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20-10-14, 20:31
Sony says PS4 exclusive Bloodborne graphics "off the charts"

From Software's Bloodborne reportedly looks graphically stunning, serving as a Sony PlayStation 4 game console exclusive. When released to gamers, Bloodborne will reportedly run at 1080p/30fps, and will be released in North America on February 6, 2015.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/0/40683_01_sony_says_ps4_exclusive_bloodborne_graphi cs_off_the_charts.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/0/40683_01_sony_says_ps4_exclusive_bloodborne_graphi cs_off_the_charts_full.jpg)

"The way it looks; just off the charts to me," said Scott Rohde, PlayStation software product development head at Sony Worldwide Studios America. "It has, I've said this before... there's a certain, like, wetness to that game. I don't know what other word to use. It just feels like everything is dripping and oozing with whatever it is - it's water, it's blood, it's whatever it is; and it just looks gorgeous."

If Sony is so impressed with Bloodborne, it's possible it will be promoted during the PlayStation Experience event in December, especially as Sony prepares to promote some of its 2015 game title lineup.

Read more at http://www.tweaktown.com/news/40683/sony-says-ps4-exclusive-bloodborne-graphics-off-the-charts-/index.html

20-10-14, 20:37
Quando vi essa afirmação fui ver um trailer ao Gamershyde, pois tem trailers em HD e sem artefactos de compressão tipo youtube.
Após ver o trailer do jogo, cheguei logo à conclusão de que é uma afirmação de treta. O jogo tem bom aspecto, tem bom desing, mas nada de especial.
Temos demos do UE4 com melhor aspecto. O Ryse tem melhor aspecto. O Crysis 3 tem melhores gráficos. O Crysis 2 com mods, tem gráficos muito melhores. E leva uma abada do Skyrim com mods.

Mas claro, os fanboys da PS4 até salivam com este tipo de afirmações pois podem atirar areia para os olhos dos fanboys da X1.

22-10-14, 06:25
Ubisoft diz que a PS4 é uma maquina incrivel e o motor grafico snowdrop foi desenvolvido para esta geração de cosolas.

One of the Ubisoft’s upcoming gems is a massively multiplayer online third-person shooter video game title called Tom Clancy’s The Division that provides an immersive next-gen in-game connected experience exclusively on PC and latest consoles. The game is set in dynamic, engaging environments that are being developed using the power of Snowdrop Engine, which according to Ubisoft Massive, is specifically developed for the new generation of consoles and it allows The Division to take full advantage of the hardware that Sony’s latest “amazing video game machine”, the PlayStation 4, packs.
http://wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Tom-Clancys-The-Division-635x357.jpg (http://wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Tom-Clancys-The-Division.jpg)
The Division Takes Full Advantage of Sony’s Amazing Video Game Console – Snowdrop Engine Has Been Built From the Ground for Latest Consoles, Says Ubisoft MontrealTom Clancy’s The Division ranks among some of the video game titles that are not hitting the local shelves before 2015, but are still surrounded with massive hype. The game is a tactical third-person shooter and it also contains RPG elements. Set in New York, The Division follows the aftermath of a lethal virus that spread on Black Friday and collapsed the entire society into chaos. Player gets to play as a member of The Division, a top-secret group of self-supporting tactical agents, whose sole duty is to “save what remains.” Along with delicately developed AI, the upcoming game is dedicated to realism and features truly immersive next-gen visuals and textures.

Recently, The Division’s Executive Producer at Ubisoft Massive, Fredrik Rundqvist, talked to PlayStation Universe (http://www.psu.com/news/24971/Tom-Clancys-The-Division-takes-full-advantage-of-PS4-its-an-amazing-machine-says-Ubisoft-Massive)about the upcoming game and explained how it efficiently consumes the PlayStation 4’s hardware. According to him, PlayStation 4 is an amazing machine, and The Division feeds on all the potential that the console has to offer right now. Both the game and the Snowdrop Engine have been developed from the ground specifically for the latest consoles so the development team didn’t face any technical problems at all. He stated:

“We developed both the engine and the game specifically for this new generation of consoles. So we didn’t have any problems at all, it was perfectly built for that. I know a lot of other games are using older engines that they need to port. Ours was built from the ground up. It takes full advantage of the PlayStation, and it’s an amazing machine.”
The latest PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles are still young and new to developers, so it will obviously take some time before video game developers are able to push things further by finding new ways that allow them to unlock the full potential that the consoles have to offer. Rundvist is well aware of this fact, as he too thinks that the latest consoles pack incredible hardware power by default but it will be only unlocked once developers learn to use all the details together. He said:

“With a console generation there is a lot of growth once people learn to use the system. I think the same will happen with the PS4. We will be able to push much more from the consoles when we learn to use all the details. They are incredibly powerful by default but there is more to get from them.”
Tom Clancy’s The Division was expected to arrive later this year on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One but the developer pushed it back (http://wccftech.com/tom-clancys-division-delayed-2015-news-follow-e3-2014/) into 2015 without pointing out a specific release date. You can check out the graphics comparison between the game’s E3 2013 and 2014 demos here. (http://wccftech.com/tom-clancys-division-graphics-comparison-e3-2013-demo-2014/)

Read more: http://wccftech.com/ubisoft-ps4-the-division-snowdrop-engine/ (http://wccftech.com/ubisoft-ps4-the-division-snowdrop-engine/#ixzz3GqtvnmpE)

22-10-14, 10:30
Mais uma bela mentira da Ubisoft.
Já se sabe que o jogo levou com downgrade gráfico e que corre a 30 fps.

22-10-14, 10:31

22-10-14, 23:31
Pelo menos um estúdio a esforçar-se pelos jogadores.

Naughty Dog to continue pushing for 1080p 60FPS on PS4 (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/development/matthew-wilson/naughty-dog-to-continue-pushing-for-1080p-60fps-on-ps4/)

23-10-14, 23:29
Boas pessoal quero perguntar que jogos devo comprar para começar a usar a ps4 mais intensamente.
Tenho entre 80€ a 120€ para jogos este mês (isso deve dar para 2/3) consoante o preço dos jogos.
Só tenho o fifa 15 + alguns do plus em minha posse neste momento, mas ainda tenho emprestados destiny e Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4.
Gosto de tudo um pouco, e o que estava a pensar arranjar agora seria o tlou + infamous second son. Ou esperava pelo mês de Novembro e arranjava algum destes 3 (gta 5, dragon age inquisition ou far cry 4).
Algum jogo de condução também seria interessante mas com a chegada da versão plus do driveclub talvez me faça esperar para o avaliar e depois decidir.
O knack sempre tive curiosidade mas como provavelmente sairá no plus espero também.
O Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes também tive alguma curiosidade mas a curta duração do jogo não sei se valerá a pena.Desde já obrigado.

Arranjei o Infamous SS e muito em breve de irei buscar o Tlou.
Depois um destes 3 gta 5, far cry 4 ou dragon age.
Não sei porque o que mais gostei de ver ou que me chamou mais atenção foi o dragon age.

25-10-14, 10:44
Eu escolheria o GTA V caso não o tenhas, caso sim, eu escolheria FC4.

25-10-14, 11:05
Eu escolheria o GTA V caso não o tenhas, caso sim, eu escolheria FC4.

Não o tenho e nunca joguei sequer, joguei o 4 agora o 5 nunca.

25-10-14, 11:33
Não o tenho e nunca joguei sequer, joguei o 4 agora o 5 nunca.

Então nem penses duas vezes. ;)

27-10-14, 06:30
Hackers abrem o firmware da PS4.

While Sony is getting a kick out of the immense success of its latest PlayStation 4 console, hackers are busy trying to break the code and find a tractable way into the system, and it looks like they have already done the trick. Following the PlayStation Vita webkit exploit that was released almost a week ago, two hackers have now successfully released PlayStation 4 webkit exploit by working on, and extending the hack that was used on Sony’s handheld console. The latest webkit exploit breaks the current firmware 1.76 of the PlayStation 4 through a vulnerability found in the web browser of the console.
http://wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/sdsd-635x372.jpg (http://wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/sdsd.jpg)
Hackers Develop Webkit Exploit for PlayStation 4 Console on Firmware 1.76 – POC Now Available for Download

It looks like the first step towards the hacking point of Sony’s latest video game console has been taken. Almost a week ago, an ex-PSP hacker, called Davee (https://bitbucket.org/DaveeFTW/psvita-260-webkit/), managed to break into the PlayStation Vita console and develop a first native hack, known as webkit exploit, for the handheld. Now, after working on the same hack, developers nas and proxima (http://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php?p=368587#p368587) have managed to develop a similar webkit exploit and make it compatible with the latest PlayStation 4 console by breaking into the firmware 1.76 that is currently running on the system.

Although PlayStation 4 webkit exploit is developed parallel to the PlayStation Vita exploit, it actually works in a very similar way. Wololo (http://wololo.net/2014/10/24/webkit-exploit-confirmed-to-run-on-ps4-firmware-1-76/) has published the proof of concept of the exploit, which provides several samples and allows users to check if their console is vulnerable. The tools it comprises of include downloadable dump modules and script to create advanced ROP code that could pay off in the right hands. The code itself looks perfectly legit, as the developers who are responsible for this webkit exploit have a notable track of record in console hacking. It looks like it won’t be long before users start to confirm the exploit’s validity.
The PlayStation 4 webkit exploit is actually a vulnerability found in the web browser of the console running on the latest firmware 1.76, and just like the PlayStation Vita’s exploit, it will not be very useful to end users. However, it does provide some basic tools that developers can use to explore its functionality and come up with something new. This exploit is the first step towards the PlayStation 4 hacking point ever, so it comes as a massive breakthrough.
The publication of the new exploit coincides with the announcement of the official release date for the PlayStation 4 firmware 2.0 update that is currently known as “Masamune”. The exploit has been rumored to be patched in the upcoming update so it is needless to say that if you plan on checking the hack for yourself, it might be wise not to update your console.
http://wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ps4-webkit-exploit-confirmed-to-run-on-playstation-4-firmware-1-76-41761-2.jpg (http://wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ps4-webkit-exploit-confirmed-to-run-on-playstation-4-firmware-1-76-41761-2.jpg)
If you already willing to check out the hack, you can download all the PlayStation 4 webkit exploit files, sources etc. provided by nas and proxima form here. (http://wccftech.com/hackers-break-ps4-firmware-176-webkit-exploit/wololo.net/downloads/index.php/download/8230)

Read more: http://wccftech.com/hackers-break-ps4-firmware-176-webkit-exploit/ (http://wccftech.com/hackers-break-ps4-firmware-176-webkit-exploit/#ixzz3HKAN12uy)

27-10-14, 08:13
Seja qual for o sistema, é apenas uma questão de tempo até as medidas de protecção sejam quebradas.
A única forma real para evitar a pirataria é convencer os jogadores a não fazer pirataria. Para isso é preciso respeitar os jogadores, oferecer conteúdo com valor, mostrar que merecem receber o dinheiro dos jogadores e que esse dinheiro é bem usado para mais e melhores jogos.

27-10-14, 18:22
PS4 upatde 2.0 chega amanhã.

Sony has released new details about the Playstation 4′s upcoming version 2.0 update, which will finally bring several anticipated features to the console, which were originally announced at launch. While previous updates added in some social features and 3D Blu-Ray playback, system software version 2.0 will finally bring ‘Share Play’ to the table.
Sony likes to describe its Share Play feature as a virtual couch, allowing players to jump in to one another’s games for co-op play even if the other person doesn’t own the game. PS4 owners will also be able to hand over a game’s controls to a friend in order to help out with tricky sections.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/playstation-4-ps4-600x337.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/playstation-4-ps4-600x337.jpg)
While Share Play is the flagship feature for this update, the PS4 will also finally be getting interface customization options, theme and color support. YouTuber’s will be able to share gameplay footage directly through a dedicated YouTube app.
A new social feature called ‘players you may know’ will help you connect with people you meet in-game or those you have mutual friends with. You’ll also be able to listen to music during games through a new USB music player app.
Sony has confirmed through Twitter (https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/525361057154736128) that the software update will arrive on the 28th of October, which is tomorrow.


28-10-14, 06:29
Update 2 tráz funcionalidade de shadow play

Set to arrive this week as part of system update 2.0, it enables players to pass control of their game to another PS4 owner remotely via the internet.
The long-awaited feature was first announced during the PS4 reveal in February 2013. Sony says Share Play lets users:
•Share Screen – Share your screen with a friend, allowing them to spectate. This is ideal for PS4 owners that want to watch their friends play a game and provide helpful tips. PlayStation Plus is not required to use this.
•Hand over my controller – Pass your controller to a friend, virtually, and watch them play. Your friend does not need to own, or even download the game, in order to use this feature. This is perfect for introducing your friends to new games. The host will need to be a PlayStation Plus member, but the guest does not.
•Hand over another controller – If a game supports local multiplayer, you can have your friend join as player two. Again, the visitor does not need to own, or download the game in order to use this feature. Both players will need PlayStation Plus to use this feature.
<iframe id="_ytid_60256" width="1320" height="771" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/aze6aI3lQOo?enablejsapi=1&autoplay=0&cc_load_policy=0&iv_load_policy=1&loop=0&modestbranding=0&rel=1&showinfo=1&playsinline=0&autohide=2&theme=dark&color=red&wmode=opaque&vq=&controls=2&" frameborder="0" type="text/html" class="__youtube_prefs__" allowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" style="border-width: 0px; font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: top; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; max-width: 100%; height: 479px;"></iframe>
Among other features, PS4 update 2.0 will also introduce video upload support for YouTube, themes, a USB music player and improved live broadcasting.

29-10-14, 06:29
PS4 - Firmware 2.0 full patch notes.

After months of immense hype and a lot of waiting, Sony has finally released the brand new firmware 2.0 update for its latest PS4 video game console. Codenamed “Masamune”, the latest PS4 firmware 2.0 packs tons of new upgrades and features such as Share Play, YouTube support, USB music player, new colored themes and much more stuff that allows players to customize their console’s interface and give it a new look. The system software update 2.0 is 218MB in size and is now available for download in most regions. Below, you can check out the complete patch notes that reveal tons of unannounced features that will be included in the update.
http://wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/PS4-635x350.jpg (http://wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/PS4.jpg)
PS4 Firmware Update 2.0 Released With Full Patch Notes That Show Several Unannounced Changes – Total Download Size is 218MB, Links Available HereKeeping its fans waiting for long enough, Sony has now finally rolled out the major system software update 2.0 that brings tons of new good stuff for the latest PS4 video game console. The latest update is 218MB in size and is now available for download in major regions. Many of the chief features that the new update brings with it have already been discussed several times such as Share Play that allows users to play the game that their friends own for free, USB music player through which, users can listen to their favorite music tracks from a USB flash drive, and several customization options that allow users to give their console’s interface a new look, but there are many changes that Sony didn’t disclose.

With the update now out, we have full patch notes for PS4 firmware 2.0 update that reveal a long list of already known upgrades and features, and changes that have not been announced before. The latest update improves layout of Party screen, organizes content in such a way that you get more stuff to look at, offers editing options in Capture Gallery, allows users to attach a screenshot to their message, adds new options for PlayStation Camera and party voice chats, provides filtration control, and adds much more options for users, making the console interface more ductile.
Sit back and check out all the changes and upgrades that the PS4 firmware 2.0 update has to offer while you download it for your console.

Read more: http://wccftech.com/ps4-firmware-20-live-full-patch-notes-download-links/ (http://wccftech.com/ps4-firmware-20-live-full-patch-notes-download-links/#ixzz3HVr7smVD)

30-10-14, 20:23
Call od Duty na PS4 é Full HD nativamente

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare PS4 Version is ‘Native 1080P With Medium Quality Post-AA’The era of next-gen advanced warfare is almost upon us as Sledgehammer Games’ highly anticipated and most talked about first person shooter video game known as Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is launching in just a few days from now. However, following the trend, a considerable number of players have already acquired their copy of the game, and while the developer never released the official resolution of the PlayStation 4 version of the upcoming blockbuster shooter, a close analysis of the leaked screenshots from the final build shows that the game apparently runs at a native resolution of 1080p with medium quality post-AA.
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Call-of-Duty1-635x357.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Call-of-Duty1.jpg)
Screenshot Analysis Shows Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Runs at a Native Resolution of 1080p on PlayStation 4 Console With Medium Quality Post-AA With three years in development at Sledgehammer Games and a new engine overhauled multiplayer, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is the latest and apparently the most technically advanced video game title in Activision’s battle-scarred first-person shooter franchise. Showing support to those fans who are still hanging on the last-gen, the publisher is also bringing the game to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles, but the main focus and target, according to previous official statements, was to develop a defining game with true next-gen aesthetics for latest consoles and PC.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is set to release on November 4 worldwide, and those who pre-ordered the Day Zero Edition will get the game on a day before the official release. Though, like many other major triple A titles, the upcoming shooter has already been leaked out to many lucky players, who are now posting in-game content including some screenshots and gameplay footage on popular boards. This in-game content shows some brand new sections of the game and gives hints at its technical aspects.

Recently, a lucky NeoGAF user known as Macsta (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=136582300#post136582300) got his hands on the PlayStation 4 version of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and posted some screenshots from the final build of the game. As Sledgehammer Games never officially confirmed the native resolution of the game running on Sony’s latest console (Xbox One version (http://wccftech.com/sledgehammer-issues-xbox-one-call-duty-advanced-warfare/) is reportedly 900p (http://wccftech.com/call-duty-advanced-warfare-trailer-shows-near900p-boosted-xbox-resolution-performance/)), Durante (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=136582300&postcount=87), the creator of several important resolution fixes for PC games like Dark Souls and Deadly Premonition, who recently developed a downsampling software of his own called GeDoSaTo (http://blog.metaclassofnil.com/?page_id=582), was asked to come forward and analyze the screenshots to check the native resolution of the game.
Here is what Durante had to say (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=136582300&postcount=87) about it:

Native 1080p with ~8 pixel wide medium quality post-aa solution.
You can check out the leaked screenshots of the final PlayStation 4 version of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare below.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Call-of-Duty-AD-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Call-of-Duty-AD.jpg)http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Call-of-Duty-AD-2-635x357.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Call-of-Duty-AD-2.jpg)

Read more: http://wccftech.com/call-duty-advanced-warfare-ps4-native-1080p-postaa/#ixzz3Hf5IW0Dm

31-10-14, 14:43
Sony has managed to shift 13.5 million PS4 consoles (http://www.kitguru.net/desktop-pc/console-desktop-pc/matthew-wilson/sony-has-managed-to-shift-13-5-million-ps4-consoles/)

Sony has announced that it has managed to sell 13.5 million Playstation 4 consoles to consumers since launch, 3.3 million of those were sold over the third quarter, ending on the 30th of September. This is a step up from Q2, during which, Sony managed to sell 2.7 million consoles.

This is the second highest selling quarter for the console so far. It is outclassed a little by the PS4′s launch, as during the console’s first month, Sony managed to sell 4.5 million units. Microsoft’s numbers are a little disappointing in comparison as it only managed to sell 2.4 million consoles to retailers during the last quarter, there is no telling how many of those units actually ended up with consumers either.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/323982-xbox-one-vs-playstation-4-upcoming-consoles-compared-e1381480131590.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/323982-xbox-one-vs-playstation-4-upcoming-consoles-compared-e1381480131590.jpg)
White the PS4 is doing great, the PSP and PS Vita have seen better days. Sales of the handheld devices fell from 800,000 units to 700,000.
PSN revenue has seen a bunp from 41 billion Yen to 71 billion. Software sales revenue jumped from 95 billion to 106 billion Yen and Sony’s PSN operating loss came in at 4.2 billion Yen. Sony-wide sales have increased by 7.2 per cent thanks to the success of the PS4.


31-10-14, 14:47
A PS4 continua a vender muito melhor do que a Xbox One, por uma boa margem, quase o dobro.

Eu sei que algumas pessoas vão dizer que ainda é muito cedo, mas cada vez mais me parece que a PS4 vai ser a vencedora na luta das consolas desta geração.

31-10-14, 17:20
Libertadas imagens de Assassins Creed Unity na PS4

While Ubisoft is getting ready to launch its latest masterpiece in less than a couple of weeks, it appears that some retailers have broken the street date (http://wccftech.com/assassins-creed-unity-pc-fps-locked-game-leaked/) and a considerable number of players have already acquired their copies of Assassin’s Creed Unity and are enjoying it on their latest consoles, especially on PlayStation 4. Thanks to the leaked copies, a lot of in-game media content including screenshots and gameplay footage from the upcoming next-gen exclusive historical fiction video game title is emerging on the internet, and here we have a ton of newly leaked direct-feed screenshots from PlayStation 4 version of the game, which looks absolutely stunning despite its native sub-1080p

Ver as imagens e o resto da noticia em:

http://wccftech.com/assassins-creed-unity-ps4-screenshots-leaked-sub1080p/ (http://wccftech.com/assassins-creed-unity-ps4-screenshots-leaked-sub1080p/#ixzz3HkCAMEID)

01-11-14, 14:14
PlayStation 4 rest mode crashes continue, frustrating gamers

Sony confirmed there are worsening problems with the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Network, following the "Masamune 2.0" system update, according to reports. Formerly known as Standby Mode, the new "Rest Mode" is plagued by a bug that doesn't allow the console to power back on - and the PlayStation community forums have been flooded by angry gamers.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/0/40871_01_playstation_4_rest_mode_crashes_continue_ frustrating_gamers.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/0/40871_01_playstation_4_rest_mode_crashes_continue_ frustrating_gamers_full.jpg)

Ler mais em:

01-11-14, 14:36
LOL e depois vem o pessoal das consolas dizer que é só pegar e jogar, que os PCs dão muitos problemas.

01-11-14, 14:40
Ainda gostava de saber que problemas é que os PC´s dão *-)

04-11-14, 10:33
Sony vendeu 13.5 milhões de consolas.

Sony has reported a nice $2.77 billion in sales for its Game and Network Services division, which is where the PlayStation just so happens to live. These sales represent an 83.2% increase year-over-year, which is all thanks to the PlayStation 4.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/0/40914_03_sony_has_sold_13_5_million_playstation_4_ consoles_so_far.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/0/40914_03_sony_has_sold_13_5_million_playstation_4_ consoles_so_far_full.jpg)

PlayStation 4 shipments totalled 3.3 million for the quarter, reaching a total of 13.5 million. When it came to operating income for Sony's Games and Network Services Division, it was at $195 million, compared to the $43 million for the last quarter, and up from the $37.6 million loss from the same three-month period of 2013

Ler o resto da noticia em:

06-11-14, 06:09
PS4 recebe novo update - update 2.01 adresses rest mode issue.

Sony is releasing a new PS4 update designed to address one of the biggest issues users have encountered since downloading the console’s most recent firmware.Multiple users have reported that their console won’t turn on after being put into Rest Mode, the newly named version of Sleep mode, since PS4 system update 2.0 was released last week.
http://www.hardwareheaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/untitled.png (http://www.hardwareheaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/untitled.png)

Noticia completa em:

06-11-14, 15:04
PlayStation 4 could be re-released next year with new 20nm design

<article id="main-content"><header>
</header><article><center style="clear:both;margin:30px 0"></center>We already know that there should be a new Xbox One next year (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/40866/microsoft-reportedly-working-on-new-Xbox-one-processor/index.html), based on AMD's shrunken 20nm system-on-chip, but thanks to Sony using the same APU from AMD, the PlayStation 4 should receive a similar upgrade.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/0/40970_12_playstation_4_could_be_re_released_next_y ear_with_new_20nm_design.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/0/40970_12_playstation_4_could_be_re_released_next_y ear_with_new_20nm_design_full.jpg)

Rumors are now floating around that Sony will adopt the 20nm SoC sometime next year, which should see Sony release a refreshed PS4 sometime in 2015. We're already seeing 16nm technology on the other side of the fence, so a shrink down to 20nm for the consoles would usher in more performance, slimmer consoles, and reduced power consumption. Right now, both consoles are using AMD APU's based on the 28nm process.


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06-11-14, 15:27
O pessoal está tão desiludido com as consolas que já imaginam aumentos de desempenho a cada redução do processo de fabrico. É triste!

07-11-14, 18:30
Eu não percebo que problema é que o pessoal tem com a consola, eu tenho a desde princípios de Setembro (comprei a com o destiny) e não tive um único problema. É tenho ainda um PC Gaming e um portatil e também nunca tive grandes problemas. Não sei o que é que o pessoal faz aos equipamentos ou então sou eu que tenho muita sorte.

07-11-14, 21:50
Ainda gostava de saber que problemas é que os PC´s dão *-)

Boas Normalmente o problema encontra-se entre o teclado e a cadeira...



07-11-14, 21:54
Boas Normalmente o problema encontra-se entre o teclado e a cadeira...

Grande verdade, mas muito difícil de compreender para muita gente.

08-11-14, 16:55
Dev: PlayStation 4 Doesn’t Suffer With “1fps Barrier” From Last Gen – Graphics API is Different and Surprising

As Sony’s latest PlayStation 4 video game console gets closer to its first birthday, video game software developers have now become fairly more acquainted with the internals and the offerings of the new system. Haemimont Games’ construction and management simulation game known as Tropico 5 is one of the few titles from the last generation that are being ported over to the PlayStation 4, and according to the developer of the game, the process is going smooth, thanks to the pleasantly surprising graphics API of the latest console and its freedom from the “1fps barrier” found in the last-gen consoles.
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/PS4-635x357.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/PS4.jpg)
PlayStation 4 is Free from Last-Gen’s “1fps Barrier” – Graphics API is Pleasantly Surprising, Says Tropico 5 Developer

While the video game library of the latest consoles already accommodates a fair amount of major triple A games that were originally developed on the last-gen consoles and were later remastered using the current offerings of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, there are still some small-scale significant games that are currently being prepared to be launched with next-gen perks, and Haemimont Games’ ancient history strategy game known as Tropico 5 is one of them.

Noticia completa:

10-11-14, 07:16
Sony quer DRM tech da Microsoft na sua consola.

Even though they're fighting against each other in the console race with the PlayStation and Xbox range of consoles, the companies are still friends in other forms of business. The latest news is that Sony has asked Microsoft for help when it comes to protecting its multimedia content on its PlayStation line of devices.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41023_03_sony_wants_microsoft_s_drm_tech_on_its_pl aystation_devices.png (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41023_03_sony_wants_microsoft_s_drm_tech_on_its_pl aystation_devices_full.png)

Sony has reportedly put up a listing asking for someone to join the company who is proficient in Microsoft's PlayReady, the Redmond-based giants content protection DRM solution, on its three major PlayStation devices: PS3, PS4 and PS Vita. Microsoft first launched PlayReady in 2007, which rode the back of massive investment and over 10 years of innovation. It allows content providers to deliver content, such as music and video, that limits users' options of sharing it around, without any proper authentication

Noticia completa:

10-11-14, 22:16
OWC lança um kit que aumenta a capacidade da PS4 para 2TB

Other World Computing (OWC) has announced a new PlayStation 4 upgrade kit. The current crop of new game consoles are becoming more focused on becoming the hub of the home entertainment system. This leads to a need for more storage, but unfortunately the stock storage capacity of gaming consoles hasn't increased enough. Swapping out the internal drive on the PS4 usually voids your warranty, but OWC has announced a fix for that problem.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41035_01_owc_launches_ps4_upgrade_kit_that_quadrup les_storage_up_to_2tb.png (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41035_01_owc_launches_ps4_upgrade_kit_that_quadrup les_storage_up_to_2tb_full.png)

OWC's new Hard Drive Upgrade Kit allows users to boost their capacity up to 2TB, and still retain their warranty. The kit claims to boost performance and features a 5,400 RPM drive in the 2.5" form factor. As an added bonus, OWC includes an external enclosure that allows users to convert the old internal drive into external storage. The kit includes everything you need to backup the data on the existing drive, then transfer it over to the new one. A set of fairly simple instructions is included, and is also available online.

Noticia completa:

12-11-14, 06:10
PS4 update 2.02 release.

The company says the mandatory update improves system software stability during the use of some features, games and apps.http://www.hardwareheaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/15202-67fa0022.jpg (http://www.hardwareheaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/15202-67fa0022.jpg)
It follows last week’s optional PS4 firmware update 2.01, which was designed to address some consoles failing to turn on after being put into Rest Mode. The Rest mode issue emerged following the release of PS4 system update 2.0 in late October.
System update 2.0 introduced Share Play, which enables players to pass control of their game to another PS4 owner remotely via the internet. It also added video upload support for YouTube, themes, a USB music player and improved live broadcasting.

Link da noticia:

12-11-14, 16:49
PS 4 vs Xbox One, guerra de preços começa agora na epoca festiva.

This holiday season the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, two of the most powerful consoles in gaming history, will compete for gamers' attention. Microsoft has been trailing in sales throughout the last year-according to BetaNews, 3.3 million PlayStation 4s have shipped in the last quarter , whereas Microsoft has only shipped 2.4 million combined Xbox 360 and One units. This holiday season, both console giants will offer bundles in an attempt to climb to the top of the hill. Here are some of the upcoming holiday deals for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41071_1_ps4_vs_xbox_one_let_the_holiday_pricing_ba ttles_begin.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41071_1_ps4_vs_xbox_one_let_the_holiday_pricing_ba ttles_begin_full.jpg)

Black Friday Comes Early
While both consoles will be offering great bundles this holiday, Microsoft isn't wasting any time offering a discount on their console. IDigitalTimes reports that Microsoft is offering a $50 discount on the Xbox One from now until Jan. 3. This price drop effects all Xbox One bundles as well, meaning that you can already pick up an Xbox One bundle for between $349 and $449.

Sony hasn't reacted to this price cut yet with its own console price cut, though it is possible that something may be announced in the next few weeks. With their console outselling the Xbox One worldwide, it seems unlikely that Sony will decrease the base cost of the PS4 this year.

Upcoming Bundles
While the base PlayStation 4 probably won't see a price drop any time soon, Sony and video game retailers are offering some incredible bundles this year. For example, Walmart is offering a PlayStation 4 Mega Console Bundle (http://www.walmart.com/cp/1102672) with a camera, controller, and choice of game for $509. The bundle represents a large discount on the various peripherals and games that a serious gamer would be buying in the next year.

Sony's "Destiny" bundle is being sold by several retailers and includes a copy of the best selling title "Destiny" as well as a special edition Glacier White PlayStation 4 console and controller. The irony of this bundle is that Bungie,the developers of "Destiny" are also the developers of the legendary Xbox exclusive "Halo," and while there is a similar Xbox One bundle on the market, it is very likely Sony bundle sales will conquer Xbox One bundle sales this holiday season.

Black Friday Deals
Many retailers are already offering exciting package deals this Black Friday. For example, Dell is promoting an impressive "Grand Theft Auto V" and "The Last of Us Remastered" bundle among their Black Friday deals, according to Polygon. This bundle will retail for $399, and supplies will be limited, so if you are interested you should be prepared to wait in line or be camping in front of your computer. Dell's other incredible door-buster deal is their Xbox One bundle, retailing at $329.99 which will come with "Assassin's Creed: Unity" and "Assassin's Creed: Black Flag" and will be available in stores starting at 6 p.m on Nov. 27.

Noticia completa:

13-11-14, 06:48
Boodborne, jogo exclusivo da PS4 adiado para 2015

Bloodborne had an original release schedule of February 2015, but Sony Computer Entertainment Japan producer, Masaaki Yamagiwa, has announced that the PlayStation 4 exclusive will now launch on March 27 in the UK and Ireland, PAL regions on March 25, and a few days earlier in the United States, on March 24.
As for why it was delayed, he explains “We need a few more weeks to deliver you the best possible final experience. We were really grateful for all the player data and feedback we received from those who took part in our recent limited alpha test, and this extra development time will allow us to better integrate these learnings into the game.”

Link da noticia:

13-11-14, 21:40
Sony unveils cloud-based TV service PlayStation Vue, launching early next year

Nearly a year after first teasing it (http://www.techspot.com/news/55253-sony-plans-to-launch-internet-based-tv-service-later-this-year.html), Sony has unveiled its cloud-based TV service. Dubbed PlayStation Vue (http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/282517811.html), the service will begin an invite only beta preview this month for select PS4 and PS3 owners, with a phased rollout starting in New York followed later by Chicago, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. Shortly thereafter, it will also become available on iPad and other devices.
"Everyday TV is about to become extraordinary with our new cloud-based TV service, PlayStation Vue", said Andrew House, President and Group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment and Group Executive in charge of the Network Entertainment Business. "PlayStation Vue reinvents the traditional viewing experience so your programming effortlessly finds you, enabling you to watch much more of what you want and search a lot less".

http://static.techspot.com/images2/news/bigimage/2014-11-13_02-36-10.jpg PlayStation Vue allows users to access live, on-demand, as well as catch-up TV content, and will initially offer around 75 channels per market, including channels owned by CBS, Fox, NBCUniversal, and more.

Ver noticia completa:

14-11-14, 15:30
<center style="margin-bottom:10px">
Sony PlayStation 4 outsold Nintendo, Microsoft Xbox One in October (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/41118/sony-playstation-4-outsold-nintendo-microsoft-xbox-one-in-october/index.html)

</center><section id="latestposts" class="clear-block"><article class="latestpost clear-block">

The Sony PlayStation 4 outsold the Microsoft Xbox One in October, with sales growing 59 percent year-over-year, racking up $273.6 million, according to the NPD Group. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have all declined to release sales figures of their respective consoles in October, indicating it was a rather lackluster 31 days of sales.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41118_01_sony_playstation_4_outsold_nintendo_micro soft_xbox_one_in_october.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41118_01_sony_playstation_4_outsold_nintendo_micro soft_xbox_one_in_october_full.jpg)

"Overall sales across hardware, new physical software, and accessories were essentially flat in 2014 compared to October 2013," according to the NPD Group's Liam Callahan.


Noticia completa:

14-11-14, 15:32
As vendas devem aumentar significativamente agora em Novembro e Dezembro.

14-11-14, 15:58
Sim, é o mais provavel acontecer.

14-11-14, 16:24
Os putos querem as consolas agora no Natal, portanto ja sabem xD

15-11-14, 07:21
Sony pede desculpa pelos problemas da PS4

Sony PlayStation 4 gamers have experience trouble with the PlayStation Network, and company officials recently apologized for the sporadic problems. More than 13.5 million PS4 units have been sold since the console's launch, and the PSN's struggling network isn't too surprising - and Sony is scrambling to try to prevent additional network problems in the future.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41135_01_sony_apologizes_for_recent_playstation_4_ problems_with_gamers_annoyed.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41135_01_sony_apologizes_for_recent_playstation_4_ problems_with_gamers_annoyed_full.jpg)

"Listen: We're really, really apologetic," said Michael Ephraim, SCE Australia managing director. "Dealing with network and digital - I'm not trying to spread or deflect anything, but dealing on such a robust network is a tricky experience. The good thing is we've launched 2.01, which has fixed the Rest Mode, and has fixed the YouTube app. It was very unfortunate. We hate that. The network was down during the 2.0 release. It's very unfortunate. Those things are gonna happen over time. We're not bulletproof on those things."

Noticia completa:

16-11-14, 14:18
Far Cry 4 PS4 vs Xbox One 1080p Video and Screenshot Comparison: Both Versions Look Almost the Same

After the fairly disappointing and messed up launch (http://wccftech.com/assassins-creed-unity-performance-issues-low-frame-rates/) of Assassin’s Creed Unity across the latest consoles as well as PC, gamers are enough frustrated and bummed out, but it looks like Ubisoft has a reparation ready in form of Far Cry 4, as reports from early adopters suggest that the latest blockbuster shooter is way better than the two most talked about triple A video game titles that the developer delivered this year. The upcoming game has been well optimized on both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and the actual in-game 1080p video and screenshot comparison shared below shows that it even graphically looks almost identical on both the latest consoles.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/farcry43-635x357.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/farcry43.jpg)
Far Cry 4 Looks Almost Identical Graphics Wise While Running Side-by-Side on the PS4 and Xbox One – Similar Texture Quality and Detail It looks like gamers have had it with Ubisoft after all the visual downgrade stuff (http://wccftech.com/e3-2012-graphics-watch-dogs-deliberately-turned-off-pc-next-gen/) with Watch Dogs and now the severe performance issues (http://wccftech.com/assassins-creed-unity-performance-issues-low-frame-rates/) and rough optimization (http://wccftech.com/ubisoft-points-finger-amd-technical-bugs-assassins-creed-unity/) that affect Assassin’s Creed Unity on all of the latest platforms, but that might not be it. There are still a couple of triple A games awaiting release from the developer, and one of those is Far Cry 4, the next installment in the most critically acclaimed action-packed open world first-person shooter video game series, which Ubisoft seems to have kept as an atonement for gamers.

Ver o resto da noticia:

17-11-14, 16:44
Looking For GTA V On Your PS4? The Day-One Patch Is 1.14GB Big, Pre-Load Now

Rockstar Games (http://hothardware.com/Tags/rockstar-games.aspx) is gearing up to release Grand Theft Auto V (http://hothardware.com/Reviews/Grand-Theft-Auto-V-Review-A-Triple-Dose-of-Satirical-Fun/) to PlayStation 4 (http://hothardware.com/Tags/playstation-4.aspx) and XBox One (http://hothardware.com/Reviews/Microsoft-Xbox-One-The-Full-Review/) systems tomorrow (November 18, 2014), both of which will benefit from immediate patches. The size of the Xbox One patch hasn't yet been confirmed, though if you're rocking a PS4 console, be prepared to download a 1.14GB update if you want the best experience.

The size of the patch became public knowledge after GTA V was made available to pre-load over the weekend. If you're planning to play the game tomorrow, pre-loading isn't a bad idea, especially if your Internet connection isn't all that fast to begin with.


In a blog post earlier this week, Rockstar Games described the patches for both platforms as containing "some last tweaks and optimization fixes for game day. In order to experience the game properly, please make sure you install this Update before playing." The developer also asked for patience as it works out inevitable bugs that creep into GTA V's online mode.

"Whether it’s letting us know what you like and what you don’t like about the new features, reporting any technical issues you may experience during the early days of GTA Online’s next generation launch, or any other suggestions for improvements and tweaks whatsoever – we need your continued help, and, maybe, just a little patience if there are any teething problems around the launch on the new systems," Rockstar Games said. "We have, of course, tested the game extensively but there is no way our several hundred testers can be quite as comprehensive as millions of players! Please bear with us should any issues arise - we will be working hard to fix any problems that arise, and generally ensure this launch is as smooth as possible."

Rockstar Games promised an enhanced experience on the PS4, Xbox One, and eventually the PC (GTA V releases to PC in January). In addition to better graphics, GTA V on these newer platforms will also boast new vehicles and weapons, new features, and a first-person mode.

Noticia completa:

17-11-14, 16:55
E depois dizem os fãs das consolas que é só meter o Bluray na consola e jogar....................ROFL

17-11-14, 20:03
Sony prepara bundles para a PS4 - epoca do Natal

Sony promotes PlayStation 4 game console bundles for Christmas 2014

Sony will have two PlayStation 4 bundles available to interested gamers on Black Friday later this month, the company has confirmed. Game console bundles are a great way to boost sales, as Microsoft has learned with multiple Xbox One bundles throughout 2014.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41170_01_sony_promotes_playstation_4_game_console_ bundles_for_christmas_2014.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41170_01_sony_promotes_playstation_4_game_console_ bundles_for_christmas_2014_full.jpg)

The PS4 Grand Theft Auto V bundle will include a 500GB PS4 console, free copy of GTA V, and a digital download voucher for The Last of Us Remastered, available for $399.99. The 500GB PS4 is $399 by itself, so gamers are receiving two free games with the bundle.

The other PS4 bundle features a 500GB PS4 unit, LittleBigPlanet 3 and Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham for $399.99.

Link da noticia:

18-11-14, 13:17
Mais uma bundle que vai vender que nem paezinhos quentes, a sony ja esta a esfregar as maos.

Enviado do meu ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 7041X através de Tapatalk

18-11-14, 20:35
Sony continua a reestruturação e vai apostar mais no entretenimento

Electronics company Sony is desperate to find ways to restructure and revamp its business offerings, as the company struggles to keep up with industry rivals. The company's PlayStation 4 continues to sell extremely well, but its high-definition TV (HDTV) sector and other units have greatly struggled. Meanwhile, Sony wants to prove it can turn its entertainment business around, so it is able to contribute to financial revenue.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41212_01_sony_continues_to_restructure_wants_to_pu sh_forward_in_entertainment.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41212_01_sony_continues_to_restructure_wants_to_pu sh_forward_in_entertainment_full.jpg)

Sony Music and Sony Pictures total 18 percent of the company's overall sales, which is ahead of Sony's mobile business unit. However, the company still strives for $4.8 billion to $5.2 billion from the music division, at a time when the music industry is still trying to adapt to digital music.

Noticia completa:

18-11-14, 20:44
Não me surpreende que vendam o negócio das TV's. É prejuízo do grosso. Se o dos PC's já foi, o das TV's deve seguir-lhe os passos.

18-11-14, 21:43
GTA V PS4 vs Xbox One 1080p Video and Screenshot Comparison: Xbox One Version Sightly More Detailed

The next-gen remastered GTA V is now out and running across both the latest video game consoles, and keeping in view the reviews, user reports, and comparisons, it seems like Rockstar has worked with great energy to blow a new, young soul into its already best-selling and most praised title of the last-gen. The game indeed boasts major improvements and looks almost identical on both the latest consoles, however, it does get more detailed at some places while running on the Xbox One consoles. You can see how the next-gen GTA V performs head-to-head on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in the direct-feed 1080p video and screenshot comparison shared below.
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Grand-Theft-Auto-V-Single-Player-7-635x357.jpg (http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Grand-Theft-Auto-V-Single-Player-7.jpg)
GTA V Performs Quite Similarly Graphics Wise on the PS4 and Xbox One – Features Slightly Better Level of Detail and Lighting on Microsft’s Console After some of the previously launched next-gen triple A video games turning out poorly (http://www.wccftech.com/assassins-creed-unity-performance-issues-low-frame-rates/), you might be looking for a game that you can play without waiting for patches to fix irritating bugs, and Rockstar’s action-packed next-gen GTA V is apparently that game. Seeing that it has bagged great review and metacritic scores, and reports suggesting against the game’s visual fidelity and smooth gameplay are nowhere to be found, it seems like Rockstar has taken its most pretty game and made it even prettier using the current offerings of the latest platforms and PC.

Ver a noticia completa:
http://wccftech.com/gta-v-ps4-xbox-one-1080p-video-screenshot-comparison (http://wccftech.com/gta-v-ps4-xbox-one-1080p-video-screenshot-comparison/#ixzz3JSVkW1Bx)

18-11-14, 21:50
Sinceramente, pareceram-me idênticas com excepção da calibração de gamma.
A PS4 tem um gamma bem maior, o que tende a esconder certos detalhes como sombras e objectos com cores semelhantes.

O que notei bastante foi a baixa resolução de muitas texturas. Frequentemente pior do que o GTA 4 com mods, ou o Watch Dogs, seja vanilla ou também com mods.

19-11-14, 20:00
Scammers take advantage of Walmart, get PlayStation 4 consoles for $90

Walmart is desperate to compete with Amazon, Best Buy, and other rivals ahead of Christmas, and have been getting tricked by a price-matching scam. People are creating fake Amazon selling accounts and listing Sony PlayStation 4 units as low as $50, taking a screenshot of the online price, and taking it to a local Walmart to claim their prize. Other sneaky customers were picking up PS4 bundles for $100, but it looks like Walmart has wised up and has altered its price matching policy.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41248_01_scammers_take_advantage_of_walmart_get_pl aystation_4_consoles_for_90.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41248_01_scammers_take_advantage_of_walmart_get_pl aystation_4_consoles_for_90_full.jpg)

Previously, Walmart was getting scammed into selling $60 Nintendo Wii U and 3DS bundles, thanks to a mistake on the Sears website. Customers quickly jumped on the erroneous listing, and found that Walmart met the price match even with a wrong price on a rivals website.

Noticia completa:

Toca a aproveitar, está quase dada :thumbsup:

20-11-14, 18:32
Dragon Age: Inquisition PS4 vs Xbox One Video and Screenshot Comparison: Performs Better on PS4 – 900p Holds Up Well

Among few of the recently released latest triple A video games that haven’t been much annoying due to their severe performance and technical issues is Dragon Age Inquisition, the latest installment in BioWare’s most ambitious open world action role-playing video game series that spreads across all five major video game platforms. Reviews and early performance analysis show that despite running at a lower resolution (http://wccftech.com/dragon-age-inquisition-1080p-ps4-900p-xbox-one/) on the Xbox One console than the PlayStation 4, the game comes out smoothly on both the latest platforms, however, there are some minor differences and issues, which have been described below.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Dragon-Age-Inquisition-635x357.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Dragon-Age-Inquisition.jpg)
Dragon Age: Inquisition Graphically Holds up Pretty Well on Both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One – Minor Issues and Frame Rate Drops on Microsoft’s Console BioWare’s Dragon Age: Inquisition is undoubtedly a hit, as say the critics and reviews. Playing the game right now on the latest consoles or Windows PC will make you realize how the developer has managed to greatly improve the visuals and textures (http://wccftech.com/e3-2014-dragon-age-inquisition-gameplay-shows-brilliance-biowares-rpg-story-telling/) as well as the entire gameplay over the previous titles in the series. The latest game picks up the best elements from the its two previous iterations and combines them to create a whole new, immersive gameplay experience, and other than some minor issues, it runs like charms on the latest consoles.
While Dragon Age: Inquisition performs quite similarly on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One despite the fact that it runs at native 900p (http://wccftech.com/dragon-age-inquisition-1080p-ps4-900p-xbox-one/) resolution on the latter compared to the former’s native 1080p resolution output, there are some minor issues and slightly inferior textures that lower the quality of the game on Microsoft’s latest console by a bit, says GamingBolt (http://gamingbolt.com/dragon-age-inquisition-ps4-versus-xbox-one-ps4-has-better-iq-and-performance). The graphical differences are not very clear, and only those who look very closely and carefully will be able to spot superior image quality on the PlayStation 4 console. The game’s frame rate doesn’t lag on the PlayStation 4, as it does a little bit on the Xbox One when heavy action is underway, but that lag too, isn’t annoying or even noticeable for most.

Noticia completa:

22-11-14, 17:29
PlanetSide 2 Dev Says PS4 CPU is a Bottleneck – “We’re Trying to Shoot for 1080p/60fps”

First launched exclusively on PC two years ago as a free-to-play title, Sony Online Entertainment’s massively multiplayer online first-person shooter video game known as PlanetSide 2 met with a great positive response from the community, and apparently keeping that in view, Sony is now porting the game over to its latest PlayStation 4 console. Though it looks like while aiming for full-fledged 1080p/60fps next-gen standards, console development environment is proving to be a little lean for the development team as the CPU of the latest console is snagging the process of putting more in-game activity on screen with higher frame rate.
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/PlanetSide-2-635x357.jpg (http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/PlanetSide-2.jpg)
PlayStation 4’s CPU is Proving to be A Bottleneck – Generally the Cause Behind Low Frame Rates, Says PlanetSide 2 Dev Unless you don’t care about a game that you can play without paying for it on your latest PlayStation 4 console, you might know that Sony is bringing its two-year old PC-exclusive first-person shooter MMO known as PlanetSide 2 to its eighth generation video game console. Due next month, the game is still in development and the team over at Sony Online Entertainment is doing its best to provide as immersive gameplay experience to players as the one found on the PC version of the game, but it seems like working with the PlayStation 4 console is proving to be comparatively difficult.

Noticia completa:
http://wccftech.com/planetside-2-ps4-cpu-bottleneck-1080p60fps/ (http://wccftech.com/planetside-2-ps4-cpu-bottleneck-1080p60fps/#ixzz3JoryQRvZ)

23-11-14, 18:11
Sony denies its PlayStation Network was hacked, but will watch closely

Sony doesn't believe its PlayStation Network was hacked, despite a recent report from a hacker group that they "released a log of customer logins" of usernames and passwords for PSN, Windows Live and Origin. It's possible the user logins were repurposed from previous security breaches, so it would appear gamer PSN accounts are still secure.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41338_01_sony_denies_its_playstation_network_was_h acked_but_will_watch_closely.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41338_01_sony_denies_its_playstation_network_was_h acked_but_will_watch_closely_full.jpg)

"We have investigated the claims that our network was breached and have found no evidence that there was any intrusion into our network," Sony said in a statement. "Unfortunately, Internet fraud including phishing and password matching are realities that consumers and online networks face on a regular basis. We take these reports very seriously and will continue to monitor our network closely."

Noticia completa:

23-11-14, 18:16
A Sony devia contratar a Microsoft para fazer a segurança da PSN :D

23-11-14, 18:21
Já deve ter faltado mais :D

23-11-14, 18:25
A Sony e o software nunca se deram bem.

23-11-14, 18:29
Isso é verdade.
Mas no caso da MS, esta nunca se deu bem com o hardware.

23-11-14, 18:32
Tens vários exemplos que sim. O Surface Pro 3 é um belo exemplo. Ou os Lumia, mesmo a Xbox é muito bem construída, a One é bem mais fresca que a PS4. A MS no passado foi sim lenta a entrar em certos mercados chave.

23-11-14, 18:36
Nenhum deles fez mossa no mercado.
E a X1..................só de pensar que há 4 anos atrás tinha uma gráfica mais potente ela........

23-11-14, 21:11
Nenhum deles fez mossa no mercado.
E a X1..................só de pensar que há 4 anos atrás tinha uma gráfica mais potente ela........
Mais valia dedicarem-se a fazer teclados e ratos em vez de uma caixa com uma amostra de GPU lá dentro, teclados e ratos esses sim, excelentes mas os de antigamente.

23-11-14, 21:14
Os comandos da X360 também são bons. Tenho um ligado ao meu PC.

24-11-14, 07:50
PlanetSide 2 on the PlayStation 4 is bottlenecked by the PS4's CPU

Sony is aiming for 1080p at 60FPS for PlanetSide 2 when it lands on the PlayStation 4, but this might be a hard task thanks to the constraints of the Accelerated Processing Unit, or APU, inside of the PS4.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41333_04_planetside_2_on_the_playstation_4_is_bott lenecked_by_the_ps4_s_cpu.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41333_04_planetside_2_on_the_playstation_4_is_bott lenecked_by_the_ps4_s_cpu_full.jpg)

Sony Online Entertainment, the developer behind the game, is having some trouble with the CPU side of the APU. The team is trying to get more on-screen action happening, while maintaining the 60FPS frame rate, but the CPU is the bottleneck. PlanetSide 2 will be released onto the PS4 next month, with the developer doing some last minute tweaks to get the game hitting 1080p at 60FPS.

The Creative Director on the project, Matt Higby, talked with Eurogamer that the game is constantly being optimized, with the real bottlenecks in the development process being on the CPU side of the PS4s APU, and not its GPU. He said that the GPU side of the AMD-powered APU isn't getting hit as badly, with the GPU handling the graphical side of things well, but the CPU is dragging its heels with the frame rate and the amount of on-screen activity. Higby said: "Our real bottlenecks are on the CPU side. From a graphical fidelity perspective, people will be impressed with what they see on the PS4. That's always one of those things people are skeptical about. I see every time we post an article like this I always get called out: 'haha, it's bullshit he's saying it's going to look as good.' It really does".

He continued: "Again, the graphical fidelity is every bit as high. The slowdowns we have are on the CPU side more than the GPU side. It's because we're tracking and updating so many different players moving on your screen and moving around at once. All that animation and all the audio that's associated with all those characters running around, all of their projectiles being simulated in their client, all those things end up hitting the CPU, not the GPU. So, generally when our frame-rates are low, it's a CPU problem, not a GPU problem. And that's where we're optimising right now, to get our CPU running faster so the game is running at a more consistent frame-rate on the PS4".

Noticia completa:

24-11-14, 07:52
LittleBigPlanet 3 Review: Sackboy And Friends Create A Wonderful Memory

The moment Sackboy was announced by Sony Computer Entertainment at the Game Developers Conference 2007, I knew he held great promise. After delivering a title that captured hearts and enthralled the mind, Media Molecule successfully went on to receive praise for one of the best titles on the PlayStation 3 system in 2008 that applauded ‘Play, Create, and Share’ worldwide. Now, nearly six years later LittleBigPlanet 3 is out and this time Sackboy has a lot of other unique sack-friends that can follow him on an adventure through the world of Bunkum. Sumo Digital and XDev Studios Europe have created a universe that is as creative as ever with ideas floating through the sky, and the amount of freedom in user-generated content and more z-axis depth leaves room for some of the most unimaginable levels of exploration in the Imagisphere.
The Third Coming of LittleBigPlanet on the PS4 LittleBigPlanet 3’s storyline follows the formula of the past titles: taking the ingenuity from Craftworld and incorporating the thematic elements that made the previous two games so original all while taking it a step further. All of the gameplay is now voiced, whereas in the previous games the cutscenes were the only voiced portions. As you play Sackboy, you are introduced to the world of Bunkum and make a run-in with three mythical creatures that you unknowingly release into the wild known as Titans. They are set to tarnish the world by helping the evil and hilariously unskilled antagonist Newton, voiced by Hugh Laurie (House M.D.). To stop Newton and bring the powers of the Titans into check, Sackboy can make use of the ancient heroes of Bunkum: Toggle, Swoop and OddSock. The storyline incorporates the ambiance of LittleBigPlanet terrifically with the vivacity of the stunning and detailed world of Bunkum and its imaginative creatures.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/lbp1-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/lbp1.jpg)
LittleBigPlanet 3 has reached the same levels as the previous two titles in terms of its gameplay, and went a step further into creating something memorable for PlayStation 4 owners. Create, Play, and Share are still the main paradigms of the game. Being one of the few couch cooperative games left on the planet, LittleBigPlanet 3 is filling a large void when it comes to sharing a fun and quirky experience through online cooperative play or offline cooperative play with friends by your side or a mix and match of friends offline and online. With the ancient heroes of Bunkum and Sackboy trying to put a stop to Newton, there is a level of camaraderie that is quite apparent in the storyline and gameplay mechanic when it comes to both ‘Play’ and the flexibility of playing in a variety of ways. Each of the playable characters have their own personality and style, which adds further dimension to the depth of the gameplay. Sackboy now has newer climbing abilities along with his traditional platform jumping style that made him so noticeable. Toggle is a brusque almost brute-like hero that can change his frame into a smaller version of his former glory, fitting into tight spaces or barely making it through by some user-created contraption that can make use of his shrink-size ability. OddSock is the ever-loveable puppy-like sack-creature that can cling to the walls and make his way up. Swoop flies everywhere and can use talons to pick up objects or even carry friends across obstacles and what not, all while not being too overpowered and taking weight-like qualities into account. All playable sack-things are also accompanied by personally created power-ups that can be kept in the Sack Pocket. The Sack Pocket can store any user-created power-ups for any level or even store the level’s existing power-ups for use at any time in the level. This is a great feature that adds a level of extended playability throughout any level.

Noticia completa:
http://wccftech.com/review/littlebigplanet-3-review-sackboy-friends-create-wonderful-memory (http://wccftech.com/review/littlebigplanet-3-review-sackboy-friends-create-wonderful-memory/#ixzz3JyDdLJW7)

25-11-14, 07:58
Driveclub problems on PS4: 'you can't effectively test' these issues

When the PS4 exclusive 'Driveclub' launched, it was met with a slew of issues, and post-launch updates and fixes. But for those who want to know why there wasn't any additional in-house testing before it launched, the Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) President and CEO, Shawn Layden, has some nice words to say.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41362_01_driveclub_problems_on_ps4_you_can_t_effec tively_test_these_issues.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41362_01_driveclub_problems_on_ps4_you_can_t_effec tively_test_these_issues_full.jpg)

Layden explained the issues, saying that games like Driveclub, and their online communities, cannot be tested thoroughly before launching the game itself. He continued: "In the development cycle, we try to do all things. In the development cycle, we try to test against every possibility. We have a [Quality Assurance] team, we have a QA plan. You do a beta test, you scope against that. But now, in a connected world, you can't effectively test in your house or in your beta group what it means to have 50,000, 100,000, 200,000 users hit your service. And the guys [at the studio] are struggling with that. It's throwing up things they had not anticipated".

Noticia completa:

25-11-14, 14:18
Dark Souls 2 heading to Xbox One and Playstation 4

Dark Souls 2 is getting a fresh coat of paint and heading to the Playstation 4 and Xbox One next year.

The enhanced edition, titled Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin, will consist of the core game along with the three pieces of DLC as well as new enhancements for the game. It is due to be released in April 2015.

Noticia completa:

29-11-14, 13:45
PS4 vs Xbox One Durability Test: Which One of the Latest Consoles Can Last Longer?

You can find numerous detailed reviews and comprehensive buyer’s guides for the latest PS4 and Xbox One consoles on the internet right now, but I’m pretty certain most of them miss out on one fairly important detail; how durable are the eighth generation home consoles and which one of them can survive some serious as well as tame drops that one may experience in day-to-day use. To help you out with this one, here is a PS4 vs Xbox One durability test video showing how the latest consoles hold up against each other in surviving some harsh drops.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Untitled-635x351.png (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Untitled.png)
PS4 vs Xbox One Durability Test Shows Microsoft’s Bulkier Console Can Survive Severe Drops Unlike Sony’s New Machine

Sony and Microsoft just got done with celebrating the first anniversary of their latest eighth generation video game console, and with both of them being one year on major markets, the PS4 is leading the sales charts from all the way back. Sony’s home console even outshines the Xbox One performance wise, and boasts better form factor and built aesthetics, however, if put up against Microsoft’s console in a straight-up fight for survival, would the PS4 win the competition? A recent torture test suggests the answer is a straight no.

Noticia completa:
http://wccftech.com/ps4-vs-xbox-one-durability-test (http://wccftech.com/ps4-vs-xbox-one-durability-test/#ixzz3KS3z4eMs)

02-12-14, 21:26
Dead Island 2 beta hits Sony PlayStation 4 before PC, Xbox One

Deep Silver's Dead Island 2 beta doesn't have a release date, but it will be released for the Sony PlayStation 4 30 days ahead of the Microsoft Xbox One and PC. Dead Island 2 is scheduled for release on the PS4, PC and Xbox One in spring 2015, but an exact date hasn't been made available.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41624_01_dead_island_2_beta_hits_sony_playstation_ 4_before_pc_xbox_one.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41624_01_dead_island_2_beta_hits_sony_playstation_ 4_before_pc_xbox_one_full.jpg)

To be accepted into the Dead Island 2 beta, gamers were required to purchase Escape Dead Island (Xbox 360, PS3 or PC) game title. Unfortunately, Deep Silver hasn't provided details about any other way someone can get into beta testing, though will probably expand entrance into the program as the beta nears launch.


03-12-14, 11:30
Sony to release 20th Anniversary Edition PlayStation 4 (http://www.kitguru.net/desktop-pc/console-desktop-pc/matthew-wilson/sony-to-release-20th-anniversary-edition-playstation-4/)

Sony is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the PlayStation brand this year and to mark the occasion, it is going to be launching a new PSOne themed PlayStation 4 console. So far, the special edition console has only been announced for Japan, with only 12,300 units available.
The themed console will cost 49,800 Yen, which works out as around $418 or £267, although if the device were to come to other countries, it would end up costing more than the conversion price.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/cjentndzlnlw9pj0e9q3.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/cjentndzlnlw9pj0e9q3.jpg)
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/aiytqv1sgrkyftws2zuh.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/aiytqv1sgrkyftws2zuh.jpg)
As you can see, the color scheme and logo resemble the original console, the theme works quite well.

Noticia completa:

03-12-14, 17:06
PS4 system update 2.03 released

Download the latest system software update for your PlayStation 4 system.
An update to the system software for PlayStation 4 systems was released on 3 December 2014. You can use this to update your system software to version 2.03.
A system software update for your PS4 system is required to use PSN features and some features on your system. Also, by updating the system software of your PS4 system, you can enjoy various additional features and enhanced security. We recommend you always update to the latest version.
Main features in system software update version 2.03:
Operation quality during use of some applications has been improved.
Depending on the software title, you may not be able to play without first updating the PS4 system software.
Do not perform updates using any data other than the official update data provided by Sony Computer Entertainment over a network or on disc media, and do not perform updates by methods other than those described in the product documentation or in this site. If an update is performed using data from another source, by another method, or with a PS4 system that has been altered or modified in any way, the PS4 system may not operate properly and may not be able to install the official update data. Any of these actions may void the PS4 system warranty and affect your ability to obtain warranty services and repair services from Sony Computer Entertainment.


04-12-14, 08:34
Metal Gear Solid 4 Will be on the PlayStation Network on December 17

For the first time ever, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will be made available as a digital download. Sony will be offering it through their PlayStation Network, for the PS3, on December 17, 2014 according to Konami.


MGS 4 will cost £19.99 / €19.99 and come in at a 30GB download. Konami is obviously preparing for the big launch of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain next year, by offering a digital version of Metal Gear Solid 4 before its launch sometime in 2015.


07-12-14, 10:43
Não é só a Ubishit a fazer trailers falsos e bullshots para enganar os seus clientes com gráficos impossíveis para as consolas.

Uncharted 4 – Reveal vs In-Game Comparison + In-Game vs Ryse vs Assassin’s Creed: Unity vs Crysis 3 (http://www.dsogaming.com/screenshot-news/uncharted-4-character-comparison-reveal-vs-in-game-vs-ryse-vs-assassins-creed-unity-vs-crysis-3/)

07-12-14, 14:39
Sony Launches Custom Front Panels For the PlayStation 4

Made with Flare More Info'> http://cdn.eteknix.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/dd3d6651ff569d5.jpg_600x600.jpg
If you wanted to customise your PlayStation 4 a bit, Sony has announced some custom front panels for your console. These front panels are called Project Skylight, with the front panel possible of being changed up with Little Big Planet 3 or The Order: 1886 panels.
Pricing on these front panels is a cheap $25, but these panels will not do anything more than change the look of your PS4. I don’t know why these panels can’t be replaced with an LCD or something, which would’ve been a better, more marketable idea, but at least it’s a start to where the Xbox 360 was a few years ago now.

Noticia completa:

08-12-14, 10:04
The 10 Most Terrific Videos From Sony’s PlayStation Experience Event

The first-ever PlayStation Experience event took place yesterday and many developers showcased their arsenals to the gaming world with big names like Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Street Fighter V, which leaked (http://wccftech.com/capcoms-street-fighter-exclusive-ps4-pc/) early due to a Youtube video going online before its time. The games were presented with trailers and on-spot game demos. The Youtube channel of the PlayStation Experience event has since uploaded about 30 new videos that originally premiered at the event. You can take a look at the top 10 best videos of those 30 below.
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/PlayStation-635x357.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/PlayStation.jpg)
Here are the Top 10 Best Videos That Premiered Sony’s PlayStation Experience Event PlayStation Experience 2014 was full of impressive video game trailers and news, all of which is worth checking out. However, there are some games that attracted a lot of attention due to them being graphically terrific or controversially bonded. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Street Fighter V were the biggest names of the PlayStation Experience event so we’ll start off with these two.

Ver os videos:

08-12-14, 14:34
Lizard Squad Takes Down PlayStation Network! Again?

What is with these hacking teams taking down gaming servers? Not only are they threatening to take down the entirety of Xbox Live forever (http://www.eteknix.com/?p=145057), but they’re still beating the hell out of the PlayStation servers. It’s worth noting that this has nothing to do with the Sony Pictures hack; Sony are fighting more than one battle right now.
If your game connection has been down, it may just be a general technical glitch at Sony HQ. However, Lizard Squad is staking their claim on the issues, and given their past efforts I’m inclined to believe they’re responsible

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Até já PS4...

08-12-14, 16:27
Sony Trademarks New PlayStation Logo

Sony has filed registration for a curious new PlayStation logo with the Japanese Patent and Trademark Office. It incorporates the familiar ‘PS’ motif within a circle, flanked by a set of headphones.
The trademark notice reads as follows:

[Serial Number 2014-93301]
Trademark: [Image]
Applicant: Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Filing date: November 6, 2014
Classification: 9 (electronic applications, machinery and other parts thereof), 38 (telecommunications etc.), 41
Judging by the classification numbers, the logo is certainly gaming-related, rather than, say, some form of audio streaming service, since class 9 relate to games and class 41 denotes online games.

Noticia completa:

08-12-14, 20:19
20th Anniversary Edition PS4 sells for $15,000 on eBay

Sony announced the 20th anniversary edition Playstation 4 console last week and people are ready to spend a lot of money to get their hands on one. In-fact, one person went as far as to spend $15,100 to secure themselves one of the limited edition consoles.There are another few hundred anniversary edition console pre-orders currently listed on eBay, one may have sold for just over $20,000 but that purchase has yet to be verified or finalized. Technologysupp, the seller of the $15,000 PS4 pre-order (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sony-Playstation-4-20th-Anniversary-Edition-BRAND-NEW-FACTORY-SEALED-PS4-/201235004516?pt=Video_Games&hash=item2eda8a7c64&clk_rvr_id=745086694778&afsrc=1) told Gamer Headlines (http://www.gamerheadlines.com/2014/12/playstation-4-20th-anniversary-console-currently-has-a-15100-00-bid-placed-on-ebay/) that the money has actually already been deposited in his account for the auction.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/15749995147_4d35c21292_o.0.0-e1418066289687.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/15749995147_4d35c21292_o.0.0-e1418066289687.jpg)
However, the buyer likely won’t receive the console until early next year as the seller won’t be getting the PS4 until late December, despite what it said on the listing: “Though the item did sell, I had to inform my customer that we were actually going to get the console in late December, contrary to the dates posted in my listing (December 9th to December 13th).”
The anniversary edition PlayStation 4 is designed to resemble the PSOne. At first the console was only announced for Japan but units will be made available in other territories, they will be scarce though as only 12,300 units will be made globally.

Noticia completa:

10-12-14, 14:14
Sony is selling 20th anniversary edition PS4s for £19.94 today (http://www.kitguru.net/desktop-pc/console-desktop-pc/matthew-wilson/sony-is-selling-20th-anniversary-edition-ps4s-for-19-94-today/)

Sony is selling 94 of its 20th anniversary edition PlayStation 4 consoles for just £19.94 today at a small store in London. The PlayStation 94 shop was revealed on YouTube yesterday and it didn’t take long for people to track it down as a queue began forming last night.
There were some requirements that you had to meet to pick up the console at such a low price. Those wanting to get one would need to bring in a piece of Playstation memorabilia, such as an old poster, game or controller, you would also need to use the pass phrase ‘I crashed my Bandicoot’.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/cjentndzlnlw9pj0e9q31.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/cjentndzlnlw9pj0e9q31.jpg)

Noticia completa:

11-12-14, 08:00
The PlayStation 4 On Sale For £19.94! – Learn More Here

Update: Sony PlayStation will be selling more of its Limited Edition Consoles online to customers in UK for £399 on Monday, 15th of December.
Original Story: A PlayStation ’94 shop opened up in the morning at 11 a.m. atBethnal Green road in London. The shop offered limited edition PS4 consoles at an amazing discounted price of £19.94, marking the beginning of the PlayStation. These discounted Play Stations were give to 94 lucky owners. Although the dicount is no longer available but you’ll get the chance to order one-of-a-kind PlayStation which marks its 20th anniversary.
Good news is that the shop will also open tomorrow offering 50 of the same limited edition consoles at the normal tag price of £399 on a first-come, first-serve basis. The shop will go on for 2 more days until the quota for December 12 expires and the proceeds from the sales will go to video games charity GamesAid.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/PlayStation-4-PS4-635x423.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/PlayStation-4-PS4.jpg)
Once Again Sony Appeals to its Customers’ Nostalgia. The shop once again was a successful attempt by Sony in capturing the attention of the market and appealing to its customer base. The queue for the cheap anniversary version of the PlayStation 4 started at 6:30 p.m. the previous night. Sony’s UK boss Fergal Gara, who was wearing a shell suit jackets in the shop like all the other staff there, also revealed there that Sony will be selling UK wide, online versions of the PlayStation 4 on 15th of December for anyone who wants to get their hands on the console.

Noticia completa:

11-12-14, 13:16
Sony believes the PlayStation 4 still has plenty of good days ahead

The Sony PlayStation 4 game console has continually outsold the rival Microsoft Xbox One since both were launched in late 2013 - and while the race is tightening - Sony believes year two will be a bigger success. Sony has learned it takes a bit of time for each new console platform to mature, which could open the floodgates even further.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41847_01_sony-believes-playstation-4-still-plenty-good-days-ahead.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41847_01_sony-believes-playstation-4-still-plenty-good-days-ahead_full.jpg)

"I really believe it's year two when you tend to see those titles come through that start to define the whole generation," said Fergai Gara, Sony UK executive. "The best is yet to come on PS4. We've seen a brilliant start with the mega-franchises, like the FIFAs, Call of Duties, and the Assassin's Creeds, but we've also seen some strong new IPs launch - the likes of Destiny and Watch Dogs. But I think that the ones that are truly to define the generation are probably still to come, to be honest."

Noticia completa:

11-12-14, 15:54
Sony PS4, Vita Sales Kick Off In China January 11, Government To Screen Games

It looks like Sony is finally going to bring its gaming consoles over to China after the county ended its 14-year ban on foreign gaming consoles back in January of this year. The PlayStation Vita is expected to go on sale January 11, 2015 alongside the PlayStation 4.

The PlayStation 4 will be arriving about four months after Microsoft’s Xbox One Chinese launch. Microsoft was the first company to take advantage of the third largest gaming market, dominated by PC and mobile gaming, which saw the company sell over 100,000 units (http://hothardware.com/news/Microsoft-Has-Sold-Over-100000-Xbox-One-Units-In-China-So-Far) within its first week when the console was release September 29.

"PS4 is expanding at the fastest rate in PlayStation hardware history, and the global gaming community is enjoying the ultimate entertainment experience only available on PlayStation," said Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Andrew House. "We are delighted that we are able to fully launch our business in China, which is a market with great potential."

Sony’s pricing strategy for the PlayStation 4, with 500GB HDD and controller, will see the console retail for 2,899 Yuan ($468). This makes it cheaper than the Xbox One, which, upon release in China, retailed for 4,200 Yuan ($699) with the Kinect. Without the Kinect, the Xbox One retails for 3,699 Yuan ($598). Meanwhile, the PlayStation Vita will be priced at 1,299 Yuan ($210).


But Sony, like Microsoft, will have to deal with government censors who will approve of what games both companies are allowed to publish in China. Upon the Xbox One’s launch, there were only 10 games available (http://hothardware.com/news/Microsoft-Finally-Launches-Xbox-One-In-China-Only-10-Games-Available-So-Far) for Chinese consumers that left out Xbox staples such as Halo and Gears of War.

According to a company spokesperson, Sony has applied for licenses for 30 gaming titles with several already having been approved. However, there has been no information provided as to what games have been approved or which titles the company is hoping to release in China. Due to the country’s rigid stance on censorship, it is highly unlikely that games such as Grand Theft Auto V will be made available to the Chinese market.

At last count, around 13.5 million PlayStation 4 consoles have been shipped worldwide while Microsoft’s tally stood at just over 10 million. How the new market will affect sales for both companies has yet to be seen, though Microsoft has been quiet about Xbox One sales in China since its initial debut.

Noticia completa:

11-12-14, 20:54
The Last Guardian development is making progress (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/the-last-guardian-development-is-making-progress/)

The Last Guardian was announced all the way back in 2009 as a PlayStation 3 exclusive, from the outside it may seem like the game will never see the light of day. However, apparently progress has been made but under “completely new conditions”, which could mean that it will now be a PlayStation 4 exclusive instead.
This is according to game creator, Fumito Ueda, who told Dengeki PlayStation that the scope of the project still continues to amaze him. Ueda was asked what his most memorable PlayStation moment was, to which he replied: “The Last Guardian, by which I mean all the hardships and the unforeseen amount of time required than what was originally thought.”
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/The-Last-Guardian.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/The-Last-Guardian.jpg)
He then went on to say that “talks with Sony Computer Entertainment on The Last Guardian have been ironed out, and we’re making progress under completely new conditions. I’m also working on some other things that I’ll hopefully be able to show in time if progress is smooth.”
News on The Last Guardian has been coming in slowly since its 2009 announcement, we don’t know exactly why the game is taking so long to get out but hopefully whatever changes are happening behind the scenes will be for the best.


11-12-14, 20:57
Há anos que ando à espera deste jogo e nada. Já parece o Duke Nukem versão japonesa.

11-12-14, 22:10
A espera compensa, ao menos vai mudando de plataforma :D

12-12-14, 06:22
Final Fantasy 10/10-2 Are Making Their Way to the PS4 in Spring 2015

Square Enix has confirmed that it is releasing Final Fantasy 10/10-2 HD Remaster for the PS4 in Spring 2015. The new remastered game will be available at both retail, and as a digital download for $49.99.
It was only earlier this year that the HD remaster was released on the PS3 and PS Vita. Also, remember that Final Fantasy 7 is coming to the PS4 next spring too, so it’s a good time to be a Final Fantasy fan and PlayStation gamer, isn’t it?


12-12-14, 14:35
20th Anniversary Edition PS4s are selling for thousands on eBay (http://www.kitguru.net/desktop-pc/console-desktop-pc/matthew-wilson/20th-anniversary-edition-ps4s-are-selling-for-thousands-on-ebay/)

Earlier this week, Sony went ahead and opened up a small 90s themed PlayStation shop in London and sold 20th Anniversary Edition consoles for as little as £19.94 (http://goo.gl/S3U2MG). Some of those people were clearly eager to turn a profit as consoles are now popping up on eBay and going for thousands of pounds.
One listing (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sony-Playstation-4-PS4-20th-Anniversary-Edition-Brand-New-and-Sealed-In-Hand-/281526375578?pt=UK_VideoGames_VideoGameConsoles_Vi deoGameConsoles&hash=item418c47949a) is offering the limited edition console for £2300 and was bought at the London store on the 10th of December. A second listing (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SONY-PLAYSTATION-4-20TH-ANNIVERSARY-EDITION-GREY-CONSOLE-LIMITED-EDITION-PS4-/301435271673?pt=UK_VideoGames_VideoGameConsoles_Vi deoGameConsoles&hash=item462ef139f9) is on sale for £1994 and was also bought at Sony’s London store. There are only 144 of these consoles in the UK right now so it will be interesting to see if anyone actually lays down this much cash to get one.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/15749995147_4d35c21292_o.0.0-e14180662896871.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/15749995147_4d35c21292_o.0.0-e14180662896871.jpg)
Obviously, there’s not really anything Sony can do about these auctions but Sony UK Boss, Fergal Gara, does note that they aren’t in spirit of the event:
“That’s not what we want to see happen”, he told Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-12-12-it-didnt-take-long-for-people-to-sell-their-ps4-20th-anniversary-edition-consoles-on-ebay-for-thousands-of-pounds?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialoomph). “It’s inevitable some proportion of that will happen, and very hard to prevent it completely. We did think things through. But in each and every case, the way you get hold of one of these consoles requires some fan knowledge, so we’re trying to tap into the people who love the brand the most, and put them at an advantage, because they’re the people who keep us in business, who inspire this whole 20 year legacy.”
“You can’t completely remove it, but that certainly isn’t the intention of the exercise at all. It’s to honour the fans and having it at such a low price to the dedicated here, it’s all but free, but a nice little touch in terms of remembering the launch year.”

Noticia completa:

14-12-14, 14:18
Sony enjoying PlayStation 4 success, looks ahead to cloud gaming

The Sony PlayStation 4 - and the company's overall gaming portfolio - has done well, while Sony struggles company-wide with six financial losses over the past seven years. Specifically, Sony looks to transition gamers to PlayStation Now, a streaming game service available for its consoles, and that has required large investments and careful preparation.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41915_01_sony-enjoying-playstation-4-success-looks-ahead-cloud-gaming.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/1/41915_01_sony-enjoying-playstation-4-success-looks-ahead-cloud-gaming_full.jpg)

Sony has increased efforts to purchase surfers and investing more in cloud technology, so it will be able to increase stability of PlayStation Now. Even though Sony could cannibalize its own PS4 hardware - the company understands it should work towards embracing cloud-based gaming as soon as it feels ready to. Gamers only need game controllers and PS Now provides around 200 game titles that are sent directly to any high-definition TV.

"If you look at other forms of entertainment and the dramatic impact streaming has had on those, that says to us that there's clearly a strong consumer satisfaction with the instant gratification that's provided by streaming experiences," said Andrew House, Sony Computer Entertainment president, in a recent statement published by Bloomberg Businessweek. "We think that has a role to play in the future of games, as well."


14-12-14, 14:42
Lizard Squad Takes Down PlayStation Network! Again?

Noticia completa:

Até já PS4...

E pimba, outro grupo de hackers lixou estes gajos, em nome dos jogadores.

We have successfully removed LizardSquad from Twitter. Your Welcome fellow gamers. We will make sure their IRC stays offline. #FinestSquad (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FinestSquad?src=hash)


Conseguiram identificar os membros da lizard squad e mandaram os dados para o FBI.
Com um pouco de sorte, os jogadores já não poderão jogar online à vontade.

14-12-14, 14:54
Era uma questão de tempo até apanharem os palhaços. Bem feita.

14-12-14, 14:56
E pimba, outro grupo de hackers lixou estes gajos, em nome dos jogadores.


Conseguiram identificar os membros da lizard squad e mandaram os dados para o FBI.
Com um pouco de sorte, os jogadores já não poderão jogar online à vontade.

Ainda bem que exterminaram esses artistas.

15-12-14, 14:35
Far Cry 4 PlayStation 4 Game Review



When Vaas first uttered the words 'Do you know the definition of insanity' during the unveiling of Far Cry 3, my interest was piqued instantly. Ubisoft was clearly building a psychotic, smart character to challenge the player over and over again in a huge sandbox world. Far Cry 3 has been and gone, winning plaudits the world over for its stunning gameplay, so a follow up was inevitable. Far Cry 4 in many ways is a repurposing of Far Cry 3, however, to dismiss it as only that is to completely ignore some of the improvements made over its predecessor. Far Cry 4 surpasses FC3 in many ways, and takes the psycho protagonist to an even deeper level, with more decisions and impact for the player to make along the way.


Ver toda a review:

16-12-14, 06:17
Analyst: Sony’s PlayStation 4 will have a massive lead in titles in 2015

Although Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox One has managed to outsell Sony’s PlayStation 4 in numerous countries in November, it will get massively harder for the system to compete against its arch-rival next year. The number of quality titles for PlayStation 4 will be considerably higher than the number of quality games for Xbox One console, according to an analyst.
There will be six big titles for PlayStation 4 next year, including The Order 1886, Bloodborne and Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, according to Michael Pachter, an analyst with Wedbush Securities. Microsoft Xbox One’s lineup will include Halo 5: Guardians, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Fable Legends, but the number of AAA games for PS4 will be higher, believes Mr. Pachter.
“I think it’s the quantity of quality games,” said Mr. Pachter during an interview at GameTrailers, reports GamingBolt. “Normally, you expect kind of one game in the Spring, one or two in the Fall, but what do you have, six big titles, it’s probably doubled. I don’t know what Microsoft has planned but I will be willing to bet that it’s not this many.”
sony playstation 4 61 1024x953 Analyst: Sony’s PlayStation 4 will have a massive lead in titles in 2015
The analyst is surprised that Sony managed to persuade a lot of game developers to design exclusive games for PlayStation 4, something that greatly helps to make the platform more competitive.
“I am surprised because I really thought that manufacturers won’t take the risk of developing for one console and they are taking it,” said Mr. Pachter. “Scott Rohde [PlayStation software product development head for Sony Worldwide Studios America] has done a phenomenal job, you have done a phenomenal job.”
Next year Sony will likely cut price of PlayStation 4, which will improve its popularity. With six high quality titles the platform promises to be very successful.
“That is where Nintendo right now is suffering because they still don’t have the quantity of exclusives to drive their console and you guys have this plan,” said the analyst. “It’s peaking next year and that’s exactly where you want to be. It’s great and impressive.”

Noticia completa:

16-12-14, 10:03
E não esquecer a quantidade enorme na diferença de jogos de estúdios independentes. Muitos deles com mais qualidade e originalidade do que os jogos AAA.

16-12-14, 13:31
A PS4 está a arrasar a X1 na Alemanha. 1.2 mihões de PS4 contra 270 mil de X1.

PS4 baut Vorsprung in Deutschland weiter aus (http://www.golem.de/news/microsoft-vs-sony-ps4-baut-vorsprung-in-deutschland-weiter-aus-1412-111204.html)

Der Vorsprung für die Playstation 4 (http://www.golem.de/specials/playstation4/) vor der Xbox One (http://www.golem.de/specials/xbox-one/) wird in Deutschland größer: Sony hat inzwischen rund 1,2 Millionen Exemplare der Konsole verkauft - Konkurrent Microsoft kann nicht mal annähernd mithalten, so ein Marktforschungsunternehmen.
Sony hat bislang in Deutschland rund 1,2 Millionen Exemplare der Playstation 4 verkauft, so das Marktforschungsunternehmen GfK laut Börse Online (http://www.boerse-online.de/nachrichten/aktien/Sony-Aktie-PS4-baut-in-Deutschland-Vorsprung-gegenueber-der-Xbox-One-weiter-aus-1000412979/1). Konkurrent Microsoft komme gerade mal auf rund 270.000 Einheiten der Xbox One. Damit kämen auf eine Xbox One mehr als vier verkaufte PS4. Im Frühjahr war die Lage für Microsoft noch weniger dramatisch: Im Juni 2014 habe das Verhältnis ebenfalls laut GfK bei eins (Xbox One) zu drei (Playstation 4) gelegen.

Damit stehe Microsoft Deutschland laut Börse Online auch im internationalen Vergleich extrem schlecht da. Weltweit habe Sony bislang rund 16,1 Millionen Exemplare der PS4 verkauft, Microsoft von seiner Konsole aber immerhin rund 9,1 Millionen Stück. In den USA hatte Microsoft zuletzt sogar berichtet, die PS4 bei den Abverkäufen überholt zu haben. Allerdings hatte es dort auch sehr attraktive Preis- und Bundleaktionen gegeben.

16-12-14, 14:16
Prevê-se uma baixa de preço para equilibrar ou ultrapassar a PS4 :D

17-12-14, 14:38
Assassin's Creed Unity Patch 4 is 6.7 GB in size

Patch 4 for Assassin's Creed Unity was released today for Xbox One and PS4, with the PC patch due out later this week. Ubisoft explained the need for a super-sized patch on the official Assassin's Creed website.
As part of our ongoing efforts to provide the best experience for our players, we will be releasing Patch 4 for Assassin’s Creed Unity today. This patch is mainly focused on alleviating performance issues and improving the overall experience.
Part of the team’s effort to enhance frame rate for players involves replacing and updating portions of the Paris city map where we are seeing issues. This explains the large size of this title update (6.7 GB). However, since a large portion of the patch replaces existing files the net increase to the game’s overall size will be less than 6.7 GB.
Patch 4 delivers a variety fixes including:

Performance & Stability: Frame rate drops, game crashes, lost progression
Gameplay: Navigation, lock picking chests
Online: Connectivity, matchmaking, companion app

This Patch is rolling out to Xbox One and PS4 players today and will be available later in the week on PC. You can find the full patch notes here (http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/975386-Patch-4-Release-Notes).
Patch 4 release date: December 16th
Platforms: PS4, Xbox One
PC coming later this week.
Size: 6.7 GB

Stability, Performance and Save Game

Fixed numerous random crashes both on Campaign and Coop
Implemented multiple optimizations and fixes to improve overall performance
Fixed save issue caused by the companion app on the main menu (loss of data)
Fixed save issue caused by contacts list (crash occurring). Users should now have access to save

Gameplay (navigation, fight, stealth)

Fixed various navigation issues
Fixed issues with lock picking chests
Fixed additional haystack issues

Character, AI and Crowd

Fixed various character, crowd station and NPC issues

Online, Matchmaking, Connectivity and Replication

Fixed various matchmaking and connection issues both in matches and when starting a match.
Fixed various issues with voice chat
Fixed join-in-progress issues
Fixed various replication issues between host and clients
Fixed issues with player rank and COOP/heist rewards
Fixed issues with Helix credits
Fixed issues with the My Club feature

Menus and HUD

Fixed HUD icon issues and issues with map information
Fixed various Initiates issues
Fixed additional issues with notification

Mission tweaks (campaign, coop and side content)

Fixed various low occurrence walkthrough breaks in both Campaign and COOP
Fixed various NPC issues
Fixed issue with the quest log disappearing for specific side missions

World and 3D

Fixed various collision and mesh issues
Fixed additional issues where player would fall through the world
Fixed specific areas where textures were missi


Fixed crash on "Quit to Windows" in free roam mode
Fixed crash on accepting multiple "Join the club" requests
Fixed issues with TXAA
Fixed issues with PCSS
Fixed issues with textures on NPCs
Fixed black texture issues on MSAA-4x, MSAA-8x and TXAA
Right Control now can be assigned as a hotkey
Minor UI fixes


17-12-14, 21:56
Sony’s PlayStation 4 Winning the Console War in Germany

Here it is again. No matter how far your are in the gaming world you just can’t miss the rivalry between the Sony’s PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One. And the latest addition are the statistics Germany represents in terms of sale of both the consoles. Germany, being the world’s fourth largest economy and a population of 82 million is one of the key markets in Europe and any business would be foolish to not recognize the potential Germany has in terms of the sales figures it can churn out.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/PS4-Xbox-One-PlayStation-4-635x431.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/PS4-Xbox-One-PlayStation-4.jpg)
Sony Sells 4 PlayStation 4 Consoles for Each Xbox One Console Sold in Germany According to a German trading group ‘Boerse (https://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.boerse-online.de/nachrichten/aktien/Sony-Aktie-PS4-baut-in-Deutschland-Vorsprung-gegenueber-der-Xbox-One-weiter-aus-1000412979/1)‘, A year after the launch of both the Microsoft’s Xbox One and Sony’s PlayStation 4, Sony celebrates victory in Germany over the Microsoft’s Xbox One which is usually more common and popular in the U.S. than Europe. In the current race for supremacy in the Germanic market, Microsoft has, since its market launch in November 2013, sold a total of 270,000 units whereas it’s Japanese counterpart, the Sony PlayStation 4, has sold 1.2 million units of its next-gen console which amounts a difference even grater than 4 times between the consoles. Back in June the ratio was 3 PlayStation 4 consoles to 1 Xbox One console which has, since then, risen considerably in the favor of Sony.

So Microsoft is in Germany far behind expectations and it is a bit disappointing to see such a one sided turn of events. At the release of Xbox One in Germany back in November 2013, the then-Xbox-Germany boss Oliver Kaltner announced that within a year the market share of the Xbox One will increase by “ten percentage points to 40 percent.” But instead, Microsoft has lost more market share and Sony continues to dominate the German market with a stronger hold.
And it’s not just Germany, Internationally Microsoft is lagging behind aswell with to date sales of the PlayStation 4 amounting to 16.1 million and Xbox One lagging behind with a total figure of 9.1 million whereas the previous versions, PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 had a more equal head-to-head race.

Noticia completa:

17-12-14, 22:15
Plex App Now Available On Sony's PS4

You can now access your Plex library from your PS4, too.
http://media.bestofmicro.com/T/9/470205/gallery/a_w_600.jpg (http://www.tomshardware.com/gallery/a,0101-470205-0-2-12-1-jpg-.html)
Today, Plex released the PS4 version of its Plex apphttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://www.tomshardware.com/news/plex-app-sony-playstation-4,28234.html#), otherwise known as Plex Home Theater.
If you've ever heard of Plex, chances are that you're also using it. Plex offers a system to organize your media library and present it in a very fancy fashion. You can organize your music library, movie library, TV shows and more, and the Plex Media Server you run will automatically retrieve metadata for your media. Think of it like building your own version of Netflix, but with music, as well. It's pretty cool, and very useful.
To access your media library, you can use either a web interface or dedicated apps for different platforms. The PC version of the software has naturally always been available, but that's not the only devicehttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://www.tomshardware.com/news/plex-app-sony-playstation-4,28234.html#) you'll ever use to access it.http://media.bestofmicro.com/T/8/470204/gallery/2_w_600.jpg (http://www.tomshardware.com/gallery/2,0101-470204-0-2-12-1-jpg-.html)
The PS4 version of the Plex client isn't particularly remarkable – it's in English, and it supportshttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://www.tomshardware.com/news/plex-app-sony-playstation-4,28234.html#) 720p, 1080i and 1080p video output modes. The download weighs in at just 38.9 MB, and because all your media is stored on a remote system, that 38.9 MB is all the space it will occupy.

Noticia completa:

18-12-14, 15:23
Sony Has Sold Over 16M PlayStation 4 Consoles

14 Flares Twitter 1 Facebook 13 Google+ 0 LinkedIn 0 StumbleUpon 0 Pin It Share 0 Reddit 0 Email -- Filament.io Made with Flare More Info'> http://cdn.eteknix.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/playstation-4.jpg
According to VGChartz, Sony has sold over 16 million PlayStation 4 consoles, with 1,193,346 PS4s being sold in the Black Friday week alone.
While Microsoft may have beaten Sony during November in the US and the UK, it seems that Sony is still winning the long battle. Microsoft is definitely swinging things in favour of the Xbox One, and with the momentum it has built headed into the end of the year, it could lead into a very victorious 2015 for the Xbox One if things continue.
VGChartz also notes that there have been 60 million games sold across both the PS4 and Xbox One, which is an absolute mammoth number on its own.


19-12-14, 14:45
Sony says demand for PlayStation 4 boomed in Europe

Sony has been in the headlines for all of the wrong reasons in recent weeks, but at least the company's gaming unit has something to cheer about. The PlayStation 4 has seen such high demand in Europe, Sony reportedly has struggled to keep up with European demand.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42122_01_sony-demand-playstation-4-boomed-europe.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42122_01_sony-demand-playstation-4-boomed-europe_full.jpg)

"If I look at Europe I think it is potentially, for the second year running, going to be quite inventory challenged," said Andrew House, Sony Computer Entertainment CEO, in a statement to Reuters. "I'm not going to say you won't be able to find a PlayStation 4. I think it's going to be kind of hand to mouth in terms of that market."

In the United States market, however, Sony admitted to "tougher" competition due to Microsoft's aggressive Xbox One game console. However, Sony believes sales through Christmas are still in line with its preliminary expectations - and reports will likely be published in early 2015.


19-12-14, 17:46
Sony speaks out on 20th anniversary PS4 sales exploit (http://www.kitguru.net/desktop-pc/console-desktop-pc/matthew-wilson/sony-speaks-out-on-20th-anniversary-ps4-sales-exploit/)

Over the last few days, Sony and GAME have been selling off what is left of the 20th anniversary edition PS4 consoles in the UK. In order to ensure that only fans could apply to buy one, a website was put in place, showcasing a number of video game characters. Sony would then tweet out clues at a predetermined time each day, giving fans the chance to guess the correct character, the first 100 to do so would then be able to buy a new PS4.
However, with social networking being what it is, many started spreading the answers around, leading to thousands of people attempting to win a chance to purchase an anniversary edition console within minutes. As you can imagine, this frustrated many people, including software engineer, Dean Wild, who went on to devise a way to cheat the unfair system.
Dean published an exploit (https://deano2390.wordpress.com/2014/12/17/hacking-that-playstation-competition/) that allowed anyone access to the forum on GAME’s website, bypassing the clues on Twitter. He published this because he saw the competition as “a complete scandal with people cheating and sharing the links on forums and Twitter”.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ps4_psone_20th_ann-600x341.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ps4_psone_20th_ann-600x341.jpg)
The exploit was still working this morning, which led GAME to announce that it would not be accepting forms filled out before the clues went live on Twitter. Sony then weighed in with its own statement, speaking to Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-12-18-sony-beefs-up-ps4-20th-anniversary-edition-sales-system-after-thousands-use-exploit-to-gain-unfair-advantage) a company spokesperson said:
“Following feedback from the PlayStation UK community we would like to remind everybody that the daily link for this activity won’t be live until seconds before the clue is announced on twitter.com/PlayStationUK.”
“Unfortunately we are now aware of some users attempting to run programmes to reveal the URL early and give themselves an unfair advantage. Users we identify as using these tactics will be disqualified from the process and will continue to be. Since reports of this behavior surfaced we have been adding additional encryption and will continue to do so in advance of the final clue tomorrow.”

Noticia completa:

22-12-14, 13:02
Europe may face a PlayStation 4 shortage following the holiday season (http://www.kitguru.net/desktop-pc/console-desktop-pc/matthew-wilson/europe-may-face-a-playstation-4-shortage-following-the-holiday-season/)

Those of you living in Europe may struggle to find a PlayStation 4 console in stores following the holiday season according to Sony Computer Entertainment CEO, Andrew House. We ran in to a similar stock shortage in Europe following the PS4 launch last year as well.Speaking to Reuters (http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/19/us-sony-playstation-idUSKBN0JX0NY20141219?feedType=RSS&feedName=technologyNews), Andrew House said:”Europe I think it is potentially, for the second year running, going to be quite inventory challenged. I’m not going to say you won’t be able to find a PlayStation 4. I think it’s going to be kind of hand to mouth in terms of that market.”
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ps4-600x356.png (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ps4-600x356.png)
Things are different over in the US market though, where sales have gone about as well as expected, even though Microsoft’s large Xbox One discounts and bundle sales made things a bit tougher for Sony.
The PS4 has been selling especially well in Europe so far, consistently beating out the Xbox One in terms of sales. In-fact, Sony announced last week that its new console has surpassed 16 million units sold. Microsoft on the other hand is slowly closing the gap, having surpassed the 10 million mark last month.
Pelos vistos, as PS4 estão a vender demasiado.

22-12-14, 13:55
Sony Pushing PlayStation Camera This Christmas

The PlayStation Camera for the PlayStation 4 took a very different approach than Microsoft did with their latest Kinect, but it seems Sony are steadily coming out on top for their add-on hardware.
Microsoft buckled under consumer pressure and started selling their Xbox without a Kinect, I too bought one without a Kinect, but Sony made their camera an optional extra from day one. Sony fans are flocking to the little camera, as it does have some handy features while also being cheaper to purchase separately than the rival offerings from Microsoft.

Noticia completa:

22-12-14, 20:32
Evolution Looking to Push PS4’s “Visual and Technical Boundaries” – “Super Secret Awesome Stuff” in Works

Evolution Studios may not have been lucky enough with the launch of their highly talked about racing simulator video game title called Driveclub back in October, but the developer has now bounced back. Now that their latest racer is doing smooth, it is most likely that the studio is looking forward to start working on their next video game project, which one of the officials just hinted towards recently saying that the studio is seeking some skilled programmers to work on “super secret awesome stuff” for the PS4 console.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Driveclub-635x357.jpg (http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Driveclub.jpg)
Evolution Studios Looking for Skilled Programmers to Supposedly Start Work on Next Video Game Project for PS4

Of course there are apparently a bunch of third and first-party video game titles that have not been announced yet and will debut next year. It looks like after releasing its racing simulator and mending its cracks, Sony’s first-party video game developer is also getting ready to start work on its next video game project for the PS4 console. According to the studio’s senior producer Roger Godfrey, the British video game developer is looking for some skilled professionals to fill the vacant seats and help in working on “super secret awesome stuff.” He recently tweeted (https://twitter.com/roger_godfrey/status/545865560702349312):

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/436420879606480896/wiD_1ZmY_normal.jpeg Roger Godfrey @roger_godfrey (https://twitter.com/roger_godfrey) · 19 de dez (https://twitter.com/roger_godfrey/status/545865560702349312)

We are looking for programmers to work on super secret awesome stuff: :-)


The jobs Godfrey tweeted about are listed on the official PlayStation Jobs (https://www.playstationjobs.co.uk/vacancies) page. The first opening is for a C++ Graphics Programmer, and the listing states that (https://www.playstationjobs.co.uk/vacancy/1077-C++-Graphics-Programmer); “The successful candidate will have a mandate to push the visual and technical boundaries of Sony platforms, supported by direct access to the teams who developed the PS4 hardware and software.” Now it goes without saying that next game from Evolution Studios won’t launch anytime sooner than late next year, and knowing that Driveclub is exclusive to the PS4, it is highly unlikely that the next title from the developer will be a cross-gen.
In addition to a graphics programmer, the studio is also looking for a Junior C++ Game/Systems Programmer (https://www.playstationjobs.co.uk/vacancy/1014-Junior-C++-Game/Systems-Programmer)and Senior C++ Game/Systems Programmer (https://www.playstationjobs.co.uk/vacancy/1015-Senior-C++-Game/Systems-Programmer) who is well familiar with “CPU and hardware architecture.” The last listing is for a Build and Configuration Engineer who will handle “continuous development, troubleshooting and documentation of build and test hardware, software and workflows.”
That is about it for now, but it is likely that all these professionals will jump on board with the Driveclub team and work on another racing title for Sony’s latest console, because that is what Evolution Studio is good at, however, it might even be something else entirely. What do you think about it? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.


23-12-14, 21:10
PlayStation 4 Releases a new Eye Catching Trailer Titled “See Future of Play”

The days running into Christmas are usually the busiest shopping days of the whole year. Gifts all around make it a very special day where we share the love and show how much we care about one another through gifts and gatherings. So this is a huge opportunity for retail stores, mega-marts, online e-commerce websites and especially companies behind the products to make big into the business by attracting customers through discounts and special offers. This is taken as a huge opportunity as better sales also guarantee customer retention and in the midst of the Christmas war, PlayStation 4 team has released yet another trailer to attract more customers towards their console.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/PlayStation-4-PS4-635x423.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/PlayStation-4-PS4.jpg)
“See the Future of Play” on the “World’s Most Powerful Console” The video titled “See the Future of Play” by the PlayStation 4 team, looks at different aspects of the PlayStation 4 in a highly attractive video which talks about the experiencing the the biggest and the best titles in the gaming world as the video features FIFA 15, Destiny, Far Cry 4 and more. The video look at the aspects of remote play, share play and the media capabilities of the console. It focuses on the competitive atmosphere the console provides while sharing the games with friends. It tags the PlayStation 4 as the biggest online gaming community and advertises the fact that 24 free to download games are available to users on the PlayStation 4 through a PlayStation Plus Subscription.
It also advertises the PS Vita handheld console which can be taken virtually anywhere with an amazing all round experience. The trailer also shows the integration with Sony products, particularly the later of Sony’s high end smartphone, the Xperia Z3 which can be connected to the PlayStation 4 controller and allows games to be played on the phone with the controller.

Noticia completa:

23-12-14, 21:22
Com esta treta toda à volta da Coreia do Norte, este filme vai ser um dos mais vistos de sempre.
Até pode ser uma porcaria, mas já anda toda a gente a pensar nele.

24-12-14, 13:55
Resident Evil remaster is cross-buy on PS3, PS4 if you pre-order

The remaster of one of the best, if not the best Resident Evil game is coming out next year (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/39475/resident-evil-remake-to-be-released-next-year-on-consoles-pc/index.html), a game that will have support for Sony's cross-buy platform. This means that if you purchase the game on your PS3, you can play it on your PS4 without having to buy another version.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42224_01_resident-evil-remaster-cross-buy-ps3-ps4-pre-order.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42224_01_resident-evil-remaster-cross-buy-ps3-ps4-pre-order_full.jpg)

The listing of Resident Evil on Sony's PlayStation Store says that if you pre-order the game, it "entitles you to both the PS4 and PS3 versions." Pre-orders also gain an exclusive PS3 theme, too. This cross-buy platform is only available as an incentive to those who pre-order it, but I don't know why Sony would lock it to pre-orders only.

The Resident Evil remaster comes out on January 20, 2015 for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC.


24-12-14, 14:35
Samsung Smart TV’s to get PlayStation Now game streaming (http://www.kitguru.net/channel/generaltech/brendan-morgan/samsung-smart-tvs-to-get-playstation-now-game-streaming/)

In an announcement today Samsung and Sony declared a partnership that will see the PlayStation Now game streaming service being built into select Samsung Smart TV’s next year. This will allow customers in the United States and Canada to stream games directly to their Samsung TV without any need for downloads.
When this is launched in the first half of 2015, owners of compatible Samsung TV’s will be able to connect a Playstation Dualshock 4 controller and play any of more than 200 PS3 titles. Sony will be demoing the service running on Samsung TV’s at CES 2015, so attendees can try some hands on time with it in the new year.
Playstation Now is a service that was announced when Sony bought game streaming company, Gaikai in 2012 and can be used to stream games to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita consoles, as well as PlayStation TV and Sony’s Bravia TV line. Games can be played by renting them for a set time per game, or via a monthly subscription.
“PlayStation Now provides a new dimension to Samsung Smart TVs that consumers have been looking for – blockbuster PS3 games accessed through an intuitive interface that makes it easy to discover and play great gaming experiences,” said Youngchan Kim, Vice President at Samsung Electronics.
While there was no mention of plans to bring these Samsung TV’s to the rest of the world, it would be surprising if Sony and Samsung didn’t expand this if it proves popular with consumers in North America. It’s also worth noting that at Gamescom 2014, Sony confirmed that PS Now would be available in Europe during 2015, with the United Kingdom being the first European country to have access to the service.

Noticia completa:

26-12-14, 11:01
PlayStation Network And Xbox Live DOWN And HACKED by Lizard Squad

Both Sony (http://hothardware.com/tags/sony) and Microsoft (http://hothardware.com/tags/microsoft) have been reportedly hacked today, with numerous disruptions to both Xbox Live and Sony's PlayStation Network. both services have been partially or totally offline all day, with Microsoft's official Twitter (http://hothardware.com/tags/twitter) campaign chiming in to note that the service had been disrupted and that the company was working to bring it back online -- but didn't have an ETA on when that would happen.


A group called Lizard Squad (http://hothardware.com/tags/lizard-squad) is currently claiming responsibility for the attack on Twitter, which likely involves spamming both networks with huge amounts of data to jam servers and make it impossible to process login requests. The attack was carefully timed to cause a maximum amount of disruption -- service staff at Microsoft and Sony are going to be off campus and at home with their families, just like anyone else. Microsoft and Sony undoubtedly have protections in place to ward against these kinds of attacks, but Lizard Squad timed its attack well. Even if MS and Sony are willing to call in staff to deal with the problem, support personnel at the companies both manufacturers contract with for DDOS (http://hothardware.com/tags/ddos) protection may or may not be reachable.


27-12-14, 17:29
5 Most Anticipated PS4 Exclusive Upcoming Games

Probably the biggest difference between the Wii, PlayStation and the Xbox is the difference in the games they host where the PlayStation and the Xbox might have games in common but the Nintendo’s Wii is totally separate in the type of games it hosts. For someone who is just a casual buyer, the difference in CPU, GPU and ram don’t mean much and basically the games one can play and buy on the console decides whether the person buys a console. And to help you decide which console to buy, below are some of the PS4 exclusives coming up in 2015.
Bloodborne Releasing on the 26th of February, Bloodborne is the followup and spiritual successor to Miyazaki’s previous games Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls. With a history of extremely unforgiving hard titles, Bloodborne takes place in an abandoned Gothic city where finding the light of sun is a weary task. Full of terrifying enemies, Bloodborne is bound to keep you on the edge of your seats with a frightful experience. And with the help of your agile character and an array of different weaponry including knives, swords and guns, victory is possible. Rushing into the game is no longer an option.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/the-order-1886-635x357.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/the-order-1886.jpg)
The Order: 1886 Releasing on the 20 of February, The Order: 1886 is a dark third-person shooter set, like the Assassin’s Creed: Unity, in the Victorian London of 1886. The difference between the actual history London and the one portrayed her is, the monsters roam the streets now. In game an established order of protectors keep the city safe. The protectors, known as the Knights of the Round Table, fight these hybrid monsters to keep the citizens safe. The game plays loosely with the technology where it show that wireless communication and thermal imaging devices exist, even though the year is 1886 but the attractive gameplay makes for a very interesting title.

http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Uncharted-41-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Uncharted-41.jpg)
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End If you don’t know already about the upcoming Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End then that is news to me. Easily one of the most popular PS4 exclusive titles in the gaming world, Uncharted 4 takes Drake, the main Character, treasure hunting and exploring. The game features many extraordinary adventures which include climbing cliffs, in game epic shootouts, driving and blowing up vehicles, and some brief romance. Not much about the game has been said except the release of a very interesting and brief gameplay video where Drake is stranded in the jungle with a gun and tries to make his way out. Basically, if this sequel lives up to it’s predecessors, it’s bound to be one of the best titles of 2015. The release date of the game has still not been revealed.
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/street-fighter-v--635x397.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/street-fighter-v-.jpg) Street Fighter V Set to be released sometime early in 2015 as the game is almost in its final stages, Street Fighter is a popular name World-wide with lots of following and hence it was an even bigger surprise when the game announced that it was a PS4 exclusive on the PlayStation Experience event. Angering many Xbox owner Street Fighter V doesn’t add much to separate it from its predecessor based on the Gameplay trailer released during the event. But Capcom’s track record shows that it has done enough to differentiate its games over the years and if you’re into fighting game, then this is the headline for you.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/HellBlade_MainKeyArt-635x378.jpg (http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/HellBlade_MainKeyArt.jpg) Hellblade Not much about the game is known as the game is still in early development but it’s developer, Ninja Theory, has put out some top-notch games in the past, including Devil May Cry and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. The current focus for Ninja Theory is Hellblade, about which, on the developer’s blog, they say that their games incorporate “ninja-class melee gameplay, strong character stories, and a unique art vision. On Hellblade, we will double down on what we do best to give you a deeper character in a twisted world with brutal, uncompromising, combat.” And given their track record, they have delivered. The game will probably release late in 2015 given it is still at early stages but is one worth waiting for.


28-12-14, 14:38
PlayStation Network Was Down For Close to 72 Hours… It’s OK Now, Though

Sony has issued an update over its is-it-up-or-down PlayStation Network gaming service, which is now “back online” according to the PlayStation blog. The blog states “PlayStation Network and some other gaming services were attacked over the holidays with artificially high levels of traffic designed to disrupt connectivity and online gameplay. This may have prevented your access to the network and its services over the last few days.”
It’s funny though, because Sony states that “The video game industry has been experiencing high levels of traffic designed to disrupt connectivity and online gameplay. Multiple networks, including PSN, have been affected over the last 48 hours. PSN engineers are working hard to restore full network access and online gameplay as quickly as possible.”

Well Sony… my PC has been fine, sheesh even uPlay is fine… and that’s an Ubisoft product. The Steam Holiday Sales have been thrashing gamers wallets across the world, as well as Valve’s servers without a single hiccup. So when you say “the video game industry has been experiencing high levels of traffic” you mean your services were hacked and played with, as well as Microsoft’s. Don’t put us in your potato basket, please.


29-12-14, 13:30
Man Buys PS4 From Walmart, Gets Two Bags of Rocks Instead

A man walked into the Stapleton, Colorado based Walmart store, purchasing a PlayStation 4 console, but when he opened the box, there were two bags of rocks waiting for him. No PS4, no controller, no fun… just two big bags of small rocks.
Igor Baksht purchased the PS4 for his 13-year-old niece as a present, but when the Walmart employee returned from the locked case where the PlayStation 4 console was located, the employee told Baksht that the Grand Theft Auto V bundle had been opened, and returned to the store. Instead of opening it up right there and then, Baksht trusted the store and walked out of Walmart without opening it. But when he did, he said “Just to make sure everything was inside, that all the contents were inside, all the games were inside,” said Baksht. “When I opened it, I said, ‘Oh my God.’”
Baksht added that when the employee returned from the locked case with the PS4 bundle, Baksht said the staff member commented on how heavy the box was. He was unable to return the PS4, or bag of rocks, until the next day as the store he purchased it from was closed for the night. Baksht thought he would travel to a 24-hour Walmart, and attempted to return it. They wouldn’t allow it, so he waited until the morning to return his bag of rocks to the Walmart where he purchased it.
He went to the store, requesting a refund but was told that there was nothing they could do. He called the store multiple times, Walmart’s corporate offices, and then finally on Christmas Eve, the Store Manager called Baksht telling him to come in and get his money back.


29-12-14, 13:31
A PS4 continua a vender que nem ginjas e com uma vantagem imensa sobre as rivais.

PlayStation 4 Sales Top 17M Worldwide, Less than 1M Away from 50% Marketshare (http://www.vgchartz.com/article/252607/playstation-4-sales-top-17m-worldwide-less-than-1m-away-from-50-marketshare/)

Sony's 8th generation home console, the PlayStation 4, has had a really strong holiday season and has had strong sales since it launched in November 2013. The console has set many records and is by far the fastest selling console this generation and only second in gaming history to the Wii.The PlayStation 4 has now sold more than 17 million units worldwide, with sales of 17.35 million units. The milestone was achieved on the week ending December 13, 2014, where it sold 781,557 units.
The PlayStation 4 for the week sold more than the Xbox One and Wii U combined. Lifetime PlayStation 4 sales is also just 934,016 units away from equaling the combined lifetime sales of the Xbox One and Wii U.

29-12-14, 15:12
Muitas vendas e alguns recordes somados.
Claramente e de longe a melhor consola desta geração.

29-12-14, 16:23
PlayStation Network Getting Back on its Feet – Official and Unofficial Fixes to Get You Going

Sony Online Entertainment announced earlier yesterday that the PlayStation network is getting back on its feet after and extended downtime exceeding 48 hours owing to the recent distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks on its network by the hacker group Lizard Squad. As reported earlier, the attacks stopped due to the intervention of the twitter user DotCom – read more here (http://wccftech.com/xbox-playstation-network-live-lizard-squad/). According to their website (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/12/27/playstation-network-update-3/), the attacks have finally stopped but many user are still experiencing the aftermath of the massive DDOS attack on the online network:

“PlayStation Network is back online. As you probably know, PlayStation Network and some other gaming services were attacked over the holidays with artificially high levels of traffic designed to disrupt connectivity and online gameplay. This may have prevented your access to the network and its services over the last few days.
Thanks again for your support and patience. We’ll provide any further updates here.”
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/PlayStation-4-See-the-future-635x323.png (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/PlayStation-4-See-the-future.png) The Official and the Unofficial Releases to Get You Going The official twitter page for PlayStation known as ‘@AskPlayStation’ posted some fixes to their page and asked the users to see if they worked. These fixes basically included rebooting the console and try signing in again.

Noticia completa:

30-12-14, 08:33
Sony continue to experience problems on the PlayStation Network

Sony can't catch a break lately, with their internal servers being breached by North Korea - well, at least the United States government and FBI is claiming they did (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/42067/officials-identify-north-korea-source-behind-sony-hacks/index.html) - while their PlayStation Network was slammed down on Christmas Day by hacking group The Lizard Squad (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/42287/Xbox-live-PlayStation-network-regaining-stability-ddos-attack/index.html).

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42325_03_sony-continue-experience-problems-playstation-network.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42325_03_sony-continue-experience-problems-playstation-network_full.jpg)

Sony's PSN service still experiencing "intermittent connectivity issues," something the company has taken to its PlayStation Knowledge Center to talk about. Some are able to sign onto their PS3, PS4 and PS Vita devices, but aren't able to sign into, or access the PlayStation Store, or get their Friends list to display.

The company is now asking gamers to attempt tweaking their MTU settings in their console's network configuration options, which could fix the problems they're having accessing the PlayStation Network.


30-12-14, 09:08
Can’t Connect to PSN? Try this Little Trick

Sony has assured its customers that the PlayStation Network is back online, following the recent DDoS attack by Lizard Squad, but some users are still struggling to connect. Luckily, a new fix has emerged for those who can’t get online.
Enter your PlayStation’s Internet Settings, select Manual Settings, and then change the MTU to either 1473 or 1476. Hopefully, the problem will now be fixed.
A redditor called disambiguated explains why MTU is a factor (http://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/2qkxow/i_managed_to_sign_in_some_people_say_this_method/cn7792s):

“The GRE tunnel overhead is 24 bytes – hence, changing your MTU from 1500 to 1476 ensures that large packets make it through to the servers.”
If that doesn’t work, another thing to try is to change the console’s DNS to, Google’s public DNS.


01-01-15, 15:16
Woman Buys PlayStation 4, Gets Box of Bibles

Made with Flare More Info'> http://cdn.eteknix.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ps4-bibles.png
In a repeat of a story from last week (http://www.eteknix.com/man-buys-playstation-4-gets-bags-rocks-instead/), a woman from California bought a PlayStation 4 as a Christmas gift for her boyfriend discovered, when her boyfriend opened the gift on Christmas morning, that the console had been replaced with two heavy bibles.
Sandra Ortiz bought the PS4 from a local Target store, with no clue that there could be anything out of the ordinary lucking within the console’s box. Ortiz told CNN that her boyfriend reacted in good humour, saying, “He said he didn’t want the Bibles unless they were autographed by Jesus himself.”
The most likely scenario is that a customer bought the console, swapped it for the two bibles, and returned it to Target for a refund, granted without re-checking the contents of the box. When Ortiz return the PlayStation to the store, Target employees “immediately apologized for any inconvenience and exchanged it for a new one.”


01-01-15, 15:39
Portugal só vai receber 40 PlayStation “raras”. Mas é por uma boa causa

A Sony anunciou em dezembro uma edição especial da PlayStation 4 que comemora os 20 anos da primeira consola lançada pela empresa. Só existem 12.300 unidades em todo o mundo, por isso esta pode ser uma boa oportunidade para agarrar uma.

http://imgs.sapo.pt/gfx/47/69/582219.gif (https://www.playstation20anos.com/pre/)

Não é todos os dias que é possível conquistar um objeto de colecionador, mas a PlayStation Portugal está a dar essa oportunidade a todos os interessados. A empresa vai trazer até aos portugueses 40 unidades da PlayStation 4 20th Anniversary, uma edição rara anunciada no final de 2014.

Mas a empresa decidiu juntar o útil ao agradável e em vez de sortear simplesmente as consolas com base em critérios completamente aleatórios, está a promover um leilão. Cada consola será entregue à melhor proposta e o dinheiro angariado será doado na totalidade à Associação Salvador, que promove a prática do desporto adaptado.

Noticia completa:
http://tek.sapo.pt/extras/site_do_dia/portugal_so_vai_receber_40_playstation_raras_14260 57.html

01-01-15, 15:42
40 PS4 raras.....isso é quase tantas como as X1 vendidas em Portugal :D

01-01-15, 15:48
Lol :D

01-01-15, 22:14
Kickstarter campaign wants $20,300 to destroy Anniversary Edition PS4

A Kickstarter campaign is aiming to raise over $20,000 to destroy a rare 20th Anniversary Edition PlayStation 4 console. Many of those lucky enough to get their hands on one of these consoles swiftly took to eBay to sell them for absurdly high prices but Charles Tiongson wants his PS4 to suffer a different fate.
The campaign starter resides in Las Vegas and intends to film himself smashing up the console. The exact figure he is looking for is $20,300, although the logic behind it seems a bit flawed. According to the Kickstarter page, because someone out there was crazy enough to buy a 20th Anniversary Edition PS4 on eBay for $20,100, he should get $200 more than that in order to destroy one.
The console will get an unboxing video before being torn apart and those who back more than $50 will get a piece of broken PS4 sent to them.
The campaign doesn’t have many backers currently, having only raised $121 so far. Unfortunately there is no real way of telling if this will take off, after all, people did Kickstart potato salad last year, so breaking a rare PS4 isn’t completely out of the question.


01-01-15, 22:44
Uma questão, o GTA V da para jogar online na PS4?
O meu primo tem uma ps4 (a minha antiga) e queria comprar o GTA V mas para jogar online e' possivel ou apenas da single player? (nao tou dentro disso)

01-01-15, 22:46
Sua nabiça! Então não dá! Tens é que ter o Plus para poder jogar multiplayer (esse e qualquer outro jogo)

01-01-15, 22:49
ehheeh sei la tive a ps4 quando saiu e foi para jogar fifa 2013 :X lool e gt 5 :)
thanks noob

02-01-15, 07:44
Sony offers store discount, PSN extension after holiday downtime

To make up for a few days of PlayStation Network disruption because of the Lizard Squad (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/42287/Xbox-live-PlayStation-network-regaining-stability-ddos-attack/index.html) distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, Sony has announced it a "holiday thank you" to gamers.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42381_01_sony-offers-store-discount-psn-extension-holiday-downtime.png (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42381_01_sony-offers-store-discount-psn-extension-holiday-downtime_full.png)

"Happy New Year! Since access to PlayStation Network was impacted during the holidays, we wanted to show our appreciation for your patience by offering all PlayStation Plus members that had an active membership or free trial on December 25th a membership extension of five days."

The extension will be automatically applied, and additional details will be published on the official PlayStation Blog. Also, all PlayStation Network gamers can receive a 10 percent discount code for a one-time purchase from the PlayStation Store. The discount is applicable towards new releases, indie games, game add-ons and season passes, along with select movies and TV episodes.


05-01-15, 15:03
Sony’s PlayStation Now Subscription Service Brings Unlimited Access To Over 100 PS3 Games
First of all, to those of you returning from vacation over the holiday period and hopping back online for the first time since 2014, Happy New Year! With that said, if one of your resolutions for 2015 is to find time to play more games (http://hothardware.com/tags/games), you're going to have lots of options, should you be successful in your endeavor. One of them is PlayStation Now (http://hothardware.com/news/samsung-smart-tvs-to-gain-playstation-now-streaming-in-2015), Sony's online streaming game service that now has a subscription option.

Sony (http://hothardware.com/tags/sony) kicked off the service by letting players rent titles at various prices depending on the length of rental. But beginning January 13th, Sony will launch a subscription service to PlayStation Now that will offer gamers instant and unlimited access to a catalog of more than 100 PlayStation 3 games.


You'll be able to choose from two subscription plans. The first runs $19.99 for one month, and the second is a discounted three-month package for $44.99, which works out to about $15 per month. Obviously the latter is the better deal; though don't feel inclined to kick the tires with a one-month sub to see if the service is right for you. Instead, Sony will also offer a free trial.

"We know that there are many PS4 owners who never owned a PS3 or had a chance to play some of the great games it offered, and this subscription provides an easy way to catch up on games you may have missed. Want to try before you buy? Well, good news! We’ll also offer a free seven-day trial to the subscription program when it launches," Sony said in a blog post.

This is a pretty neat thing Sony is offering, and several publishing partners have jumped on board, including SCE Worldwide Studios, Warner Brothers, SEGA, and several others. And for you indie fans, there are a few indie developers that have joined the fray as well.


05-01-15, 23:36
Sony anuncia que vendeu 18.5 milhões de PS4.

http://www.jp.playstation.com/info/r...bal_sales.html (http://www.jp.playstation.com/info/release/20150106_ps4_global_sales.html)

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) to sell "PlayStation 4" (PS4 ™), the New Year's holiday shopping season of 2014 ※ 1 in 410 million units ※ 2 to achieve a more real sales, 2015 1 worldwide total actual sales volume is 18.5 million units in the month the 4th time ※ 3 was exceeded. Continue, has continued to spread expansion in history "PlayStation" hardware fastest ever.

06-01-15, 16:40
SONY ANNOUNCES SUBSCRIPTION PRICES FOR GAME STREAMING SERVICE, PLAYSTATION NOW (https://www.nerdist.com/2015/01/sony-announces-subscription-prices-for-game-streaming-service-playstation-now/)

It isn’t the backward compatibility that many folks would have loved to see, but it’s better than nothing. That’s PlayStation Now (https://www.nerdist.com/tag/playstation-now/) that I’m speaking about– a service that was first unveiled around this time last year during CES (http://www.nerdist.com/tag/ces/). Upon its announcement, Sony has received a heap of burning questions along the lines of pricing and subscription models. We received our first answers on these matters today.The service has thus far only allowed for players to access and stream PS3 games via questionably high-priced rentals, but starting on January 13, folks can bypass those ridiculous rental fees altogether by nabbing a PlayStation Now subscription. There are two subscription plans: one that’s $19.99 per month, and another going for $44.99 per three months ($15/month). Each of these plans will give players unlimited access to a catalog of over 100 PS3 games. Take a look at Sony’s official announcement video down below:
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QmXfKa22PZg?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>
This isn’t a bad rate when you take a Gamefly subscription into account, which would run you about the same amount monthly. If anything, it warrants a sigh of relief for anyone who’s been keeping a close eye on what’s happening with the service. Having a subscription price that ranges in between $15-$19.99 per month for unlimited access to a library of PS3 games is definitely a lot better than charging folks $15 to access one PS3 game for 90 days. Now, hopefully, PlayStation will find a way to fuse PlayStation Now subscriptions with PlayStation Plus subscriptions, thus combining all of the PlayStation periodic fees into one, and reducing confusion.

Ainda bem que tenho PC e não tenho de ser chulado para jogar jogos antigos na minha máquina.
Basta ligar o Steam e em minutos posso estar a jogar Duke Nukem, Doom e Carmageddon e mais um milhar de jogos de há várias décadas atrás.

07-01-15, 09:30
Tony Hawk confirms PS4 release in 2015

http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/4c5de430578f807dce5caae61bb2f511_L.jpg (http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/4c5de430578f807dce5caae61bb2f511_XL.jpg)

No word on if it will be a multi-platform release
Tony Hawk himself confirmed a 2015 release of a new game that bears his name for the PlayStation 4. During Sony’s press conference where he was there to promote the Action-Cam, he spent a few minutes afterward talking about the game.

Of course he could not say much due to a non-disclosure agreement, but he did say it will be a next generation offering and will offer the best skateboarding high-definition set of visuals ever seen in a skateboarding game. He also indicated that development of the game is ahead of schedule.
Were things got a little more interesting was with the use of the wording “PlayStation 4 Exclusive”, which could mean a lot of things. Everything from a total exclusive of the game for the PS4 console or perhaps a timed release for the PlayStation 4 with game to be multi-platform at a later date.
What we do suspect is that we will hear more about the title during E3 and as for who is going to publish it, we have no reason to believe that it will be anyone other than Activision. We do suspect that it will be a late fall or holiday release in 2015. Also readers might want to note that rumors of a new Skate title being in development continue to fill our inbox, but so far we have been unable to officially confirm this as true.


07-01-15, 16:54
PS4 Data Bank dock allows huge storage

The PlayStation 4 – like the Xbox One – includes a 500GB internal hard-drive, which for many is filling up fast.
You can already expand the PS4’s storage, but in a limited fashion. Internal storage is restricted to 2.5″ hard-drives, and you can’t easily use external storage for game saves and installation. This is a problem. What to do?
Video game peripheral maker Nyko’s answer is the Data Bank, a dock that attaches to your PS4 and lets you expand the console’s storage in an easy and clever way.
The Data Bank replaces the top of the PS4 as well as its 2.5″ hard-drive, letting you use larger and often cheaper 3.5″ hard-drives the console considers to be internal storage.
“The solution eliminates the need for an external hard-drive, which currently cannot support game installs or save data,” Nyko said at CES this week.
“This also allows for larger storage, faster running speeds and less expensive prices found with 3.5″ hard-drives.
“The design of the replacement dock lid seamlessly matches the minimalist design of the PS4. Once a 3.5″ drive is slid into the Data Bank, a built-in LED strip illuminates while the console is accessing its memory.”
PS4 owners have already worked out how to get huge hard-drives working with the console. The video, below, explains how to set-up a PS4 to work with up to 6TB hard-drives. The Nyko Data Bank should make the process simple.


There’s no price or release date yet, but we expect the Data Bank to launch during the first half of 2015.


07-01-15, 17:00
PlayStation Network hit with more outages (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/playstation-network-hit-with-more-outages/)

The PlayStation Network appears to be struggling once again as users have begun reporting connectivity issues, keeping some from being able to log in to the service. Sony confirmed that it was having trouble with heavy server load earlier this morning.
Engineers are currently working on getting things running smoothly once again but if these outages continue following the Christmas day DDOS attack, eventually customers are going to lose confidence in Sony and the company’s ability to provide a good service.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/sony-psn-playstation-network-600x350.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/sony-psn-playstation-network-600x350.jpg)
Sony has yet to issue on update on the state of the PlayStation Network service but we do know that an investigation in to the issues was launched around ten hours ago. (https://twitter.com/AskPlayStation)
Sony has been struggling intermittently ever since both PSN and Xbox Live were hit by DDOS attacks last month. The servers will also be facing additional load due to the holiday season rush, there is a lot of new PS4 owners following Christmas.


08-01-15, 16:07
Sony delays PS4 launch in China (http://www.kitguru.net/desktop-pc/console-desktop-pc/matthew-wilson/sony-delays-ps4-launch-in-china/)

Sony has had to delay the launch of the PlayStation 4 console in China, just a few days ahead of its scheduled 11th of January release date. The company did not give one exact reason for the delay, instead citing ‘various factors’ according to a new report from Reuters. (http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/01/08/us-sony-china-idUSKBN0KH0VE20150108)
A new release date has yet to be announced but we do know that prolonged negotiations with Chinese authorities has something to do with the hold up. This would have been Sony’s first PlayStation release in China and would have opened up an extra revenue stream for the company at a time where Sony’s gaming business is the main thing keeping it afloat.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/ps4-600x356.png (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/ps4-600x356.png)
The PS4 will cost ¥2899 yuan (£300) when it eventually launches in China. This is the first time that consoles have been available in the country for quite some time after the government lifted its long-lasting console ban. Microsoft faced similar troubled when launching the Xbox One in China during September last year.
Part of the delay could be down to the Chinese governments strict rules and approval process for games that can be released.


09-01-15, 15:02
Databank nice answer for PS4 owners

http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/8baa03136d705c5a6e0709b946307cea_L.jpg (http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/8baa03136d705c5a6e0709b946307cea_XL.jpg)

External bay adds ability for 3.5” hard drives

Nyko has come up with a pretty nice solution for PlayStation 4 owners who need to upgrade their internal hard drive.

The Databank is an external 3.5" hard drive bay that is designed to plug into the PlayStation 4 and sit on top of the unit and it is designed to look like the PlayStation 4, so it does not look out of place.
The best part of it however is that it is able to let PlayStation 4 owners replace the internal 2.5" hard drive with a 3.5" hard drive. As we know the 3.5" drives are cheaper and able to be purchased in much higher capacities. Of course this also opens the world to performance 3.5" hard drives that could not otherwise be used as the console's primary hard drive.
Like the Xbox One the PlayStation 4 does support the connection of USB 3 hard drives, but you can only currently install games on the internal drive. While replacing the 2.5" hard drive with a larger once isn't a cheap solution as these drives are expensive.
While the solution is obviously not officially supported or endorsed by Sony, it seems to us be quite a good solution. Nyko says that they expect the Databank to retail for between $30 and $40 when it is released.


10-01-15, 11:08
Sony: PS1 and PS2 games to be added to PlayStation Now in future (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/anton-shilov/sony-ps1-and-ps2-games-to-be-added-to-playstation-now-in-future/)

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. has announced that it will bring games for its PlayStation and PlayStation 2 platforms to its PlayStation Now streaming service in the longer-term future. While a nice thing is that it will be possible to enjoy good-old titles on PlayStation Now-supporting hardware eventually, it is completely unclear when this is set to happen.
At present Sony offers over a hundred of PlayStation 3 video games on its PlayStation Now cloud streaming service. This allows the company to sell games on the PS3 platform and to provide PlayStation 4 owners an ability to play previous-generation titles. However, many core gamers are eager to play classic titles some of which are up to 20 years old, something that is not possible to do on existing game consoles.
“There are some amazing games for PS1 and PS2 and our longer term vision is to go back further into the PlayStation generational library and offer those with PlayStation Now,” said (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2015/01/05/playstation-now-subscription-program-all-the-details/) Peter Jamshidi, director of marketing of PlayStation Now streaming service at the Sony Computer Entertainment America, reports GameSpot (http://www.gamespot.com/articles/playstation-now-ps1-ps2-games-part-of-longer-term-/1100-6424569/). “Right now however, we are focused on bringing to users experiences from the amazing PS3 library.”
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/sony_playstation_now_service_artwork-1024x456.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/sony_playstation_now_service_artwork.jpg)
Sony believes that there are many PlayStation 4 owners who never owned a PlayStation 3 or had a chance to play some of the games it offered. As a result, the company is focused on bringing PS3 games to its cloud platform first.
Earlier this month SCEA outlined two subscription plans for its PlayStation Now cloud streaming service: one month for $19.99, or a three-month package for $44.99. The subscription provides access to a large and diverse catalog of PS3 games, ranging from action to RPG and everything in-between.


14-01-15, 15:14
PlayStation Anniversary: Amazing Discounts on 60+ Games Starts Today

After Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas last month and the new years discounts, many thought that the discounts have been lifted for good even with the Xbox One returning to its normal sale price of $400. Well think again, because its PlayStation Anniversary already and PlayStation Store has lots of discounts up it’s sleeve to keep you interested. The sale is live on the PlayStation Store and according to an official post (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2015/01/13/playstation-anniversary-sale-starts-today-60-games-discounted/#sf6900879) by the PlayStation team, the sale is going to last through to 19th of January.
You can get “discounts on more than 60 celebrated games from PS4, PS3, PS Vita, PSP, PS2 Classics and PS1 Classics” and “you’ll be able to pick up a ton of titles at up to 60 percent off, with PS Plus (http://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/playstation-plus/?CMP=soc_us__pn_psblog_dotcomplus_01_13_15) members receiving up to 75 percent off.“
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/PlayStation-635x357.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/PlayStation.jpg)

Noticia e lista de jogos:

15-01-15, 17:46
Nyko unveils Data Bank for PlayStation 4 - up to 6TB for the PS4

We demand better graphics and more immersive gameplay, but that comes at a cost. As video games progress the amount of storage they require is exploding. Some current games can chew up to 40GB each, and this can grow even more with DLC. Nyko has the bases covered with a new innovative enclosure that snaps onto the top of the PS4. The internal PS4 drive is limited by capacity, and users can upgrade it, but it requires a 2.5" drive. These are limited in capacity, and higher in cost, compared to their larger 3.5" brethren.


The Data Bank supports 3.5" drives, which can be between $40-$50 cheaper than 2.5" models. 3.5" drives currently top out at 6TB for consumer models, and heftier capacities are on the horizon. The Nyko Data Bank will retail between $30 and $40 when it is released. The Nyko Data Bank snaps to the top of the PS4 and is connected via a pass-through power cable on the rear of the unit. The design mimics the PS4's aesthetics, but it does add a large component to the top of the console.

6TB might seem a bit over the top for most PS4 users, but after a few years data begins to pile up. If the lifespan of the PS4 is as long as the PS3, there will be a need for additional capacity at some point. Those with large media libraries will also find the Data Bank useful. With todays game consoles geared to be the hub of the home entertainment center it is surprising they still stick with capacity-limited 2.5" drives, but this is likely driven by size constraints more than any other consideration.


16-01-15, 14:40
HMV starts selling digital Xbox and PlayStation games (http://www.kitguru.net/channel/generaltech/matthew-wilson/hmv-starts-selling-digital-xbox-and-playstation-games/)

HMV is expanding on its new digital offerings by stocking game codes for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 games in store. The company has said that stocking individual titles, rather than specific amounts of digital currency, makes it easier for consumers to understand exactly what they are getting for their money.
Speaking with UK trade magazine, MCV (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/xbox-and-playstation-digital-games-now-available-in-hmv/0143974), HMV games boss, Phil Browes said: “Our new digital retail proposition provides consumers with an extensive digital games product offering from Microsoft and Sony”.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/xbox_one_vs_ps4-e1416391220294.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/xbox_one_vs_ps4-e1416391220294.jpg)
“The first few weeks’ sales have been strong and it is obviously resonating well with our customer base. We are looking forward to building on this throughout 2015 as we further enhance our digital offer.”
HMV has added full 5ft bays for Sony and Microsoft in most of its stores now. This also ties in nicely to the digital focus that the next generation consoles have.


16-01-15, 17:35
Sony says its PlayStation 4 was top selling console in 2014

The Sony PlayStation 4 dominated the console market in 2014, outselling the Microsoft Xbox One throughout the entire year. The PS4 racked up 18.5 million PS4 sales worldwide, dominating every month except for November and December, The NPD Group said.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42877_01_sony-playstation-4-top-selling-console-2014.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42877_01_sony-playstation-4-top-selling-console-2014_full.jpg)

"PlayStation 4 was the top-selling console in the US and globally in 2014," a Sony spokesperson told GamesBeat. "And [it is] the fastest selling console in PlayStation history with 18.5 million sold through after just 14 months in the market. We are humbled by this success and want to thank gamers worldwide for helping us achieve holiday sales of more than 4.1 million across 123 countries and regions."

However, Sony has faced increased pressure from the Xbox One to close 2014, as Microsoft has offered competitive price cuts - and gamer bundles - as gamers have a lot to cheer for. Sony will face increased pressure from Microsoft in 2015, so it cannot bask in its 2014 success for too long.


16-01-15, 20:44
Sony Rebuffs Microsoft’s Xbox One Gains, Crowns PS4 2014 Sales King

[QUOTE]Microsoft had a lot to celebrate during the closing months of 2014. The company’s Xbox One gaming console beat out the defending champion PlayStation 4 during the months of November and December (according to NPD Group’s U.S. sales estimates). Microsoft owes a lot of that success a $50 price cut (http://hothardware.com/news/game-over-man-microsofts-xbox-one-returns-to-400-next-week) which dropped the Xbox One to just $349 during the Christmas shopping season.
Microsoft is even upping the stakes – starting today -- by extending the $50 price cut (http://hothardware.com/news/xbox-one-price-returns-to-349) for the foreseeable future as it runs its victory lap.

image: http://hothardware.com/ContentImages/NewsItem/32327/content/Xbox-one-system.jpg

Sony, however, says that it isn’t focused on just the past two months of sales. It’s more interested in letting everyone know that the PlayStation 4 still reigns supreme in global sales. “PlayStation 4 was the top-selling console in the U.S. and globally in 2014,” said a Sony Computer Entertainment America spokesperson to GamesBeat. “And [it is] the fastest selling console in PlayStation history with 18.5 million sold (http://hothardware.com/news/sony-playstation-4-sales-top-185-million-worldwide) through after just 14 months in the market.”
We still don’t have any updated figures from Microsoft on total Xbox One sales to date; the company last gave us a status update way back in August 2014. At that time, the company had shipped 10 million consoles to retailers (however, that number doesn’t mean that 10 million consoles were actually sold to consumers).

image: http://hothardware.com/ContentImages/NewsItem/32327/content/PlayStation_4_20th.jpg

According to NPD’s estimates, this generation of gaming consoles has rocketed off to a tremendous start, with both the Xbox One and PS4 outselling their predecessors during the same 14 months of initial availability by 65 percent. In addition, total video games sales were up to 20 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year.


17-01-15, 10:40
H1Z1 developers lie to gamers, bait and switch with 'paid airdrops'

While DayZ has the hearts and minds of PC gamers across the world, H1Z1 is an up-and-coming zombie shooter from Sony Online Entertainment which has just entered into its Early Access territory... and it is making huge headlines already, and not the good ones.


SOE has pushed in "paid airdrops" into the Early Access of H1Z1, which lets gamers purchase airdrops of crates that have ammo and guns inside, which is just a different way of having a "pay-to-win" title. It gets better, as keen-eyed gamers have noticed that 8 months ago SOE President John Smedley said on Reddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/h1z1/comments/23oqm8/we_had_our_first_monetization_meeting_yesterday/) "We will NOT be selling Guns, Ammo, Food, Water ... i.e. That's kind of the whole game and it would suck in our opinion if we did that". There was an update to that thread, where Smedley added "We are not interested in selling weapons. Weapons are only acquired by crafting or exploring and finding one. We are not selling power".

Considering H1Z1 is a free-to-play, paid airdrops are kind of the reverse of that. More so when the President of SOE comes out and blatantly calls it out months and months ago, saying they would "NOT" be selling guns, ammo, and more in-game items. But don't worry, Smedley understands that you're pissed off, as he said on Twitter that he can't disagree with people that are upset about the changes. He said "here's what I can't disagree with - people that are pissed off at us that we changed our minds about it. fair point".

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42901_02_h1z1-developers-lie-gamers-bait-switch-paid-airdrops.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/2/42901_02_h1z1-developers-lie-gamers-bait-switch-paid-airdrops_full.jpg)

Here's an idea. How about not changing your minds about it? Gamers have been treated like ATMs for years since the introduction of DLC, and now we have Early Access programs where it's getting worse. But bait and switching like this needs to stop, especially from gaming giants like SOE.


17-01-15, 10:40
Isto é tão grave que o Steam já está a oferecer refunds a quem comprou o jogo.


19-01-15, 13:51
Forbes - If You Paid For H1Z1 Early Access, You're Part Of The Problem (http://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2015/01/16/if-you-paid-for-h1z1-early-access-youre-part-of-the-problem/)

Hopefully this article doesn’t become a magnet for vitriol and insult-flinging between peers, but it needs to be written. Yes, the headline is aggressive, but it’s time a for wake up call. Because the business practices surrounding video games have jumped the shark, and I’m concerned that a large enough percentage of the video game-buying populace have lost their minds.Paul Tassi just reported (http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2015/01/16/sonys-zombie-survival-game-h1z1-debuts-with-unusual-microtransactions/) that Sony (http://www.forbes.com/companies/sony/) Online Entertainment (SOE) has instituted “paid airdrops” into its Early Access version of upcoming MMO H1Z1. This effectively lets players buy air-dropped crates of ammo and guns, which introduces a decidedly blatant “pay-to-win” element.
On its own, that’s a development decision I could have accepted by simply choosing to not support or play the game. But as it happens, it represents Sony breaking repeated promises to the public. In a Reddit post 8 months ago (http://www.reddit.com/r/h1z1/comments/23oqm8/we_had_our_first_monetization_meeting_yesterday/), SOE President John Smedley stated “We will NOT be selling Guns, Ammo, Food, Water…i.e. That’s kind of the whole game and it would suck in our opinion if we did that.”
An update within that same Reddit thread found Smedley even more determined to have H1Z1 dodge the pay-to-win trap. A direct quote: “
We are not interested in selling weapons. Weapons are only acquired by crafting or exploring and finding one. We are not selling power.”
Need something more recent? Here’s two SOE developers reinforcing that idea only 3 days ago (http://loopthetube.com/#w1o1wLkbfTU&start=2442.056&end=2450.424).
<iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="485" height="365" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vD964rCEDrQ?wmode=transparent" frameborder="0" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 15px; padding: 0px; border-width: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 14px; vertical-align: baseline; max-width: 100%; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 20px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255);"></iframe>On this particular topic, Smedley has come to the developer’s defense:

@killyourfm (https://twitter.com/killyourfm) @Forbes (https://twitter.com/Forbes) also that video with Adam from a few days ago was simply him not even thinking about airdrops. that simple
— John Smedley (@j_smedley) January 16, 2015 (https://twitter.com/j_smedley/status/556230954306396160)
(You’ll notice that I pressed him regarding paid airdrops in the final release. Smedley indicated that they would be changed in some fashion to negate the pay to win aspect, but I’m waiting on a response detailing exactly how.)
Charging your potential player base to beta test your game is insulting enough, yet we see this tactic used all the time as a pre-order or purchase incentive (“Buy Halo: Master Chief Collection, get access to the Halo 5 Beta.”) But when that game is slated to be free-to-play, it’s downright infuriating. Is it that unreasonable to think they should actually be compensating you? So what adjective do we use to describe the act of endorsing and perpetuating these disgusting business practices by giving a publisher money for an unfinished free-to-play game?
Here’s an adjective for you:
Hopefully SOE President Smedley is rapidly coming around to this failed logic, because Sony is now offering “no questions asked” refunds to players who paid for H1Z1′s Early Access on Steam, saying via Reddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/h1z1/comments/2snhud/no_questions_asked_refund_policy/) that “If you feel like the airdrops are an issue for you, you may immediately request a refund to bwilcox@soe.sony.com – this offer applies till Monday and it applies only to people that have purchased the game as of 10:30am Pacific today 1/16/2015.
Smedley argues via Twitter that the low refund request rate thus far indicates that most players are quite content with the airdrop situation.

@killyourfm (https://twitter.com/killyourfm) @Forbes (https://twitter.com/Forbes) hah I bet you didn’t think I’d answer that :) the answer is .5% – that’s a real number as of this tweet.
— John Smedley (@j_smedley) January 16, 2015 (https://twitter.com/j_smedley/status/556230221322407937)
That being said, Smedley agrees that people have a right to be upset at SOE for changing their minds on such a core part of the game:

@killyourfm (https://twitter.com/killyourfm) @Forbes (https://twitter.com/Forbes) here’s what I can’t disagree with – people that are pissed off at us that we changed our minds about it. fair point
— John Smedley (@j_smedley) January 16, 2015 (https://twitter.com/j_smedley/status/556229582873833472)
Interestingly, one aspect of my Twitter conversation with Smedley revolved around the game’s funding, and he admits that “if we could fund H1Z1 another way I would have preferred it.” Did someone at Sony refuse to fund the game traditionally? And for what reasons? Then in another tweet he’s somewhat dismissive about the $20 asking price, saying “if it’s a lot of money to some people they shouldn’t spend it. To me it’s the cost of a movie.”
To be clear, I’m not indicting the concept of Early Access here. I think the ability for studios to have 2-way conversations with its player base during the development process is invaluable. Provided they appreciate how valuable that input is. Charging your players for the privilege, however, is borderline criminal when the final product will be free.
Even worse, in my opinion, is that people are supporting that with their wallets. Remove the pay-to-win scenario, remove the broken promises, and it’s still a ludicrous proposition. It’s an abusive relationship and you’re paying for the opportunity to have one. Your trust, your time, and your money need to be earned. That’s why when companies like Blizzard do free-to-play properly, we cheerily throw down $639 (http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/12/22/why-ive-spent-639-on-hearthstone-and-dont-regret-it/).
Between these Early Access shenanigans and repeated pre-order and pre-purchase abuse (see: Evolve (http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2015/01/14/the-paradox-of-evolve-the-60-free-to-play-game/)), we are inviting publishers to walk all over us, rather than being the collective voice with power and influence. I take that back. We have influence, we’re just influencing the wrong things.

Please remember that pre-purchasing a game — especially a digital copy — is the equivalent of buying an unfinished product with no guarantee of a refund if it launches completely broken (see: Halo Master Chief Collection). And please remember that — as Double Fine showed us (http://kotaku.com/double-fine-struggles-show-the-problems-with-steam-earl-1637669234) — just because you pay money for an Early Access game doesn’t mean the developers have to actually finish it. Why on earth are we ok with this?

20-01-15, 14:30
Borderlands 2 and pre-sequel coming to PS4

(http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/borderlands-2-and-pre-sequel-coming-to-xbox-one-and-ps4/)2K and Gearbox Software have announced Borderlands: The Handsome Collection for release on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The collection will contain Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel along with Borderlands 2 with all of the DLC included.
The remastered titles will launch in the US on the 24th of March while the rest of the world will have to wait until the 27th. The game will support cross-saves, meaning that those who have progress on the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 consoles will be able to transfer it over to the new consoles from Sony and Microsoft.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Borderlands-Handsome-Collection-e1421762821273.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Borderlands-Handsome-Collection-e1421762821273.jpg)


There will be a new four player split screen option included, allowing four players to play couch co-op style.
2K and Gearbox also revealed a pretty expensive limited edition collection, featuring a remote control Claptrap. Only 5000 of these units will be made available world wide and will cost $399. Aside from the Claptrap, you will also get a steel case and twelve lithographs.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel came out towards the end of last year. At the time, Gearbox said that it was still concentrating on last generation consoles due to the massive install base.

http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/borderlands-2-and-pre-sequel-coming-to-xbox-one-and-ps4/ (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/borderlands-2-and-pre-sequel-coming-to-xbox-one-and-ps4/)

21-01-15, 11:34
'Powers' the PlayStation exclusive TV show debuts on March 10

Sony will be debuting its PlayStation-exclusive original series Powers on March 10, with the first season taking part over 10 episodes. The first episode will be teased to all PSN owners for free, after which you'll need to be a PlayStation Plus subscriber to watch the rest.


The show itself is based on the ongoing Image Comics series from writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Michael Avon, with the world of Powers set in a police show based in Chicago where two homicide detectives investigate cases that citizens with superhuman abilities, or, well, powers. Better yet, the show stars Sharlto Copley, who was in District 9 and Elysium, who plays Christian Walker.

Walker is a former superhero who becomes a detective after he loses his powers, while his partner Deena Pilgrim, who is played by The Following's Susan Heyward. Eddie Izzard also stars, playing as the villain 'Wolfe'.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43000_01_powers-playstation-exclusive-tv-show-debuts-march-10.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43000_01_powers-playstation-exclusive-tv-show-debuts-march-10_full.jpg)


21-01-15, 16:11
PSN apology sale launching this weekend


Playstation Network is launching a 10% discount sale over the weekend as an apology for the outage the network suffered over the Christmas period.

Starting on January 23 and running until January 26, the sale will be accessible via a one-time use promotional code on anything eligible. The discounted transaction needs to finish before the end of the sale and needs to be made through a Playstation 3, Playstation 4 or through the online web-facing storefront.

Things covered by the sale include ‘hundreds of thousands’ of items from new releases through to older indie titles, DLC packages and season passes. Not everything will be available at a discount however for example subscriptions or pre-orders. Transactions made on the PS Vita, Playstation TV and PSP will also not be valid.

Although the discount code will only be available for one use, it can be applied to multiple purchases in the same transaction. The 10% discount code will be shared over Playstation’s Twitter feed and through the Playstation Store itself.

As well as the weekend sale, Sony is also beginning to roll out a five day extension to Playstation Plus members who were affected over the Christmas downtime.

Playstation Network along with Xbox Live suffered from an extended period of down time over Christmas thanks to a DDoS attack carried out by hacker group Lizard Squad.


22-01-15, 20:39
APB Reloaded is coming to the PS4

(http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/apb-reloaded-is-coming-to-the-xbox-one-and-ps4/)APB: Reloaded will no longer be exclusive to the PC platform as Deep Silver’s free to play title has been announced for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles. The console port will launch during the second quarter of 2015, meaning that we can expect it before the start of the summer.
The game will retain the PC version’s micro transactions. In order to play online, Xbox gamers will need an Xbox Live Gold subscription while PS4 owners will be able to get on without PlayStation Plus.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/APB-Reloaded-5-e1421949846362.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/APB-Reloaded-5-e1421949846362.jpg)
The new console versions are being developed by The Workshop Entertainment, which helped out with Tango Gamework’s recent horror title, The Evil Within as well as one of the Borderlands 2 DLCs.
Workshop Entertainment is working under the supervision of the original APB developer and Deep Silver, the publisher behind Saints Row, will be in charge of publishing duties.
APB originally launched on the PC way back in 2010. However, after the original development studio fell in to administration, the game went free to play and changed up its business model, relaunching as APB: Reloaded. The game is set in a futuristic city where martial law enforcers fight back against criminal, the game centers around server wide battles between cops and criminals.

http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/apb-reloaded-is-coming-to-the-xbox-one-and-ps4/ (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/apb-reloaded-is-coming-to-the-xbox-one-and-ps4/)

23-01-15, 11:47
Leak da SP4 Slim! Falta saber se é real ou não.

È questa la prima immagine di PlayStation 4 Slim? (http://www.vg247.it/2015/01/22/ecco-la-prima-immagine-di-playstation-4-slim-oppure-no/)

Rumor circa lo sviluppo di un modello Slim dell’ammiraglia di casa Sony circolano in rete ormai da qualche tempo e, in effetti, non è difficile credere che la compagnia stia effettivamente lavorando a una versione in scala ridotta di PlayStation 4. Tanto che, in effetti, ci aspettavamo che da un momento all’altro cominciassero ad emergere “leak” più o meno verosimili, con immagini del nuovo modello.
<figure>http://assets.vg247.it/current//2015/01/playstation-4-slim-prime-immagini-600x318.jpeg</figure>Quella che vedete nell’immagine qui sopra, potrebbe essere la prima immagine della nuova PS4 slim (nome in codice Monolith, stando a quanto si legge), oppure il primo “leak” costruito ad arte.
Su Multiplayer.it sono emerse nuove immagini di questa fantomatica console (http://multiplayer.it/notizie/143943-emergono-alcune-presunte-immagini-della-playstation-4-slim.html?piattaforma=ps4), che vi riportiamo interamente qua sotto. Un dettaglio curioso? Guardate l’immagine qua sotto.
<figure>http://assets.vg247.it/current//2015/01/LoJArC9.jpg</figure>Avete visto la colonna di sinistra? Alcune mail sembrano in italiano. Che queste informazioni siano arrivate direttamente al celebre portale? Chi gliele ha fornite? Uno sviluppatore nostrano o è farina del loro sacco?
C’è da dire comunque che le dimensioni ridotte, check, marchi ricollocati, check, tasti fisici, check, tutto sembra coerente con quanto visto nella transizione slim della scorsa generazione.
Fin troppo, forse.
Ovviamente Sony non ha ancora commentato la faccenda e, sinceramente, dubitiamo che lo farà, pertanto vi invitiamo a prendere quanto sopra come un semplice rumor. Dal canto suo, Microsoft, stando alle voci di corridoio si starebbe muovendo nella medesima direzione. (http://www.vg247.it/2015/01/07/nuovi-elementi-rafforzerebbero-lipotesi-xbox-one-slim/)

Tendo em conta os relatos de que os 20nm têm problemas de calor e leakage, não me parece que esta Slim da PS4, tão reduzida seja para agora. Mesmo que seja verdade, deverá ser apenas para os 14nm lá para 2016.

23-01-15, 11:58
Tenho muitas duvidas que esse leak tenha algum fundo de verdade, com todos problemas que são conhecidos, acho que não vamos ver uma Slim nos proximos meses.

24-01-15, 12:46
No médio Oriente as PS4 também estão a vender bem.

Second PS4 shipments in UAE by next week (https://www.zawya.com/story/Second_PS4_shipments_in_UAE_by_next_week-GN_07012014_080122/)

The first shipment on December 13 was sold out completely within one day.“We are likely to get the shipments early next week. Our initial allocation and demand was very high and Sony has production limitations,” said Kishan Palija, managing director of games retailer Geekay Group MEA.
According to Nadeem Khanzadah, head of retail at Jumbo Electronics, Sony was supposed to supply the second shipment on December 23 or 24 and another shipment in the middle of Dubai Shopping Festival.The Christmas shipment did not materialize as Sony released more consoles in the US and European markets for Christmas.

Retailers are sure that the next allocation also will not be enough to meet the growing demand.“I am sure that we will not get the allocation we have asked for as Sony has to cater to other retailers also. PS4 sales have exceeded Sony’s expectations globally,” Palija said.
Even Dubai’s grey market is struggling to bring them to the country due to high demand and shortage of availability.
“We have stocks on NTSC format but not on PAL system. We used to sell on average around five units per day. We are selling it around Dh2,249,” said Vishnu Vardhan Madabhushi, Director at LetsTango.com.
The official price is Dh1,699 for the basic console only, but online the price has jumped to Dh3,695 for the game console, controller and one game. Some online retailers have also quoted the price at Dh2,100 but currently out of stock and will be notified when available.
“We will get shipments coming on a regular basis. If you look at the incredible sellout, we may face a shortage but we are trying to fill the supply gap as soon as possible,” Robert Fisser, general manager of Sony Computer Entertainment in Middle East, Africa, Turkey and India, told Gulf News earlier.
Sony launched PS4 in North America on November 15 and November 29 in Europe and Australia. In other Middle East countries, it was launched on December 14. Sony launched the PlayStation 4 in India on January 6. So far, Sony has launched its fourth-generation console in 48 countries around the world.
Palija said the next shipment will not be enough to meet the demand of the gamers in the UAE. Sony is finding it difficult to meet the supply shortage as it was launched across major markets. Things should improve by end of this month.
Khanzadah said one reason for the big PS4 demand is due to the short launch gap between the US and the UAE. PS4 sales will exceed PS3 as retailers have not seen the response when PS3 was launched.
“The next shipment will purely be based on first come first serve basis,” he said.
When contacted, Sony said they will not disclose the next shipment date and the number of units sold in the UAE.
According to Michael Pachter, video game and electronic media analyst at Wedbush Securities, PS4 will sell 37.7 million consoles by end of 2016 while Xbox One will reach only 29 million units.

25-01-15, 09:40
Tenho muitas duvidas que esse leak tenha algum fundo de verdade, com todos problemas que são conhecidos, acho que não vamos ver uma Slim nos proximos meses.

Eu tenho a PS4 e nao acho aquilo tao grande.... alias comparada com a ps3 quando saiu esta parace a PS3 slim ;)
Penso que mais pequeno que isto so vai causar ainda mais problemas de temperatura... como dizes!

Acho que o proximo passo esta a ser dado mas nao pela SOny ou MS, mas sim pela Asus... com o novo "pc/consola" deles! ;) isso sim vai ser o futuro!

No médio Oriente as PS4 também estão a vender bem.

Second PS4 shipments in UAE by next week (https://www.zawya.com/story/Second_PS4_shipments_in_UAE_by_next_week-GN_07012014_080122/)

Foi a consola que ganhou este round... melhores graficos, melhores jogos, e sem duvida soube vender na altura certa... agora começam a ver-se na China (poucas), se houvesse liberdade ui... era que nem paes quentes!

26-01-15, 14:27
24-karat gold PS4 and Xbox One controllers nearly sold out at $300ea

For the console gamers out there with a little more money, how does a 24-karat gold-plated PlayStation 4 or Xbox One controller sound? The PS4 side of things is already sold out at $300 each, but the Xbox One version is still available, for now.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43136_02_24-karat-gold-ps4-xbox-one-controllers-nearly-sold-300ea.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43136_02_24-karat-gold-ps4-xbox-one-controllers-nearly-sold-300ea_full.jpg)

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43136_03_24-karat-gold-ps4-xbox-one-controllers-nearly-sold-300ea.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43136_03_24-karat-gold-ps4-xbox-one-controllers-nearly-sold-300ea_full.jpg)

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43136_04_24-karat-gold-ps4-xbox-one-controllers-nearly-sold-300ea.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43136_04_24-karat-gold-ps4-xbox-one-controllers-nearly-sold-300ea_full.jpg)

With only 25 of each made, they are super limited edition peripherals for the 1%. While they're $300 each, they do looks pretty awesome. Although, I think I would want to keep them encased in glass, and not get my smudgy fingerprints on them. What do you think? Would you drop $300 on a 24-karat gold-plated Xbox One or PS4 controller?


26-01-15, 14:28
Someone just paid close to $130,000 for a 20th Anniversary PS4

We unfortunately spoiled the surprise in the headline, but someone has just paid a huge ¥15,135,000 (or around $129,000) for a single 20th Anniversary PlayStation 4 console, which comes in the original PlayStation gray color.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43147_10_someone-paid-close-130-000-20th-anniversary-ps4.png (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43147_10_someone-paid-close-130-000-20th-anniversary-ps4_full.png)

Sony performed a huge bidding war on Yahoo Auctions in Japan for the magic 20th Anniversary PS4 with the serial number of 00001 from 12,300 units. The winning bid hit a huge $129,000 with a Sony representative telling The Wall Street Journal: "We appreciate all who participated in the auction and are surprised at the highest bid price, which was higher than our expectations". The company will be donating the money to Save the Children Japan.


26-01-15, 15:22
Sony Dishes Out Free Games For Those Affected By 2011 PSN Breach

Not all of us are born with an abundance of patience, though sometimes you have no choice but to wait. That applies to the scores of PlayStation Network (http://hothardware.com/tags/playstation-network) users who had their data compromised and sat through an extended service outage when hackers (http://hothardware.com/tags/hackers) infiltrated the service back in 2011. Fast forward to today and you may be able to claim some restitution via a class action lawsuit.

As part of the proposed settlement, anyone who had a PSN (http://hothardware.com/tags/psn) account, Qriocity account, or an SOE account at any time before May 15, 2011, is eligible to participate.

"The proposed settlement offers payments equal to credit balances (if applicable credit balance is $2.00 or more) in inactive accounts, game and online service benefits for holders of active accounts, and reimbursements for certain out-of-pocket expenses from any identity theft proven to have resulted from the Intrusions," Sony says.

image: http://hothardware.com/ContentImages/NewsItem/32419/content/PS3_Controller.jpg

If you had a PSN account at the time of the breach, you can choose a wallet balance payment option, or make a selection from one of three digital reward tiers consisting of a free game, free themes, or three months of PlayStation Plus for new subscribers.

Here's a list of the games you can choose from (if eligible):

Dead Nation (PS3)
LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
Super Stardust HD (PS3)
rain (PS3)
Puppetter (PS3)
Invisimals: Lost Kingdom (PS3)
God of War HD (PS3)
LittleBigPlanet (PSP)
ModNation Racers (PSP)
Patapon 3 (PSP)
Killzone Liberation (PSP)
WieEout Pure (PSP)
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror (PSP)

In addition, if you had out-of-pocket charges due to identify theft that occurred as a result of the security breach, and have documentation that can prove it, you can submit a separate claim for up to $2,500 in reimbursement.
Think you qualify? If so, go here (https://psnsoesettlement.com/mainpage/Home.aspx) for more information and/or to file a claim.


28-01-15, 21:07
Sony Revamps SEN As PlayStation Network, Partners With Spotify

Sony Computer Entertainment announced on Wednesday (http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/playstationnetwork-to-encompass-games-tv-video-and-music-as-a-premium-entertainment-service-brand-300027056.html) that it is re-branding Sony Entertainment Network, its platform of media services spanning movies, TV, music and more. Seemingly taking a cue from Microsoft and the Xbox branding, the new Sony platform will now be called PlayStation Network (PSN) and will bring changes to several Sony media services. According to Sony, the PlayStation Store, PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Now remain unchanged. However, Video Unlimited is now re-branded as PlayStation Video and will provide movies and TV shows to PlayStation consoles, Sony devices and the PC. Sony boasts over 200,000 movies and TV shows, which can be purchased or rented on compatible devices.
As for Music Unlimited, this service will be shut down and replaced with PlayStation Music on March 29, 2015. This new service will be powered by Spotify and will roll out in 41 markets on Xperia phones and tablets, and on PlayStation consoles. Spotify's "deeply integrated" (http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/sony-network-entertainment-international-and-spotify-announce-global-strategic-partnership-to-bring-the-best-in-music-to-playstationnetwork-300026862.html) library will bring more than 30 million songs to Sony PlayStation Music customers.
With PS Music, fans will be able to subscribe to the premium Spotify service using the PlayStation Network Wallet. They will also have the ability to listen to PlayStation Music while playing games on the PlayStation 4, meaning gamers can create their own soundtrack and play it in the background. Spotify promises not only to enable users to create playlists, but it provides access to 1.5 billion playlists that are already available.
The company also mentioned PlayStation Vue on Wednesday, which is also part of the new PlayStation Network. This cloud TV service includes on-demand TV and live TV as well as "catch-up" TV content. PlayStation Vue is expected to launch in Q1 2015 and is currently in beta testing in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia.
"We are very excited to offer our wide array of network services including games, TV, videos and music, under the PlayStation brand," said Andrew House, President and Group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Group Executive in charge of the Network Entertainment Business. "We look forward to bringing even more compelling experiences, and an unparalleled breadth and quality of digital entertainment services and content to our customers."
This isn't the first time Sony has re-branded its network of media services. Sony Entertainment Network was launched in September 2011, unifying several of Sony's standalone services – PlayStation Network, Qriocity Music and Qriocity Video – under one roof. The Qriocity services were re-branded as Music Unlimited and Video Unlimited.
Will renaming the media services again make a difference in revenue? The company previously re-branded and established a unified network because it wanted a global platform that leveraged the Sony brand. Now the company is placing all of its media bets on the PlayStation brand, which may be a more familiar name to consumers.


29-01-15, 11:27
Lizard Squad PS4 Jailbreak Rumoured for 2015 Release

There are strong rumours abound that hacker collective Lizard Squad has developed a PlayStation 4 jailbreak and that it plans to release it at some point this year.
Reports suggest that Lizard Squad found a security flaw in the PS4’s 2.03 firmware, allowing them to modify the root files to run their rewritten code. The code lets users run ISO copies of PS4 games. A further alleged benefit is the ability to update games via PSN to access cracked DLC content.
The jailbreak is said to be inspired by Reckz0r, who was reported to have hacked the PlayStation 4 as early as October 2013. Reckz0r’s method, using Orbis OS, has been written up as a tutorial, according to GrahamCluley.com. The report says that Sony have threatened Reckz0r with legal action over the hack.
Reckz0r’s tutorial was said to be removed after he received the following direct message from the official PlayStation Twitter account:
“No? We’re giving you one day, to delete that Pastebin link you have recently posted, alongside with the files if you have uploaded them somewhere. It won’t take us long to get you arrested if you’re still going to proceed spreading the jailbreak. http://cdn.eteknix.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif Take the Geohotz scenario as an example.”


02-02-15, 17:37
PlayStation Network Down Again

According to the official PlayStation Twitter account, PlayStation Network has suffered another outage. There is no news as to why, or whether it is down to another malicious attack, à la the Christmas DDoS attack on PSN by Lizard Squad.

PlayStation ✔ @PlayStation (https://twitter.com/PlayStation) Follow (https://twitter.com/PlayStation)
We're aware that some users are experiencing issues signing into PSN - engineers are investigating. We'll keep you posted
<time pubdate="" class="dt-updated" datetime="2015-02-02T01:06:51+0000" title="Time posted: 02 Feb 2015, 01:06:51 (UTC)">1:06 AM - 2 Feb 2015</time> (https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/562054506557362176)

Ask PlayStation ✔ @AskPlayStation (https://twitter.com/AskPlayStation) Follow (https://twitter.com/AskPlayStation)
Update: PSN services are in the process of being restored. Thanks for your patience!
<time pubdate="" class="dt-updated" datetime="2015-02-02T06:19:56+0000" title="Time posted: 02 Feb 2015, 06:19:56 (UTC)">6:19 AM - 2 Feb 2015</time> (https://twitter.com/AskPlayStation/status/562133297724424192)


03-02-15, 14:13
Netflix hints at Xbox One, PlayStation 4 redesigns

Further evidence of planned hardware refreshes for both Sony's PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's Xbox One has emerged, courtesy video streaming specialist Netflix.

Previously, Samsung has hinted that its new high-density GDDR5 memory modules could find their way into a revised PS4 design (http://www.bit-tech.net/news/hardware/2015/01/15/samsung-gddr5-ps4/1), while leaks from AMD suggested that a new 20nm APU could result in an Xbox One Slim (http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2014/11/03/xbox-one-slim/1) release. Both consoles are two years old, which is the point at which previous console generations have seen exactly such a revision - partly to drive increased sales as people demand the new and shiny models, and partly to reduce costs by removing unnecessary components and reducing power draw to allow cheaper power supply use.

Now, Netflix has joined the bandwagon with claims that both Sony and Microsoft are looking to release updated console hardware this year. Following up comments made by chief product officer Neil Hunt at a Consumer Electronics Show press conference next month, Forbes (http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2014/11/03/xbox-one-slim/1) has received confirmation that Netflix is expecting a 'traditional two-year refresh' for both consoles to bring support for Ultra HD video output. While hedged as a 'belief,' Hunt's original comments claimed Sony had outright 'promised' just such an update - lending weight to the previous rumours that the companies would be following their previously-set two-year hardware refresh cycle for their latest consoles.

Exactly what form the refresh will take is not known. A smaller, lower-power APU could mean a 'slim' variant for both the PS4 and the Xbox One with the former also benefiting from a halving of GDDR5 modules and supporting circuitry as indicated by the Samsung announcement. The Xbox One, however, is thought to already have the hardware required to output Ultra HD video content - meaning such support would only need activating in software.

Both Microsoft and Sony have declined to comment on the rumours, indicating that neither companies have 'further details to share at this time.' If the two-year refresh cycle holds, however, announcements will likely be made towards the end of this year.


04-02-15, 16:31
Redesigned, slimmer PS4, Xbox One consoles teased by... Netflix

We've already heard that a redesigned PS4 is coming (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/43117/heres-first-look-purported-ps4-slim-console/index.html), as well as a redesigned Xbox One on AMD's new 20nm APU (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/40866/microsoft-reportedly-working-on-new-Xbox-one-processor/index.html), but now Netflix is teasing that the redesigned consoles are coming.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43362_08_redesigned-slimmer-ps4-xbox-one-consoles-teased-netflix.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43362_08_redesigned-slimmer-ps4-xbox-one-consoles-teased-netflix_full.jpg)

Samsung has some shiny new high-density GDDR5 memory that should be baked into the redesigned PS4 Slim, while the redesigned Xbox One should feature AMD's new 20nm-based APU. Both consoles are now close to 18 months old, which is about the time the previous generation consoles saw their slimmer, faster, redesigned models. Netflix's Chief Product Officer Neil Hunt said at CES 2015 that the company is expecting a "traditional two-year refresh" which should see both consoles with 4K abilities.

We should expect thinner, cooler, hopefully more powerful consoles from the redesign. AMD's 20nm APU should provide some added performance thanks to its lower heat and power outputs, while the better GDDR5 RAM from Samsung will give Sony a boost to its PS4. Let's just hope it's not a redesign, as in a smaller/thinner console, and that we get some added performance with them, too.


04-02-15, 16:39
Entre a redução do processo de fabrico e a noticia do streamming de video a 4K, os fanboys de consolas já andam a pensar que vão jogar a 4K.(rotfl)

04-02-15, 17:22
Turtle Beach Elite 800 PlayStation & Mobile Wireless Headset Review

If you asked someone to name a great headset for PlayStation, there is a good chance that they’ll mention Turtle Beach. Their headsets have proven time and time again to be some of the best in the business and they’ve proven a big hit with gamers around the world. This is partly due to the vast range of headsets that Turtle Beach produce, offering something for virtually every major gaming platform, as well as every budget.
Today I’ll be taking a look at their Elite 800, one of their latest flagship headsets for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and mobile devices. It comes with a range of premium grade features such as DTS Headphone X, wireless technology, Bluetooth, noise-cancelling, surround sound and a whole lot more; such as a premium price tag. The price of the Elite 800 isn’t for the faint of heart, or the light of wallet and it’ll set you back around £249.99.
For your hard-earned money, you’ll get the headset (obviously), the transmitter box and a nice collection of cables; all of which come nicely bundled into their own respective boxes.
The headset is really nicely designed, with a mixture of mostly soft matte black plastics and some glossy back plates.
The back plates of each ear cup feature controls for all of the major buttons; this is a wireless headset after all, so there’s no in-line controller.
On one side, you’ve got the volume, power and Bluetooth controls, on the other you’ll find the microphone mute, voice chat volume, and the preset buttons. They’re all nicely spaced out, making it easy to control the settings without taking the headset off of your ears.

Toda a review:

05-02-15, 14:33
Sony Posts Profit After Selling 6.4 Million PS4s in Third-Quarter of 2014

Sony has posted its accounts from the third fiscal quarter of 2014 (1st September to 31st December) and, surprisingly to many, the company made a significant profit, boosted by strong sales of its PlayStation 4 console. The only business area in the red was Sony Pictures, understandable after the hack and The Interview fiasco (http://www.eteknix.com/sony-pulls-interview-cinemas-hacker-threats/).
During the recorded financial period, Sony sold 6.4 million PS4 consoles, 1.1 million PS3 consoles, and 1.4 million Vitas. Software sales peaked at 147 billion yen, while network sales earned the company 100 billion yen.
In its projections, Sony has set itself the target of earning between 1,400 and 1,600 billion yen by the fiscal year 2017, with an operating income margin of 3% to 5%.
Source: DualShockers (http://www.dualshockers.com/2015/02/04/sony-posts-financial-results-for-third-quarter/)


13-02-15, 15:26
You can now upgrade your sub account to a master account

Starting today PlayStation Network (PSN) users will gain the ability to upgrade a sub account to a master account. We’re always listening to user feedback, and this is a feature that many of you have asked for. You’ll be able to upgrade an account first through the web and later through PlayStation 4. Instructions on how to start this process through the web can be found here.
In case you aren’t familiar, sub accounts allow users under the age of 18 to access PSN while letting parents or guardians manage their online experience. A variety of PSN features can be limited through sub accounts including messages, monthly spending limits, and gameplay broadcasts.
If you were on a sub account and turned 18 (happy belated birthday!), you may want to upgrade to a master account to access the full feature set of PlayStation’s online experience, including PlayStation Store. Your profile will be carried over when upgrading to a master account, along with items like your friends list and trophies.
Additional information is available on our Knowledge Center, here (http://faq.en.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/169/%7E/sub-accounts-and-master-accounts).


13-02-15, 17:55
$45,000 For a Copy of Uncharted 2!?

1 Flares Twitter 1 Facebook 0 Google+ 0 LinkedIn 0
inShare StumbleUpon 0 Pin It Share 0 Reddit 0 Email -- Email to a friend (?body=Check%20out%20this%20article%20I%20found%20 on%20eTeknix%3A%0D%0A%0D%0A%2445%2C000%20For%20a%2 0Copy%20of%20Uncharted%202%21%3F%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2 Fwww.eteknix.com%2F45000-copy-uncharted-2%2F&subject=Check%20out%20this%20article%20I%20found%2 0on%20eTeknix) Filament.io http://cdn.eteknix.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/57-800x600.jpg
Nothing says crazy like paying $45,000 for a copy of a computer game. I’m a big fan of the Uncharted series and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is certainly a welcome addition to my collection, but someone seems to think it’s a little bit (see: a lot) more special than that.
For a bargain price of $45,000 you can pick up Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, graded by the Video Game Authority with a score of just 90+ for its condition – this is what you would refer to as “very good” on eBay, as the case has a few hairline fractures.
Of course, this isn’t the stock version of the game, it’s the Fortune Hunter Edition. Is that worth this crazy amount of money? Not really, but that doesn’t mean someone won’t buy it.

“Not for sale in stores and available only through special Sony Computer Entertainment contests for PlayStation fans, this exclusive edition of Uncharted 2 comes packed (along with the game) an exact in-game replica of the Phurba Dagger Artifact and stand, a Collectible Art Book, a Collector case autographed by Naughty Dog, plus a host of downloads.” Reads the eBay listing.
Check out the eBay listing (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Uncharted-2-Among-Thieves-Fortune-Hunter-Edition-VGA-90-/351291192730?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51ca96359a&rmvSB=true) here, or for those with lighter wallets, pop down to your local game store and pick a copy of the game up for about $10.


Há malucos para tudo...

14-02-15, 10:14
PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are selling 60% faster than ancestors (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/anton-shilov/npd-playstation-4-and-xbox-one-are-selling-60-faster-than-predecessors/)

Perhaps, new generation game consoles are considerably less powerful than the majority of gaming PCs; perhaps, they are not going to stay on the market for a really long time, like their predecessors. But here is a fact: Microsoft Xbox One and Sony PlayStation 4 are selling dramatically faster than their ancestors.
After around fifteen months on the market, life-to-date sales of Sony PlayStation 4 have exceeded 18.5 million units. While exact LTD shipments of Microsoft’s Xbox One are unknown, it is highly likely that they are around 15 million units. Neither PlayStation 3 nor Xbox 360 could boast with similar installed base after five quarters of the market, according to NPD Group, a leading market tracking company from the U.S.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/sony_playstation_4-1024x571.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/sony_playstation_4.jpg)
“The combined hardware install base of PS4 and Xbox One is close to 60 per cent higher than the cumulative hardware totals for Xbox 360 and PS3 at the same point in their lifecycles (after 15 months),” said Liam Callahan, an analyst with NPD.
There are many reasons why PS4 and XB1 are so popular: gamers were anticipating them impatiently for a very long time, the consoles are not very expensive, there are a lot of new games that provide excellent experience, there are now more gamers than they were a decade ago. All-in-all, it is not surprising why Microsoft Xbox One and Sony PlayStation 4 are more popular than predecessors.
Apart from Microsoft, Sony and software developers, there is one company that greatly benefits from rapid shipments growth of the new consoles, Advanced Micro Devices. AMD’s system-on-chip featuring eight x86 “Jaguar” cores as well as custom Radeon “GCN” graphics processor power both PS4 and XB1.


15-02-15, 15:20
Sony’s PlayStation 4 Recaptures Console Sales Crown For January
The latest data by NPD Group (http://hothardware.com/tags/npd-group) shows that sales of Sony's PlayStation 4 (http://hothardware.com/tags/playstation-4) (PS4) and Microsoft's Xbox One (http://hothardware.com/tags/xbox-one) consoles slipped 22 percent in January, though there are two reasons why that's not raising any red flags, at least not yet. The first is that a sales drop coming out of a busy holiday shopping season is to be expected, and the second is comparative -- sales of the PS4 and Xbox One are both outpacing their predecessors (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360) by 60 percent at this same time in their respectively life cycles.

Going head to head, the PS4 flipped the script and outsold the Xbox One in January after trailing its rival in sales for the past two months. It probably didn't help that Microsoft reinstated the Xbox One's $400 price for the half of the month before again dropping it to down to $350 on January 16.

image: http://hothardware.com/ContentImages/NewsItem/32653/content/PS4.jpg

"PlayStation 4 was the top-selling console in January, it and remains the cumulative leader in the U.S., according to NPD data," Sony said in a statement. "Since launch in November 2013, 18.5 million PS4 units and 81.8 million software units have been sold through to consumers worldwide."

On the software side, the industry collected $625.7 million revenue last month, a 5 percent drop from $662.1 million in the same month a year ago. Dying Light took the top spot, followed by Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Grand Theft Auto V, Minecraft, and NBA 2K15 rounding out the top five titles.

The next five include Super Smash Bros., Far Cry 4, Madden NFL 15, Destiny, and FIFA 15.


Novamente a Sony a liderar as vendas.

16-02-15, 18:40
PSN Launches Huge Sale

Sony just announced a North American flash sale on PlayStation Network, entitled: ‘Love/Hate’.Running from now until 9am PT February 16, the Valentine’s weekend flash sale features some truly stunning discounts on a whole range of different games, many of which as much as 80% off.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/16328150799_1c0375fc59_z-635x357.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/16328150799_1c0375fc59_z.jpg)
There are plenty of games on sale to satisfy all playstation owners Here’s the complete list of what’s on sale:
Divekick – $4.00 – 60% Off
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition – $18.00 – 70% Off
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions – $9.89 – 34% Off
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign – $24.00 – 60% Off
How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition – $8.00 – 60% Off
The Jackbox Party Pack – $10.00 – 60% Off
Knack – $10.00 – 75% Off
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris – $8.00 – 60% Off
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris & Season Pass Pack – $11.60 – 60% Off
LittleBigPlanet 3 – $24.00 – 60% Off
Mercenary Kings – $6.00 – 70% Off
Rayman Legends – $10.00 – 75% Off
Sportsfriends – $7.50 – 50% Off – Cross Buy
TowerFall Ascension – $4.50 – 70% Off
Air Conflicts: Vietnam – $7.50 – 75% Off
Arcana Heart 3 – $6.00 – 80% Off
Dead or Alive 5 – $4.00 – 80% Off
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate – $10.00 – 75% Off
Digimon All-Star Rumble – $16.00 – 60% Off
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends – $12.00 – 70% Off
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions – $9.89 – 34% Off
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign – $20.00 – 60% Off
Hard Corps: Uprising – $6.00 – 60% Off
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle – $20.00 – 60% Off
LittleBigPlanet 3 – $24.00 – 60% Off
Payday 2 – $10.00 – 75% Off
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace – $12.00 – 60% Off
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One – $8.00 – 60% Off
Rayman Legends – $10.00 – 75% Off
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 – $8.00 – 80% Off
SoulCalibur V – $8.00 – 60% Off
Sportsfriends – $4.50 – 70% Off – Cross Buy
Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix – $2.00 – 80% Off
Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition – $3.00 – 80% Off
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike: Online Edition Complete Pack – $5.00 – 80% Off
Street Fighter X Tekken – $7.50 – 75% Off
Tales of Xillia 2 – $16.00 – 60% Off
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 – $10.50 – 70% Off
Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment – $6.00 – 60% Off
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown Complete Edition – $6.00 – 80% Off
Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone – $4.00 – 60% Off

Noticia completa:

18-02-15, 11:11
PS4 2.04 Firmware Update Suffering CE-32937-4 and SU-30709-9 Errors

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Users have reported two specific errors while attempting to download the 2.04 PlayStation 4 firmware update. The SU-30709-9 error happens before the download begins, while the CE-32937-4 error halts the download after it has started. It is advised that users do not attempt to download the update until the issue is fixed.
Sony engineers are currently working on the problem, so it should be resolved soon:

PlayStation ✔ @PlayStation (https://twitter.com/PlayStation) Follow (https://twitter.com/PlayStation)
Update: Some players are reporting PSN issues -- our engineers are on the case and investigating.
<time pubdate="" class="dt-updated" datetime="2015-02-17T08:31:20+0000" title="Time posted: 17 Feb 2015, 08:31:20 (UTC)">8:31 AM - 17 Feb 2015</time> (https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/567602181868515328)


18-02-15, 16:19
The £85K charity bid for the very first 20th Anniversary PS4 fell through (http://www.kitguru.net/desktop-pc/console-desktop-pc/matthew-wilson/the-85k-charity-bid-for-the-very-first-20th-anniversary-ps4-fell-through/)

A while back Sony held a charity auction for the very first 20th Anniversary Edition PlayStation 4 console. The auction appeared to be a success with the winner bidding £85,000, unfortunately, he failed to pay up but Sony still kept its own promise and matched the winning bid in a donation to charity.
Sony is still going to donate the amount that the auction should have raised and throw another 15 million yen on top of that. All of this money will be going to the Save the Children Japan charity.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/15749995147_4d35c21292_o.0.0-e1418066289687.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/15749995147_4d35c21292_o.0.0-e1418066289687.jpg)
So what is going to happen to the PlayStation 4? Well it will no longer be sold and will now instead be displayed at the Sony Showroom in Tokyo.
It is not known who the highest bidder in the auction was and we don’t know why they didn’t pay up. However, this sort of thing can happen on auction sites from time to time.


19-02-15, 10:17
Analyst: PlayStation 4 will outsell Xbox One 40% over next four years

The Sony PlayStation 4 will see its sales dominance over the Microsoft Xbox One continue, with the Japanese console outselling its American counterpart 40 percent by 2019, according to Strategy Analytics.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43633_01_analyst-playstation-4-outsell-xbox-one-40-over-next-four-years.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43633_01_analyst-playstation-4-outsell-xbox-one-40-over-next-four-years_full.jpg)

Through the first 14 months, the PS4 has sold 18.5 million units - and is on track to mimic the same success the PlayStation 2 had years ago. Strategy Analytics believes the PS4 will sell 80 million consoles by 2019, a dominant lead over the estimated 57 million units for the Xbox One.

The PS4 dominated the Xbox One for most of 2014, and has recaptured its lead in 2015 - and predicting extended dominance wouldn't be overly surprising. Even if Microsoft is unable to catch up to the PS4, there is still plenty of room for both consoles to rack up impressive sales figures.


Se se confirmar, arrasa por completo a XBox.

19-02-15, 10:39
Sony PS4 Firmware 2.04 update released

Download the latest system software update for your PlayStation 4 system.
An update to the system software for PlayStation 4 systems was released on 17 February 2015. You can use this to update your system software to version 2.04.
A system software update for your PS4 system is required to use PSN features and some features on your system. Also, by updating the system software of your PS4 system, you can enjoy various additional features and enhanced security. We recommend you always update to the latest version.
Main features in system software update version 2.04:
System software stability during use of some features has been improved.
Depending on the software title, you may not be able to play without first updating the PS4 system software.
Do not perform updates using any data other than the official update data provided by Sony Computer Entertainment over a network or on disc media, and do not perform updates by methods other than those described in the product documentation or in this site. If an update is performed using data from another source, by another method, or with a PS4 system that has been altered or modified in any way, the PS4 system may not operate properly and may not be able to install the official update data. Any of these actions may void the PS4 system warranty and affect your ability to obtain warranty services and repair services from Sony Computer Entertainment.
System Software
The system software of the PS4 system and system software updates installed on your system are subject to a limited licence from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Visit http://www.scei.co.jp/ps4-eula/ for details.
Update Methods
You can update the PS4 system software by any of the methods described below. To confirm that the update was completed successfully, once the update process is completed, go to the function screen and select (Settings) > [System] > [System Information]. If the version number of the system update file you used for updating the system is displayed in the [System Software] field, this means that the update was completed successfully.
Update using the Internet
Use your PS4 system’s network update feature to update the system.
The following things are needed to perform the update:
PS4 system
Internet connection (wired or wireless)
Before using the network update feature, you must configure your PS4 system’s network settings. For details, refer to the user’s guide for your PS4 system.
On the function screen, select (Settings) > [System Software Update]. Your system automatically checks over the Internet whether you have the latest version of the system software. If there is an update file for a later version, it is downloaded to the system. When downloading is complete, a notification message is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen. On the function screen, select (Notifications) > [Downloads], and then follow the screens to perform the installation.
Update using a disc
Use an update file contained on a game disc to update the system.
The following things are needed to perform the update:
PS4 system
A disc that contains an update file
When you play a disc that contains a later version of the system software, a screen is displayed to guide you through the update process. Follow the screens to perform the update.
Update using a computer
This update method can be used if your PS4 system is not connected to the Internet. Download the update file to your computer, and then save it on a USB storage device. Copy the saved file to the system storage of your PS4 system to update the system.
For the standard update procedure, follow the steps below.
The following things are needed to perform the update:
PS4 system
Computer connected to the Internet
USB storage device, such as a USB flash drive in FAT32 format.
* There must be approximately 300MB of free space.
1) On the USB storage device, create folders for saving the update file.
Using a computer, create a folder named “PS4″. Inside that folder, create another folder named “UPDATE”.


2) Download the update file, and save it in the “UPDATE” folder you created in step 1.
Save the file with the file name “PS4UPDATE.PUP”.
System software update version 2.04: DOWNLOAD NOW (http://deu01.ps4.update.playstation.net/update/ps4/image/2015_0206/sys_402013820a65029ea44d97655e550ffb/PS4UPDATE.PUP)
3) Turn off the power of your PS4 system completely. Check that the power indicator is not lit. If the power indicator is lit orange, touch the power button on the PS4 system for at least seven seconds (until the system beeps a second time).
4) Connect the USB storage device that the update file is saved on to your PS4 system, and then touch the power button for at least seven seconds. The PS4 system starts in safe mode.
5) Select [Update System Software]. Follow the screens to complete the installation.
If your PS4 system does not recognise the update file, check that the folder names and file name are correct. Enter the folder names and file name in single-byte characters using uppercase letters.
In rare occasions, you might need to initialise your PS4. To initialise your PS4 system and perform a new installation of the system software, such as for when you replace the hard disk drive, follow these directions (http://eu.playstation.com/ps4initialise).


23-02-15, 14:47
PlayStation+ subscribers may never get the free version of DriveClub (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/playstation-subscribers-may-never-get-the-free-version-of-driveclub/)

Sony’s PlayStation 4 exclusive racing title, DriveClub was originally supposed to launch alongside the console, with a free version planned for those who have a PlayStation+ subscription. Unfortunately, the game was delayed and when it finally came out in October, it was one of the most broken games of 2014.
Due to the broken launch, the developer had to delay the free PS+ version of the game in order to fix the paid for version. Now so much time has passed that Sony doesn’t even know if the promised free version of the game will ever release but according to Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO, Jim Ryan, the free version is still “being looked at”.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/360215-e1424691050987.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/360215-e1424691050987.jpg)
When pressed on the matter during an interview with Metro (http://metro.co.uk/2015/02/23/ps4-boss-jim-ryan-2015-interview-weve-learnt-an-awful-lot-from-the-driveclub-experience-5074388/), the SCEE CEO said that he could not “guarantee” that the game would ever become free for PlayStation+ members, which is a step back from what the company said in November last year. Following the broken launch of DriveClub, Sony maintained that it was still committed to making good on its promise to PS+ members.
So there you have it, Sony promised a racing game for the PS4, it launched in a broken state and now those that were hoping to try the cut back but free version of the game on PS+ may be out of luck.


24-02-15, 08:01
Sony Working on Image-Based Lighting for PlayStation

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe seems to be working with Image-Based Lighting as well as gesture recognition and image processing techniques to enhance its games on PlayStation Platforms.
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/sony-2-635x357.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/sony-2.jpg)

The SCEE R&D Development Team work on a range of projects geared towards helping game developers make the best games on PlayStation® platforms.
We are looking for an engineer with both strong technical skills and excellent written and verbal communication skills to join our team to work on R&D projects, tutorials and training materials for developers.
You will join a small team of engineers and a technical artist who work primarily on graphics related technologies.

Recent projects include Image based lighting, Gesture recognition, Image processing, Compute based image compression, Post processing and Shader static analysis tools. The team also produce a range of sample code and documentation for developers, including technical white papers, training materials and articles for our website on a wide range of development topics and we present regularly at developer conferences. Strong written and verbal communication skills are therefore essential.
Through these projects you will have the opportunity to expand your experience and develop expert understanding of PlayStation® hardware, SDKs and development tools while working closely with R&D and providing consultancy support to Develop Support teams within the worldwide Sony Computer Entertainment organization.
We are looking for a strong candidate with experience of a games development from working directly with platform SDKs, perhaps as part of a core technologies team. They should have a good understanding of computer hardware architecture, experience of low level coding, performance analysis and optimization and be comfortable with shader programming on modern GPUs.
Sony Computer Entertainment working on Image-Based Lighting
Image-Based Lighting is a 3D rendering technique which captures an omni-directional representation of real-world light information as an image, typically using a specialised camera. This image is then projected onto a dome or sphere analogously to environment mapping, and this is used to simulate the lighting for the objects in the scene. This allows highly detailed real-world lighting to be used to light a scene, instead of trying to accurately model illumination using an existing rendering technique. Image-based lighting often uses high dynamic range imaging for greater realism, though this is not universal. A few games use this technique, one example being Forza Motorsport 4.
With the PlayStation 4, game developers have the computational resources to render scenes in real time using Image-Based Lighting. It’s exciting that Sony goes into the R&D cycle to develop and expand these techniques, for the PlayStation platform. Providing strong and advanced development kits for developers, will allow them to truly take advantage of the GCN architecture in the heart of the PlayStation 4, and achieve great results.


24-02-15, 18:13
Major PlayStation 4 Firmware Coming Around 29 March – PlayStation 3 Update Displays New Logo

Sony just released the PlayStation 3 Firmware update 4.70 for its previous gen console and as expected, the new update brings minor changes that we will discuss later in this article. Update through the Industry insider Twitter account Tidux is that the new firmware for the PlayStation 4 console is also on its way to release around the 29th of March.

Tidux @Tidux (https://twitter.com/Tidux) Follow (https://twitter.com/Tidux)
The new FW will be released on or around 29/3 #PS4 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/PS4?src=hash)
<time pubdate="" class="dt-updated" datetime="2015-02-24T12:17:33+0000" title="Time posted: 24 Feb 2015, 12:17:33 (UTC)">12:17 PM - 24 Feb 2015</time> (https://twitter.com/Tidux/status/570195825860722688)

Just a few days ago, the blog manager for the PS4, Fred Dutton commented that the new firmware update is not far off and this just goes to strengthening the rumor that the new update for the firmware will be here in the upcoming month of March.

The Twitter account Tidux is an industry insider which has successfully leaked important information in the past and it confirms that the firmware is indeed coming and will feature many new updates making it one of the major firmware releases. The PlayStation 4 still lacks a lot of features in terms of its hardware capabilities which can take it a long way ad it’ll be interesting to see which ones the PlayStation development team taps through this update.

Tidux @Tidux (https://twitter.com/Tidux) Follow (https://twitter.com/Tidux)
Big update, new features incoming, #PS4 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/PS4?src=hash)
<time pubdate="" class="dt-updated" datetime="2015-02-24T12:31:26+0000" title="Time posted: 24 Feb 2015, 12:31:26 (UTC)">12:31 PM - 24 Feb 2015</time> (https://twitter.com/Tidux/status/570199322308050944)

PlayStation 3 Firmware Update is Online The new update to the PlayStation 3 firmware brings minor changes including a new logo for the PlayStation Network and some seem to think that it is more in line with the current brading of Sony for the PlayStation. We’ll let you be the judge:

The officially listed changes to the PlayStation 3 are as follows:

“Closed Captions are now supported for the Playback of Blu-Ray Disc titles and DVDs. To display closed captions, select [Settings] > [Video Settings] > [Closed Captions].”
“The style used for for closed captions, such as the font, size and color, can now be adjusted. Select [Settings] > [Video Settings] > [Closed Captions Settings].”
“The name and icon of [PSN™] were changed to [PlayStation™ Network].”
You can update your PlayStation 3 console by going into the settings and clicking on the system update option. Sony has taken a sudden turn in releasing new updates for its consoles. Obviously the PS3 is an older version of the console which would not be their priority and hence did not receive a major update which is expected for the PlayStation 4 console. Do let us know what you think of these latest changes in the logo and the sudden release of the PlayStation 3 firmware and news about the PS4 firmware aswell.


24-02-15, 21:19
Free DriveClub for PS+ not cancelled (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/free-driveclub-for-ps-not-cancelled/)

Earlier this week a Sony EU executive was quoted as saying that he could not “guarantee” that the promised free version of DriveClub for PlayStation+ members would ever release. Obviously it caused a bit of a stir, which has prompted an official response from Sony.
In a statement sent to Gamespot (http://www.gamespot.com/articles/free-ps-plus-driveclub-not-cancelled-sony-assures/1100-6425482/), a Sony spokesperson said that the developers behind DriveClub are currently trying to ensure that its network could handle the pressure of launching a game for free. After the disaster that the game’s initial launch faced, this seems like a sensible approach.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/360215-e14246910509871.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/360215-e14246910509871.jpg)
However, there is no estimated release date for the PS+ version of DriveClub, so it could take a while.
“Although currently we do not have an update regarding the timing for the launch of the PS Plus Edition, we are continually working on improving the server capacity to enable us to launch the PS Plus Edition as quickly as possible”.
So Sony hasn’t cancelled the free version of DriveClub but it isn’t committing to a release date either just yet, maybe we will hear something before E3.


27-02-15, 20:06
Sony accidentally deleted its list of Anniversary PS4 winners (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/sony-accidentally-deleted-its-list-of-anniversary-ps4-winners/)

Sony in Japan has accidentally deleted its list of all 123 winners of the company’s PlayStation 4 Anniversary Edition giveaway, meaning that those originally picked will miss out and the whole competition will be restarted. Sony offered its “deepest apologies” for the mix up.
Sony was not able to reverse its mistake. Between December and January, Japan customers who bought a PS3, PS4, a PS Vita or even a PS TV, were eligible to win a highly collectible Anniversary Edition PlayStation 4.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/l9n0xwhneg8t4xypltaf.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/l9n0xwhneg8t4xypltaf.jpg)
In order to enter the competition, customers were given a unique code with their purchase. Sony is now asking those that still have their codes to resubmit them for a second chance to grab one of these highly sought after PS4 consoles. In order to check eligibility, Sony will also need your hardware serial number in order to cross reference and confirm that a purchase was made.
Sony did not explain how it lost this information but it did confirm that user data has not been compromised in any way.


28-02-15, 14:42
Sony Might Be Looking Into Testing as a Service, Early Access and Crowdfunding

Sony has revealed some of their possible future plans in a job posting for a new Director for the Worldwide Studios Quality Assurance Business operations. Of course the job possibilities mentioned here aren’t always a hundred percent indication of what to come, it does paint a picture of the companies plans.
PlayStation now appears to be looking into TaaS, GaaS, Crowdsourcing and early access test efforts. Crowdfunding and Early Access are both terms we already know, but you might not have heard of GaaS and TaaS before. The two terms stand for Gaming as a Service and Testing as a Service.
The TaaS basically involves outsourcing part of testing to external companies. This possibility could end up in one of two ways: either we’ll get more polished games while the company can adjust the hired workforce better than having them all in-house and it could also go the other way with a lot more leaks of early version and information before the games hit the retail market. Although one doesn’t exclude the other.
Sony doesn’t want to be left out in the dark when it comes the cloud trend either, so of course they’re also looking into Gaming as a Service, something that also could help to prevent piracy.

The director of QA business Operations and Development is responsible for developing and implementing comprehensive internal and external operational programs, processes and services to determine how competitive and current we are within the gaming industry. This position is expected to uphold the mission and values established by the organization.
Strategic Duties:
The Business Operations and Development Director works to improve an organization’s value and improve financial optimization. These duties include: assisting to define mid and long-term operational plans, helping to track and refine global organizational goals, builds key customer relationships, identifies business opportunities/ services, negotiates, opens and closes new business services, maintains extensive knowledge of current market conditions and oversees trends and analysis of global business operations regarding Test Efforts.
The Business Operations and Development Directors will also help manage existing clients and ensure they stay satisfied and positive. They will work with clients, often being required to make presentations on solutions and services that meet or predict the efforts of services and work with the clients’ future needs.

Monitors external and internal environment for development of new services: TaaS, GaaS, Crowdsourcing, early access test efforts, etc.
Implements the recommendations of the strategic mid-year plan with WWS.
Performs market research and analysis to stay competitive regarding the leading game industry testing technology and methodologies.
Furnishes global best business practices, advice, counsel, service improvement and general staff support to all departments within the organization.
Evaluates operational issues to determine how competitive and current it is with the latest trends in the industry.
Assists in or produces feasibility studies/business plans for said new services: Service Catalog
Manages specific Quality Initiative Programs: audits, CSI etc.
Assists in capturing and developing ongoing customer relation evaluations.
Demonstrates knowledge of and supports mission, vision, value statements, standards, policies and procedures, operating instructions, confidentiality standards, and the code of ethical behavior.
Assists in planning of any event that highlights Test services: GTC, Post Mortems, etc
Assists in developing and maintaining our evaluation process to continue gaining feedback from clients.
Performs public speaking to organizations, committees and groups regarding new services, operations and testing practices.
Develops and maintains Global Business Operations budget.

Thanks to PlayStation (https://playstation.taleo.net/careersection/sceaexternal1/jobdetail.ftl?job=03909) for providing us with this information


28-02-15, 20:29
Minecraft Sells 500K Copies in Japan on PlayStation Platforms (http://www.hardocp.com/news/2015/02/28/minecraft_sells_500k_copies_in_japan_on_playstatio n_platforms/)

Microsoft hit a home run when it recently purchased Mojang, developer of Minecraft. One of the world’s most popular games (http://venturebeat.com/2015/02/25/minecraft-sells-500k-copies-in-japan-on-playstation-platforms-including-200k-on-vita/) has now grown even more popular with its sales on the PlayStation Network of over 500K in Japan.

This sales are surprising, as console game sales have tapered off as Japanese consumers take to mobile over boxes and handhelds from Nintendo and Sony. Minecraft would be the No. 9 game on the 2014 sales charts if its PS iterations counted as one game.

http://www.hardocp.com/news/2015/02/28/minecraft_sells_500k_copies_in_japan_on_playstatio n_platforms#.VPIlC-Fv7P4

01-03-15, 14:55
Sucker Punch Plays Dress-Up

Sucker Punch is one of PlayStation’s most talented studios. Having created the Sly Cooper series and the most recent inFAMOUS series for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, Sucker Punch is considered one of Sony’s “platformer trio”, which also includes Naughty Dog, as well as Insomniac Games. inFAMOUS Second Son, remains one of the current generation’s best looking console titles, alongside Ryse Son of Rome, and the more recent, The Order: 1886.http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Sucker-Punch-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Sucker-Punch.jpg) Sucker Punch is creating a new character with unique clothing A new career opportunity ad, has been made available from Sucker Punch, that reveals the company is searching for a “Pattern Maker”

Sucker Punch is looking for a Pattern Maker to join the Sucker Punch Character Team. The successful candidate will work with Sucker Punch’s Art Director, character art team, and concept team to help design unique clothing lines to help create compelling, believable characters. This is an in-house contracting position.
• Work with the art team to design clothing that can be laid out into patterns for virtual fabrication
• Help ensure that our concepts are informed, functional, and interesting
• Help develop “lines” of fashion that can be efficiently created by our art team
• Strong portfolio showing examples of a wide variety of clothing styles
• Strong portfolio showing examples of designing a line of clothing and/or defining a brand
• Ability to work well with a concept artist

• Experience with GERBER
• Experience with Marvelous Designer
• Experience in Fashion Concept Sketching
• Wide range of experience working with various materials
Even though, it is known that Sucker Punch, is working on a new open world title for the PlayStation 4, it’s unknown whether it will be another iteration of their successful inFAMOUS series, or a completely new IP. Regardless of what it turns out to be, it seems that Sucker Punch is putting a lot of emphasis on the visual style of the new game, so It should be quite a looker.
We will find out more about Sucker Punch’s new game at E3 We will probably know more at E3 later this year, where we could possibly see a reveal of the new game, and hopefully some footage of this potentially exciting wardrobe of the new character. Personally I’m a fan of the inFAMOUS franchise, and I enjoy both the smooth gameplay and the interesting super powers. A new IP could also prove interesting, possibly even more so, than another iteration of the same franchise.
We will bring you any new information regarding Sucker Punch’s new game, as soon as it becomes available,


02-03-15, 16:30
Latest PlayStation 4 Bundle Comes with 3 Free Games - Infamous Second Son, Killzone Shadow Fall, Last of Us Remastered (http://www.vgchartz.com/article/253241/latest-playstation-4-bundle-comes-with-3-free-games-infamous-second-son-killzone-shadow-fall-last-of-us-remastered/)

There is a new Playtation 4 bundle available on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BGA9WK2?pf_rd_p=2052366662&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-2&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=6427814011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0HG5JDDG0JMR8QGQ0G8J&ref_=acs_ux_hsb_5s_1_m_VG-PS4) spotted by Game Idealist (http://gameidealist.com/deals/new-amazon-ps4-console-bundle-includes-infamous-killzone-and-last-of-us-remastered/). The bundle retails for the standard $399 MSRP, but comes bundled with three games for free. The three games are Infamous Second Son, Killzone Shadow Fall and The Last of Us Remastered.
Amazon will provide people who purchase the bundle with two download codes within two days after the console has been shipped. One code unlocks Infamous Second Son and Killzone Shadow Fall, while the other will unlock The Last of Us Remastered.

04-03-15, 10:04
Sony says free-to-play growing part of digital business

Sony wants to cash in on the rising number of free-to-play game titles for the PlayStation 4 game console, with officials saying there has been continued growth of free-to-play.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43890_01_sony-free-play-growing-part-digital-business.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43890_01_sony-free-play-growing-part-digital-business_full.jpg)

"We're really looking at this as a significant part of our digital business," said Sara Thomson, senior account executive of the free-to-play business at Sony, during GDC. "I think that it's going to be a really big chunk of our revenues in the next few years; 3-5 years. And it's already growing at amazing rates that are really quite surprising."

The gaming market has changed and more free-to-play games helped cause a shift among game studios and console makers - with great long-term potential of free-to-play games on consoles, according to Sony.

"So we think that's great news. I think that it is really stabilizing the business. And I think it's future-proofing us. I think that it's really taking us into where we need to be as a company. As a company, we do fully believe in free-to-play."


04-03-15, 10:16
Sony announces it has sold over 20 million PlayStation 4 consoles

GDC 2015 - Sony has announced that it has sold over 20.2 million PlayStation 4 consoles at GDC 2015, with the 20 million plus consoles being sold up to March 1.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43903_12_sony-announces-sold-over-20-million-playstation-4s-far.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/3/43903_12_sony-announces-sold-over-20-million-playstation-4s-far_full.jpg)

Sony notes that this is units sold through to customers, where in a press release the company added that the PS4 "continues to demonstrate the fastest and strongest growth in PlayStation hardware history". It wasn't too long ago that the company announced it had reached 18.5 million PS4s sold, back on January 4.

Sony Computer Entertainment's President and Global CEO, Andrew House, said: "We are so grateful for the enormous support from PlayStation fans worldwide, and we are truly humbled that gamers around the globe have continued to select PS4 as the best place to play".


Muita consola vendida, se duvidas houvessem qual vende mais, estes números mostram :)

06-03-15, 15:14
Comcast Snubs HBO Go On Sony PlayStation 4

Comcast (http://hothardware.com/tags/comcast) is one of only two companies (EA being the other) to be voted by readers of The Consumerist as the "Worst Company in America" on multiple occasions. It's fair to say the cable giant has an ongoing image problem (http://hothardware.com/News/Comcast-Embarrassed-Over-Customer-Support-Call-From-Hell/), and Comcast isn't helping itself any by continuing to tick off subscribers (http://hothardware.com/news/comcast-brazenly-insults-customer-sends-monthly-bill-addressed-to-a-hole-brown), this time by preventing them from accessing HBO Go (http://hothardware.com/tags/hbo-go) on their PlayStation 4 (http://hothardware.com/tags/playstation-4) consoles.

Much to the initial delight of PS4 owners, the HBO Go app arrived on the console on Tuesday. All a user has to do is authenticate the service through a cable or satellite TV subscription and they're good to go. While the service is working great for subscribers to AT&T, Charter, DirecTV, Suddenlink, and several others, it's a no-go for subscribers to Comcast, the nation's largest Internet and cable provider.

image: http://hothardware.com/ContentImages/NewsItem/32862/content/HBO_Go.jpg

What's the hold up? The folks at TechDirt pressed the issue with Comcast and were given a pretty lame explanation.

"HBO Go availability on PS3 (and some other devices) are business decisions and deal with business terms that have not yet been agreed to between parties. Thanks for your continued patience," Comcast said.

Comcast's mention of the PS3 is even more disappointing -- an HBO Go app was launched to the console almost a year ago and it still doesn't work for Comcast subscribers. Reading between the lines, it's pretty clear that this is a dollars and cents issue, and unless Sony or HBO pays Comcast however many dollars it takes to lift the arbitrary restriction, the cable giant figures it doesn't make sense to let PS4 customers access HBO Go on their console.

Put another way, Comcast is using authentication as a means to block content. We're not sure if that's a violation of the FCC's new net neutrality rules, but either way, it's certainly dubious behavior.

Ah, but there's good news for PS4 owners. HBO is getting ready to launch a standalone app that doesn't need authentication, so hang tight.


07-03-15, 14:55
PlayStation 4 Next Update Adds Suspend/Resume Feature – Sony to Use Beta Testers from PlayStation MVP Program

Sony Computer Entertainment has begun a new PlayStation 4 system software beta testing program for its PlayStation MVP Program members, and details on firmware update version 2.50, now in beta testing, have leaked.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/playstation_4_console_controller_ps4_92842_3840x21 60-635x357.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/playstation_4_console_controller_ps4_92842_3840x21 60.jpg)
Here’s how the description of the PlayStation MVP program reads:

As a member of the PlayStation® MVP, you’ll help host exclusive game events and tournaments, create content such as walk throughs and help articles for fellow PlayStation® gamers on the PlayStation® Forums, and share your expert opinions on PlayStation® products through exclusive panels and discussion sessions with the PlayStation® Community Management team.
PlayStation® MVPs are hand-picked by the Community Management team through a specific set of criteria. Apply now and begin your journey.
PlayStation® MVPs are volunteers. As members of the program, they have agreed to a set of Terms and Conditions.
The main feature of the 2.50 update is the highly anticipated, suspend/resume feature, that was first announced at the PlayStation 4 reveal press conference in February of last year.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/PS250-Suspend-Resume-Add-Init-635x437.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/PS250-Suspend-Resume-Add-Init.jpg)
Here’s the outline:
Main Features

The system can now enter rest mode without closing any applications. You can adjust this setting in [Power Save Settings] > [Set Functions Available in Rest Mode].
[Accessibility] has been added to [Settings]. You can adjust accessibility settings such as zooming and button assignments.
The information above comes from a PlayStation MVP beta tester who leaked the update screen image. There are also some other features that are coming with the update, but are not detailed in the image. Although some additional trophies related features were detailed, via Wario64:

Delete trophies with zero percent.
Search trophy details on the internet, including screenshots of scenes with trophies.
SharePlay at 60 frames per second.
Share trophy details and screenshots.

Wario64 @Wario64 (https://twitter.com/Wario64) Follow (https://twitter.com/Wario64)

delete trophies with 0%, search trophies details on internet, screenshots of scenes w/ trophies
<time pubdate="" class="dt-updated" datetime="2015-03-06T20:11:58+0000" title="Time posted: 06 Mar 2015, 20:11:58 (UTC)">8:11 PM - 6 Mar 2015

</time> (https://twitter.com/Wario64/status/573939098420826112)Those eligible to beta test the version 2.50 of the PS4 update, after participating in the PlayStation MVP ambassador program, will get a message via the PlayStation Network with a code to download the software. The Suspend/resume functionality of the PlayStation 4 has been a long time coming, and it was initially one of the main features that Sony emphasised, during the Playstation 4 reveal press conference. It’s nice to finally be able to enjoy this advanced capability enabled by the new generation of hardware.
There’s no word on when the next PlayStation 4 software update will go live, but we can possibly expect it sometime this spring, judging from the program. We will bring you any additional news regarding the update, as well as any new information on PlayStation 4, as soon as it becomes available.


07-03-15, 15:18
LOL, mais uma feature que os PCs têm há décadas a chegar agora às consolas.....

10-03-15, 15:53
Sony PlayStation 4 And Vita Scheduled For March 20 Launch In China
Chinese gamers that have been anticipating the arrival of Sony (http://hothardware.com/tags/sony)’s PlayStation 4 (http://hothardware.com/tags/playstation-4) console will only have to wait just a little bit longer. Sony officially announced today that the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita (http://hothardware.com/tags/playstation-vita) will be available on Friday, March 20.

Sony had originally settled on a January 11 launch date for its consoles, but was stymied by Chinese government (http://hothardware.com/news/sony-delays-chinese-launch-of-playstation-4). "The government asked us for final adjustments, which will take some time, so we decided to delay the launch date," said Sony spokeswoman Kaede Bun in early January.
With things now firmly back on track, Chinese customers can expect to pay 2,899 yuan ($463) for the PlayStation 4 and 1,299 yuan ($207) for the PlayStation Vita. In addition to a firm release date and pricing, Sony also announced that both gaming consoles will come with a two-year warranty.

image: http://hothardware.com/ContentImages/NewsItem/32904/content/playstation_china.jpg

The arrival of the PlayStation 4 marks the first time that Sony has launched a console within China. Some of the titles that will launch with the console include Dynasty Warriors 8, Rayman Legends, and Trials Fusion. The PlayStation Vita, on the other hand, will see additional titles including Final Fantasy X HD, Final Fantasy X-2 HD, and One Tap Hero.
In addition, there will also be a “Dragon Edition” of both consoles made available in limited quantities at launch. These consoles will come complete with special graphics painted on the exterior.
Sony recently announced that it has sold over 20 million PlayStation 4s worldwide (http://hothardware.com/news/sony-playstation-4-sales-surpass-20-million-units) since the console launched in late 2013. Despite a two-month sales surge by Microsoft’s Xbox One (http://hothardware.com/tags/xbox-one) during the Christmas shopping season, the PlayStation 4 jumped back ahead in the monthly sales race for the January (http://hothardware.com/news/sonys-playstation-4-recaptures-console-sales-crown-for-january) despite its higher price tag ($399 for the PlayStation 4 versus $349 for the Xbox One).


11-03-15, 09:37
Free Bonus Game for PlayStation Plus Members This Week – Mighty Flip Champs!

PlayStation Plus members can get an extra free game this week in the form of Mighty Flip Champs! The game is available for the PS3, PS Vita and PSP. If you go over to the PlayStation Store using your device and search for Mighty Flip Champs! you’ll see that it’s free.
In case you are unable to access the PlayStation Store from your device you can use this link. (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/en-us/games/mighty-flip-champs-dx/cid=UP2053-NPUZ00238_00-MIGHTYFLIPCHAMPS) Just make sure to add Mighty Flip Champs! to your download list before the offer closes this weekend. This is only available for the US. and Canada at the moment.
Mighty Flip Champs! is a nice little puzzler platformer in which players take control of Alta
Mighty Flip Champs! is a puzzle/platform game hybrid, requiring players to explore stages that vary from having two areas to up to eight areas. The objective is to get the player-character, Alta, through the stage and to find the Fishman. Later in the game, levels will add characters that Alta must find before she may exit the stage. Alta has only two abilities: movement and flipping. Movement requires use of the directional pad, allowing Alta to move only left or right. The player controls Alta in one screen with a mirror image of Alta shown. Players are able to flip to a different screen by pushing a button. When these screens are flipped, the area on the bottom screen will appear on the top screen; depending on the number of areas, the top area will be moved to the bottom area, or a new area will be revealed. If Alta does not have any footing to land on, she will fall, though uninjured. If there is an obstacle in the way while flipping, she will lose and the level will end. Some special stages exist where Alta cannot flip the screen, and is at the whim of a clock which flips the screen every so often. Once a stage is completed, the players are shown their time and an accompanying rank, the highest being an “S”.


Mighty Flip Champs! is a nice little puzzle platformerand has received high praise from players and critics. It’s definitely worth the download if you are a PlayStation Plus member.


11-03-15, 09:39
PlayStation Store Update – March 10, 2015

Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-on, games and more:
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/PlayStationStoreBanner-635x357.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/PlayStationStoreBanner.jpg)

North American Update March’s PlayStation Plus Lineup

Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty (PS4)
Valiant Hearts: The Great War (PS4)
Papo & Yo (PS3)
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishment (PS3)
CounterSpy (PS3, cross-buy on PS4, PS Vita)
OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood (PS Vita, cross-buy on PS4)

Noticia completa:

11-03-15, 16:10
Sony to close PlayStation Mobile

Sony has announced that its PlayStation Mobile service, an experiment in putting games on portable devices including smartphones, is to be shut down in a process beginning in July this year.

Sony threw its lot in with advertising giant Google back in 2011, launching the Xperia Play (http://www.bit-tech.net/news/industry/2011/02/14/introducing-xperia-play-the-world-s-first-p/1) smartphone alongside PlayStation Mobile. The latter would come to third-party Android devices, bringing mobile versions of the company's PlayStation games, but uptake for the service has apparently been significantly slower than Sony had hoped: PlayStation Certified devices are thin on the ground, and those choosing to spend cash on PlayStation Mobile games seemingly barely more numerous despite their compatibility with Sony's own mobile devices and the PS Vita console.

As a result, Sony is calling time on the service. No new content will be distributed via PlayStation Mobile from the 15th of July this year, while downloads in general - including of games and content purchased prior to the closure - will be deactivated on the 10th of September, along with the PlayStation Mobile for Android application itself.

Those who have actually spent money via the service are told by Sony that they won't lose access so long as the games are activated and the device authenticated with their account prior to the closure. However, any games not downloaded onto the local device will be inaccessible following the closure - and there'll be no way for a user to replace the device in the future, either as an upgrade or due to failure or damage, and retain access to the titles.

'We would like to sincerely thank our dedicated PlayStation fans and the development community for their participation in PSM,' the company's official statement (http://community.us.playstation.com/t5/PlayStation-Mobile-Support/INFO-Update-on-PlayStation-Mobile-PSM/td-p/45023971), which does not include a reason for the closure, reads.


11-03-15, 16:19
Big Savings on Rockstar Titles Starts Today on The PlayStation Store

This week, PlayStation Network is offering discounts on RockStar games specifically where PlayStation 3 GTA V has a staggering discount of 65 percent and the PlayStation 3 GTA IV has an amazing discount on offer of 80 percent. Other than that, there are many other deals on offer where the PlayStation deal of the week saves you at least 80 percent on Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition. Check out the rest of the deals below.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/playstation_4_console_controller_ps4_92842_3840x21 60-635x357.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/playstation_4_console_controller_ps4_92842_3840x21 60.jpg)
Grab discounts on GTA V, LA Noire, Red Dead Redemption, more Deal of the Week: (11/03/15 – 18/03/15) Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/sleeping-dogs-definitive-edition/cid=EP0082-CUSA01004_00-0000SLEEPINGDOGS) – Not available in Germany
Was €59.99 / £39.99 / $84.95 Now €11.99 / £9.49 / $17.95
PS4 Deals: (11/03/15- 18/03/15) Shadow Warrior (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/shadow-warrior/cid=EP3643-CUSA00627_00-SHADOWWARRIOR000) – Not available in Germany and New Zealand
20% off original price: €29.99 / £24.99 / $39.95
Additional 30% Discount for PS Plus members
The Last Tinker: City of Colors (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/the-last-tinker-city-of-colors/cid=EP2135-CUSA01066_00-THELASTTINKER000) – Not available in Russia and Ukraine
30% off original price: €14.49 / £11.59 / $21.95
Additional 25% Discount for PS Plus members
Bound by Flame (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/bound-by-flame/cid=EP4133-CUSA00303_00-BOUNDBYFLAMEGAME) – Not available in Turkey
40% off original price: Was €54.99 / £49.99 / $77.95
Additional 25% Discount for PS Plus members
MONOPOLY PLUS (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/monopoly-plus/cid=EP0001-CUSA00773_00-ASOBOMONOPOLY000)
40% off original price: Was €14.99 / £11.99 / $22.95
Additional 20% Discount for PS Plus members
Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/injustice-gods-among-us-ultimate-edition/cid=EP1018-CUSA00051_00-INJUSTICEULTIMAT)
50% off original price: Was €59.99 / £54.99 / $84.95
Additional 20% Discount for PS Plus members
Rockstar Deals: (11/03/15- 25/03/15) PS3:
Grand Theft Auto V (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/grand-theft-auto-v/cid=EP1004-NPEB01283_00-GTAVDIGITALDOWNL)
65% off original price: Was €69.99 / £49.99 / $109.95
GTA IV: The Complete Edition (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/gta-iv-the-complete-edition/cid=EP1017-NPEB00882_00-PGRANDTHEF000001)
80% off original price: Was €34.99 / £24.99 / $44.95
Grand Theft Auto IV (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/grand-theft-auto-iv/cid=EP1017-NPEB00882_00-GTAIVDIGITAL0001)
80% off original price: Was €24.99 / £19.99 / $29.95
GTA IV Episodes Bundle (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/gta-iv-episodes-bundle/cid=EP1017-NPEB00511_00-GGTAIVEPIS000001) – Not available in Bahrain / Kuwait / Lebanon / Oman / Portugal / Qatar / Russia / Saudi Arabia / Ukraine / UAE
80% off original price: Was €19.99 / £15.99 / $29.95
GTA Episodes from Liberty City (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/gta-episodes-from-liberty-city/cid=EP1017-NPEB00907_00-GTAIVEFLCDIGITAL) – Not available in Bahrain / Kuwait / Lebanon / Oman / Qatar / Saudi Arabia / UAE
70% off original price: Was €19.99 / £15.99 / $24.95
Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/grand-theft-auto-the-ballad-of-gay-tony/cid=EP1017-BLES00229_00-RCKBALLADGAYTONY)
73% off original price: Was €14.99 / £11.99 / $22.95
Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/grand-theft-auto-the-lost-and-damned/cid=EP1017-BLES00229_00-RCKLOSTANDDAMNED)
70% off original price: Was €9.99 / £7.99 / $14.95
LA Noire Complete Edition (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/la-noire-complete-edition/cid=EP1004-NPEB00850_00-PLANOIREXX000004) – Not available in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia
80% off original price: Was €39.99 / £32.99 / $59.95
L.A. Noire (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/la-noire/cid=EP1004-NPEB00850_00-LANOIREDEBASE001)
80% off original price: Was €29.99 / £24.99 / $44.95
L.A. Noire Rockstar Pass (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/la-noire-rockstar-pass/cid=EP1004-BLES00933_00-PLANOIREXX000007)
78% off original price: Was €11.25 / £9.29 / $16.95
Red Dead Redemption (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/red-dead-redemption/cid=EP1004-NPEB00833_00-PSNREDDEAD2V0004) – Not available in Kuwait and UAE
80% off original price: Was €29.99 / £24.99 / $44.95
Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Bundle (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/rdr-undead-nightmare-bundle/cid=EP1004-NPEB00833_00-PREDDEADRE000001) – Not available in Kuwait and UAE
80% off original price: Was €39.99 / £23.99 / $59.95
Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/games/rdr-undead-nightmare/cid=EP1004-NPEB00832_00-PSNRDRUNDEADV003) – Not available in Kuwait and UAE
80% off original price: Was €19.99 / £15.99 / $24.95
Undead Nightmare Pack (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/undead-nightmare-pack/cid=EP1004-BLES00680_00-RDRUNDEADNGHTPAK) – Not available in Kuwait and UAE
80% off original price: Was €9.99 / £7.99 / $14.95
Legends and Killers Pack (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/legends-and-killers-pack/cid=EP1004-BLES00680_00-REDDEADDLCMPMAPP)
80% off original price: Was €9.99 / £7.99 / $14.95
Liars and Cheats Pack (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#%21/liars-and-cheats-pack/cid=EP1004-BLES00680_00-REDDEADDLCMPMODE)
80% off original price: Was €9.99 / £7.99 / $14.95

Noticia e lista de jogos completa:

12-03-15, 08:45
PS4 Update 2.50 “Yukimura” Preview: Suspend/Resume and More

http://www.hardwareheaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/16787936802_295306e165_z.jpgWhile developing the PlayStation 4 system, our hardware and software teams relied on feedback from our community of developers. The result is the most innovative and forward-thinking gaming console in the market today. Since launch, PlayStation has continued that trend of listening to feedback by bringing some of the most highly requested features from the PlayStation Nation to PS4 with each of our system software updates. When we unveiled PS4 two years ago, we announced Suspend/Resume, a feature that would enable PS4 users to jump in and out of their games faster than ever. This has been a feature gamers have been excited about since then, and today I am honored to officially confirm that system software update 2.50, “Yukimura,” will soon deliver Suspend/Resume, as well as a number of other requested features to PS4.
Suspend/Resume, which will be supported by nearly all PS4 titles, will create an atmosphere where your games are immediately available at any time — just pick up your DualShock 4 wireless controller, hit the PS button and get right back into the action of your games. When it’s time to log off, simply put your PS4 in Rest Mode and when you power up the next time, you’ll start your game where you left off. Spend less time getting into your games and more time playing them.
Here are some of the other highly requested new features and changes coming soon in “Yukimura:”
•Sub-account to Master account Upgrade: Users with a sub-account will now be able to upgrade to a master account directly from their PS4 when they turn 18, removing restrictions for chat, enabling users to fund their own wallet, make purchases and more. Currently, users can upgrade their sub-accounts online at https://account.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/.
•Facebook Friend Search: Gamers globally have jumped into PS4 as a redefined social gaming experience and connecting with friends over the network is a huge part of what makes the PS4 community so special. PlayStation now lets you go even bigger by connecting with your Facebook friends on PS4 using your linked account. Search for Facebook friends who are PlayStation Network members and build on the foundation of Friends you already have in your list.
•Remote Play & Share Play at 60 fps: For games that support 60 fps, the ability to customize the frame rate of Remote Play and Share Play will be added with “Yukimura.” Play to your bandwidth strengths and use this option to stream gameplay at 60 or 30 fps when using Remote Play or Share Play on supported devices.
•Accessibility Options: “Yukimura” introduces a wide variety of options to make their PS4 entertainment experience even more accessible. Options include text to speech, enlarged text, bolder fonts, higher contrast UI, zoom for displayed pictures, invert colors on screen and more. Users will also be able to reassign buttons for DualShock 4, making it easier for users with limited manual dexterity or limited reach and strength to play.
•Trophy Improvements: We have received a ton of feedback to improve Trophies. In “Yukimura,” a screenshot will automatically be captured at the moment a Trophy is earned, making it easier than ever for you to share your greatest gaming moments with your friends. We’re also adding more sorting options along with the new ability to remove games from the Trophy list that have 0% completion.
•Share Video Clips to Dailymotion: When sharing standout PS4 moments via the Share button on DualShock 4, “Yukimura” will allow players to upload directly to Dailymotion.
Stay tuned for more information on “Yukimura” and, as always, let us know in the comments how we can continue to improve PS4 to make it the best place to play.
Source: Playstaion Blog


22-03-15, 17:23
5 Best PlayStation 4 Games so Far

Sony’s PlayStation 4 has been out for almost two years now. But even though it’s been with us for what seems like a long time in the tech world, it hasn’t exactly received as many memorable wondrous titles as the PS3 had at this same point in its life. Some releases have even been downright disappointing even (http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2siik3/destiny_most_disappointing_of_2014/). But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t gems out there that can take our breath away with their gameplay, graphics, sound and overall design. This is a list of the to 5 best PlayStation 4 games that have proven to truly stagger me with their brilliance.
So without further ado, and in no particular order:
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Top-5-Best-PS4-Games-So-Far-Main.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Top-5-Best-PS4-Games-So-Far-Main.jpg)
Top 5 Best PlayStation 4 Games thus far.
5. Wolfenstein: The New Order This was a surprise to say the least. Despite taking the story to new heights and presenting to us a newer more modern version of the classic Wolfenstein, it still came out of the game with surprising veracity. And it was even a bit fun too! At it’s core it celebrating the classic Wolfenstein mechanic by giving us our classic shooter gunplay. Combine the great gunplay with a cover system that worked easy enough and a more open world than we’ve gotten used to recently, and you surely have a winner. Not to mention that the story and character development was surprisingly there too.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/274105-wolftno-635x357.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/274105-wolftno.jpg)
4. Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Many gamers of my generation probably remember Final Fantasy as one of their first games they ever played. Mine was Final Fantasy III for the SNES, and I still can’t replay it because of not wanting to ruin those great memories. But enter Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, a re-release of arguably one of the better games in the Final Fantasy universe, it has a well-refined live-combat system, incredibly smart AI, a plethora of fantastic missions within the story mode that seem to evolve the normal hack and slash into something more meaningful. And what would a good Final Fantasy game be without a story arc that really engages you. You’ll go through the entire gamut of emotions in this war-torn saga, it really hits you right in the feels, and it’s an incredible game to play, too.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/maxresdefault2-635x357.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/maxresdefault2.jpg)
3. Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition It seems that the success of this titular PC franchise has translated well into the console space. Especially the PS4. My one worry was that it would be nearly impossible to translate the controls over to a console, as it was bred for the mouse and keyboard. But Blizzard surprised us by bringing us one of the better games on the PS4. While the overall story is a bit uninspired by their own past standards, it’s the frantic combat that really sucks you in, for hours. The character advancement system that seems to be endless in nature combined with the destruction that can be wrought on your enemies is oddly satisfying. The level designs also keep things fresh, despite being rather large and considerably immense. The controls work well and it provides endless hours of hack n’ slash fun.

http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/D3X_BlizzCon_PS4_Westmarch_AD_17.1383963295-635x357.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/D3X_BlizzCon_PS4_Westmarch_AD_17.1383963295.jpg)
2. Resogun Arcade shooters seem to have had a recent comeback lately. Some not so good, but this one in particular brought its brand of 2.5D chaos to the forefront by giving us a gorgeous voxel based rendition of the classic template we’ve loved from our past. The screen is positively filled to the brim with fast-paced action that requires a steady hand to get through. Wave upon wave of enemy will try to prevent you from getting to the end, but a novel and very artistic boost mechanism really helps to make this title one of the most fun and probably underrated games of the platform.
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/2533786-6-635x357.png (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/2533786-6.png)
1. Grand Theft Auto 5 The open-world playground offered by Grand Theft Auto 5 really is a large evolution over Rockstar Studio’s previous titles. It’s gorgeously rendered with nearly every moving part you could ever think of. People’s lives matter and have a distinct effect on the events in the game. The level of creativity combined with the immense amount of detail make for an immersive game that has few rivals. The hilarious and over-the-top story really make it much more than it can at first seem. Combine all of those elements with an online multiplayer mode that lets you ravage the city in whatever way you see fit, or just race around in user-created gargantuan race tracks, and this is certainly an amazing game.
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/gtav_details09122014_014-635x357.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/gtav_details09122014_014.jpg)

Of course this list is not all inclusive and is only the five best PlayStation 4 games that I’ve come across so far. There are a few more that could have made it to this list, but I felt that these should steal the limelight.
Let us know what games caught your attention this year, or last, and let us know what games you think are the best PlayStation 4 games out there.


22-03-15, 18:06
PlayStation Offers 75 Games for Less Than $1

Made with Flare More Info'> http://cdn.eteknix.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Screen_Shot_2015-03-21_at_8.37.22_AM.0.0-800x450.jpg
PlayStation has opened a flash sale last night in an attempt to make a quick sell of 75 of its products for less than $1 until Monday. Included in the 75 games are Shoot Many Robots, Gravity Rush, a Tales of Monkey Island bundle, and full seasons of a few of Telltale Games’ series.
Don’t expect to see any recent releases or significant game titles selling for this price, though PlayStation users can find at least Payday: The Heist for $0.90, which was previously selling for $14.99. Also, Two Sam & Max collections can be bought this weekend for $0.80, down from $19.99, and Star Wars: Battlefront II for PSP is also set at a price of $0.90.
Telltale has included the Back to the Future: The Game and Jurassic Park: The Game, as well as Puzzle Agent titles and there are also some other neat games which you can grab from the store. For anyone interested in taking a look, the full list of games can be seen here (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2015/03/20/flash-sale-now-live-deals-under-1/).
Thank you Polygon (http://www.polygon.com/2015/3/21/8269183/playstation-flash-sale-offers-75-games-for-less-than-a-buck-each) for providing us with this information


25-03-15, 17:21
PlayStation Store Global Update – March 24, 2015

Sony brings us a weekly update with new content for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable, including games, add-ons and more. PlayStation LifeStyle (http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2015/03/24/playstation-store-global-update-march-24-2015/), catalogs the PlayStation Store updates.
Below you can view this week’s, North American Update
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/PlayStation-2-635x357.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/PlayStation-2.jpg)
March’s PlayStation Plus Lineup
Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty (PS4)
Valiant Hearts: The Great War (PS4)
Papo & Yo (PS3)
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishment (PS3)
CounterSpy (PS3, cross-buy on PS4, PS Vita)
OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood (PS Vita, cross-buy on PS4)
Platform Title Regular Sale Original Price
PS4 God of War Anniversary Dynamic Theme $1.00 $1.99
PS4 The Crew – Bronze Crew Credit Pack $8.99 $9.99
PS4 The Crew – Gold Crew Credit Pack $19.99 $29.99
PS4 The Crew – Platinum Crew Credit Pack $29.99 $49.99
PS4 The Crew – Silver Crew Credit Pack $14.99 $19.99
PS4 WWE 2K15 $39.99 $59.99
PS4 WWE 2K15 Hall of Pain $7.49 $9.99
PS4 WWE 2K15 One More Match $7.49 $9.99
PS4 WWE 2K15 WCW Pack $7.49 $9.99
PS4 Zen Pinball 2 : South Park Pinball $2.49 $4.99
PS3 The Testament of Sherlock Holmes $7.99 $19.99
PS3 WWE 2K15 $29.99 $59.99
PS3 WWE 2K15 Hall of Pain $7.49 $9.99
PS3 WWE 2K15 WCW Pack $7.49 $9.99
PS3 Zen Pinball 2 : South Park Pinball (Cross Buy with PS Vita) $2.49 $4.99
PS Vita Zen Pinball 2 : South Park Pinball (Cross Buy with PS3) $2.49 $4.99
PS Plus Discounts

Noticia completa:

25-03-15, 17:38
PS4 system update 2.50 features detailed; available tomorrow

Tomorrow PlayStation 4 will get an update to system software version 2.50, codenamed “Yukimura,” which will bring an onslaught of new features: some you’ve been anticipating, many you’ve requested and others that might surprise you.
This update will make significant improvements to your PS4 experience, making it even more streamlined and enjoyable. Following the update, you’ll be able to smoothly pick games up right where you left off, find and connect with friends quicker, customise your experience and share your most epic moments in a more meaningful way.
PlayStation 4 v2.50 update
Features coming to PS4 with “Yukimura” include:
■ Suspend/Resume: Supported by nearly all of your PS4 games, you can jump in and out of your games with just the press of the PS button. Quickly switch from Rest Mode to powered-up so you can pick up where you left off.
■ Back-up and restore HDD to USB: Back-up and restore your hard disc drive data associated with users on your PS4, including settings, saved data, screenshots and video clips as well as games, patches and download data, to and from an external USB drive.
■ Find and connect with friends: “Yukimura” adds to an already robust set of social tools, bringing several updates to continue making PS4 the best place to play with your friends, including: ■ Facebook friend finder – Using your linked account, you can expand your network by searching and connecting with your Facebook friends.
■ Improved friend requests – Friend requests and Real Name requests can be sent together in one step when adding a friend on PS4.
■ Streamlined Party process – The process to create a Party has been streamlined with a reduction in the number of steps required.
■ Find friends who play your games – Easily view what friends are playing on each game detail page with a real-time “Friends Who Play This” section, which also highlights which friends are currently online and playing it, and allows you to jump directly into the game.
■ Join Friends directly from news feed – A new tile will be added on your What’s New feed where you can see what your friends are currently playing, enabling you to join in the game if you own it.
■ Share earned trophies and optimise your trophy list: We know that Trophies are important to many gamers, so we’re bringing more control with how you show them off: ■ Automatic Trophy screenshots – A screenshot will automatically be captured when a Trophy is earned, preserving the moment to share with friends.
■ SHARE Trophies – Players can share Trophy information to Facebook, Twitter or via Message by pressing the SHARE button.
■ Additional Trophy sorting options – Sort your Trophy list by Earned Date, Not Earned and Grade.
■ Delete 0% Trophies – Remove games from your Trophy list that have zero percent completion.
■ Improved and expanded accessibility options: New options added to customise the user experience include: ■ Customised button assignments for DUALSHOCK 4.
■ Zoom for displayed pictures and inverted colors for all system functions, apps and in-game.
■ Text-to-speech for all graphical user interface, including Message and Party.
■ Enlarged text for all graphical user interface, including Message and Party, as well as the system’s browser.
■ Bolder fonts and higher contrast UI for all system applications (but will not apply to games or third-party applications).
■Remote Play and Share Play: For games that support 60 fps, users will be able to automatically enjoy those games with 60fps for both Remote Play and Share Play* on supported devices.
■Automatic installation for system software updates: Enable automatic installation for future system software updates.
■Sub-account upgrade: Enable users 18 years of age or older with sub-accounts to upgrade to a master account directly on PS4, removing restrictions on chat and enabling users to add funds to their Wallet, purchase content and more.
■Verified Accounts: Select game developers, producers, designers and community managers will be verified with a badge.
■Dailymotion: Upload video clips directly to Dailymotion via the SHARE button.
PlayStation Vita and PlayStation App for smartphones and tablets will also receive system software updates tonight, adding complementary features to those added to PS4. PS Vita update version 3.50 and PlayStation App update version 2.50 will add new accessibility options, including enlarged text, increased contrast and more. This update also enables PS Vita to support 60fps streaming for Remote Play.
We’re excited for you to get your hands on these new features and experience them for yourselves. You have all been such a big part of our successes, and we have carefully listened to your requests to make your PlayStation experiences even better. We’re happy to be delivering many of them with “Yukimura.” Please keep the feedback flowing, so we can continue making PlayStation 4 the best place to play.


26-03-15, 15:47
Sony set to upgrade PS4 GPU

http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/41fa72645ea86d9ce650cbfef9478a82_L.jpg (http://www.fudzilla.com/media/k2/items/cache/41fa72645ea86d9ce650cbfef9478a82_XL.jpg)

Calls for more experts
The maker of the PS4, Sony appears to be wanting to update its devkits and is looking for an experienced programmer to work on GPU Profiling and Debugging tools used by PlayStation 4 developers worldwide.

The job description "offers the opportunity to work on all aspects of the GPU Tool" and assisting game developers get the best GPU performance from their titles,' the listing reads:
The programmer will have to improve features of the PlayStation4 graphics profiling and debugging tools.
Designing and implementing systems that will enable game development teams to profile and optimise their titles.
Support game development teams analysing the GPU performance of their titles.
It seems that Sony wants to start squeezing some performance from the AMD chips it has installed in its machines.


31-03-15, 14:04
Spotify app coming to Sony PlayStation 3, PS4

Sony is switching out its own Music Unlimited service in favor of Spotify for the Sony PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 game consoles. Sony and Spotify hope to build a strong relationship together, and Spotify has added 41 countries as possible new user bases.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/4/44335_01_spotify-app-coming-sony-playstation-3-ps4.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/4/44335_01_spotify-app-coming-sony-playstation-3-ps4_full.jpg)

There is an effort to provide PS console owners with access to more online content, keeping them engaged and using the console. Meanwhile, Spotify has 15 million paid subscribers and 60 million total active users across the world.

Both companies have worked together to ensure Spotify is now optimized for the PS3 and PS4.


01-04-15, 09:29
Brad Wardell – PS4 Should Support Vulkan

Brad Wardell, CEO of Stardock, has been quite vocal over the benefits of DX12, and the performance and visual improvements it will bring to both the Xbox One and PC. He also explained though that PlayStation 4 fans will have some thing to get excited about. He did not reveal any more information at the time as to what he was referring to, but in an exclusive interview with GamingBolt’ (http://gamingbolt.com/ps4-should-support-vulkan-ps4s-api-not-completely-native-for-current-gen-yet-brad-wardell)s Kurtis Simpson, he revealed that he was speaking of Vulkan. Vulkan is the low-level API, which absorbed most of AMD’s Mantle and was developed at Khronos Group.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ps4-logo-controller-635x363.png (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ps4-logo-controller.png)
Wardell suggest that Sony should consider adding Vulkan support for the PlayStation 4, as it will benefit cross-platform development greatly.

“What I was referencing at the time was Vulkan. We’re part of the Khronos Group and now it depends who you talk to at Sony and this gets in to a debate. Sony has a very low-level API already for the PlayStation 4. The problem I have with it is that if you want to make use for it you’re writing some very specific code just for the PlayStation 4. And in the real world people don’t do that right. I write code generally to be as cross-platform as I can.”
“Now maybe in Unity or Unreal, one of the other guys will write their engines in such a way so that they make the most use of it, but that’s going to take time. Whereas if they use something like Vulkan, it’s not as low-level as their API, but Vulkan has the advantage that it’s really easy to write for it. So you’re more likely to get developers to code to that and get more games on to Sony then you would otherwise.”
When asked whether Sony will start to support Mantle, now that Microsoft is launching DX12 for the Xbox One, Wardell responded:

“No, because their low-level API is still lower level than Mantle and Vulkan. So what I’m hoping is that they will support Vulkan.”
“Let’s say I write a game for the Steam Box and the PlayStation 4 supports Vulkan, the Steam Box supports Vulkan. It wouldn’t be that much more work for me to have my game work on the PlayStation 4. Whereas right now if I want to develop the game for the PlayStation 4, I have to learn their special custom API, that has shader languages that are different than what I’m used to, and I’m pretty sure that I have to send stuff in text instead of binary form.”
“I hate OpenGL (laughs). They’re old, their current one is just archaic. I don’t want to have to learn that, my brain is already full of OS2 and Linux crap, I don’t want to learn yet another short-term API. If I can just learn Vulkan then I can get to a lot of platforms, I don’t want to have to learn Sony’s special API, even if I would gain a few frames-per-second in doing so.”
Wardell also explained that the PlayStation 4’s API is updated from last-gen, and is not completely native to current, so as a result some of the potential of the current-gen hardware is wasted.

“With the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One they’re not even remotely scratching the surface for what people can do and there’s still…I mean on the PlayStation 4 and their low-level API, they’re all still very…they’re like written for last-gen but updated for this gen. I wouldn’t say they’re completely native yet, I mean they are native but you know these words all get misused, but this gen’s graphics are still very far behind where they’re going to be.”
It appears that Brad Wardell could be right in some respects. Cross platform development will improve dramatically with the implementation of DX12 in both windows 10 and the Xbox One. Sony could certainly provide a much easier environment for developers by adopting Vulkan, making cross-platform development far easier. Even if Vulkan is not as low as their own API, it will provide easier development something that will benefit Sony greatly. Their proprietary software might be capable of achieving great results, but will most likely be taken advantage of strictly in an exclusive development environment.
We will bring you any new information on the subject as soon as it becomes available. Be sure to check out Brad Wardell’s discussion on DX12 and the Xbox One in our previous coverage here (http://wccftech.com/dx12-alleviate-xbox-resolution-issues/).


A ser verdade, era mais um impulso importante para o Vulkan.

22-04-15, 08:14
PS4 Firmware Update 2.51 Officially Released

http://www.hardwareheaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ps4-system-software-featured-image_without-number_vf1.pngAn update to the system software for PlayStation 4 systems was released on 16 April 2015. You can use this to update your system software to version 2.51.
Always update your PS4 system to the latest version of the system software. By updating, you can enjoy additional features, improved usability and enhanced security.
PS4 Firmware Update 2.51 changelog:
•System software stability during use of some features has been improved.
•Operation quality during use of some applications has been improved.
In case you were wondering, PS4 system software version 2.51 is a 245MB update.
Source: Sony Playstation (https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/get-help/ps4-system-software/)


24-04-15, 15:27
The Console War: PS4 UK Drops Prices to £289 While Xbox Revenues Down 24% For Third Quarter

The PS4 and the Xbox One have been going head to head for a long time now. Ever since the release of the consoles back in late 2013, they have been in war at all fronts including updates, games, exclusives and hardware efficiency and capability. An update to share is that the PS4 UK has dropped its price to counter the price cut of Xbox One. This is a good new for anyone who wants to get their hands on the PS4 console as it is on its all time low price in response to the Xbox One which is selling at an RRP of £300.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Console-War-635x296.jpg (http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Console-War.jpg)

Image Credit: URL (http://www.commandn.tv/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/console_wars_by_theconsolewarproject-d4wdgj91.jpg) Retailers Selling PS4 For As Low As £289 While Xbox Revenues Take a Hit The console that was previously selling for as high as £330 with retailers like Tesco, Amazon and Argos, has officially been reduced to £299.99 and Amazon is selling the PS4s (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00BE4HOIM/ref=s9_simh_gw_p63_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0VQXPJHM7FH5F8F2HABV&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=455333147&pf_rd_i=468294) for a further reduced price of £289. Sony has been advertising for this price reduction itself on their UK Twitter page as you can see for yourselves below.
This might be a way to cater to a much larger portion of fans and this might signify that in the UK the price cut of Xbox One has affected the PS4 sales adversely meaning that the console war is on, at least in the UK market.

The deal arrives on a very timely note when the Xbox One price cut might have been working in the favour of Microsoft. Just 9 days back did Microsoft reduce the price of their console from £330 to £300. It might be interesting to note that both the retailers have mentioned that this happens to be a “Limited Time Offer” but we expect that the offer will catch onto other countries too.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Xbox-635x415.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Xbox.jpg)
As you might remember now that in late 2014 Xbox One had huge price cuts with up to 25% price reduction and it seems like those reduction have just caught up as the updates on the Xbox front are that the revenues from Xbox One and Xbox 360 were down 24% as reported by Venture Beat (http://venturebeat.com/2015/04/23/xbox-revenues-down-24-in-third-quarter-largely-due-to-the-xbox-one-price-cut/). The Microsoft consoles combined have reported a sale of 1.6 million units down from 2.0 million in Q3 2014, as well as lower average sale price for the downturn in its gaming division.
“The revenue decline [was] driven by lower console unit [sales] against the prior year post-launch quarter and increased mix of lower price Xbox Ones,” reads Microsoft’s report for investors.
The Microsoft console sells for a lower price of $350 in the US coupled with one or two games while its original launch price was $500 when in November 2013. The console continued to sell at the same price and was raking in good numbers when Microsoft decided to cut out the Kinect camera for a decreased price version of $400 to compete with the PS4 price in May. The company decreased the price of their console further in October 2014 when it started selling for $350.
Recent reports from the industry tracker NPD group have shown that sales for the previous gen consoles for both Microsoft and Sony have taken a huge hit. Microsoft’s Xbox 360 was selling well during parts of last year while the PS3 was binding its time, but that is no longer the case. Now both of the previous gen console sales are non-existent as compared to the current gen consoles. Hence, this has affected Microsoft’s performance in the gaming market as a whole.
Do share your thoughts with us about the competitive market pricing applied by the Sony to counter Microsoft’s console price and the decrease in revenue for the Xbox following the last quarter of 2014.


29-04-15, 16:24
PlayStation Store Golden Week Sale Offers 122 Japanese Games With Up To 70% Discount

The US PlayStation Store has a massive sale this week to celebrate the traditional Golden Week in Japan. Huge titles like Metal Gear Solid, Demon’s Souls, Resident Evil and more are on sale.
http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/PlayStation-635x357.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/PlayStation.jpg)
The sale is going to run form April 29 to May 5. More than 122 different games are included across PSP, PS Vita, PS3 and PS4 You can head to the official PlayStation Store (https://store.playstation.com/#%21/en-us/golden-week-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-GOLDENWEEKWEBLP) here to get the games, or you can take a look at the full list of games below. PlayStation Plus members will receive an additional discount.
Some titles that are on sale include Demon’ Souls for the PS3 at $6.80, the incredible Resident Evil Remake for $15.99 on both PS4 and PS3, Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeros for the PS4 at $10.00, Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the new World for the PS3 both at $8.00, and Metal Gear Rising Revengeance at $10.00. Thi is only a small sample from the huge selection of titles on offer.

The huge sale offers something for all PlayStation owners in all kind of genres, in a variety of price ranges. Be sure to check out the store with your account to see the additional discount offered for PlayStation Plus members if applicable.

Konnichiwa, everyone! We’re kicking off Golden Week the PlayStation way — with deals on Japan-inspired games, movies, and TV shows. Starting right now, we’re celebrating Japan’s national holiday week with up to 66 percent off Japanese titles. PlayStation Plus members enjoy an additional discount, receiving up to 75 percent off.
During the Golden Week Sale, grab games like Resident Evil, Demon’s Souls, and Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, films like Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods and Inuyasha, and shows like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Digimon and more — all at a sweet discount, today through Monday, May 4th.
We know fans have been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to get Freedom Wars themes on PS Vita. So in honor of Golden Week, we’re releasing two Freedom Wars themes for PS Vita today. Head over to PS Store to pick up these themes for $1.99 each.


30-04-15, 19:39
PlayStation 4 lifetime sales pass 22.3m worldwide (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-04-30-playstation-4-lifetime-sales-pass-22-3m-worldwide?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialoomph)

Sony has now sold more than 22.3m PlayStation 4 consoles worldwide since the platform launched in November 2013.http://images.eurogamer.net/2013/articles/1/7/5/2/1/0/4/143039244681.jpg/EG11/resize/300x-1/quality/80/format/jpg
That translates to around 44.6k PS4s sold per day, every day, since then (around one every two seconds).
Sony shifted 14.8m PS4 units during the 12 months ending 31st March 2015, according to the company's latest financial report (http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/IR/financial/fr/14q4_sony.pdf).
Sony expects to sell another 16m before 31st March 2016.
But the company's handheld sales have continued to falter. Combined numbers for PSP and Vita (Sony does not break each platform out) show a drop from 4.1m to 3.3m units over the same 12 month period.
Sony's gaming division is now the company's biggest money-spinner in terms of revenue, up by a third year-on-year to $11.5bn (£7.4bn).
"This significant improvement was primarily due to the impact of the above-mentioned increase in (PS4) sales," the report detailed. "(This was) partially offset by the impact of the decrease in PS3 software sales, the unfavourable impact of the appreciation of the US dollar reflecting the high ratio of US dollar-denominated costs, as well as the recording of an 11.2bn ($93m) write-down of PS Vita and PS TV components in the current fiscal year."

Continua a vender bem. Mesmo com a X1 mais barata.

04-05-15, 22:21
Sony celebra as 100 mil pS4 vendidas em Portugal.

A Sony Computer Entertainment celebra assim as 100 mil PS4™ vendidas em Portugal desde o lançamento no final de 2013. Aproveita a campanha de financiamento e junta-te aos 100 mil amigos e rivais portugueses que te esperam no melhor lugar para jogar.


05-05-15, 01:27
Cá a PlayStation dá 10 a 0 á Xbox One...




06-05-15, 09:43
PS4 Beats PS2 Sales

Back in early 2000, Sony brought us the PlayStation 2, the console that set the world alight; bringing amazing quality to the masses. Back then, the PS2 was almost unrivalled, the Sega Dreamcast was the only real competition as the Nintendo GameCube and Microsoft Xbox were not released until over 18 months later; this allowed the PS2 to sell over 155 million units in total.
Today, it was announced that the PlayStation 4 has knocked its older brother off the top spot for like-for-like sales. In just 18 months, the PS4 has sold over 2 million units in the UK alone, outpacing the PS2. This now means that roughly 3% of the UK population owns a PS4, or about 7.5% of UK homes.
Worldwide, Sony have announced a total sales figure of 22.3 million units since launch, smashing its closest rival Microsoft with an estimated 14 million units and doubling the Nintendo Wii U of just 9.9 million units.
It isn’t overly surprising that the PS4 is the most popular console in the UK, for years Sony has held a strong market lead over its console rivals in Europe as well as Japan. In the US, Sony has had a tougher time where the Xbox 360 was dominating the previous generation console sales, but due to early slip-ups in the early stages of the Xbox One, Sony has maintained a lead there too.
I personally don’t own a console, I just don’t find the free time to justify the cost. Are you one of the 3% of UK residents that own a PS4 or do you own a Xbox One? What about in other countries, do you and your friends all own the same console? Let us know in the comments.


13-05-15, 12:00
New piracy technique on PS4 in Brazil confirmed to be real, Sony might take legal action (http://wololo.net/2015/05/13/new-piracy-technique-on-ps4-in-brazil-confirmed-to-be-real-sony-might-take-legal-action/)

We’ve revealed a few weeks ago (http://wololo.net/2015/04/24/ps4-jailbreak-service-rumors-incoming-from-brazil/) that some electronic stores in Brazil were advertising a way to copy pirate video games onto your PS4 for a fee. Although the technique was not described in details (these stores wanted, after all, to make a profit out of the scheme, not share it for everyone to get it for free, or for Sony to patch it), we’ve been in touch with several members of the hacking scene, as well as customers of these stores, who have all confirmed the existence of the “hack”.PS4 Hack for piracy confirmed to be real
Yesterday, journalists at UOL Jogos, a trusted site in Brazil, have confirmed that the hack is real, as they have verified it themselves on a test console (original article, in Portuguese, can be found here (http://jogos.uol.com.br/ultimas-noticias/2015/05/12/por-precos-a-partir-de-r-300-pirataria-chega-ao-playstation-4-no-brasil.htm)). It needs to be emphasized that this is not the well known “account sharing” trick, but a new kind of hack.
Small electronics store in some streets of Sao Paulo will charge from R$ 300 to R$ 400 (about $100 to $150) in order to install 10 pirated games on your console. The UOL journalists have confirmed the hack to work on their own console.
The process, as described by Brazilian modchip stores, is close to what we have explained before (http://wololo.net/2015/05/11/ps4-jailbreak-news-ps4-games-are-easy-to-pirate-rumors-keep-pouring-from-brazil-and-the-scene/): a Dump of a “legit” console with a dozen games on it is performed, and copied to the target console. In addition to a copy of the hard drive, it is safe to assume a dump of the NAND/BIOS is performed as well. It seems the dump is performed with the help of a regular raspberry pi, as this had been implied the first time we uncovered this story (http://wololo.net/2015/04/24/ps4-jailbreak-service-rumors-incoming-from-brazil/).
http://wololo.net/wagic/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/ps4_jailbreak_news.jpg (http://wololo.net/2015/04/24/ps4-jailbreak-service-rumors-incoming-from-brazil/)
The process described on UOL is extremely similar to what has been described on the scene, and as we reported here (http://wololo.net/2015/05/11/ps4-jailbreak-news-ps4-games-are-easy-to-pirate-rumors-keep-pouring-from-brazil-and-the-scene/). Activate a PS4 for a given account, make a full copy of its state/NAND, deactivate it, then copy the backed-up NAND again. UOL mentions however that in their experiment, their console ended up with 2 registered accounts, which are part of the cloning process, and required for the games to work.
A new way to pirate PS4 games, a lucrative businessOther ways have existed for pirates in the past: Sony lets people activate several consoles on the same account, so some people abuse that system by sharing accounts with their friends. This piracy technique remains limited as you can only share an account with a limited number of consoles. This new technique, however, has virtually no limit to how many PS4s could replicate the games. As such, this is a very lucrative business for these electronics shop, who make close to 100% profit on this technique.
These shops in Brazil charge about $100 to install 10 games. These games would cost almost $600 normally. This is a great deal for both the client and the seller. To get more games, one has to come back to the store and pay roughly $15 for each additional game. UOL mention that with 10 games of the current generation, your PS4 hard drive is pretty much full anyway, so you’ll have to erase a few ones to add new ones.
The article on UOL mentions that the hack initially originated on a Russian site. Given what I’ve been told so far though, it could literally have originated from anywhere, as it is heavily inspired from a similar technique on the PS3 that is widely known. It could be one of those “not so secret” secrets of the scene.
As we’ve discussed before, this is not really what could be considered as a PS4 Jailbreak (http://wololo.net/ps4-jailbreak-ps4-cfw4dummies/), and of minimal interest from a homebrew perspective. It is still interesting however, from my point of view, to confirm once again that a system is as secure as its weakest link. Although no encryption is broken here, pirates are still able to find their way, while us “homebrewers” are left in the cold.
Sony already taking legal action in BrazilSony are not totally ignoring the issue of piracy in Brazil. It seems they are aware of the “account sharing” technique (and how some stores are monetizing it) and already sending cease and desist notices about that (http://dropsdejogos.com.br/index.php/noticias/industria/item/466-exclusivo-sony-notifica-sites-e-perfis-do-mercado-livre-que-comercializam-ilegalmente-jogos-digitais). It is safe to assume they will at least do the same for this new piracy technique, and will probably be looking into ways to patch the hack. As a reminder, people on the PS4 hacking scene have told us that the technique they knew about has been patched on 2.51, so it seems the technique used by Brazilian stores is slightly different from that.
As always, we will be keeping our PS4 Jailbreak (http://wololo.net/ps4-jailbreak-ps4-cfw4dummies/) page up to date with the latest PS4 Jailbreak news, so you can be aware as soon as a valid technique exists that doesn’t solely rely on the greed of a few pirates.

13-05-15, 16:37
Não é só em Portugal que a Sony domina. Olha a Itália com a PS4 com 70% do mercado da nova geração.

PlayStation 4 has 70% of the market next-gen in Italy (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg247.it%2F2015%2F05%2F13%2Fpla ystation-4-e-la-console-piu-venduta-di-sempre-in-italia%2F)

13-05-15, 17:44
Não é só em Portugal que a Sony domina. Olha a Itália com a PS4 com 70% do mercado da nova geração.

PlayStation 4 has 70% of the market next-gen in Italy (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg247.it%2F2015%2F05%2F13%2Fpla ystation-4-e-la-console-piu-venduta-di-sempre-in-italia%2F)

Penso que é consistente que a Sony é bastante querida na Europa, porque no fundo aposta mais nos mercados e na europa no geral do que a Microsoft...
A Microsoft tem tido sempre uma política de quase "desprezo" pelo mercado europeu e em especial com os países periféricos que para eles não têm qualquer expressão de vendas...
E isso tem sido sempre uma constante ao longo dos anos...

Eu comparo a Sony á SEGA quando tinha as consolas...
Apostavam muito nos mercados europeus....



23-05-15, 17:17
Rumour: PS Vita & PS4 to Get Price Cuts (http://www.vgchartz.com/article/259178/rumour-ps-vita-amp-ps4-to-get-price-cuts/)

On the official PlayStation retail loyalty site (https://on.us.playstation.com/) there's an ongoing promotion where members can enter to win a PS4 and a PS Vita, amongst other things. According to the small print for this promotion, Sony lists both PlayStation systems as having lower average retail values (ARVs) than their actual current values: http://www.vgchartz.com/articles_media/images/ps-price-cut-1.jpg
The PS Vita is listed at $89 ($110 cheaper than its current ARV) and the PS4 is priced at $349 ($50 cheaper). The PlayStation TV is also listed at $99, which suggests it will not be receiving a price cut.
Could Sony be preparing to officially cut the price of both the PS Vita and PS3 during its E3 press conference (http://www.vgchartz.com/article/259091/sony-confirms-e3-press-conference-date-amp-time/)? We'll find out on June 15th.

31-05-15, 09:55
PS4 vs Xbox One vs Wii U Global Lifetime Sales – April 2015 Update - PS4 22.4M, Xbox One 12.5M, Wii U 9.6M - Sales (http://www.vgchartz.com/article/259249/ps4-vs-xbox-one-vs-wii-u-global-lifetime-salesapril-2015-updateps4-224m-xbox-one-125m-wii-u-96m/)

Welcome to the latest edition of the ‘PS4 vs Xbox One vs Wii U Worldwide’ article. This series will be comparing monthly and lifetime sales of the 8th generation of home consoles - the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Wii U.http://www.vgchartz.com/articles_media/images/ps4-vs-xbox-one-vs-wii-u-global-april-2015-2.png
Looking at the total sales of the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Wii U in April 2015 shows how the PlayStation 4 has continued to grow its lead over the Xbox One and Wii U.
The PlayStation 4 passed the 22 million mark this month. The PS4 has sold 22.39 million units lifetime, the Xbox One 12.50 million units, and the Wii U 9.65 million units.
PlayStation 4 Total Sales: 22,389,944
Xbox One Total Sales: 12,503,922
Wii U Total Sales: 9,646,187
The PlayStation 4 has outsold both the Xbox One and Wii U every month since it launched in November 2013. The Xbox One outsold the Wii U in April for the 10th straight month. The PS4 outsold the Xbox One by 376,725 units for the month and the Wii U by 576,213 units. The Xbox One outsold the Wii U by 199,488 units.
When you compare monthly sales to a year ago all three consoles are up. The PlayStation 4 is up 115,555 units, the Xbox One is up 132,292 units, and the Wii U is up 25,347 units.
PlayStation 4 Monthly Sales: 716,133
Xbox One Monthly Sales: 339,408
Wii U Monthly Sales: 139,920
The Wii U beat the PS4 and Xbox One to the market by a year. The Wii U launched in November 2012, while the PS4 and Xbox One launched in November 2013.

02-06-15, 13:26
1TB PS4 Makes Its Way Through The FCC, Does This Mean It’s Coming Soon?

Watching the public documents from the FCC is always a good indicator of technology to come. Sometimes being cleared doesn’t mean it’s being sold, however, so take this with a good serving of sodium.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/1hqfehb-635x359.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/1hqfehb.jpg)
A 1TB version of the PS4 could possibly be coming our way very soon. It’s already passed through the FCC at any rate. A PS4 with a new model number has passed through (https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/ViewExhibitReport.cfm?mode=Exhibits&RequestTimeout=500&calledFromFrame=N&application_id=rHKTPKB2ImYOlpZY6S4XZQ%3D%3D&fcc_id=AK8CUH120Z1) the FCC yesterday. CUH-1215A and CUH-1215B have both passed through the FCC, with the latter carrying the 1TB HDD within. For reference, the original model number is CUH-1115, so the small numbering change might indicate simply a small evolution, or perhaps it might indicate nothing at all, though that’s unlikely because then they wouldn’t need new FCC certification.
Some interesting, though small, changes are contained in the FCC documentation. First the power consumption has been lowered from 250W to 230W. The power draw also means the change in amps needed has dropped to a range of 2.3-.0.95A instead of the 2.5-1.15A of the previous models. Another change is the weight, coming down from a svelte 2.8Kg to an even more lean 2.5Kg.

http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/PS4New-635x73.png (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/PS4New.png)
All of this indicates that perhaps AMD is using a more mature process node that leaks less voltage, making it more efficient. The change in weight can probably be attributed to a change in material design. It’s quite possible that Sony has gone for cheaper materials, resulting in a losing a bit of weight. I don’t think the case material has been changed to carbon fiber, or carbon nano-tube infused plastics. That change isn’t insignificant either, though, so perhaps a redesigned interior can help further explain things.
For those that are curious, the first two numbers in the model number are iterative and indicate changes of some kind. The last two numbers are tied to the region in which its sold, so 15 is the North American number.
Of course you can change out the HDD on your PS4 yourself and not affect the warranty, but it’s nice to see Sony is stepping up and offering a more natural solution for everyone else not willing to pull apart their PS4. It’s easy, though. Now they just need to have models with SSD’s already installed!


03-06-15, 17:08
Capcom Sale is Live for PSN - News (http://www.vgchartz.com/article/259314/capcom-sale-is-live-for-psn/)

This week's PSN sale for North America is full of zombies and martial arts. Yes, it's a Capcom sale! The sale will end on June 8th and there are no extra discounts for PSN Plus members. The sale can be found on the PSN Store webpage (https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/capcom-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-CAPCOMGAMESALE).

Sale Price

Capcom vs SNK 2: Mark of the Milennium

Darkstalkers Resurrection

Dead Rising 2: Off The Record

Devil May Cry HD Collection

Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen

Dungeons and Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara

Lost Planet 3

Megaman Combo Pack 9 & 10

Okami HD

Remember Me

Resident Evil
PS4, PS3

Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition

Resident EVil 6

Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection


10-06-15, 19:18
PlayStation Now Game Streaming Available as a Beta For Samsung TV’s

Sony has now launched (https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5338/%7E/playstation-now-on-bravia-and-samsung-televisions) their PlayStation Now game streaming service in beta on certain Samsung Smart TV’s, allowing you to enjoy a number of great games without actually having a console.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/PS-Now-PlayStation-Now-635x357.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/PS-Now-PlayStation-Now.jpg)
PlayStation Now app available in beta for select Samsung Smart TV’s, expanding the PlayStation brand even further. If you’re curious as to how the service works, you can find the PlayStation Now app through the Smart Hub app store, where it’ll be available. You’ll need a DualShock 4 controller in order to take advantage of the service and the controller is only operable over USB for now. But the entire catalog of games is available to play and should play reasonably well, even in the beta stage.
Sony announced (http://wccftech.com/samsung-tv-playstation-now-games/) that they were working with Samsung to bring their game streaming service to their Smart TV’s in December of last year, and now they’ve finally realized that goal with the PlayStation Now app available in beta form. Since 2012 the PlayStation Now streaming service has been available on the PS4, PS Vita, PS TV and the recently (http://wccftech.com/playstation-game-streaming-ps3-starting-12th/) also the PS3 with over 200 different titles (http://wccftech.com/playstation-game-streaming-ps3-starting-12th/) available to play.

Noticia completa:

12-06-15, 13:32
NPD: PlayStation 4 outsold the Xbox One in May

The Sony PlayStation 4 has retaken its console sales lead over the Microsoft Xbox One after a strong month of May, according to The NPD Group.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/5/45838_01_npd-playstation-4-outsold-xbox-one.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/5/45838_01_npd-playstation-4-outsold-xbox-one_full.jpg)

"As we head into E3, we would like to thank gamers for making PS4 the top-selling console and the leader in software sales in the U.S. in May," a Sony spokesperson told GamesBeat. "We are truly humbled by this success and we look forward to sharing what's next for PS4 at our E3 press conference on June 15."

The PS4 has dominated the Xbox One so far in 2015, outselling the American manufacturer every but April - and Sony has continued to solidify its strong lead. In addition, the PS4 versions of the top 10 game titles in May outsold their Xbox One counterparts - well, except for Minecraft.


12-06-15, 13:56
Nyko Offers Data Bank For PS4 Users To Expand Internal Storage

http://media.bestofmicro.com/B/4/503248/gallery/Nyko_DataBankPs4_w_600.png (http://www.tomshardware.com/gallery/Nyko_DataBankPs4,0101-503248-0-2-12-1-png-.html)One of the primary issues with today's consoles is storage. Games continue to increase in installation size, making the seemingly immense 500 GB storage too small, as that leaves room for only a few titles. For Xbox One owners, there are a few options to increase storage such as Western Digital's My Passport X (http://www.tomshardware.com/news/wd-my-passport-x-external-gaming-storage,28861.html) external hard drive with 2 TB of storage or (if you didn't get an Xbox One yet) the recently announced 1 TB version (http://www.tomshardware.com/news/xbox-one-1tb-model,29339.html) of the console.
PlayStation 4 owners don't have this luxury, because it only allows transfers of saved data files, not the actual game itself. Other than replacing the internal 2.5-inch drive with a bigger capacity, we briefly mentioned another solution in the past: Nyko's Data Bank for PlayStation 4. First revealed six months ago at CES, the storage expansion device is finally on sale for $39.99.

<iframe width="550" height="310" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/r_DEjsbC1Xc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Nyko Data Bank

The purpose of the Data Bank is to replace the 2.5-inch drive inside the console with a 3.5-inch drive. To do this, the Data Bank replaces the top plate of the PS4. You will have to take out the internal drive because the Data Bank needs that slot for a SATA connector. Once it's in place, you insert the 3.5-inch drive at the top of the device, and you're ready to go. A small LED light also illuminates to indicate that data is being processed onto the drive.
The switch to 3.5-inch drives is a logical one. The bigger drives are more commonly used in many devices, not to mention that it's also a cheaper storage solution. Furthermore, the 2.5-inch drive in the PS4 has a speed of only 5400 RPM, and with a 3.5-inch drive not only can you get a wider range of capacities but also better performance.

As for the Data Bank itself, its selling price is rather cheap. Combine that with an additional purchase of a 3.5-inch drive of your choosing, and you can easily double or even triple your storage for around $100.


17-06-15, 14:01
Sony diz que não tem interesse em retrocompatibilidade na PS4 - http://www.eurogamer.pt/articles/2015-06-17-sony-sem-interesse-em-retro-compatibilidade-para-ps4

Olha que novidade. Com o sucesso que estão a ter não há necessidade de correr a agradar a quem queira jogos da PS3 ou PS2 ou PS1 na PS4. Continuam a vender muito bem sem isso. Para quê o esforço? E mais, a Sony não tem propriamente a capacidade em lidar com software que a Microsoft tem, visto que esta retrocompatibilidade vai ser feita por emulador e a Sony não é nem nunca foi uma empresa especializada em software e certamente teria de recorrer a serviços externos para fazer isto enquanto a Microsoft não.

Creio que a Microsoft pode ter aqui uma grande carta na manga. Ao trazer os jogos das consolas anteriores para a One, podem depois ainda passar esses jogos para o Windows pela Windows Store e ter um catálogo invejável. Imaginando uma Windows Store com o catálogo todo da primeira Xbox, da 360, da One, do Windows desktop e ainda dos jogos mobile... creio que fica muito forte. Com emuladores, apps universais, directx 12, api's iguais em todo o ecossistema... tudo está lá.

17-06-15, 19:13
Sim, sem dúvida que a Sony a não ter interesse com a retro compatibilidade vai ser um GRANDE MILAGRE para a microsoft recuperar abada que levou desde dos lançamentos das consolas.

Keep Dreaming ...

17-06-15, 20:35
A Sony quer impingir aquela treta do PS Now, em que é streaming de jogos por aluguer, deixas de pagar deixas de ter acesso aos jogos que tinhas. Muito melhor. É a única maneira de jogares jogos de ps1,2 ou 3 na 4, caso não saibas. Prefiro comprar e ficar com o jogo para sempre mesmo que corra num emulador que andar a pagar e depois se parar deixar de ter.

22-06-15, 13:06
Sony Announces PS4 Ultimate Player Edition

Looks like the console war is at it again. Both the heavyweights are ready with all guns blazing. Where at one end, Xbox One Elite console leaks via a listing by Walmart, at the other Sony officially announces a PS4 Ultimate Player Edition for the European and PAL markets.
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/playstation_4_console_controller_ps4_92842_3840x21 60-635x357.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/playstation_4_console_controller_ps4_92842_3840x21 60.jpg)
Get Twice the Storage of the Existing PS4 in the New PS4 Ultimate Player Edition Captioned “Get twice the storage of the existing PS4,” Sony announces the new addition to the PS4 lineup, the “PS4 Ultimate Player Edition” on their official PlayStation blog (http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2015/06/22/new-1tb-ps4-ultimate-player-edition-launches-next-month/). The new PS4 Ultimate Player Edition features 1TB of Hard disk space and will start to ship next month on 15th of July. The announcement reads:

“Hi everyone. Today, we’re happy to announce that the 1TB PS4 Ultimate Player Edition launches in select Europe and PAL territories from 15th July.

<ins data-adsbygoogle-status="done" class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:336px;height:280px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5257724448514074" data-ad-slot="4225663910"><ins id="aswift_0_expand" style="display:inline-table;border:none;height:280px;margin:0;padding:0; position:relative;visibility:visible;width:336px;b ackground-color:transparent"><ins id="aswift_0_anchor" style="display:block;border:none;height:280px;margin:0;pa dding:0;position:relative;visibility:visible;width :336px;background-color:transparent"></ins></ins></ins>
Offering twice the storage of the existing PS4, you’ll be able to download more of the games you love to your PS4, extend your play with more great add-on content and save and share even more of your best gaming highlights.
For pricing information, check with your local retailer.”
So pre-order your PS4 Ultimate Player Edition but if you’re an Xbox guy, then you’re in for a bigger treat as it looks like Microsoft is coming up with an Xbox One Elite console and we might even be looking at a hardware update that is more than just expanding the Hard Drive storage. You can read about the Xbox One Elite console here (http://wccftech.com/walmart-listed-xbox-one-elite-console/).
Stay tuned for more information on the Sony’s PS4 or Microsoft’s Xbox One Elite console. Until then, do share your views with us in the comments section.


A melhor consola da actualidade, está de volta renovada :thumbsup:

27-06-15, 20:27
PlayStation Network Down in Several Countries With Sluggish Download Speeds

Earlier, we reported an issue in Batman Arkham Knights PS4 leaderboards (http://wccftech.com/batman-arkham-knight-ps4-version-experiences-issue-leaderboards/) and it might have depicted that the issue was an in-game problem. Although it still might be an in-game issue but that cannot be the only reason as reports are coming in suggest that there is an issue with Sony’s PlayStation Network.
Just when we were surprised that the PSN was up and running with any recent outage, the online PlayStation network has taken another hit. While this may not be the case for all (as many players are not experiencing any anomaly in their PSN experience), but its is still a widespread issue and the official PlayStation status page (https://status.playstation.com/en-us/) notes that players “may be experiencing issues related to launching certain games or game functionality. This is due to factors external to PSN. We are tracking the progress of the resolution of the issue.”
http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/PSN-635x333.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/PSN.jpg)
The Issue With Batman Arkham Knight Might Just Be The PlayStation Network The fact that this outage is an external outage may seem alarming but the PSN has been hacked in the past with multiple DDOS attacks like the one’s back on christmas by a group of hackers named the lizard squad. Sony has managed to recover from those and hopefully this issue may not be nearly as big.
The outage has been specifically apparent this week with download times being multiplied several times. People have been reporting a download time of 12 hours for the day-one patch of Batman Arkham Knight which happens to be just 3.5GB large. This seemingly, is also affecting the online Sony gaming experience so it might not be a bad time to invite a couple of your mates for an offline multiplayer.
Currently the official PlayStation page (https://status.playstation.com/en-us/) mentions another upcoming maintenance. The details are as follows:

“Routine maintenance and improvements for PlayStation Network will be performed for approximately 1.5 hours on Monday, June 29, 9:30 PM PDT (June 30, 4:30 AM GMT) to June 29, 11:00 PM PDT (June 30, 6:00 AM GMT). Anyone who already has a PlayStation Network account can still sign in to their PlayStation Network profile, play games, and use most applications while this maintenance is carried out.
You will not be able to access Account Management, PlayStation Video, or complete a purchase in the PlayStation Store during this maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience.
We recommend activating your PS4 console as your primary console before maintenance begins for the best experience. You will only need to do this once and will remain in effect for all future maintenances.
We strive to ensure that PlayStation Network services are available at all times, but occasionally we must take PlayStation Network offline to perform essential maintenance and implement feature enhancements. We are working hard to reduce the duration of each maintenance.”
You can follow this link (https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5059/%7E/activate-%2F-deactivate-primary-ps4) for a how-to on activating primary on your PS4.
Stay tuned for more information on the PSN outage and do share your views with us in the comments section.


29-06-15, 19:24
PlayStation Plus is 5 today!

Today marks the 5th anniversary of PlayStation Plus and we’d like to thank all of you for being part of five fantastic years.

PS Plus has provided SCEE members with over 350 games since its launch on 29th June 2010 and continues to offer hand-picked titles for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. That’s a lot of games!
It’s also provided members with unforgettable PS4 online multiplayer experiences, with more than 270 million hours being spent playing FIFA 15 online – the same as playing 181.2 million 90-minute football matches!
To celebrate those of you that have been with us from the very beginning, a limited edition gift will be arriving in the mail for those of you that have been part of the journey since the very start. Think you may be one of them? Then keep a close eye on your emails as we’ll be getting in touch today.

Source: PlayStation Blog


30-06-15, 13:55
Some argue Sony should include backward compatibility for PS4

Sony isn't interested in directly offering backward compatibility (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/45950/hold-breath-sony-PlayStation-4-backward-compatibility/index.html) so PlayStation 4 gamers can play their PlayStation 3 titles on the new generation console. However, Sony wants gamers to check out the PlayStation Now streaming subscription service that provides access to hundreds of PS3 games.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46220_01_argue-sony-include-backward-compatibility-ps4.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46220_01_argue-sony-include-backward-compatibility-ps4_full.jpg)

There are some PS4 gamers and media members that think Sony should investigate rolling out a backward compatibility feature for the PS4 - just to make gamers happy. Sony has worked hard to create a good gaming ecosystem, trying to keep sometimes fickle fans happy.

If it doesn't offer backward compatibility, Sony runs the risk of leaving gamers disappointed, though with other methods to play PS3 titles - for free or paid rental - I think the Japanese electronics company has done enough already.

Sony initially seemed skeptical of Microsoft's announcement (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/45883/microsoft-play-Xbox-360-game-title-one/index.html) regarding the Xbox One's backward compatibility, doubting whether it's possible - and that it would involve "lots of engineering effort (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/46023/sony-official-bit-skeptical-Xbox-ones-backward-compatibility/index.html)."

Regardless of what PlayStation gamers want, it seems unlikely that Sony will try to follow (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/45950/hold-breath-sony-playstation-4-backward-compatibility/index.html) in Microsoft's footsteps anytime soon.


30-06-15, 14:02
A Sony não o vai fazer. Simplesmente porque está a vender bem sem fazer isso e sente que não tem necessidade de fazer isso para continuar a vender bem. Enquanto se está no primeiro lugar com algum conforto, não se sente necessidade de agradar tanto os clientes. Quando nos começamos a ver numa posição mais complicada é que é tempo de nos mexer-mos. Toda a gente é assim.

01-07-15, 13:43
Sony dominates Europe, with the PS4 taking up to 90% marketshare

Sony is dominating the European market, where during a recent interview with VG247, Sony Europe President Jim Ryan saying that Sony has nothing less than 70% marketshare in every European country.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46254_05_sony-dominates-europe-ps4-taking-up-90-marketshare.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46254_05_sony-dominates-europe-ps4-taking-up-90-marketshare_full.jpg)

Ryan explains: "We have a very significant market leadership. We have market leadership in every country in Europe, and have very significant market leadership in continental Europe. Extremely significant. I don't think marketshare's any less than 70 percent, and frequently greater than 90 percent in continental Europe".

During the interview, Ryan said that the PS4 is still seeing "very considerable" momentum at its current price, with the company adding that it has no plans to cut the price anytime soon. Ryan added: "We're happy with the price and we're happy with the value proposition. We'll leave it where it is for now".


A Microsoft é completamente dizimada...

01-07-15, 13:48
PS4 System Software Update 2.55 released

An update to the system software for PlayStation 4 systems was released on 1 July 2015. You can use this to update your system software to version 2.55.
Always update your PS4 system to the latest version of the system software. By updating, you can enjoy additional features, improved usability and enhanced security.
Main features in system software update 2.55
-System software stability during use of some features has been improved.
-Do not download or install the update using data other than the official update file provided online by Sony Computer Entertainment. Do not download or install updates by methods other than those described in the system documentation or on this website. If you download or install update data from a different source, by a different method, or on a system that has been altered or modified in any way, the system might not operate properly and might not be able to install the official update data. Any of these actions can void the system warranty and affect your ability to obtain warranty services and repair services from Sony Computer Entertainment.
-Do not install system software soon before or soon after a power outage.
-Do not turn off your system during the installation. Interrupting the installation can cause your system to be damaged.
-You might not be able to use some applications or content without first updating the system software.


01-07-15, 19:24
Sony Playstation 4 Batman Arkham Knight Bundle For $370, WD 1TB USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive + $25 Gift Card for $60

Welcome back for the latest installment of HOT deals, direct from the good folks at TecBargains. On tap for you all today, we have deals on a Sony Playstation 4 Batman: Arkham Knight Bundle, a Western Digital 1TB USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive, a RAVPower 3200mAh Mini USB Portable Charger, and much more. The full list of deals is available below...

image: http://hothardware.com/ContentImages/NewsItem/34226/content/batman-deal.jpg (http://zdbb.net/u/hqt)

Sony Playstation 4 Batman: Arkham Knight Bundle for $369.99 + Free shipping (http://zdbb.net/u/hqt) (normally $399.99).

Electronics & Accessories

Western Digital 1TB USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive + $25 Dell Gift Card for $59.99 + Free shipping (http://zdbb.net/u/hrj) (normally $79.99).
Schlage Electronic Dead Bolt w/ Built-in Alarm for $139.99 + Free shipping (http://zdbb.net/u/hqw) (normally $300).
Mpow Dragon Slayer Wireless Gaming Mouse w/ Adjustable DPI for $14.99 (http://zdbb.net/u/hqx) (normally $25 - use coupon code: TN6DCDN9).
RAVPower 3200mAh Mini USB Portable Charger for $7.99 (http://zdbb.net/u/hr0) (normally $20).
For more computer accessory deals, visit the TechBargains site (http://www.techbargains.com/catsearch.cfm/0_5_0?utm_source=hhd&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=hhdpost&source=hothardware)

Computers & Peripherals

Dell Inspiron 3000 Intel Core i5-4460 Quad-Core Desktop with 8GB RAM and 1TB Hard Drive for $499.99 + Free shipping (http://zdbb.net/u/hr3) (normally $729.99).
Intel NUC Core i5-5250u Dual-Core Broadwell Mini Desktop for $359.99 + Free shipping (http://zdbb.net/u/hra) (normally $475).
For more computer deals, visit the TechBargains site (http://www.techbargains.com/catsearch.cfm/0_3_0?utm_source=hhd&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=hhdpost&source=hothardware)


03-07-15, 14:11
New PS4 Model CUH-1200 Performance Tests Confirm Less Power Consumption – Old vs New Model Differences Detailed

Last week, Sony revealed PlayStation 4 1TB Ultimate Player Edition, a new version of its eighth generation home console that comes with slight technological improvements and twice the hard drive space compared to the standard model. The new PS4 model with product code CUH-1200 was released for purchase a few days ago in Japan, and first videos and images have finally started to appear on the internet, giving us a glimpse at how the new variant differs from the old version of the console.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/CIaq0i0UkAAST-H.jpg-large-635x381.jpg (http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/CIaq0i0UkAAST-H.jpg-large.jpg)
Physical and Technical Differences Between New PS4 1TB Model CUH-1200 and Older 500GB Model Detailed The new lighter, more power efficient variant of Sony’s flagship video game console comes with a matte finish on its hard drive cover instead of the glossy one that sits on previous models i.e. CUH-1100 and CUH-1000. But that is not all, there are physical as well as technical differences, as explained by Twitter user Marine (https://twitter.com/pkns_marine), tweeted screenshots of the new console sitting next to the older model, detailing the differences between both.
Among other minor changes, the new PS4 1TB model CUH-1200 weighs 10 percent lighter than the previous model 500GB model, and uses 8 percent less power, which means the rated power consumption of the new model is 230W instead of 250W. However the real power consumption of the new console has reportedly been reduced by 18 percent from 148.6W to 122W. Performance test (http://pocketnews.cocolog-nifty.com/pkns/2015/06/ps4-1469.html) shared below shows how much power do all the three PS4 models consume while performing different tasks, you can check it out for yourself below.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/20150627_01.png (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/20150627_01.png)
Following are the details and screenshots shared by Marine (https://twitter.com/pkns_marine), showing the physical differences between new PS4 1TB model CUH-1200 and the older 500GB model, and explaining the technical differences including less noise and power consumption.

Noticia completa:

03-07-15, 19:04
PSN Is Down Again, Not Part of Scheduled Maintainence

Most service for the PSN are down right now, and it’s not part of any sort of scheduled maintenance.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/BhwITalCUAAWTsd-635x357.jpg (http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/BhwITalCUAAWTsd.jpg)
The PSN is down at the moment, many users are experiencing difficulty connecting to most services. The outage is affecting both Europe and North American with all services on the PSN except PlayStation Vue and PlayStation Now unavailable. This PSN outage comes after a similar outage due to “external factors” that happened on June 26th. The status page (https://status.playstation.com/en-us/) lists the problem as having started at around 11:20AM PDT.

Affected Platforms: PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4
Affected Services: You may be experiencing issues related to launching games, applications, and/or social features such as trophies, messaging, or friends list. We appreciate your patience while we address this.
Status: Friday, July 3rd 2015 11:20 am PDT

So if you thought you were going to begin your holiday weekend (in the US, or extended holiday weekend in Canada), then you might not be able to if the PS3 or PS4 are in your stable. Unfortunately there are no details regarding why it’s offline and of course Twitter is ablaze with anger regarding the PSN outage. Some users are even reporting that they can’t even sign-in locally or start up apps for offline usage. Single player games are also affected. It seems that even that functionality requires an Internet connection.

Arron Lund @ArronL123 (https://twitter.com/ArronL123)
I know #psn (https://twitter.com/hashtag/psn?src=hash) is down but is anyone else unable to even start apps? Games wont even load for me to play offline :/
<time class="dt-updated" datetime="2015-07-03T18:37:19+0000" pubdate="" title="Time posted: 03 Jul 2015, 18:37:19 (UTC)">7:37 PM - 3 Jul 2015</time> (https://twitter.com/ArronL123/status/617039431862718464)

The PSN seems to be down quite often lately, with both unscheduled outages and scheduled maintenance. Does anyone have any issues using their PS Vita online? It appears to only affect the PS3 and PS4, so let us know if you have one if there are any issues. Hopefully whatever the cause is, is resolved soon.


05-07-15, 20:27
Console War Update – Latest Sales Data Show a Massive PS4 Lead
Ever since the launch of the PS4 back in November 2013, the console has been going very strong in terms of sales The fact may be that the Xbox One and the Wii U were released before the Sony’s PS4 but the PS4 caught up to both the rivals in no time.
Some people might not consider the Nintendo consoles to be direct competitors of the Xbox One and the PS4 but we have no dispute over the fact that Xbox One and PS4 are battling it out for the title of king of the console war. And as such, we have new sales data today for our readers.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/PS4-Xbox-One-2-635x357.jpg (http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/PS4-Xbox-One-2.jpg)
PS4 Sales Are Almost Twice That of The Xbox One – Wii U Not Lagging Far Behind According to the sales data from VGchartz (http://www.vgchartz.com/article/259858/ps4-vs-xbox-one-vs-wii-u-global-lifetime-salesmay-2015-updateps4-232m-xbox-one-128m-wii-u-97m/), Sony is just emphasizing its global dominance with massive lead over its Microsoft rival Xbox One and the Nintendo’s Wii U. Have a look at the global lifetime sales of the consoles below:

PlayStation 4: 23,217,798
Xbox One: 12,835,320
Wii U: 9,727,909

Note: These figures aren’t from an official source and VGChartz isn’t the most reliable of sources, so take these numbers lightly.

When comparing the monthly statistics, we have the following information available to us for the month of May:

PlayStation 4: 617,578
Xbox One: 272,955
Wii U: 141,426

The PlayStation 4 outsold the Xbox One and Wii U by 344,623 and 476,152 units respectively. Year-over-year monthly sales are up for PS4 and Xbox One, but for Wii U sales have gone down. Even tho Wii U has portrayed itself as a different type of console owing to the type of games it hosts, but given that the console was first released to the customers in 2012 which is roughly a year before the release of Xbox One and PS4 consoles.
But it looks like Nintendo intends to come back strong with a new console called the NX which the company confirmed was not a replacement for the 3DS and Wii U and the Nintendo president Satoru Iwata assured fans that intend won’t be dropping support for both of these platforms anytime soon.
As for the Xbox One, it still has a lot of way to catch up but it’s going in the right direction with a very successful E3 and more announcements to be showcased at Gamescom. So I wouldn’t write of PS4 the winner just yet. With that being said, stay tuned for more news on the console war and do share your views with us in the comments section.


A PS4 literalmente esmaga a X1!!!!

07-07-15, 19:22
1TB PS4 Includes PlayStation TV Micro-Console Bundled

The large capacity PS4 with 1TB of internal storage is going to be available on July 15th in the UK and Europe. What Sony also confirmed along with that date is a little bit more surprising, and unexpected.
http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/ps4-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/ps4.jpg)
The 1TB PS4 will be bundled with a PlayStation TV micro-console. All for £349.99. But that bundle is only for a limited time and only at retailers that choose to participate in the deal. That PS TV micro-console can stream PS4 games from the PS4 to another TV, play PS3 and PS Vita games and also enjoy the new, yet currently limited, PS Vue streaming TV service.
The second generation of the PS4 should prove to be better in a number of areas. It’s 80g lighter with new materials, a new power supply, a new HDMI port scheme and a new blue-ray drive and different fans to help cut down on noise.
We’ve been able to show you (http://wccftech.com/ps4-model-cuh1200-performance-power-differences/) that the new CUH-12000 includes a number of other internal improvements to make it more energy efficient than the previous model. In fact, during gaming it can potentially use up to 20W less than previous models. That’s not insignificant by any means. The new model is more than just a storage update, and might even be much better suited to the smaller areas that one might wish to place the PS4.

Oddly, even though new models of the PS4 have passed through (http://wccftech.com/1tb-ps4-fcc-coming/) the FCC, there is no concrete information surrounding the release of a 1TB PS4 in the US. Hopefully we’ll here more about that soon. But in the meantime, you over in the UK and EU can enjoy a little more storage for a little less money.


15-07-15, 09:22
PlayStation Network adds to its long history of downtimes


Sony's PlayStation Network (PSN) has once again caused a headache. On Tuesday, PlayStation gamers took to social media in outrage over yet another downtime of PSN. The downtime affected online games, the store, apps, messaging, and their trophy system -- just about all the major features you need PSN for.
Sony told users the network was down due to "maintenance." However, Sony never issued a warning about any planned maintenance, which makes their explanation questionable and frankly unprofessional.
Sony confirmed the outage on PSN's status page (https://status.playstation.com/en-us/).

“You may be experiencing issues related to launching games, applications, and/or social features such as trophies, messaging, or friends list. We appreciate your patience while we address this.”
Further notices listed issues (http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2015/07/14/psn-ps4-ps3-sony-confirms/#/slide/1) with their PlayStation Store and video unlimited service.

Noticia completa:

21-07-15, 14:03
PS4 Playbook laptop faithfully channels R2-D2 (http://www.kitguru.net/laptops/notebook/jon-martindale/ps4-playbook-laptop-faithfully-channels-r2-d2/)

One advantage PC gaming has over console gaming, is that there are portable versions of those platforms that we can take around with us. They’re called laptops and you have to look far and wide to find a console equivalent. They are out there though, like the Xbox and PlayStation laptops that Eddie Zarick has been making for a while. His latest creation is very unique however, since it bundles a Playstation 4, inside an R2-D2 themed laptop case.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/ps4playbook-1024x576.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/ps4playbook.jpg)
Called the R2-D2 Star Wars Playbook, it puts a PS4 inside a custom built notebook chassis, featuring a full 3D printed exterior, with custom made R2-D2-esque parts. It even features sound effects of the little guy when plugged in and powered on.

<iframe width="640" height="385" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/uDXwMV73nf8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

If you want to have it do that all day, there’s even a button on the side that acts like the modern equivalent of a toy’s drawstring, forcing the Playbook to start spouting R2-D2 noises/phrases with abandon.
As much as this is an impressive set up and certainly is the most visually attractive system that Zarick has put together, the Xbook Duo, (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/anton-shilov/xbook-duo-xbox-360-and-xbox-one-consoles-integrated-into-a-laptop/) which bundled an Xbox 360 and PS3 together was perhaps the greatest achievement of Playbook creation.


21-07-15, 17:02
Official PS4 Media Remote Coming Soon, Lots of Buttons

The PS4 is finally getting an officially licensed media remote (http://amzn.to/1SzH6Zi), after all these years of having to use the DualShock 4. PDP, the ubiquitous peripheral company, is releasing the official media remote on October 31st.

PS4 Media Remote with dedicated PS4 buttons coming this Fall for $30.

A listing popped up (http://amzn.to/1SzH6Zi) on some popular sites giving us all the details for the upcoming remote. The new media remote will allow you to control up to four devices at once, more than just the PS4 itself, and because of the inclusion of dedicated controller buttons, you might be able completely play games from the remote itself. Wouldn’t that be an interesting challenge?
An official solution hasn’t even been offered until now. The media playing capabilities aren’t quite as robust as the PS3, but that doesn’t mean that a remote won’t be useful. As a blue-ray player it excels, though with higher power usage than using other platforms could. Plex and other media streaming apps might even include compatibility, making the use that much more comfortable from the couch. Not that using the DualShock 4 is too much of an inconvenience anyway.

From the official blurb:
“The officially licensed Universal Media Remote for PlayStation 4 gives you complete control of all PS4 media playback via Bluetooth. Easily control up to 4 devices—PS4, Set Top Box, TV, and Audio Receiver—and enjoy direct access to the PS4 Home and Power buttons without a controller. Enjoy a convenient and hassle-free way to navigate and control your PlayStation 4 system from your couch.”


22-07-15, 09:00
How to Use the DualShock 4 Controller on Your PC with one Awesome App

VGS English (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDJKPIyDhlSKF-CoJYUdGSA) has released a video demonstrating how to use the PlayStation 4’s amazing controller on your PC, with the use of one wonderful app.
You can watch the instructional video below, as well as a detailed guide further down:

<iframe width="635" height="388" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/A1KRSaa-PxQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The DualShock 4 is definitely one of the best controllers around http://cdn3.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/DualShock-4-635x423.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/DualShock-4.jpg)

Wired Setup:

Download the Inputmapper (https://inputmapper.com/) from the download page (https://inputmapper.com/downloads/category/2-input-mapper)
Follow the installation wizard and ensure all the necessary files are installed
Plug in any DS4 via micro usb cable
Enjoy playing Xbox 360 enabled games with your DS4!

Wireless setup:

Go to your Bluetooth settings (it’s found under PC and devices under PC settings)
Hold both the share and the PS button together until the Lightbar starts blinking. This makes it detectable on Bluetooth devices.
Pair the controller by selecting it in the Bluetooth options
Wait until it’s fully installed then begin playing.

The Dualshock 4 is certainly one of the best controllers available, and the truth is that no matter how advantageous a mouse & keyboard combo might be most of the time, some games are better with a controller. No matter how used PC gamers are to their own input devices, once you get used to using a controller some experiences will indeed benefit and enhance greatly.
The Xbox One controller is already being supported natively wired, and the upcoming dongle to be released by Microsoft alongside Windows 10 will allow the controller wireless support as well. Given that most games have support for the Xbox mappings the Xbox One controller does seem more appropriate, but hopefully developers will start mapping the DualShock 4 pretty soon. Having proper prompts displayed is always better.


23-07-15, 17:00
PS4 System Software Update 2.57 released

http://www.hardwareheaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/ps4-system-software-update-two-column-01-ps4-eu-20mar15.png (http://www.hardwareheaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/ps4-system-software-update-two-column-01-ps4-eu-20mar15.png)
An update to the system software for PlayStation 4 systems was released on 22 July 2015. You can use this to update your system software to version 2.57.
Always update your PS4 system to the latest version of the system software. By updating, you can enjoy additional features, improved usability and enhanced security.
Main features in system software update 2.57
-System software stability during use of some features has been improved.
-Do not download or install the update using data other than the official update file provided online by Sony Computer Entertainment. Do not download or install updates by methods other than those described in the system documentation or on this website. If you download or install update data from a different source, by a different method, or on a system that has been altered or modified in any way, the system might not operate properly and might not be able to install the official update data. Any of these actions can void the system warranty and affect your ability to obtain warranty services and repair services from Sony Computer Entertainment.
-Do not install system software soon before or soon after a power outage.
-Do not turn off your system during the installation. Interrupting the installation can cause your system to be damaged.
-You might not be able to use some applications or content without first updating the system software.


27-07-15, 15:03
Mini-keyboard and mouse coming to PS4 (http://www.kitguru.net/peripherals/matthew-wilson/mini-keyboard-and-mouse-coming-to-ps4/)

One of the biggest downsides to playing competitive shooters on a console is the lack of keyboard and mouse, controllers just don’t deliver the same level of speed and accuracy. However, that is set to change a bit on the PS4 as peripheral maker, Hori, is all set to release the TAC4 wired keyboard and mouse for the console.
As you can see from the image, it isn’t a full sized keyboard, it only gives users the necessary buttons and rather than being presented with WASD, you get a set of arrow keys along with keys for each controller button. The mini-keyboard even has a D-pad.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/jpg2.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/jpg2.jpg)
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/61E-Ua0oKTL._SL1500_-e1438000122314.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/61E-Ua0oKTL._SL1500_-e1438000122314.jpg)
The mouse has some extra buttons of its own. Just like in PC shooters, the left and right mouse buttons will activate aim and shoot. Though this mouse also comes with a ‘quick’ button, square and L2+R2 on the side by the thumb groove.
This is a Sony licensed product so it will all be supported natively by the PS4, rather than last generation’s keyboard and mouse converters, which required the extra peripherals to hook up to a controller in order to emulate its functions. The TAC4 releases on the 9th of October this year, it is up on Amazon UK right now (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tactical-Assault-Commander-4-PS4/dp/B00ZUNOSFU/) for £87.


Agora é a vez da Sony também equipar a consola com um rato e teclado, algo que a Microsoft também fez recentemente com a X1.

30-07-15, 17:20
Shipments of Sony PlayStation 4 exceed 25 million units globally (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/anton-shilov/shipments-of-sony-playstation-4-exceed-25-million-units-globally/)

Sony Corp. on Thursday announced that global shipments of its latest PlayStation 4 video game consoles have surpassed 25 million units. Apparently, sales of PS4 are not only good, by they exceed shipments of all competing products from Microsoft Corp. and Nintendo combined.
Sony Computer Entertainment managed to sell whopping three million PlayStation 4 video game systems in the first quarter of its fiscal 2016 (which corresponds to the Q2 of calendar 2015), which exceeded its expectations. Life-to-date sales of Sony PlayStation 4 have reached 25.3 million units worldwide, based on financial reports from the platform holder.
(http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/sony_playstation_41.jpg)In the Q2 of 2015 sales of PS4 not only exceeded sales of its main rival, Microsoft’s Xbox One, but left behind combined shipments of all four competing platforms, including Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U and Wii. Keeping in mind that Sony’s PlayStation 4 dominates select markets with 90 per cent share, it is not surprising that the console outsells its rivals.
Typically, sales of video game consoles drop in Q1 and Q2 and then recover in Q3 and Q4. Shipments of Sony’s PS4 managed to increase both sequentially and year-over-year in the second quarter of 2015. It is clear why PS4 performs better than the industry, but it is rather surprising that it performs better than it should in this part part of the year. Perhaps, Sony can finally fulfill demand for its latest console and gamers who could not obtain the hardware before got the device in the second quarter of the year.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/sony_ps4_vs_microsoft_xbox.png (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/sony_ps4_vs_microsoft_xbox.png)
One of the companies, who benefits from record sales of PlayStation 4 is Advanced Micro Devices, which sells Sony the most expensive component of the console, its system-on-chip featuring eight AMD x86 cores and AMD Radeon graphics processing unit. AMD receives from $75 to $100 per every PS4 SoC. Hence, the success of the gaming system means a lot of additional money for the chip designer.
Phil Spencer, corporate vice president of Microsoft Game Studios, recently confirmed that cumulative sales of Xbox One had exceeded 11.6 million units (http://www.kitguru.net/desktop-pc/console-desktop-pc/anton-shilov/microsoft-life-to-date-sales-of-xbox-one-exceed-11-6-million-of-units/). VGChartz (http://www.vgchartz.com/analysis/platform_totals/), which gathers data from various market tracking companies like NPD Group, Media Create and Gfk, asserts that Microsoft so far has sold 13 million of Xbox One game systems. Life-to-date sales of Nintendo Wii U are slightly over 10 million units (http://www.kitguru.net/desktop-pc/console-desktop-pc/jon-martindale/wii-u-sales-finally-crest-10-million/).


Sempre em alta a consola da Sony.

31-07-15, 10:49
Sony plans to open polls for new PS Plus games

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<article id="main-content"><header>Sony plans to open polls for new PS Plus gamesSony adds a new community-driven poll feature to its PlayStation Plus service, but how does it work? (NYSE:SNE, NASDAQ:MSFT, EPA:UBI)
By: Derek Strickland (http://www.tweaktown.com/author/Derek-Strickland/index.html) | Gaming News (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/gaming/index.html) | Posted: 10 hours, 55 mins ago
Comment (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/46763/sony-plans-open-polls-new-ps-plus-games/index.html#comment) | Email to a Friend | Font Size: AA


</header><article><center style="clear:both;margin:30px 0"></center>It's no secret that the free PS4 games offered with Sony's PS Plus haven't been so exciting, mostly made up of smaller indies with a few choice gems here and there like Rocket League, Dust and FEZ. But now Sony wants to give the power to the players and let them decide what free games they'll get each month.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46763_1_sony-plans-open-polls-new-ps-plus-games.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46763_1_sony-plans-open-polls-new-ps-plus-games_full.jpg)

The new feature is called Vote to Play, and was originally spotted in the What's New section of UK-based PlayStation 4's. Now Vote to Play isn't an open poll where you can suggest and vote on great AAA PS4 games; Sony will pick three games and users will be able to chose one of those games.

According to the promo, Sony will kick off the new feature with three indies (not surprising) including Ubisoft's popular Grow Home, Zombie Vikings, and Armello. If the selection is handled just right Sony could possibly overshadow Microsoft's own Games With Gold service, and it'll be interesting to see what games are offered in the future.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46763_2_sony-plans-open-polls-new-ps-plus-games.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46763_2_sony-plans-open-polls-new-ps-plus-games_full.jpg)

At the time of writing Sony hasn't unveiled any concrete info on Vote to Play on the European PlayStation Blog, and sadly it looks like it might be exclusive to overseas regions as no mention of the feature was found on my personal North American PS4.

If you haven't already be sure to check out the free PlayStation Plus games for August 2015 (http://blog.us.PlayStation.com/2015/07/29/ps-plus-free-games-for-august-2015/) in the picture below.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46763_3_sony-plans-open-polls-new-ps-plus-games.png (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/6/46763_3_sony-plans-open-polls-new-ps-plus-games_full.png)



31-07-15, 12:42
Nyko Type Pad For PlayStation 4 Available For $29.99 At GameStop

Nyko's Type Pad can be purchased from various retailers, with GameStop carrying it for $29.99.
http://media.bestofmicro.com/R/V/515515/gallery/TypePadPS41_w_600.png (http://www.tomshardware.com/gallery/TypePadPS41,0101-515515-0-2-12-1-png-.html)
There's been word on the street about the Nyko Type Pad for the Playstation 4 for a while, but now the gaming accessory is finally officially available through retailers.
The Nyko Type Pad is essentially a miniature keyboard that you can attach to the DualShock 4 controller, which makes typing on the Sony-made console a heap easier. The pad connects to the PlayStation 4 through a Bluetooth connection, and it has its own battery pack built in. Although it's an attachment for the DualShock 4 controller, there are no electrical connections between the two aside from a headphone jack passthrough. To charge the unit, you can use any standard Micro-USB charger.
The layout is a standard QWERTY layout, with some additional shortcuts and an analog navigation nub to traverse your way through menus. The extra keys include "@", ".com" to make typing email addresses and websites a little easier, and there is a selection of less commonly used symbols that are accessible through the shift function.
The MSRP was set at $34.99, but the street price is a little lower, with the Type Pad costing a wee bit friendlier $29.99 at GameStop (http://www.gamestop.com/ps4/accessories/type-pad/122250). At other retailers it still goes for the MSRP price.


10-08-15, 14:32
Sony Confirms Playstation Plus Price Increase in Europe

Sony has confirmed the PlayStation Plus service will receive a price hike in Europe from September 1st. The price of a 3-month subscription is set to increase from £11.99 to £14.99 in the UK while the yearly price bracket remains the same. An official statement from SCEUK said:

“We are dedicated to bringing PlayStation Plus members the best possible service with the most compelling content,”
“From 1st September we will be increasing the price of monthly and three month PlayStation Plus subscriptions in line with market conditions.
“We will continue to invest in PlayStation Plus to ensure an unparalleled experience, featuring the best quality games and features.”
The 3-month’s higher price also applies to other European regions such as France which increases from €14.99 to €19.99. Currently, it seems there are no plans to alter pricing in Asia or North America. According to a representative from the SCEUK, the overall cost will be:

“Different in some markets.”
Sony are pushing the yearly subscription model and discouraging users from buying the cheaper, 3-month alternative. Financially, it makes sense to purchase the 12-month option, but this reduces the flexibility for those wanting to try the network out for a few months. Additionally, Xbox Live can be purchased from 3rd parties for around £20 and is significantly cheaper than PlayStation Plus.
Traditionally, the quality of free games on PlayStation Plus made the investment worthwhile but the line-up has been rather poor in recent months. Furthermore, the money is designed to improve the network stability and PlayStation Plus is still plagued by down-times. Sony desperately needs to improve the network infrastructure and provide a service which corresponds with the asking price.
Thank you Push Square (http://www.pushsquare.com/news/2015/08/sony_promises_unparalleled_playstation_plus_experi ence_as_market_conditions_push_up_prices) for providing us with this information.


11-08-15, 13:40
Sony Launches Mobile Projector For PlayStation 4

Sony has quietly launched a new mobile projector called MPCL1 that works with PlayStation 4 gaming console. It connects to the console and projects video where you want, but unfortunately there is a small catch – it costs almost the same as the console itself.
The projector will be available in October and the expected price tag is $350. Users can connect it to the console over Wi-Fi or HDMI and the projector isn’t that big in size. The maximum supported resolution is 1,920 x 720 pixels and can be broadcasted on a surface of up to 120 inches with a brightness rating of 32 lumens.
http://www.hardwareheaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ps4-projector.jpg (http://www.hardwareheaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ps4-projector.jpg)


12-08-15, 09:08
First Batch Of Sony 'Vote To Play' Titles Revealed For PS Plus Subscribers

http://media.bestofmicro.com/G/S/517708/gallery/Vote-to-Play_w_600.png (http://www.tomshardware.com/gallery/Vote-to-Play,0101-517708-0-2-12-1-png-.html)At the end of July, Sony announced that it's adding a new feature for PlayStation Plus subscribers called Vote to Play (http://www.tomshardware.com/news/ps-plus-vote-to-play,29729.html), which would allow players to vote for one game to be added to the monthly lineup of free games. Starting on August 13, the new feature will begin, allowing players to choose a new addition to September's Instant Game collection.
Combining RPG elements, along with board game-based gameplay and the use of cards, Armello puts players in a fantasy setting as they follow the orders of their king and take out various enemies throughout the kingdom. You can also explore around the area for rewards as well as challenge other players to determine the best army on the battlefield.


Armello Vote To Play Overview

From fantasy, we move onto an alien planet. Grow Home introduces BUD, or Botanical Utility Droid, who can grow an immense plant called the Star Plant. After growing it to massive heights, the player can climb it in order to reach BUD's starship so that he can give his home planet the necessary lifeblood to thrive and be habitable. On the way, the robot has to traverse multiple environments such as islands and caves, all of which require the help of the Star Planet in order to traverse long distances and treacherous areas.


Grow Home Vote To Play Overview

Finally, there's Zombie Vikings, a four-player co-op side-scrolling adventure. Players will pick a character and choose a variety of swords to fight their way through a horde of monsters across a variety of Viking-themed levels with an undead twist. It will include 30 levels and promises over 10 hours of gameplay.


Zombie Vikings Vote To Play Overview

The voting process starts on August 13 at 8:30am PDT. Players will have less than two weeks to choose their game before the 8:30am PDT deadline on August 24. Once the numbers are crunched, a winner will be revealed and added as a free game in September. The runner-up game is available for purchase, but will receive a significant discount for finishing second place.


12-08-15, 14:36
PS4 Firmware 3.0 Will Bring Major Changes – Currently in Beta Testing

Sony is currently testing the upcoming firmware for the PS4. The new PS4 firmware 3.0 will bring much more to the table than just bug fixes and stability improvements. Currently in the beta testing stage, the new PS4 update is loaded with features unlike the recent updates to the console. Thanks to the Japanese website Pocket News (http://pocketnews.cocolog-nifty.com/pkns/2015/08/ps4300-d2c6.html) and the Reddit user TheTiemsz (https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/3glq4i/ps4_firmware_30_currently_beta_tested/ctzd8ck), we have the full list of upcoming changes for our readers.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/PS4-Firmware-3.0.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/PS4-Firmware-3.0.jpg)

PS4 Firmware 3.0 Brings YouTube Streaming to the ConsoleThe complete list of changes in the upcoming PS4 firmware 3.0 is as follows:
Main features

(Events) has been added to the function items. All events associated with PlayStation are now brought together, enabling you to discover, participate in and watch these events in a centralized area
(Communities) has been added to (Friends). (Communities) is a feature that enables you to find players who have similar tastes and interests. You can join an existing community or create your own community. You can also play games, join parties or talk about shared interests with members in the community
You can now go to (Now Playing) to see what games or parties members of the community are enjoying right now. You can also easily start a game, join a party or send a request to watch a member’s gameplay in (Now Playing). You can access (Now Playing) from What’s New, (Friends), (Communities), the message screen in (Messages) or Profile
The layout of the message screen in (Messages) has been improved. From the message screen, you can now select (Now Playing) or easily start a party. You can also add your favourite groups to [Favourite Groups] in (Friends)
You can now broadcast your gameplay on YouTube
You can now upload video clips to Twitter (10-second limitation)

Other features-Share

The layout of (Live from PlayStation) has been improved. In addition to broadcasts, you can now view video clips and screenshots


You can now change the speed for automatic text scrolling in (Settings) > [Accessibility] > [Auto-Scroll Speed]
[Community], [Requests to Watch Gameplay], [Events] and [Current Song] have been added to (Settings) > [Notifications] > [Display Pop-Up Notifications]


You can now post your comments for activity feeds in What’s New
You can now enjoy fun conversations with your Friends using (Stickers) in (Messages). (PlayStation®Plus) has been added to the function items. You can now see all of your PlayStation®Plus benefits, such as free monthly games, exclusive discounts, news and more, in one place
Accessibility features are now available when playing content from Blu-ray Discs™ or DVDs. Application of these features has also been expanded. You can now restrict the use of games while looking at age level information and rating icons
You can now create a sub account for a minor by selecting [New User] in the screen for selecting a user
You can now adjust settings for Web filtering services from (Settings) > [Parental Controls]. You can use the service to block objectionable websites from being displayed in the Internet Browser. (Additional fees may apply for use of the service.)

A lot of these features are intriguing and it will be interesting to see them on the console. Stay tuned for more news on PS4 and do share your views about the upcoming changes to the console.


17-08-15, 13:23
Darth Vader Limited Edition PS4 announced by Sony and Disney

To capitalise on the upcoming release of 'The Force Awakens (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/44619/new-force-awakens-trailer-worth-wait/index.html)', 'Star Wars Battlefront (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/46295/star-wars-battlefront-screenshots-4k-look-absolutely-incredible/index.html)' and 'Disney Infinity 3.0 (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/44970/star-wars-characters-join-disney-infinity-3/index.html)', Sony PlayStation and Disney have teamed up to release two limited edition Darth Vader themed PS4 console bundles, with a specially designed lid and controller, along with some other 'Star Wars' goodies.


To be released in November worldwide (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2015/08/16/star-wars-ps4-bundles/), the console will be available in two bundles; both with the 500GB console version and a download voucher for four classic remastered 'Star Wars' titles including the Super Nintendo 'Super Star Wars', the PS2 'Racer Revenge', 'Jedi Starfighter' and 'Star Wars Bounty Hunter', and your choice of physical copies of 'Disney Infinity 3.0' or 'Star Wars: Battlefront".

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47064_01_darth-vader-limited-edition-ps4-announced-sony-disney.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47064_01_darth-vader-limited-edition-ps4-announced-sony-disney_full.jpg)


May the force be with you :)

20-08-15, 10:33
Insider: PS4 3.00 Beta Update To Release On Sep 2; Quantic Dream To Reveal Game At Paris Games Week

Renown PlayStation insider Tidux has just tweeted a couple of very interesting things for all PlayStation users. First and foremost, he mentioned that the highly anticipated PS4 3.00 update will release in beta form on September 2; you can sign up to be a beta tester here (https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/playstation-4-firmware-beta-registration/).

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/546044336316878848/u1iEcHU0_normal.jpeg Tidux @Tidux (https://twitter.com/Tidux)
3.0 releases in beta form on september 2th. Sign up now! #PS4 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/PS4?src=hash)
<time class="dt-updated" datetime="2015-08-19T18:23:53+0000" pubdate="" title="Time posted: 19 Aug 2015, 18:23:53 (UTC)">7:23 PM - 19 Aug 2015</time> (https://twitter.com/Tidux/status/634068282652405760)

Below you can find the leaked 3.00 beta log, although Tidux also said a few days ago that the final release will have additional features that are not listed here.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/546044336316878848/u1iEcHU0_normal.jpeg Tidux @Tidux (https://twitter.com/Tidux)
3.0 will have more stuff then the leak suggests #PS4 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/PS4?src=hash)
<time class="dt-updated" datetime="2015-08-11T18:19:02+0000" pubdate="" title="Time posted: 11 Aug 2015, 18:19:02 (UTC)">7:19 PM - 11 Aug 2015</time> (https://twitter.com/Tidux/status/631167958736371712)

Official English changelog for version 3.00 beta:
Main features in version 3.00 beta update
(Events) has been added to the function items. All events associated with PlayStation are now brought together, enabling you to discover, participate in and watch these events in a centralised area.
(Communities) has been added to (Friends). (Communities) is a feature that enables you to find players who have similar tastes and interests. You can join an existing community or create your own community. You can also play games, join parties or talk about shared interests with members in the community.
You can now go to (Now Playing) to see what games or parties members of the community are enjoying right now. You can also easily start a game, join a party or send a request to watch a member’s gameplay in (Now Playing). You can access (Now Playing) from What’s New, (Friends), (Communities), the message screen in (Messages) or Profile.
The layout of the message screen in (Messages) has been improved. From the message screen, you can now select (Now Playing) or easily start a party. You can also add your favourite groups to [Favourite Groups] in (Friends).
You can now broadcast your gameplay on YouTube™.
You can now upload video clips to Twitter (10-second limitation).
Other features in version 3.00 beta

The layout of (Live from PlayStation) has been improved. In addition to broadcasts, you can now view video clips and screenshots.
You can now change the speed for automatic text scrolling in (Settings) > [Accessibility] > [Auto-Scroll Speed].
[Community], [Requests to Watch Gameplay], [Events] and [Current Song] have been added to (Settings) > [Notifications] > [Display Pop-Up Notifications].
You can now post your comments for activity feeds in What’s New.
You can now enjoy fun conversations with your Friends using (Stickers) in (Messages). (PlayStation®Plus) has been added to the function items. You can now see all of your PlayStation®Plus benefits, such as free monthly games, exclusive discounts, news and more, in one place.
Accessibility features are now available when playing content from Blu-ray Discs™ or DVDs. Application of these features has also been expanded. You can now restrict the use of games while looking at age level information and rating icons.
You can now create a sub account for a minor by selecting [New User] in the screen for selecting a user.
You can now adjust settings for Web filtering services from (Settings) > [Parental Controls]. You can use the service to block objectionable websites from being displayed in the Internet Browser. (Additional fees may apply for use of the service.)
That’s not all, however. Earlier today, the same insider suggested in a less-than-subtle way that the next game by Quantic Dream will be finally revealed at Paris Games Week.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/546044336316878848/u1iEcHU0_normal.jpeg Tidux @Tidux (https://twitter.com/Tidux)
Can´t wait to see Quantic Dream new project! #PS4 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/PS4?src=hash) #ParisGamesWeek (https://twitter.com/hashtag/ParisGamesWeek?src=hash)
<time class="dt-updated" datetime="2015-08-19T12:33:54+0000" pubdate="" title="Time posted: 19 Aug 2015, 12:33:54 (UTC)">1:33 PM - 19 Aug 2015</time> (https://twitter.com/Tidux/status/633980205254770688)

This makes perfect sense, as Quantic Dream is a French developer and Sony Computer Entertaiment (which mostly skipped Gamescom this year) will host a press conference on Tuesday, October 27.
What would you like to see next from the makers of Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls? Tell us in the comments!


21-08-15, 13:39
Sony launches PS4 preview program to test new updates

Sony wants to enlist everyday PlayStation 4 gamers to help beta test new updates and features (http://blog.us.PlayStation.com/2015/08/19/how-to-sign-up-for-the-ps4-system-software-beta/) for the console, and plans to implement its own form of Microsoft's Xbox One preview program.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47151_1_sony-launches-ps4-preview-program-test-new-updates.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47151_1_sony-launches-ps4-preview-program-test-new-updates_full.jpg)

Interested users can sign up here (https://www.PlayStation.com/en-us/legal/PlayStation-4-firmware-beta-registration/) and in addition to new exclusive access to new features, testers will be able to share feedback with Sony on a special section of the PlayStation community forum (http://community.us.PlayStation.com/). Testers will be able to try out the PS4's next major PS4 v3.0 update (https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/3glq4i/ps4_firmware_30_currently_beta_tested/ctzd8ck), which brings YouTube broadcasting, a new events and communities section, and even the ability to upload video clips to Twitter.

The initiative is a great idea considering Sony's past blunder with the PS4's ill-fated v2.0 blunder (http://gamingbolt.com/ps4-firmware-2-50-errors-console-wont-turn-on-after-update-microphone-issues-and-more) which locked gamers out of the console with a rest mode glitch, and it'll be another way to squash bugs while collecting feedback in the process.

Sony actually tested out the PS4's lateast substantial update, v 2.5 "Yukimura" which brought expansive features like suspend and resume, in a closed beta environment to ensure quality and nix any bugs. So far this extra wave of screening has worked out well, and now Sony has opened up to its community to learn what kinds of things gamers want to see on the PS4.

The company affirms that users can roll back their consoles to previous versions at any time, but keep in mind there are some inherent risks in testing out software--I know this firsthand as my Xbox One apparently bricked after a preview program update.


22-08-15, 14:03
Double your DualShock 4's battery life for just $5

Want your DualShock 4 to last longer? The solution is simple--just swap out the battery.

image: http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47195_1_double-dualshock-4s-battery-life-5.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/4/7/47195_1_double-dualshock-4s-battery-life-5_full.jpg)

With a sleek feel and an innovative touchpad, the PS4's wireless DualShock 4 controller is arguably one of the best controllers in recent memory, but it has one problem: the power-draining lightbar. Although the lightbar is a nifty little feature that actually changes color to signal in-game interaction, most PS4 users would be happy to nix the light just to get some extra usage time before having to recharge.

The easiest solution is simply unscrewing the DualShock 4 and swapping out its stock 1,000 mAh battery and replacing it with this 2,000 mAh battery for just $4.32 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/2000mAh-Rechargeable-Battery-Pack-for-Sony-PlayStation-PS4-Controller-Cable-OB/281773318644?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%2 6asc%3D33098%26meid%3D47c036ac161b4c31b2ca7c1c6581 1d0e%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D3313 43415854) which will double its battery life. Or you could spend $13 for Nyko's PS4 PowerPak (http://www.gamestop.com/ps4/accessories/ps4-power-pak/114249).

When the PS4 first shipped one of the major complaints was the controller's absurdly short lifespan. I mean what's the point in having a wireless controller if it needs to be recharged often? Might as well just plug it in with a long USB and play that way. To help alleviate this frustration Sony eventually rolled out an update which let users dim the DS4's lightbar, but the Japanese console-maker didn't give us a skill switch.

Meanwhile there's still a number of things you can do to squeeze out more controller playtime (http://community.us.PlayStation.com/t5/PlayStation-General/GUIDE-Improve-Your-Dualshock-4-s-Battery-Life/td-p/43519980), including turning off vibrations, lower the controller's speaker volume and of course the obvious turning it off when not in use. Many gamers would be happy to just cut the lightbar's cord altogether, but being able to get twice the battery life for less than a fiver isn't exactly something we can complain about.

Picking up some extra replacement analog sticks (http://www.ebay.com/itm/10x-Original-analog-thumbsticks-thumb-stick-for-Sony-PS4-Dual-Shock-4-Controller-/380943947097) probably wouldn't be a bad idea either, seeing as the rubber tends to wear off quite easily.


24-08-15, 12:48
Quantic Dream Collection for PS4 Listed on Amazon France, Includes Heavy Rain & Beyond: Two Souls

Quantic Dream and studio head David Cage, have been one of the premiering developers in creating interactive movie experiences in video games. Sometimes being criticized for valuing story telling over actual gameplay, they have undoubtedly delivered some very special experiences. The two latest offerings from the studio, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls, have both received critical acclaim, and gathered many fans that really appreciated the particular emphasis on delivering a visually striking gaming experience with great performances.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Beyond-Two-Souls-635x357.png (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Beyond-Two-Souls.png)
Quantic Dream have officially announced the collection for the PlayStation 4 over at the PlayStation Blog a few weeks ago, also detailing that both titles will be getting a graphical upgrade. Amazon France (http://www.amazon.fr/Sony-Quantic-Dream-Collection/dp/B0146U41CW) has listed Quantic Dream Collection, also offering it for pre-order for only 49€. Most games cost around 59.99€ in Europe, so that means that PlayStation 4 owners will be getting these two great games for a special price. UK and North American prices are expected to be somewhat different, but it’s likely to be around £39.99/$39.99.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Main-Image-Heavy-Rain-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Main-Image-Heavy-Rain.jpg)

Quantic Dream is said to be at this year’s Paris Games Week (http://www.parisgamesweek.com/en/), where they are rumored to be announcing their new exclusive for the PlayStation 4. Paris Games Week will be held between October 28 – November 1, 2015. Sony will have a very strong showing at the event, since they have opted to not have a press briefing at Gamescom earlier this month and rather focus on the Paris event in October.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/quantic-dream-logo-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/quantic-dream-logo.jpg)
Quantic Dream Collection is likely to release sometime in 2016 for the PlayStation 4. We will bring you any new information as soon as it becomes available.


25-08-15, 08:33
PlayStation Plus Games For September Announced, Includes Vote To Play Winner

~ http://media.bestofmicro.com/P/J/521911/gallery/Grow-Home_w_600.png (http://www.tomshardware.com/gallery/Grow-Home,0101-521911-0-2-12-1-png-.html)Every month, PlayStation Plus subscribers receive a small batch of free games for the PS4, PS3 and PS Vita. Days before the end of the month, the company revealed the next titles to show up on each subscriber's Instant Game Collection.
Overall, there will be six games available for free. One of the free games is Grow Home, the winner of the inaugural Vote to Play initiative (http://www.tomshardware.com/news/vote-to-play-games-revealed,29818.html). The new feature allowed players to vote from a small selection of titles. The winner will be a free game, while the runner-ups — in this case Armello and Zombie Vikings — will have a 30 percent discount. Peruse the list below to see if any of the games strike your fancy.

Grow Home (PS4)
Super Time Force (PS4, Vita)
Xeodrifter (PS3, Vita)
Twisted Metal (PS3)
Teslagrad (PS4, PS3)
La Mulana EX (Vita)

Some of the titles are exclusive to one of the PlayStation devices, but the others will be playable across two of the three platforms. This month, the selections seem to lean towards independent games instead of notable titles, with Twisted Metal, the reboot of the car-based combat game, being the exception. Players will have the entire month of September to download the games for free and can also expect another round of Vote to Play titles around the middle of the month.


01-09-15, 09:36
1TB PlayStation 4 Using Outdated Hardware

Sony has upgraded the PlayStation 4, offering a new hardware update (CUH-1200) and an increase in internal storage (1TB), but it seems that prospective customers will have to choose between the two, as the 1TB version of the console is reportedly based on the older CUH-1100 series.
Why is that a bad thing? The CUH-1200 PlayStation 4 upgrade offers up 36% power saving while idle, and 25% when in use. As such, the console also runs cooler, and hence quieter, than the previous iteration. Minor tweaks include a more streamlined model, using a smaller motherboard, higher density memory, and a revised Blu-Ray drive. The improved console design effectively renders the CUH-1100 obsolete.
Presumably, Sony thinks it can sell off its remaining CUH-1100 models by repurposing them with a larger hard drive, hoping less-savvy customers won’t notice that they’re buying an inferior version of the console. Since it’s pretty easy to install a new hard drive in a PS4, gamers considering picking up the console would be advised to pick up the CUH-1200 version and swap out the drive themselves if they want more storage space. Sony is expected to sell out of CUH-1100 models by Autumn, so later 1TB versions of the console are expected to include the CUH-1200 architecture. If in doubt, always check the box before purchase.
Thank you TechRadar (http://www.techradar.com/news/gaming/consoles/if-you-re-about-to-buy-a-new-1tb-playstation-4-don-t-here-s-why-1302875) for providing us with this information.
