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    O homem das Babes! Avatar de RCS_007
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    Mirrorless para uso Profissional ?

    Este artigo é muito interessante, mas só agora é que me lembrei de partilhar aqui no forum, só por curiosidade, para saber as vossas opiniões deste assunto.

    Ora aqui fica o link do artigo:

    Here's the truth. Until recently, I thought professionals using mirrorless cameras were a joke. I grew up in the days of film. Got my hands dirty in the darkroom. Had a Canon A1 and F1 in my camera collection, plus learned on others like a Pentax 35mm as well. Feeling the weight of the camera in my hands and hearing the sound of the mirror slap was part of the joy of photography for me. Pun entirely intended.

    There is something about the sound of that shutter click that so many photographers love. Not only do we love the sound of the shutter, but we can often identify it with a certain brand of camera. To take that away from me in a mirrorless camera is taking away a part of the fun for me.

    I do have a Sony a7S in my possession, though I use it for recording my AdoramaTV series much more than I use it for photos. I like the small format of the Sony camera, particularly because I travel so often and it is perfect for stowing in my carry-on. The first time I tried to take pictures with it though, I was not in my element. To be honest, the pictures were awful. I really think learning to shoot with a mirrorless camera system has a different learning curve than shooting with a DSLR. So much so that there are classes specifically dedicated to learning portraiture with a mirrorless camera.

    Let's break it down and talk about some of the big things that are important when discussing mirrorless vs mirrored camera systems.

    The mirrorless cameras, in my opinion, have always left something lacking. Yes, they're convenient in size, but because they're so small, consumers and therefore my clients, don't see them as professional. At least not as seemingly professional as a nice, hefty, meaty DSLR like my Canon 1DX. The bigger the better in their eyes. Not that our clients should be dictating what kind of cameras we use because obviously they don't know enough about them to do so, but their perception of them is important. It reflects on us and gives them an opinion about our work potentially before they even see it.

    The way a client views a photographer shooting with a mirrorless camera, as opposed to one using a (D)SLR, is not to be taken lightly. For me, branding is a huge part of why I’m successful in my business, and much of that has to do with my perceived value. I charge a premium for my clients to hire me to come shoot their luxury weddings. In some level, if I show up with a little, mirrorless camera, I feel like I'm not meeting their expectations. Having a less-than-professional looking camera is the last thing I want, especially when side-by-side with guests who so often bring their own (D)SLRs. It's going to make me appear less credible as a photographer and potentially cause my client confidence to drop. When photographing these events, I feel that my equipment and I should in a way match the grandeur of the event.

    Fellow Fstoppers guest writer, Miguel Quiles, is a colleague of mine who primarily uses the Sony A7RII for his portrait work. Miguel is a phenomenal photographer and shoots a mirrorless camera system both for his studio portraits and recording video for his AdoramaTV series. He is teaching an upcoming course on CreativeLive on mirrorless camera systems that I’ll likely check out so I can become more familiar with it even if I don't use it in my own photography business.

    In regards to the client perspective, Miguel once photographed me in his studio using his Sony A7RII. While he was doing an amazing job and certainly knows what he's doing with posing and lighting and getting expression, I couldn't help but be on the other side of that itty bitty camera thinking, "Oh my gosh, how cute." "Oh my gosh, how cute," is the last thing I want my clients to feel on the other side of my camera. The final image was nothing short of amazing of course.

    I want my clients to feel like movie stars and 110% confident in me in my ability; and that includes how they feel and what they think when see me from their side of the lens. Regardless of what the truth actually is about the quality of the camera or the quality of the photos coming out of it due to the photographer’s talent and expertise, how a client feels plays a huge role in their experience and ultimate opinion of you and your photography.

    More and more, I photograph weddings with the videographer standing next to me using an iPhone as their main camera. Granted it has some attachments and accessories on it, but there’s a part of me that dies inside watching a professional use their phone to capture a wedding. An iPhone is obviously not comparable to a Sony A7RII, but the exaggerated comparison of how the client perceives both as opposed to a DSLR can be argued.

    Would I love my camera to be lighter on a wedding day after carrying around with a heavy lens on it for eight, ten, or twelve hours? Absolutely! But, I can't get past my biased view of the mirrorless cameras enough to validate the drop in weight and transportability. For me, there's always going to be a fine line between what I do for ease of use and what I do because I know it's better for me professionally.

    Do I think photographers like Miguel Quiles that shoot with mirrorless cameras produce work that’s any less professional than others like Moshe Zusman who uses and teaches with DSLRs? No, absolutely not. They're both professionals producing beautiful imagery. It’s a personal business decision for me; I don't think I'm ever going to be able to use a mirrorless system for professional use.
    Será que voces concordam que em um fotografo, uma boa parte de ser reconhecido, etc, é devido ao material que utilizam para tirar fotos seja em qualquer situação?

  2. #2
    O Administrador Avatar de LPC
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    Concordo com o artigo...

    Não sendo nem de perto nem de longe um fotografo profissional (amador e pouco assumo).
    Compreendo que tal como em outras áreas a percepção é muito importante para a criação da "imagem" de um profissional.

    Neste caso e durante muitos anos as DSLR´s com sensores APC-S e FullFrame era quase obrigatório...
    Para quem faz disso vida, com casamentos, batisados, festas e eventos sociais, é importante que o equipamento tenha também "tamanho".
    Tamanho das lentes, tamanho da máquina e toda a giga joga do fotografo com a máquina, os flashes, etc...

    Isso transmite profissionalismo para quem está a ser fotografado...
    Se apareceres lá com uma mirrorless e se for ainda mais pequena com sensor M4/3, a imagem que vai transparecer é de que não és profissional e que o teu equipamento é de qualidade amadora...
    As fotos não vão ficar porreiras e são momentos únicos na vida das pessoas...

    Portanto aqui é mais o caso que o parecer é melhor que o ser... (apesar de existirem boas DSLR´s como a 80D que tive cá e apesar de ser matacão a qualidade de imagem era fenomenal.


    My Specs: .....
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D :-: Board: MSI B550M BAZOOKA :-: RAM: 64 GB DDR4 Kingston Fury Renegade 3600 Mhz CL16 :-: Storage: Kingston NV2 NVMe 2 TB + Kingston NV2 NVMe 1 TB
    CPU Cooling Solution: ThermalRight Frost Commander 140 Black + ThermalRight TL-C12B-S 12CM PWM + ThermalRight TL-C14C-S 14CM PWM :-: PSU: Corsair HX 1200 WATTS
    Case: NZXT H6 FLOW :-: Internal Cooling: 4x ThermalRight TL-C12B-S 12CM PWM + 4x ThermalRight TL-C14C-S 14CM PWM
    AMD RADEON RX 7900 XTX - 24 GB :-: Monitor: BenQ EW3270U 4K HDR



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