View Full Version : Counter Strike : Global offensive [PC, PS3, Xbox 360]]

08-02-13, 20:17

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) expande a jogabilidade de ação baseada em equipas que foi pioneira quando lançada há 12 anos atrás. O CS: GO apresenta-se com novos mapas, personagens, armas e ainda oferece versões atualizadas de conteúdo do CS clássico (de_dust, etc.).

Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/730/?l=portuguese

10-02-13, 14:43
Muito nice tem bom aspecto e boa fluidez... falta é a adesão do pessoal..

10-02-13, 16:25
Eu tenho este... se por acaso houver mais pessoal que diga um server onde jogam para se juntar-mos! :)

10-02-13, 17:01
Prefiro o Special Forces: Team X.

27-02-13, 10:42
Prefiro o Special Forces: Team X.
â–º WTF Is... - Special Forces: Team X ? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZZoEYjMMwI)

Boas isso é que era, fiz pela 1ª vez uma war 5 vs 5, foi muito fixe.


11-07-14, 21:49
Não pegava no CSS aos anos e começei a jogar CS:GO faz uma semana e como já tenho mais de 10 jogos no modo de competição finalmente deram-me um lugar na tabela, diz lá que sou Ouro 3, isto é bom sinal?


Já descobri e sou nível Gold Nova 3, ou seja, estou a meio.


11-07-14, 22:18
Bem...Que frustração! Apanhei um tipo com aimbot na equipa contrária e depois 2 da minha para não se sentirem também frustrados foram ligar o aimbot. Enfim! Isto no modo competitivo vejam lá. Imagino quantos noobs andam aí com hack para ver pelas paredes. Até perde a graça...

11-07-14, 22:45
MR isso é o único problema do CS-GO!
Tenho jogado em Servers Tugas mas mesmo assim lá de vez em quando aparece um anormal com super poderes!! Enfim!

Joguei 1.5/1.6 muitos anos, agora peguei no GO!


11-07-14, 22:49
O problema é que eles podem ter wh sem mais nada e tu nem dás por ela. Isto assim não é nada equilibrado pois eles têm uma reação bem mais alta que tu...É incrível como o cs existe aos anos e as cheats ainda cá andam.

11-07-14, 23:08
Ei lá! Uma thread de go aqui? Também Tou no go quem quiser dê add no steam, ou meta aí a steam id...

11-07-14, 23:42
SteamID: viriatopt

16-08-14, 05:16

17-08-14, 01:51

17-08-14, 01:53
Isso é muito vicio!!

18-08-14, 07:52
Eis um comando que recomendo colocarem no ficheiro de configuração de modo a evitar fazer downloads desnecessários de áudio em certos servidores azeiteiros.

cl_downloadfilter "nosounds"

19-08-14, 01:29

21-08-14, 00:41

22-08-14, 06:53

22-08-14, 07:41
Ai, o que me ri com esse último MR (lol)

Mas está perfeitamente sincronizado :D

22-08-14, 12:54

22-08-14, 13:20
Quando e que se faz ai um competitivo? :D

22-08-14, 13:32
É quando quiseres :)

Aparece logo a noite no TS, hoje é SEXTA!! Dia de aquecer o cano!

22-08-14, 13:52
vou ja buscar a baixar :P que ou senao....

23-08-14, 04:17

23-08-14, 11:46
É muito vicio!! Que precisão!

24-08-14, 07:42

26-08-14, 20:02

02-09-14, 15:29

02-09-14, 16:02

Não me canso deste...o melhor frag movie de sempre... ainda o tenho aqui no disco desde 2005... :D :D :D

02-09-14, 16:05
Mas isso não é GO. :(

02-09-14, 16:09
Eu sei bro... :D :D O 1.6 era tão top... :D

02-09-14, 16:10
Na altura era capaz de ser.

02-09-14, 16:15
Para mim foi o melhor... O GO tem cenas engraçadas... mas não é a mesma coisa... :)

10-09-14, 00:39

24-09-14, 15:26
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Hits Steam for Linux (http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/counter-strike-global-offensive-linux-download)

O jogo ainda precisa de limar muitas arestas. Mas já cá está. :)

24-09-14, 15:34
Bem isso e que vai ser, por os PC antigos a correr o GO no máximo sem quaisquer problemas.

De todos os CS o Source para ja e o melhor, o 1.6 tinha muitos bugs.

24-09-14, 15:58
O 1.6 em bugs era qualquer coisa. Um gajo nem se podia esconder atras de uma parede que levava os tiros na mesma lol

24-09-14, 16:37
O 1.6 em bugs era qualquer coisa. Um gajo nem se podia esconder atras de uma parede que levava os tiros na mesma lol

Sim isso era o que mais me chateava no jogo, o Source ja n tinha esses problemas mas os mapas ja nao eram tao rapidos como os do 1.6.
Para mim o ideal era os mapas do 1.6 no source com uns gráficos novos, não era preciso mais.


24-09-14, 16:50
Atenção que o tambem diferenciava o bom do average era a capacidade de usar os bugs... :D Saudades de Nuke...furar para todo o lado... :D

06-10-14, 11:54

15-10-14, 20:45

21-10-14, 19:16

23-10-14, 19:01

05-11-14, 21:22

05-11-14, 23:23
X Games Aspen 2015 will host Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tourney.

Ler mais em http://www.tweaktown.com/news/40953/x-games-aspen-2015-will-host-counter-strike-global-offensive-tourney/index.html

05-11-14, 23:33
Isto e muita hora de jogo so pode.


06-11-14, 00:12
Grande troll...Subscrito! :D

07-11-14, 01:51

11-11-14, 22:37

11-11-14, 22:42
Este Raider é demais!! :thumbsup:

16-11-14, 08:55

28-12-14, 09:09
Grande bug!


27-01-15, 10:42
Valve Swings the Banhammer Down onCS:GO Match-Fixers (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/139603-CS-GO-Match-Fixers-Banned-From-Competitive-Scene-Forever)

You may have heard about the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive match-fixing scandal (http://www.dailydot.com/esports/match-fixing-counter-strike-ibuypower-netcode-guides/) that rocked the game's competitive scene last year. Valve has now processed all the evidence and information, and passed its judgement down on all of those who were implicated in tarnishing the game's name. The punishment? A life-time ban from any and all Valve-sponsored eSports events. Ouch."We can confirm, by investigating the historical activity of relevant accounts, that a substantial number of high valued items won from [the alleged match-fixing] match by Duc 'cud' Pham were transferred (via Derek 'dboorn' Boorn) to iBUYPOWER players and NetCodeGuides founder, Casey Foster," stated Valve in an official statement (http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2015/01/11261/).
"All together, the information we have collected and received makes us uncomfortable continuing any involvement with these individuals," it continued. "Therefore we will be directing our CS:GO event partners to not allow any of [these] individuals' participation in any capacity in Valve-sponsored events."
For the record, the individuals Valve is referring to are:

Duc "cud" Pham
Derek "dboorn" Boorn
Casey Foster
Sam "Dazed" Marine
Braxton "swag" Pierce
Keven "AZK" Larivière
Joshua "Steel" Nissan

Furthermore, Valve clarified to its player base that "Professional players, their managers, and teams' organization staff, should under no circumstances gamble on CS:GO matches," something that should really have been a given by this stage.
CS:GO has really exploded as an eSport over these past few years, and just like League of Legends before it, you gotta take the good with the bad (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/135015-Riot-Bans-League-of-Legends-Pros-For-Toxic-Behavior).

26-02-15, 17:00

13-03-15, 10:19

Alguém tá a acompanhar isto? :D Ontem por acaso tive a ver alguns jogos...

13-03-15, 10:50
Dasse.... bem mas isso faço eu quando acordo e dou la um salto :X eehehhehe :D

13-03-15, 11:21
Também tens o GO? :P

Este jogo estava a ver em directo quando o man fez isto...


Tec9 <3... :D

13-03-15, 12:34
Yeap :D má men, já devias saber que o 1% dá-me acesso a certas coisas boas na vida :P eheheheheh
Temos de nos juntar e tal ;)

BF4 já que nunca te juntas á malta e' complicado :P

13-03-15, 15:23
Isso é muita Macro e Script anti recoil!! Skill Skill

18-03-15, 11:47




10-04-15, 11:09
Óh minion seu bot...

Já sou águia! :P


12-05-15, 10:45


CS: GO... :)

20-05-15, 14:11

20-05-15, 18:00

20-05-15, 20:51
Óh minion seu bot...

Já sou águia! :P


Eu no SC2 ja sou Diamond :D:D

"haters gonna hate!"

P.S: ao fim de 1 mes la vi a msg xD

13-07-15, 02:17

Oh minibot pega lá para ti... :D

Finalmente..! #RoadtoGlobalElite agora???

09-08-15, 18:59
Pronto já posso fazer uninstall... :D


Oh minibot anda cá... :D

09-08-15, 20:06
Que coladão oh Tiran..

10-08-15, 09:52
Achas bro? :D Pena não ter conseguido antes das 400 horas que era o objectivo...por 2 horas... :S

Só para tripar com BOT Minion... :P Daqui a bocado já vem dizer que é Diamond 3 no LOL...


10-08-15, 10:15
Pff, isso tá fraquinho ó Tiran.....

Eu jogo tanto que ainda nem inventaram rank para mim (H.)


10-08-15, 10:31
Só para tripar com BOT Minion... :P Daqui a bocado já vem dizer que é Diamond 3 no LOL...

Enganaste - te, acho que querias dizer Bronze 3 (lol)

btw, também tenho estado colado a jogar Cs Go, comecei a ganhar lhe o gosto :D

28-08-15, 21:22


01-10-15, 12:31
Tiran já podes comprar a tua Real Knife :)


São bonitas!

02-10-15, 10:20
Karambit palpável... 28€ c/ portes... Karambit no CS, ou seja pixels... 130€ a 1000€... :D

Pensar que ao inicio gozava com isto das skins e depois ando sempre a ver se consigo dar upgrades às minhas...por isso é que nunca mais falei do LPC e das suas naves no Star Citizen... :D

02-10-15, 11:25
E uma Dragon Lore não te puxa? :p

02-10-15, 11:50
Karambit palpável... 28€ c/ portes... Karambit no CS, ou seja pixels... 130€ a 1000€... :D

Pensar que ao inicio gozava com isto das skins e depois ando sempre a ver se consigo dar upgrades às minhas...por isso é que nunca mais falei do LPC e das suas naves no Star Citizen... :D

Fds alto coladao ja globla elite.

E eu em gold 3 hahahaah tambem so tenho o jogo a 2-3 meses.

Comprar skins ja n sou muito apologista, tenho algumas mas sairam todas e comprei umas 10 caixas.

Se as skins tivessem upgrade a arma ai sim, como é so estetico nem ligo muito, da sempre aquela pinta mas custam demasiado

27-11-15, 17:15
A minha menina... :D



29-11-15, 15:14
boa naifa ;D

30-11-15, 17:58
boa naifa ;D

Ainda não é a que quero... Mas essa ainda preciso de mais umas trocas e uns drops para lá chegar... :D

Uma pequena brincadeira:


30-11-15, 18:19
TriggerBot! ahahhaha

Que reflexo!!

12-12-15, 14:08
CS:GO’s New R8 Revolver Too OP, Valve Nerfs it Following Protestations

The recent update (http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2015/12/13288/) to Counter Strike: Global Defensive added a holiday motif to all the levels, and it also added a new weapon. The R8 Revolver was added as an option to replace the Desert Eagle, but the problem was that it was far too OP for anyone’s good.
http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/r8_revolver-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/r8_revolver.jpg)
Valve heard your cries, and now the new magic revolver in CS:GO is far more balanced. In a new blog post (http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2015/12/13366/), Valve admitted that they had made a mistake with the design of the new weapon and were listening intently to the concerns that players had in regards to the power and it’s accuracy.

While it typically takes more time to generate enough data to drive an update (and gameplay updates are always a bit disruptive), in this case it’s clear that we got the damage wrong and can respond immediately.
When it was introduced the new weapon was likened to a mini, and much cheaper, AWP. It was accurate on the move and could cause significant amounts of damage, much higher than the AWP in some cases. A longer trigger pull was supposed to offset the powerful damage, but that wasn’t the case in reality. Matches became frustrating as long-range shots took out you and most of your team before you could even play the objective.
And there were glitches too. Some were able to purchase the revolver for only $700, fire it before the match even started and could even begin to pull the trigger, and use the alternate quick-fire button for an accurate shot. It was chaos and madness. The game was completely unbalanced after it came out. But thankfully Valve has listened to complaints and have made the necessary changes. The update is live and makes the R8 Revolver just another weapon choice, no better than any other really.


06-01-16, 15:40
Valve Reviews CS:GO Match-Fixing Bans and Upholds Them

About a year ago, Valve blocked several players from participating in their sponsored tournaments when the players were believed to be match fixing. This is the practice of arranging outcomes in events and tournaments. This is often accompanied by betting on the pre-arranged winners, but it could also be used to shift around positions in seed brackets by having one or more member intentionally lose winnable games. This is bad all-around, but can even be illegal (due to the implications of fraud and so forth).
http://www.pcper.com/files/imagecache/article_max_width/news/2016-01-05/valve-nope.jpg (http://www.pcper.com/image/view/65289?return=node%2F64541)
Since then, the game developer has reviewed their earlier decision (http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2016/01/13442/), and they decided to make it permanent. They did not state how many players were involved, although PC Gamer knows of 21. These individuals will never be allowed to compete at any Valve-sponsored tournaments, and other organizers will be able to extend those bans to their events, too.
A similar incident happened in the Korean StarCraft II scene (http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2015-10-19-12-arrested-in-esports-match-fixing-scandal-report). In that situation, a dozen individuals were arrested and detained by Korean law enforcement, charged for betting (or enabling third-parties to bet) on predetermined outcomes. This has been an ongoing problem (http://www.pcgamesn.com/starcraft-ii/more-allegations-of-match-fixing-and-illegal-betting-activity-in-pro-starcraft).


06-01-16, 17:55
Valve gives permanent bans to CSGO match fixers (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/valve-gives-permanent-bans-to-csgo-match-fixers/)

Over the last year, there has been quite a bit of drama in the professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive scene, particularly when it comes to match-fixing after several teams were found to have intentionally staged games in order to profit off of illegal bets. At the time, Valve ‘indefinitely suspended’ 21 players but now, things have escalated and those proven to have taken part will be permanently banned from CSGO.
Valve noted yesterday that the bans for the currently caught players are permanent and any other teams caught will face the same consequences going forward.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/77a2hp3tp7dz.878x0.Z-Z96KYq-e1423313911623.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/77a2hp3tp7dz.878x0.Z-Z96KYq-e1423313911623.jpg)
In a post on the CSGO blog (http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2016/01/13442/), Valve said: “Professional Counter-Strike is very important to us and to our community. The audience’s trust in the integrity of the sport has allowed it to grow to the point where it entertains millions of fans. To ensure that the highest level of competition continues to entertain, that integrity can never be called into question.”
“As the scene grows, it’s an unfortunate reality that some individuals will seek opportunities to take advantage of their fans. We will continue to take whatever action we think is necessary to protect the entertainment value created by professional Counter-Strike, including, on occasion, terminating our relationship with individuals who have demonstrated a willingness to exploit their fans’ faith in the integrity of the sport.”


06-01-16, 23:04
A valve quer é saber é das skins... Cheaters não levam bans permanentes e estes levaram porque mexeram com o mercado das skins... Se as pessoas nao sentirem confiança nas apostas, ou seja confiança no seu dinheiro... a valve perde muito...

Sinceramente acho exagerado...

RIP CS Norte Americano...

01-02-16, 12:02

Mais uma ronda do aço... Os mans cheios de letra, ainda deu para empatar...

01-02-16, 14:13
Que ACE!

É muito jogo..

01-02-16, 15:35
Counter-Strike Players Unhappy about Valve’s New Mod Restrictions

Counter-Strike is definitely one of the most versatile and popular games in the world right now, but it looks like (http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2016/01/29/counter-strike-players-think-valves-strict-new-mod-rules-go-too-far) its creators want to change things up a bit as far as modding support is concerned. To be more specific, Valve has recently decided to restrict all server mods that would allow players to access custom items such as skins and weapons. This is being regarded as a harsh measure by many Counter-Strike players, as it dramatically limits the game’s potential to deliver more outlandish experiences. It’s true that the title benefits from a Steam Workshop, but since it only works for maps, players are severely limited in their modding choices right now.
Valve’s decision is particularly strange because Counter-Strike itself actually started out as a mod for Half-Life. Moreover, Counter-Strike 1.6 and Counter-Strike: Source were both used to create overhauls such as the Zombie Mod, which is still greatly appreciated to this day. By comparison, Valve’s other hit, DOTA 2, enjoys extensive modding support, but comparing the two games is not exactly fair as they are fundamentally different. Below you will find a complete list of rules that Valve has implemented for Counter-Strike.
“We’re aware that some server operators are offering to their players false inventories and/or profiles as a free or paid service via mods on their servers. These mods inaccurately report the contents of a player’s inventory and/or matchmaking status, devaluing both and potentially creating a confusing experience for players.
Therefore, we are asking server operators to remove any mods and plugins that falsify the contents of a player’s profile or inventory.
To be clear, the services that should not be offered on a community server include (but are not limited to):
– Allowing players to claim temporary ownership of CS:GO items that are not in their inventory (Weapon skins, knives, etc.).
– Providing a falsified competitive skill group and/or profile rank status or scoreboard coin (e.g., Operation Challenge Coins).
– Interfering with systems that allow players to correctly access their own CS:GO inventories, items, or profile.”

Are you a Counter-Strike (http://www.eteknix.com/counter-strike-global-offensives-well-known-bug-gets-acknowledged-by-valve/) player, and if so, what do you think about these new restrictions?


(http://www.eteknix.com/counter-strike-players-unhappy-about-valves-new-mod-restrictions/)Fake Hack gets Over 3,000 CS:GO Players VAC Banned

A mischievous gamer got over 3,000 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players VAC banned by releasing a series of fake multihacks. Reddit user AndroidL (https://www.reddit.com/user/AndroidL) posted his antics to the Global Offensive subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/43edee/how_i_got_3000_hackers_vac_banned/), revealing that his fake hacks garnered over 5,500 downloads, with more than 3,000 offending users subjected to Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) bans.
“Over the course of two weeks I’ve released three different fake “multihacks”,” AndroidL wrote. “Essentially they edit your view angles to those that should be impossible to get and constantly gives infinite ammo/health. The hacks also do a few other things that ensure a VAC ban would be received.”
“The first two releases had a “timer” in them which meant the features that instantly VAC banned them would only be activated after a certain time (e.g. 10 PM on the day after the release)… the final hack (with over 3.5k downloads) just instantly VAC bans them as soon as they open the hack and join a game.”
“In total, my fake hacks received 26,000+ views and 5,500+ downloads!” he boasted.
AndroidL then posted a graph to show how his fake hacks affected ban statistics:
Hopefully, the removal of so many cheaters from CS:GO will protect the integrity of what is regarded to be the best online multiplayer first-person shooters ever made.



01-02-16, 18:18
Que ACE!

É muito jogo..

Obrigado bro... :D

Tenho aqui mais uma ou duas rondas de qualidade, tenho é que aprender a acelerar os "védios" no premiere... :D

01-02-16, 19:33
"Até fiquei paneleiro dos olhos ctg!" (lol)

Grande ronda!

01-02-16, 19:49
Grande ronda ;) :thumbsup:

04-02-16, 09:12
Someone tricked 3000 CSGO cheaters into getting banned (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/someone-tricked-3000-csgo-cheaters-into-getting-banned/)

Cheaters in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive can be frustrating to deal with, so one player decided to take the matter into their own hands by using the honey trap method, developing a fake hack designed specifically to ensure a VAC ban. It worked pretty well too as over 3000 players were caught out by this and can no longer get access to the game online.
The player goes by the name of AndroidL on Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/43edee/how_i_got_3000_hackers_vac_banned/). He created a free download for a hack that advertised a range of cheats including BunnyHop, Aimbot, wallhacks- you could even change your camera angle with it.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/WNFsNjn-e1454526584438.png (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/WNFsNjn-e1454526584438.png)
Image source: Imgur (http://imgur.com/a/zgpi7)
So how did AndroidL ensure that the Valve Anti-Cheat system would pick up on those using the hack? Well, it included a health and ammo editor, which would attempt to edit your health and ammo client-side. Fortunately, trying to edit these things from the client won’t work as it is all handled by the server but this does tell VAC that you are trying to cheat and will ensure a ban.
Three fake hacks were released over the course of two weeks, the first two has a timer included that would trigger features that VAC would pick up on at a certain time. The third hack received over 3500 downloads in total and was designed to catch VAC’s attention instantly after loading the game. In total, all three hacks were downloaded by 5500 people and resulted in a lot of bans.


04-02-16, 20:35
Tiran, em vez de os matares à pistolada, já os prevines de entrar?:)

06-02-16, 00:34
É bem feito... Por acaso não tenho pena nenhuma... E então quando vejo gajos com inventários de milhares de euros a ser banidos e ficarem com o dinheiro todo bloqueado...que satisfação... :D

18-02-16, 15:00
CS:GO Players Being Permabanned Due to AMD Hardware Glitch

If you are one of the millions of CS:GO players out there and also use AMD hardware, then you should read this or risk getting permabanned. Yesterday there was a big and anticipated update (http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/category/updates/) to CS:GO that added seven new community maps in competitive matchmaking and a lot more. That in itself is great news, but it looks like that update causes a lot of trouble for AMD users.
Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/46cz5d/psa_amd_gpu_users_beware/) is already full of threads on the issue and luckily there seems to be a workaround for now. The most important thing for you as a CS:GO player and AMD user is that you don’t attempt to rejoin and rejoin after your game crashes you out, or you risk the bans that a lot of people are experiencing.
It looks like the issue ends up in the graphic settings and it isn’t limited to the new maps as first suggested. Older maps such as Nuke and Dust are equally affected by this bug. The easy way to work around this, at least for now, is to simply set your graphics settings to low. This has been reported to fix the issue. Other users are reporting that it is enough to set Shader to medium and potentially also turn off multi-core rendering.
We can be pretty sure that all bans issued by this bug will be lifted again, but it is still a major bug that will have quite an influence on people. They can’t play their ranked matches until it has been resolved and generally risk missing out.
Have you been affected by this issue or are you already running the game on low graphics settings? What’s your opinion on a release this buggy? This is a bug that should have been caught before release considering the amount of players that are affected by it. How should Valve make this up their users again? Let us know in the comments.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/664914125525413891/Ent0ucxG_normal.jpg JTGhawk137 @JTGhawk137 (https://twitter.com/JTGhawk137)
I love how valve just release a massive CS:GO update without making sure it's compatible with AMD drivers... Kind of embarrassing :/
<time class="dt-updated" datetime="2016-02-18T06:14:41+0000" pubdate="" title="Time posted: 18 Feb 2016, 06:14:41 (UTC)">6:14 AM - 18 Feb 2016

</time> (https://twitter.com/JTGhawk137/status/700201753224962048) https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/579107802439806977/4wty_EJB_normal.jpg 「alen」 @Izuru_kun (https://twitter.com/Izuru_kun)
CS:GO crashing on AMD video cards, rip.
<time class="dt-updated" datetime="2016-02-18T05:41:26+0000" pubdate="" title="Time posted: 18 Feb 2016, 05:41:26 (UTC)">5:41 AM - 18 Feb 2016</time> (https://twitter.com/Izuru_kun/status/700193384816705536)

<time class="dt-updated" datetime="2016-02-18T06:14:41+0000" pubdate="" title="Time posted: 18 Feb 2016, 06:14:41 (UTC)">
</time> (https://twitter.com/JTGhawk137/status/700201753224962048)

Noticia e mais comentários:

19-02-16, 21:10
Boa valve.....

20-02-16, 03:51
A valve só quer saber é €€€€€€€... :D

20-02-16, 10:46
Bem a equipa de Quality Assurance da valve deve ter ido de ferias...

Ja nao e a primeira empresa de jogos a cair por pobre controle de qualidade.


21-02-16, 12:42
Pois. Má escolha. Péssimo caminho...

22-02-16, 19:49
Uma pequena experiência :)


22-02-16, 21:01
Só eu é que não jogo assim :)

22-02-16, 21:04
E so impressao minha ou o bacano esta a usar chets?


22-02-16, 21:28
Não estou Ziza, o modo espectador adiciona a visão raio-x. ;)

23-02-16, 16:23
Intel joins in support of all-girl gaming, $30k for CS:GO female comp (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/50612/intel-joins-support-girl-gaming-30k-cs-go-female-comp/index.html)

In the past, it has mainly been ESWC backing all-female gaming tournaments (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/45200/female-gaming-tournaments-continue-strong-15k-cs-go/index.html), showcasing numerous Counter Strike Source and Global Offensive tournaments over the years. In comes ESL and Intel with the long-standing Intel Extreme masters platform, now pledging support for female-only gaming.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/0/50612_026_iem-joins-support-girl-gaming-30k-cs-go-female-comp.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/0/50612_026_iem-joins-support-girl-gaming-30k-cs-go-female-comp_full.jpg)

Up on offer is a $30,000 prize purse at the Intel Challenge in Katowice 2016, featuring teams such as EXERTUS from Europe, Team karma from North America and Elysium from China.

Set to kick off on March 4th and conclude two days later, more information can be read about this massive eSports event here (http://de.intelextrememasters.com/season10/worldchampionship/)


23-02-16, 18:08
Uma pequena experiência :)


Grande ace bro... :D

23-02-16, 20:34
Limpou tudo facil, facil:)

24-02-16, 21:09
Valve raises CS:GO Major Championship prize pool to $1 million (http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/valve-raises-csgo-major-championship-prize-pool-to-1-million/)

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has been through plenty of drama in the eSports scene over the last year or so but Valve looks set to get things back on track and is kicking things up with a massive prize pool for the upcoming CS:GO Major Championship tournament.
This tournament was initially set to have a prize pool of $250,000 but Valve this week announced (http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2016/02/13658/) that it was upping the ante to $1 million.
http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/CAJNl8HWgAMgB0B.jpg (http://www.kitguru.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/CAJNl8HWgAMgB0B.jpg)
“When we announced the first CS:GO Major Championship in 2013, we hoped the Majors would be rallying points for the community, tent-pole events that could draw new audiences and amplify the value of all events. Since then, the professional CS:GO community has been growing at an incredible rate. CS:GO tournaments are now among the largest esports events in the world, drawing global audiences of millions of viewers, filling massive venues, and garnering higher prize pools. Professional CS:GO has grown, and the CS:GO Major Championships are about to grow with it.”
Counter-Strike:Global Offensive tends to be Valve’s second most played game right next to Dota 2. However, when it comes to eSports, CS:GO has lagged behind Valve’s popular MOBA quite a bit in terms of popularity and prize money. It will be interesting to see how much of a push Valve gives Counter-Strike over the next few years after this.


02-03-16, 20:19
Gambling in CSGO: is it a potential social and legal issue? (http://www.tweaktown.com/news/50808/gambling-csgo-potential-social-legal-issue/index.html)

Counter-Strike Global Offensive has a strange internal economy that's driven in large part by the weapon skins created by the community. It also attracts a lot of attention and players to the game. In essence, it's the backbone of the game, a reason why people play. To have these digital works of art and display them in-game. These player-contributed and professionally contributed works of art (and sometimes non-art) are sometimes a source of great pride among players, as they compare and compete in order to win or open a case with an expensive and sometimes beautiful looking weapon skin. Also, people can make money from these.

http://imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/0/50808_1_gambling-cs-go-potential-social-legal-issue.jpg (http://www.tweaktown.com/image.php?image=imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/5/0/50808_1_gambling-cs-go-potential-social-legal-issue_full.jpg)

Valve oddly makes betting incredibly easy in the game itself. One can buy cases that have randomly won weapons upon opening, which the keys to open also cost money. Those weapon skins can be easily transferred to third-party pools, or websites, to be either sold or put into a 'pot' to be won by betting on different professional and semi-professional CSGO matches. There is a wide variety of websites that offer ways to use your weapon skins as collateral, and currency, to gamble and place bets.

You can go to one of many different sites, 'csgo-jackpot.com', 'csgo-casino.com', 'csgoshuffle.com' and 'csgofast.com' which work using the 'jackpot system' to provide winners. The jackpot system is a system where you put your skins in a shared pot, of sorts. The total value of your items that you put into the pot determines your percentage chance of winning. When you win, you get the entire pot full of everyone's skins that have been bet.

This jackpot system is growing in popularity exponentially and some of the biggest streamers on Twitch concentrate primarily on betting on these sites instead of actually playing the game now. Some streams will advertise the gambling quite heavily when it's done, either for the reaction when losing (or winning) or for the excitement of gambling itself.


This is a problem for several reasons. The first is that gambling can be a very addictive and negative thing for many people's lives. Also, some channels are becoming gambling focused, instead of gaming focused. It also highlights another issue that might not necessarily be talked about; Underage gambling. It's illegal in many countries across the world to gamble under a certain age. Also, gambling is generally highly regulated in many nations, the US included. This CSGO gambling is not in the slightest, nor are there controls to prevent underage individuals from gambling. Another minor issue is that it seems to attract a lot of attention, thereby the number of views for legitimate CSGO players.

A lot of children and minors go to these websites to bet. As said before, this is a highly regulated industry with several laws in the US specifically that limit online gambling of any sort. Technically, online gambling is illegal in the US. That is, betting on a game of chance over the Internet is illegal. Poker is argued to be a game of skill, so therefore seems to skirt the definition and falls into a legal grey area.

In 2006 the Unlawful Internet Enforcement Act made some sweeping changes, but left a noticeable grey area. Specifically it "...prohibits gambling businesses from knowingly accepting payments in connection with the participation of another person in a bet or wager that involves the use of the internet and that's unlawful under any federal state or law."

Games of chance, which betting using these CSGO websites, is indeed illegal in most of the US. It's legalized though regulated in Delaware, New Jersey and Nevada. And even then, sites must be properly licensed to operate in those states. Even though you're betting things that are indirectly worth money, it might not necessarily be legal in your particular jurisdiction. That, and underage gambling of any sort, for real money or not, is not legal at all.

Oddly, just as in gambling at a casino, the skins are akin to casino tokens, which are indirect representations of real money and are indeed a part of the regulations surrounding gambling and casinos. So perhaps even this indirect betting could be considered actually illegal if brought to the attention of Law Enforcement or the Department of Justice.

Children and legal minors aren't allowed to bet by the laws of almost every country. And sometimes they don't even buy these skins with their own money. It might be seen as joking to say that these kids "use their mom's credit card". But the stupid thing is that this actually happens more often than you think. This isn't a joke, kids shouldn't be allowed to take part in this system where they can lose all their money (and their parents money) while they are betting virtual items.

There is some good about the jackpot system, however, in that it can actually prove to change people's lives. Imagine someone who is having trouble paying all his bills, he puts all of his hard won skins in a jackpot and wins $1000 worth of skins, which can be sold within the Steam Community. The chances of something like this actually happening are really slim to none, but it's certainly possible.

The most likely scenario with gambling is that you'll eventually lose all of your money buying skins that aren't expensive in attempts to do something like this. So the reality is much more grim than you might think, or expect it to be.


Kids shouldn't be allowed to bet this easily, regardless of whether it happens to skirt the laws so gracefully. Even if they don't operate in the US, these sites should find ways to determine the age, so they can ban kids until they are the legal age.

A little gambling isn't necessarily so horrible, but not everyone has the self-control to stop while they're ahead, or to just do it once, should they lose. It can end up being a very slippery slope, one that can lead to very unfortunate situations. Then again, it can also be a fun intermittent pastime that has little effect on your life as well.

But it does fall into a legal grey area that isn't helping anyone, and it can potentially blow up into a very horrible ordeal. Kids are stealing money to participate, and it's only legal because no one has really noticed. It's been on the fringe, as it's not necessarily considered a large deal. But now that it's enabling minors across the world, perhaps something should be done.


10-03-16, 02:39

13-03-16, 12:49

13-03-16, 13:16

Este já tem 1080p.

29-03-16, 19:22

Hoje começa mais um major... :D

29-03-16, 19:28
Um gajo depois chega ao CS e leva um rape que nem é bom! ahahah

Bom vídeo!

29-03-16, 20:17
Por acaso esta semana dei uns tiros com o f0N5... :D

29-03-16, 20:29
Por acaso esta semana dei uns tiros com o f0N5... :D

Tens que fazer um vídeo dos teus HighLights :)

29-03-16, 22:11
Por acaso nesse jogo com o f0n5 tenho lá uma jogada que saco um chouriço do aço... :)

04-04-16, 13:55
April Fools’ Prank Costs Counter Strike Players $53,000 (http://www.hardocp.com/news/2016/04/04/april_foolsrsquo_prank_costs_counter_strike_player s_53000/)

For the most part, April Fools Day pranks were pretty good this year. A lot of tech industry giants put a lot of effort into their pranks and most were just harmless fun. Unfortunately the same can't be said about this prank (http://techraptor.net/content/april-fools-prank-costs-csgo-players-53000), which actually cost a lot of CS:GO players money.

Naturally, purchasing 10 covert skins at $3 a piece and trading them in for a knife is such a lucrative deal, many players fell for it. CS:GO had a massive influx of in-game purchases for covert skins, mostly on low-cost weapons such as the AUG Chameleon or the MAC 10 Neon Rider. In about five hours, the prices for skins for these weapons increased ten-fold, and according to thesado, players ponied up over an estimated $53,531 worth of purchases.

http://www.hardocp.com/news/2016/04/04/april_foolsrsquo_prank_costs_counter_strike_player s_53000#.VwJyGHr0Pug

04-04-16, 16:30
Ontem foi assim cá em casa... :)




06-04-16, 17:34
Nova menina... :D



27-05-16, 14:41

Um cheiro do que vem...

PS. Os meus skills de edição são uma bosta...