up a essa cidade ou distrito.
Com o level up, ganhamos happiness e outros recursos. Ou seja, temos de planear como construir para maximizar o desempenho da cidade.

18-03-15, 18:19
Novo patch com muitas melhorias, mais quests, mais achievements, mais minor factions, mais ferramentas para mods, etc...

http://i.imgur.com/UoGmUYJ.jpg (https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/content.php?547-EL-Eye-On-The-Stars-Release-Notes-1.0.44)



Added the Victory Questline and a new victory condition: once you complete your main faction quest, you can attempt to achieve this quest to win the game.
Added a new Steam achievement linked to the victory quest: Loremeister - "Win a Quest Victory"
Added a system of World Generation Presets: New World, Scattered, Symmetrical
Added the Dorgeshi minor faction [G2G Vote]
Added three achievements designed by the community [G2G Vote]
Added Diplomatic term: "Ask to Declare War on"
Added a "Create Army on City" button on the Academy Screen in order to create an army made of a Hero only
Added a specific unit ("Battle Born") for the ones spawned by the Proliferator in order to avoid confusion with the regular Foragers
Added Outgame View featuring the Drakken
Added various tools for the modding, available via the in-game console. You will have to enter a special command in order to enable these tools: "--enablemoddingtools" in the launch options of Steam for Endless Legend (right click, "Properties", "General" tab, "Set Launch Options" button). Warning: Steam achievements and multiplayer sessions are not available when these tools are enabled
Added new shortcuts:

F: display of the FIDS
V: switch between all armies
N: pop-up the first notification of the list
Up/Down Arrows: scrolls the army/city list when their screens are opened
Ctrl + Return: end turn
Alt + Left Click: force move a unit to a destination occupied by another unit in battle

Changed the shortcut to disable the GUI (Ctrl + F10)
Improved the display of FIDS on the world map
Added Portuguese missing characters
Added Cyrillic and Polish characters in the authorised characters (for armies, cities, save names)
Improved Diplomatic points system: when Influence is invested in Diplomacy, contracts worsening the relation don't give Diplomatic Points while other contracts give a bit more
Increased the Influence gain earned through turns for empires staying allies and on killings of common opponent units
The Dust Care ability of the Broken Lords now uses an action point
The Resource Magnetron Vaulters city improvement now requires Holy Resource and doubled its costs
Balanced the Vaulters faction by removing the expansion disapproval bonus from the "Holy Resource" affinity
Increased the Dust cost of Ardent Mages spells stunning enemies
Increased a bit the bonus of the Ardent Mages spells boosting attack
Moved back to Era 5 the last Ardent Mages technology leveling up pillars
Moved back to Era 4 the last Ardent Mages technology leveling up spells.


Fixed an issue where a random CTD occurs for players using an ATI/AMD graphic card and using the 64-bit version of the game
Fixed an issue where the in-game menu is not displayed for Mac players using an ATI/AMD graphic card
Fixed an issue where Mac players can no longer save after overwriting a save file created on the same turn
Fixed an issue where a session fails to load after receiving a skippable assert in the loading screen (NotImplementedException: The game creation process has failed)
Fixed an issue where a game can remain stuck in multiplayer battles when attacking a city which only has militia units
Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is generated when the player enables the Big Screen User Interface while having the diplomacy screen opened and a certain treaty is queued
Fixed an issue where a nullref exception can occur when trying to serialise a broken/failed quest
Fixed an issue where a nullref exception can occur when an AI empire tries to resolve a quest with 0% of success
Fixed an issue where a nullref exception can occur when hovering a proposal cost in the negotiation screen


Fixed an issue where AI empires raise an error when the item has no tier/resource
Fixed an issue where the AI empire doesn't colonize other continents in certain cases
Fixed an issue where the AI empire does not try to colonize other regions if the player colonises the AI's starting region fist
Fixed an issue where the AI major factions stop sending diplomatic offers to players during gameplay
Fixed an issue where the AI empire builds settlers continuously when there is little or no space to expand
Fixed an issue where AI armies trying to attack a city do not move anymore if there are not enough exploitation tiles
Fixed an issue where the Necrophages Sacrifice might only work for 1 turn without considering the amount of population
Fixed an issue where the Necrophages workers can be sacrificed during an assault before the city is taken
Fixed an issue that prevented the "Keys to the Market" trait to be used with the "Pitiless" trait
Fixed an issue where no visual effects are displayed on city centre tiles when using the Vaulters/Mezari teleport action
Fixed an issue where the Mezari faction can be selected in the Faction Choice screen without having the Dungeon of the Endless Crystal Pack
Fixed an issue where the Mezari units are not textured (appearing therefore all pink!) in multiplayer sessions when a client rejoins after rebooting the title
Fixed an issue where the Ardent Mages pillars allow armies to go to water and continue to move
Fixed an issue where the army is healed when using a retreat with the Broken Lords technology "Synchronic Temple"
Fixed an issue where a bonus of 2 Dust per turn was given when assimilating minor factions
Fixed an issue where the Unit buyout loses functionality for units that have already been bought in a previous research era
Fixed an issue where constructions are displayed as available after players spend strategic resources without deselecting the city
Fixed an issue where the militia can't be deployed at the beginning of a battle if only the governor is present
Fixed an issue where, when attacking a city or when a city is participating in the battle, the militia is not included in the city garrison
Fixed an issue where the effects on army for the "Cold operator" skill are missing
Fixed an issue where redundant information is displayed in the "Effects" section of the "Cold operator" skill
Fixed an issue where the "Shock" capacity do not provide morale penalty on target in battle
Fixed an issue where the battle zone does not contains the city tiles
Fixed an issue where the loot is displayed in the battle notification when loosing a battle
Fixed an issue where the world shape "Many continents" does not work for the "Tiny" map size
Fixed an issue where the "World seed value" cannot be inserted in the "Seed value" field
Fixed an issue where the fortification bonus only applies when the player attacks the AI, not when the player is attacked by the AI
Fixed an issue where luxury resources and anomalies can be on the same tiles than watchtower foundations or quest POIs
Fixed an issue where the world generation can create a 6-tile region with unsearchable ruin on it

16-04-15, 17:44
O jogo está num Fim-de-semana gratuito do Steam.

Aproveitem para jogar o jogo de graça durante 4 dias. :thumbsup:

02-05-15, 09:37
Nova expansão para o Endless Legend.


There are older and greater things in the universe than the Endless, whose few hundred centuries barely scrape the surface of history. What of those older entities, those other forces? Did they disappear before the arrival of the Endless, or could the Endless, at the height of their power, have contained and controlled them? And now that the Endless have faded or moved on, might some of these elder beings suddenly rise up again…?


These ancient giants, extensions of Auriga herself, have broken free from the chains with which the Endless imprisoned them. Make their legendary might yours, and impose your supremacy on other Empires! Find and equip Gemstones (new item category) to strengthen your Guardians even further with buffs and new skills.

GIOS, the Earth Guardian, senses all that moves in or across the planet. When engaged in battle, the ancient giant inflicts impressive zone damage to enemy units by causing earthquakes. If the need arises, he is also able to repair cities’ fortifications.


NEROS, the Water Guardian, listens to the echoes of the present and the past. While roaming your enemies’ land he can destroy watchtowers and extractors. In battle, Neros can use his Tsunami charge to deal damage relative to his distance from the target.


FOTIOS, the Fire Guardian, is linked to the primeval force of fire. He is able to cast a powerful light that drastically extends vision range. In combat, Fotios uses his flames to inflict fire damage over time on his enemies.


ATMOS, the Air Guardian, tracks the winds and scents of Auriga. Despite his size, the giant can teleport inside vision range, covering large distances in the blink of an eye. Atmos is also a fearful opponent as he gets stronger with each and every kill.


SKOROS, the Dust Guardian, is attuned to Auriga's magical currents. He has the ability to fully heal an entire allied army, and can use mind control spells to manipulate enemy units during battle.


Legendary Deeds are another way to compete with other Empires. These competitive challenges reward the best with different types of compensations: Bonuses, technologies, resources, and items. Additionally, Global Events are now unfolding on Auriga. They will challenge all Empires with competitive and cooperative quests. The best will be rewarded with resources, items and special units!

10 Legendary Deeds: These extraordinary achievements are disseminated throughout the Eras. Each of them can only be completed by a single player and will give a significant boost by unlocking one of the new technologies, items, or city improvements created for the expansion.
10 Global Events: Be the one faction that makes the most of unexpected events affecting the entire planet.
Cooperative & Competitive Quests: Both cooperative and competitive quests have been added in which players will either need to work together or compete to obtain a reward or suffer the hard consequences.


Compete with the other Empires to build up to five Legendary Buildings. Gain powerful City Improvements that boost resources outputs, Approval or Influence. Unique buildings also allow further customization of Empires by unlocking specialized city improvements which are designed to support progression toward specific victory conditions.

5 Legendary Buildings: Massive undertakings, these awe-inspiring buildings can only be constructed by one player per Era. Unlockable by achieving Legendary Deeds, these buildings are so powerful they are visible on the map.
10 Unique Buildings: Additional unique buildings that will provide benefits and allow players to specialize their cities depending on their surroundings.

Trailer com as novidades: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qULPnJbWrto

02-09-15, 19:16
Endless Legend Shadows Expansion Brings Paranoia and Espionage to Endless Legend, Out Now

Endless Legend ‘Shadows’ is now available (http://store.steampowered.com/app/374500/). It brings a new element of espionage and spying into the mix as well as adding a completely new faction.

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Sy2-G54ERgo" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="388" width="635"></iframe>

Endless Legend Shadows lets you stalk your enemy covertly.

The new expansion to the Endless Legend 4X strategy game introduces something that the developer, Amplitude Studios, has wanted to try to implement for quite some time, though it wasn’t easy to have it seem like a natural part of the game. Now, however, the world is just that much more full of danger from unknown elements.
“Espionage is really something we were dreaming to do in Endless Legend for some time now. We tackled the subject in a new way that will reinforce paranoia and bring players’ nerves on edge.”
– Romain de Waubert de Genlis, Creative Director at Amplitude Studios.

You’ll be able to spy, infiltrate, pillage, and assassinate by controlling near invisible units that take advantage of new camouflage and stealth systems. Of course you’ll also be able to research and develop counterespionage skills as well as use a new detection ability to uncover the disguised and deceptive opposing units.
Endless Legend and the first expansion for the game Endless Legend Guardians are both 50% off on Steam (http://store.steampowered.com/app/374500/). Endless Legend Shadows is available now on Steam for $12.99 (http://store.steampowered.com/app/374500/).
Endless Legend Shadows Features:

Play the brand new major faction, “The Forgotten,” experts in the new espionage skills.
Play with invisible units using the new “Camouflage” and “Stealth” capacities.
Infiltrate an empire to steal, capture, sabotage, and assassinate!
Pillage villages, extractors and watch towers to slow your enemy’s progression.
Equip you heroes with “Scope” accessories to give them special espionage abilities.
Defend yourself by using counterespionage skills and the new “Detection” capacity.







25-01-16, 18:13
Endless Legend getting another expansion, a new race and major faction

Endless Legend (http://store.steampowered.com/app/289130), one of the best 4X strategy games to grace PC gaming, is getting another expansion pack in April, called Shifters.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/9/49907_23_endless-legend-getting-another-expansion-new-race-major-faction.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/9/49907_23_endless-legend-getting-another-expansion-new-race-major-faction_full.jpg)

Shifters adds a new faction called the Allayi that's able to "shift" during long winters, so they aren't quite as effected by the economic down-turn that comes from the colder weather. They're also adding in a new resource that you can collect called the Pearls of Auriga which will let you unlock new powers through the Altar of Auriga, which can help suitably alter the impact that Winter has on your units.

The new expansion is expected to land sometime in April, and if it's anything like the other expansions that they've had, the integration will be deep and the actual value will be quite high. Amplitude Studios puts a lot of effort into creating the lore and backstory, and it shows in the quality of their games.


01-04-16, 13:05
Endless Legend getting a new shivery content expansion soon

Endless Legend, a 4X strategy game developed by Amplitude Studios, is getting yet another content expansion coming up on April 7th.

<iframe width="781" height="469" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MtbBoPYMwoY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The new faction, the Allayi, are a small civilization that seem to be bound to the changing seasons, with their allegiances shifting between the friendly faction you can easily trade with to the enraged thieves that seem to be a thorn in your side. They can also shift those allegiances at will, too.

Amplitude Studios is expanding the spirituality inherent in such a high fantasy setting, letting you spend pearls, a new resource found around the map during the winter months, at the new building they've added, the Altar of Auriga, in exchange for blessings which amount to defensive and offensive advantages in the form of city improvements or some pearl item sets. Part of those advantages is the ability to control winter in a way that brings whole new experience to the game. If you wanted, you can freeze lakes, or the sea, so you can walk your armies right over them, taking a more direct route to destroy your enemies.


The new expansion will be available on Steam on April 7th. Pricing hasn't been announced, though if it follows previous expansions it'll be around $9.99.


07-04-16, 19:25
Endless Legend Shifters expansion pack out today with deadlier winters (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/51513/endless-legend-shifters-expansion-pack-deadlier-winters/index.html)

Endless Legend just keeps getting more content, even though as a 4X there's almost limitless replayability already. The new Shifters expansion from Amplitude Studios is out right now on Steam for 25% off (http://store.steampowered.com/app/451050) and adds a new, interesting, faction and makes the winter a nastier bite to them.

<iframe width="781" height="469" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rmBM-wQftWw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

If you thought you mastered the game already, then you'll have to think again, and try again as things become a bit more difficult. Shifters lets you take control of a transient Allayi faction that can literally shift with the seasons, moving from a most appreciative ally to the deadliest faction on the planet Auriga, which they're dedicated to defending. They're magical, and wouldn't you want to be magical too?

Those winters that already had a detrimental effect on your production just got a bit worse. Not only do they do that, but now the cold temperatures can freeze the bodies of water so that you or your enemies can better attack you from. No need to waste those precious turns any longer.

The expansion was built upon a good foundation but also with valuable feedback from the community itself. Amplitude Studios has been very serious about considering all comments on their past beta tests, positive and negative, to improve the mechanics and make sure it fits in just right. "We've collected great feedback thanks to the community that participated in the closed Beta and that helped us polish the Allayi faction," said Romain de Waubert de Genlis, Creative Director at Amplitude Studios. "Players are in for an entirely new experience with the enhanced winter, as they will be able to master the elements thanks to new game mechanics."



10-10-16, 08:18
Nova expansão para o Endless Legend, focada nos mares.

[Steam] Endless Legend Tempest DLC Pre-Purchase ($9.74 - 25% Off) (http://store.steampowered.com/app/521220/)

About This Content
While much is known of the surface of Auriga, its oceans still guard many mysteries. Weathered fortresses, certainly creations of another age, still house a secretive people called the Fomorians who serve some ancient purpose. But while the nations of Auriga learn to meet, trade, and war on the seas, another force rises from beneath them. They are -- or is? - the Morgawr, a twisted and possessed people that seem to be symbiotic creations of sea life and other, unimaginable species. It will be necessary to confront them, defy them, and understand the new powers they harness. Or, equally likely, succumb to their strength.
Morgawr awoke in a lab without a sense of past. An entity that is a single mind of many bodies, Morgawr has a powerful compulsion to dominate and control the minds of others in order to achieve their ultimate intent. But there are many questions that it would like to answer. Who are I? Where do I come from? What are all these strange, one-minded beings who get in our way? Why are I driven to do what I do, and how will I know that I have succeeded?
This new faction will focus on controlling the seas and spreading chaos on the lands thanks to a better control of the seas thanks to special units, mind control powers and the “Black Spot” curse cast on their enemies.
Naval battles for everyone! Players will finally be able to battle on the seas. All seaborne units can instigate and reinforce sea battles. Exotic mechanics and tile effects spice up this new type of battle!
Arcane structures have emerged from beneath the waves: these Endless relics provide strategic and luxury resources as well as other bonuses to the empire able to control them. To do so, their mysterious guardians must be parlayed with or defeated in battle. The same guardians will patrol “wild” ocean regions, making them a lot less safe to cross without convoy. Expect clouds, rain and storms to appear on your map.
New generated ocean regions, including a Sea Fortress, offer strategic locations in the water for players to battle it out. These new locations will be protected by a mysterious, seldom-seen minor faction that lives in the fortresses across the sea.
This mouth is so large it almost seems to be some aquatic mega-plant. It is, however, certainly the jaws of some unfathomably large sea creature...
This expansion also includes more than 50 new quests, over 60 new special items and 4 new music tracks produced by FlybyNo!